A slave's messed up life (Les...

By OGZelink

91.4K 1.7K 224

This is Laura's story of how she came from a poor family, taken to the slave market and sold to a coven of ro... More

A slave's messed up life Girlxgirl
chapter two
chapter three
Chapter Four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #lol

Chapter Twenty

3.2K 41 17
By OGZelink

Six long days later...

The grandfather clock rang throughout the silent castle, the only sounds made were coming from the servants who were making themselves busy cleaning each of the rooms and helping their masters. The servants were running back and forth from the dining room to the kitchen receiving plates full to the brim with different foods and giving dirty dishes to David who offered to help Sam while Nicole and Taylor were babysitting Alexandra in the living room with soft rain forest sounds playing in the background as it always helps the baby sleep. Toni and was helping to settle her fellow pack members, overseeing how the shelters were and security with Andrew and Janine. Everyone was either working or keeping themselves busy, everyone except Alex and Emma.

For six days Alex refused to leave her room, barely eat and only talk when she felt it was necessary. She felt so alone even though Emma had been there comforting her for every moment she was awake or down hearted. Emma had barely left the room either, she ordered a servant to bring up their food and medication, the only time she would leave the room would be when she would have to deal with arguments among the slaves, make arrangments for meetings and gather paperwork together. She was of course very busy but nothing compared to her queen, her Alex. All she has done and wanted to do was comfort her soul mate, make sure she was safe. She dealt with the paperwork etc in the large bedroom so she could be with her broken- hearted she-wolf.

Emma and Alex were cuddled on their bed in the blankets together, Alex was laying her head on Emma's chest as her hand rested on Emma's toned stomach. Emma had her left arm slung softly around Alex's waist holding her girl into her closer. 'I should really try and get her to go for a walk or something,' Emma thought to herself about Alex, she knew that Alex staying in here wasn't really doing anything healthy for her. Especially since she has all that time to just dwell on the depressing event. Emma nudged Alex lightly to get her attention, "Alex, would you want to talk to your parents? It would give you something to do," Emma asked then gave a small smile then continued when Alex looked up at her. "It could be fun babe, I'm sure their confused about these last few months and how you have been." Alex sighed nodding her head lightly, "Alright." She croaked out, her voice hoarse from all of the crying she had done in the past few days. Emma nodded, "Right well let's get you ready. You should take a shower to freshen yourself up." Alex simply pushed herself off the bed into her feet clearly not in the mood, Emma noticed then continued jokingly, "Plus you smell." She chuckled causing Alex to turn her head slightly and giggle at her childishness. 'Finally, she's starting to perk up a little,' Emma thought happily.


After they both got ready Emma escorted Alex down to the gates of the castle where the pack had been residing. They preferred to stay in the forest than stay in a castle full of vampires they did not trust. Understandable though. The sky was a full grey colour with the clouds blocking the sun's rays. There was light little chirps coming from the tiny birds high up in the tress that were surrounded by Autumn coloured leaves scattered across the gravel path and freshly cut grass. To the left of the large stone wall that protects the castle grounds there was twenty large boulders and about fifteen smaller boulders with two large broken branches of two trees hanging over the huge rocks at the top making it look like a shelter. The boulders were from the wall collapsing during the attack a few days ago. All around it were the wolves some in wolf form, others in human form. "How's that shelter coming along?!" Andrew asked yelling from behind a few trees gathering branches with leaves still attached with three others from his pack.

Another who was standing by the "shelter" exclaimed back, "It's coming along nicely sir, Tim and John are fixing the boulders from the inside now with the branches." Andrew only nodded and made his way over to the shelter that was currently being made, then dropped the branches, leaves and grass he had been carrying. He went to check the inside of the shelter and walked back out happy with it's progress. He spotted Alex and Emma then waved them over, he was still wary of Emma since she was the queen of blood-suckers.

"Ah Laura, how have you been? I'm so sorry we haven't been to see you more. We just thought you would want your own time and whenever we went to see you the first time you didn't want to see anyone so we figured we'd let you cone to us please don't thin-", he was cut off from his mini explaining rant, "Dad it's ok, I wasn't up for entertaining much people especially the past few days. I've just been taking my time, we both have." Alex explained softly referring to Emma as well, she hugged her dad then let her head drift from side to side to try and spot her mum but Andrew seen this, "She's over in our own shelter under the tree to the far right behind the bushes." He said pointing in the direction of the hut. She patted her father's shoulder in appreciation and began to walk towards the hut then called back, "I'd like it if you would join us." He smiled and strode along behind him with his head held high.

