The Beautiful World (Hetalia...

By Worldclass_Fuckup

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Hetalia Oneshots * aph hetalia * 2p! hetalia * nyotalia Requests always open! **J... More

Author's Note
One Number Away/America
May I/England
Just Tell Her I Love Her/Italy
Shut Up and Kiss Me/Romano
Author Note
Fuck Away the Pain/2P! America
Guilty/2P America
Author's Note
I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America
More Than Books/Prussia
See Ya In The Mornin'?/Denmark
Dollhouse/2p FACE
Safe and Sound/Italy
Author's Note
Romeo and Juliet/Russia
Waiting For Superman/America
Escape/2p Italy
Childhood Promises/Iceland
Happy Birthday, Hero/America
Author's Note
Mistletoe/ Finland
Sleepy Cuddles/Greece
Couple quirks
Welcome to Wonderland
Author's Note
Wake Up Call/2p Italy
Forever With You/Italy&Romano
Love Letters/Sweden
This is my idea/2p Romano
Coming Home/Italy&Romano
Bye Bye, Loves
Howdy babes

Something Just Like This/Canada

685 13 6
By Worldclass_Fuckup

Song: Something Just Like This
Coldplay/The Chainsmokers

Character:Canada/Matthew Williams

Warnings: None



I've been reading books of old

The legends and the myths

Achilles and his gold

Hercules and his gifts

Spiderman's control

And Batman with his fists

And clearly I don't see myself upon that list

It was so much warmer down here in New York, than in my home in northern Ontario. I hadn't even though about that when I threw on my thick red sweater. Now I kinda of regretted packing it.

I adjusted my top layer of clothing as I flipped through America's comic books, that he kept in his library.

I was at yet another one of my little brother's parties. (Yes Canada is older that America. America became an independent country before Canada, but Canada was a founded before America... So in terms of existing he is older.)

He had so many stories or heroes, and heroines. Amazingly strong people that always save the day. Incredible saviors that beat the bad guys. They were all strong, brave, and heroic in general.

I can see why Alfred liked them so much. He could fit into their rolled so well. He was always stepping up to be a hero. Saving the day, beating the bad guys, getting the girl.

I ran my fingers over the laminated page, tracing the figure of one of the superheroes.

The sounds of the party could be heard, but its not like I was missing anything. No one cared that I was here. I doubt anyone knew I came. No one noticed me. I'm not someone people tend to care for.

I wasn't like my brother. He was so... Out there, so extrovertive. Everyone knew who he was. Everyone loved him. He was the "hero" after all. Just like the ones in his books.

But Im just Canada.

Just Matthew.

I'm no hero...

But she said, where'd you wanna go?

How much you wanna risk?

I'm not looking for somebody

With some superhuman gifts

Some superhero

Some fairytale bliss

Just something I can turn to

Somebody I can kiss

I want something just like this

"Why did I even come here?" A voice sighed as the library door opened, and a female stepped in.

I turned to the girl. Her (h/c) hair was slightly messy, and her (e/c) eyes looked tired.

"Oh, hey" she said as she saw me.

"Hey" I said shyly.

She fixed her (insert party outfit) which was slightly disheived, probably do to the massive amount of people here.

"Sorry, I probably look horrid," she apologize apologized.

"D-don't apologize, you look perfect" I reassured with a smile.

She smiled, her cheeks tinting pink, "Are you hiding out too?"

"No, actually, I doubt anyone even noticed I left"

"Im sure they did," she assured with a nice smile, walking closer to me to the heat of the boring fire it the hearth, "Alfred would at least, he doesn't forget anything" she sighed.

I gave her a curious look as she sat down in one of the chairs next to the fireplace.

She caught onto the curious stare, "He keeps coming onto me, because I told him I was single"

"And you don't like him?"

"No," she sighed, "its probably a mean thing to say, but Im not into the 'obnoxious hero' type"

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Oh, I want something just like this

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Oh, I want something just like this

I want something just like this

I chuckle a little bit.

"What?" she smiled, but blushed from embarrassment.

"Nothing," I said, wiping hair from my eyes, "its just that you're the first girl I met that hasn't fell head over heels for my brother"

"Brother?" she looked shocked, "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to be so mean!"

"No its fine," I assure with a smile, " its not everyday a girl speaks about him like that"

She still blushed, "its probably rude to say I didn't know he had a brother"

"Its fine," a turned back to the book I had opened, " no one really does."

I've been reading books of old

The legends and the myths

The testaments they told

The moon and its eclipse

And Superman unrolls

A suit before he lifts

But I'm not the kind of person that it fits

"You like comics?" she stood next to me looking at the page.

"No, I just got really bored" I turning the page of the book, "do you?"