They reached the little hut they had created it was out of twelve big boulders and a lot of smaller rocks and really thick branches to hold them up from the inside then a lot of huge leaves covering the top with little stones on them to stop them from blowing away, the inside of the man made cave the ground was covered in leaves with bundles of hay made beds at the back of it. Alex walked in after she seen her mother at the back of the cave beside the hay bed in wolf form.

Alex cleared her throat so her mother would turn around but she never, so Alex tried again, still didn't then around so she spoke out while walking towards her mum, "Mum do you have a minute? Just want to talk to the both of you and explain a few things about the last few months and the events that's happened during them." She placed her left hand on her mother's right furry shoulder and waited for her mum to turn her head. "Mum please." Alex continued now a little worried as to why her mother was acting strange.

Janine turned her big furry head to gaze at her daughter through her deep brown eyes. Alex noticed a hidden sadness within them but decided to leave it until the talk was over. Janine mind linked her husband saying, 'I'll be back in a minute, I need to get changed, I will meet you both by the castle gates.' Then she grabbed a pile of neatly folded clothes in her mouth that were sitting by the hay bed and walked out. Alex then turned to her dad once her mum was out of the cave, "What's been up with her? She seems down about something?" She asked curiosity and worry lacing her voice.

Her dad Andrew just shook his head and patted her back lightly then sighed a little, "Nothing dear one she's just been under a lot of stress." But Alex only nodded still not accepting that as the answer. 'We'll find out what's wrong with mum, don't worry Laura.' Alex's wolf councilled her. 'Yeah, I just can't help but worry about her though.' She answered back then remembered her mate was awkwardly standing just outside the cave by herself. She went out to Emma and hugged her allowing Emma to sling her arm around her waist, Alex knew she was tired, she was running about after her all week then had her own duties. She looked up at the love of her life and gave her a small smile but that was enough for Emma, all she wanted was to see her smile again. "Are you ok love?" Alex asked sweetly, she knew sitting around and thinking about what has happened wasn't good at all. She wasn't even able to take care of Alexandra. Taylor and Nicole had been angels for taking care of her baby girl. She was pulled from her daydream by Emma kissing her forehead and answering in a soft happy voice, "I'm alright just happy to see you smile again, I've missed that." Alex was about to reply when Andrew intervened, "Alright your mother is ready we should go." Then started walking with the queen and her slave behind him.


"Alright so what is it you were wanting to talk about dear?" Janine asked wanting to get started on this conversation. She sat back on the sofa in Emma and Alex's room next to her loyal husband Andrew. The rooms aura was tense since Emma was present and Janine and Andrew didn't like her so everyone was on edge especially Alex. She leaned back and cuddled into Emma's hold around her waist as she kissed her left cheek then flicked her gaze to her parents facing her. "Well I've realized we haven't told you anything about what's happened in the last few months, but we will need you to officially call off the attack, simply listen to what we have to say then make your decision then to attack or not. OK?" Alex stated rather calmly, she was surprised how calm she said it, but then again she had went over it many times in her head since her pack had arrived one week ago. Her parents looked at each other clearly mind linking privately then turned their attention back to the pair cuddling with each other on the couch and nodded agreeing to the terms. "Alright I've told Toni to inform the pack of our agreement. Continue hunny." Janine replied saying the last part in a softer tone.

Alex nodded trying to think of where to start from when Emma put in, "Why don't we start with the market my sweet." In a loving tone. Alex nodded then started explaining, "Well mum basically after you were sold, I was put in these training classes for a little while but they felt like forever. I tried behaving like you told me but everything I did was wrong so I started acting up more and more by just simply talking back but that was enough for them to get annoyed and beat me senseless," Alex stopped for a moment and turned her attention towards her mistress, who's hold around her waist had tightened dramatically just at the mention of the beating. So she figured if she were to continue she would need to break out of her hold and cuddle her to comfort the both of them, she knew it wasn't right for her mate to always be caring for her even through the circumstances. She wanted to be there for Emma like she had always been there for her. Janine noticed the grip tighten and released a low growl instinctively but hushed herself when she heard her little girl speak."Baby calm down I'm alright now aren't I, shh it's ok nobody's gonna take me away from you again."Alex cooed in her girlfriends ear trying to calm her down, not a minute later her hold loosened around Alex and she pecked her lips as Emma whispered a "Thank you".

Alex moved out of Emma's hold causing Emma to frown but grin straight after as Alex pulled her back into her leaning her head back as Alex wrapped her arms around her front and leaned her chin on her girlfriends shoulder.

"Well basically they thought it would've been easy breaking my spirit but they weren't even close so they put me in with the slaves that had already been broken and told them to teach me but the others quickly have up so I was put to the very back in a corner they thought nobody would find me." Alex stopped to take a breath as she remembered the next and most important memory she has cherished. "Then a day after a cloaked beauty shows up looking to buy a slave," She stopped again and kissed Emma's right cheek them allowed Emma to do the same.

Janine seen how they had gotten on with each other and smiled as her daughter seemed truly happy but didn't let either of them see it, 'I seen that.' Andrew mind-linked his wife causing her to blush, 'Shut up, I can't help but feel happy but sorry for everything I've caused them, I mean look at them together it's obvious their mates.' She defended sweetly back to her husband. 'The elders won't accept this. Or our grand-daughter.' June stated making Janine sigh, 'We'll deal with that closer to the time.'  Andrew nodded in agreement through the pack link.

Andrew cleared his voice snapping Emma and Alex out of their trance. "Anyways she stopped in front of my cell and asked the blond bitch how much I was to buy. But honestly my heart dampened when she said $150,500 because I didn't think you would've had that type of money." Alex referred to Emma but then continued, "She didn't give the blond a second to think about it before saying she would take me, she then helped me out of the cell since I had a limp because they had broken my ankle and barely gave me enough good therefore slowing my healing process down. When we came back Emma had me seen to right away by doctor Johnson then he put me in a cast and told me to rest for a few weeks, I got my own room, got my food brought up to me, I was living the life until I got better and one day went looking around the castle and made a new friend called Taylor, whom you've already met sorta. Anyway she was getting in trouble because of me so I stood up for her but got in a little trouble for it off her master at the time. Then later on I was going down to get Emma and me's dinner when Taylor's master stopped me then gave me a slight threat about me and Emma. So I reported it to Emma." Emma cuddled back into Alex more so Alex then nuzzled her with her head and tightened her hold slightly making the queen smile a little.

"Well about a few weeks later there was an attack of hybrids so it gave me the chance to leave but I stayed and allowed Manvis to take control and defend Emma. But I was shot with a poisoned arrow so when the doctor was checking me over because nobody knew I was a werewolf Emma sensed it and mated us therefore saving my life as she then sucked the venom out replacing it with her own." She stopped again allowing Emma to take over. "Yeah you jumped in front of the arrow for me. But I thought I knew you even in wolf form then when I asked you for a sign you tried to smile then nodded. I swear I was so happy we'd found you since you went missing so there wasn't any doubt in my mind to mark you. I was panicking to Sam whenever you were unconscious but when you come around I was crying of joy nearly. Once you were strong enough I had you moved to your room but the threat continued to grow then one night I was walking back to my room when I was attacked. And you saved me I don't know how but you did and instead of me it was you they had taken." Emma choked out the last part not wanting to relive the memory so Alex spoke trying to hold back her own tears. "They took me, a few slaves from the castle. One being a very good friend of mine who had her reasons was Taylor and her master. When I was there I was beaten unconscious more than enough fingers on your hands and rap-ed time and time o-ver." She couldn't hold back her tears anymore, nor could Emma as she turned around and engulfed her love in a warm loving embrace whispering gentle comforting words into her ear. Andrew seen Janine tearing up from the side of his eye and pulled her into a comforting hug also as he too let a few silent tears fall onto his wife's head. Janine wanted to snuggle her daughter into her, she tried composing herself enough to squeak out, "You don't have to continue dear, we understand." But Alex shook her head no, and choked out, "After every beating, everything they did to me Taylor was always there trying to comfort me in some way either letting me cry, giving me food, being a shoulder to cry on and even telling them to lay off me." Emma gathered herself at the sound of the somewhat worst passing, "Emma came to save me and with the help of Taylor she succeeded as Taylor basically allowed Nicole Emma's sister to follow her and helped her get me out and fought with us at the battle when we were caught. When we got back here soon after did we find out I was pregnant to Taylor's master and with twins. They had developed quickly and were due in another two weeks but here we are." Alex sighed as she finished trying not to cry again. Her mother and father sighed also and sat back letting everything they had just heard settle in. "I don't know what to say Laura..."