"Im not into reading about heroes saving the day," she smiles at me, "its not impressive. I like something a little more... Down to earth"
(I'm a huge comic nerd, so if you are too just roll with it)

I chuckle at her response. She was truly different, "Definitely not like my bother"

She gave a cute little giggle, "Nothing like him. If anything, kind of like you"

My face erupted in a sudden surge of heat, "w-what?!"

When I turned to her she was already walking out the door.

I chased after her, abandoning the comic completely.

She said, where'd you wanna go?

How much you wanna risk?

I'm not looking for somebody

With some superhuman gifts

Some superhero

Some fairytale bliss

Just something I can turn to

Somebody I can miss

I want something just like this

I followed the girl through the crowd, always just out of reach.

"Hey! Wait up!" I called with no response.

When I finally got outside I jogged to catch up to her.

"H-hey," I grabbed her wrist," I never got your name"

She turned pulling her hand gently from my grasp and giving me a sly smile, her (e/c) eyes reflecting the stars in the night sky. She looked so beautiful.

"(F/n) (l/n)" she said extending her hand to me, "you?"

"Matthew," I took her hand with a smile, "Matthew Williams"

She turned to walk away again, "I was nice to meet you, Matthew. Have a nice night."

"W-wait," I say quickly catching her attention, "maybe we could get together and have a cup of coffee, or something sometime?"

She smiled and looked at the party behind me, "maybe... Unless you want to go now?"


"Yea," she said, "unless you have something to do?"

"You dont want to stay at the party?"

"Not my style" she said with a thoughtful face, before turning back around, "coming?"

"O-of course!" I matched my pace to hers and we bother began walking down the sidewalk.

I want something just like this

I want something just like this

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Oh, I want something just like this

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

"So, Matthew," (y/n) said as she swirl her drink in her cup, she gave me a look of curiosity with a soft smile, "What are you like? I mean you and Al, are brothers and all, so do you two act alike?"

"Oh, no" I reply taking a,sip of my tea. We both sat in a small 24 hour café, just talking, "We Dont really act a lot alike. He's more of out going than I am. I'm more of an introvert"

She nods, "You two do look kinda a like though, you're both quite attractive"

"I-I wouldn't say attractive!" I blush hiding behind my tea cup, "Alfred is much more attractive than I am. I mean, most people flock to him. He's much more popular with people, mostly woman." I swirled the brown liquid in my cup with a sad smile, "To be honest, I almost feel bad for myself for not being more like him"

"That's enough," (y/n) grabbed my hand, and placing my tea down. She put money on the table to pay for the drinks and pulled me out the door.

"H-hey," I was a little alarmed, "where are we going?"

She gave me a smirk, "Anywhere you want"

Where'd you wanna go?

How much you wanna risk?

I'm not looking for somebody

With some superhuman gifts

Some superhero

Some fairytale bliss

Just something I can turn to

Somebody I can kiss

I want something just like this

"The park?" I asked timidly,

"Okay" she broke out into a jog, pulling me behind her. I managed to keep up with her. I enjoyed,the way our hands felt when they were interlocked. I like being around this girl.

We slowed down to a walk as we reached the park entrance. The lamp light lit the path beautifully, and the air was fresh and smelt clean.

Like the smell of fresh dew in the morning.

"Here we are!"

I nodded unable to think of something to say.

"Well, come on" she tugged my hand, and we began walking through the park, hand in hand.

"It sure is pretty tonight," I say admiring the serene night, and peaceful atmosphere.

"Sure is"

We walked in a peaceful silence till it was broken, by (y/n)'s sweet voice.

"Matthew, do you know know why I don't like the hero type?"

"No" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Because I just want someone whose there," she said simply, "someone to hold me, not someone who will throw themselves at danger. Someone who I know I can kiss, or embraced and it won't be the last time. I Dont want a hero, or someone special. I just want someone... Ordinary"

I nodded, taking in what she said. I hadn't realized that we still had our hands intertwined till I felt her grip tighten on mine. I gave her a confused look.

"I never wanted someone like Alfred, or like what the girls in his comics had," she says,looking me in the eyes, "I want something..." she smiled looking down at our hands, then back to my eyes, "something just like this"

I felt my cheeks heat up, as I smiled. I cupped her face and did something I never thought I do.

I kissed her.

Oh, I want something just like this

Oh, I want something just like this

Oh, I want something just like this


//I started thinking about how America was the hero type and most girls would fall for that. Then I remembered that Canada actually puts himself down for not being more like America...
Overall I thought this would be cute-ish.

It was the last day of school, and I'm not really feeling it honestly. I just wanted sleep, but went to say goodbye to my friends. Half of them are spending summer out of state, and/or moving away, while I'm staying on my secluded little property tending a garden. I'm really sure if I'll get to talk to them over the summer so that kinda bummed me out.

On the bright side though, I should have more time to work on storied and shiz. So yee!

Have a wonderful day/night/evening/morning.



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