Nicole's P.o.v

"What do ya wanna do now babe? We gotta tire this little one out since it's nearly her bed time." Taylor asks me. I am so lucky its unreal. I can't help but think of all the romantic walks and strolls and fun times we've had over the past few weeks. Even better is that Emma approves of her, well considering she's the one who basically got us together. I am snapped from my day dream,"What are you thinking of hun?" My gorgeous girlfriend asks, I shake my head smiling then place my hands upon hers that are resting on the table. "Just about these amazing few weeks with you. I've been so lucky." I reply honestly, we have became less embarrassed when we're talking about how we feel especially about each other, at first it took a bit of getting used too especially for Taylor since I am royalty wither I like it or not but it has it's perks.

Taylor leaned across the table so I start to lean in too not able to break our gaze with each other, she then brings her right hand up to my left cheek, "It is me who's the lucky one my dear." She whispers to me then closes the barely existing gap between us. She moves her strawberry tasting lips over mine then licks my bottom lip and I gladly let her slip her tounge in to dance with mine. She rubs her tounge against mine causing me to moan and wrap my fingers in her hair bringing her further over the table. I swear I'll never be able to get enough of her or our kisses we share, the way she makes me feel inside, as if there are a million butterflies flapping away with jolts of electricity going through them in my stomach. One minute I want to jump her bones and have her for hours without end then the next I just wanna cuddle with her. It's all since strange to me, even with my ex Marnie I never felt this way. I don't want to rush anything with us though and thankfully she feels the same.

We pull away from our little heated session to look to our left to spot Sam and David who just walked back into the kitchen. We both cleared our throats and sat back in properly in our chairs not wanting to make eye contact with either Sam it David. 'Gosh if only we had been in my room.'  I can't help but think but mentally scold myself for thinking that far ahead.

I am pulled from my thoughts by the sounds of David and Sam laughing their heads off, but what I noticed more was Sam looked at least twenty years younger, but even stranger... she was feeling David's muscular arms while laughing. "Oh dearie's, don't look so frightened. David didn't they l-ooo-k like a deer ca-ught in headlights?!! Ahaha." Sam squealed as she tried calming herself but failing, she couldn't even say some of her words right. David gazed down at the blond haired, younger looking Sam and smiled then pulled her closer into his left side as he rubbed her left arm with his left hand. his gaze seemed different though towards her, he always seemed different around her, a good different though.

I snapped my head over to Taylor and nodded a head twice in the direction of the two love birds hoping she would get the drift. She turned her attention to them and smiled, she cleared her throat and turned back to me. "Well I think we should get little Alexandra back, wouldn't you agree Nicky?" She asks in a 'let's go and give them some privacy' tone. Then wiggled her eye brows. I laughed whole-heartedly at her antics then nodded.

I went to push the little pram Alex and Emma had bought a few weeks ago in advance for the babies. When I looked in, Alexandra was already sleeping letting out a light snoozing sound. Taylor came around to see what I'd been staring at and cooed "Aawhh poor little thing, all tuckered out." She then kisses Alexandra's forehead then mine, "We should go." She days gently. So we bid our goodbyes to the pair and make our way to Emma and Alex's room.

When we came to the stair Taylor lifted the front bottom part of the buggy then I lifted the back hulling it up the steps. When we finally got to Emma's room, I knocked to let them know we were back then Taylor opened the door for me too enter then entered after me. When we walked in Emma was leaning back into Alex with her parents facing them of the sofa cuddled you together. It was an odd sight, what was even odder was they were all laughing with one another. It was Emma who first realized we had returned and got up to hug me.

I hugged my dear loving sister back, then Alex stood and walked back over to us and hugged me as well. Alex is like a sister to me she so caring and thoughtful. I get why she has been asking us to take care of Alexandra though, she wouldn't have been able too with the state she was in but now she seems near enough back to her old self. "She was good as gold as usual." I chirp as Alex bends down to her baby. She smiles up at us then beckons us over to the sofa where her parents were. "Mum, dad, this is Nicole, Emma's sister. And this," she then beckoned over Taylor. "This is Taylor her girlfriend and my ex girlfriend but a really really good friend of mine." Alex finished. Her dad extended his hand to me so I shook it, "Nice to officially meet you Nicole. I'm Andrew." He said firmly but in a friendly way, then shook Taylor's then Alex's mum did the same.

We stepped back smiling then turned to Alex, "Well we best get going we're wanting to watch a movie soon. It was nice for officially meet the both of yous, take care all of yous and shall see yous tomorrow." I said then hugged Alex and Emma again as did Taylor then we left.

As we walked down the corridors I couldn't help but remember it was always Taylor to plan our date nights and everything so I think I'll mix it you a little. "Hey babe can we go out for a romantic stroll soon? In about an hour then watch a couple movies with some popcorn?" I ask hopeful. She nods her head then kisses my cheek, we stopped just outside Taylor's room so I kissed her deeply for the second time within and hour then said "See ya at seven." Then blew her a kiss and walked away to quickly get ready.

After a rushed twenty five minutes I decided on a light green dress with emerald coloured pumps, a dab of foundation and to top it off was the red lipstick. I quickly curled my hair then ran out my door and down to the kitchen where I knew I would find Sam. Thankfully my room wasn't as far away like Emma's was from the kitchen.

I ran in to find Sam still flirting with David. I intervened between them and gave them a sorry expression, "Would the both of yous please help me? Sam I need you to help me pick some roses for Taylor, and David I need you to make a few Ham and cheese sandwiches and a few other things like strawberries for a late night picnic. Please?" I beg giving them my best puppy dog look. They both look at each other then laugh nodding. David quickly goes to the fridge and grabs the food while Sam and I then grab a vase each and fill them with water then grab a pair of clippers each and dash out the door heading for the gardens.

When we reach the gardens I can't help but stare in amazement at all the flowers in front of me. Everytime I come out here I stop for a moment, take a deep breath allowing the different scents of the flowers to intoxicate my nostrils. "Ok, what type of flowers we looking?" Sam asks rushing out as if she were in a competition, ah I love this woman has always been here for my sister and I. "Well she likes coronations and roses so you grab the roses and I'll get the coronations." I say and we rush off to different parts of the huge flower garden.

After ten minutes of gathering the flowers we came back and put the coronations and pink roses together then walk inside calmly. I can't help but let my curiosity get the better of me though so I ask her softly, "Sam, do you like David? Like more than a friend?" At this she stopped for a second then continued to walk a clear blush forming on her cheeks. She looked up into my eyes, "Is it that obvious?" She whispered barely loud enough for me to hear. I probably wouldn't of heard it if it weren't for my advanced hearing. I replied, "Yup." Putting emphasis on the 'p'. Sam instantly held her face in her hands. "I think he likes you too though if it's any consolation." I pointed out trying to release some of her stress. Like a child she moved one of her fingers out of the way of her eye to see if I was serious or not without her letting me see her face. "Really?" She asks shocked but a hint of flattery in hee voice. "Yip, so let's get you back to your flirting buddy." I chirp as I put my hand on her back and pat it then walk forward.

When we reached the kitchen David had eight sandwiches ready and a carton of chocolate covered strawberries. He walked over to Sam and asks her taste the strawberry, so he raised the chocolate covered strawberry to her mouth allowing here to bite it. She savoured the flavors that were bursting in her mouth she let out a little moan. David let out a little "hmm" then ate the remains of the strawberry. Sam then blushed a little so quickly made herself scarce and I couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness. As I was getting the food from David I handed him a rose, "Give this to Sam and tell her how you feel about her, it will make her day." I whisper to him only to have him smile and nod in agreement, "Thank you your Highness." He replied lowly taking the rose and holding it behind his back. I went to walk out the kitchen's door, I looked back to see David pull the rose out from behind his giving it to Sam making her mouth drop in surprise then have the biggest smile upon her face then pulled him into a hug but seen me looking at them from over his shoulder and mouthed a thank you flashing a pearly white smile, so I took it as my leave to go.

Before I reached the top of the stairs beside Taylor's room I set the flowers behind a small wooden cupboard drawer and left the food on top of it then waddled over to her door and wrapped it then waited for her to open it. I don't think I messed up my hair and make up, well hopefully not. Don't think she would care though which I like about her.

She answered a few seconds after I wrapped, she answered, looking as beautiful as ever. Her deep blue eyes stood out as her blond hair was fixed to her right side fringe that fell over her eye. Her tight dark blue shirt really made her eyes stand out, she wore loose black jeans with dark blue converse with hints of black through them which tied her whole tomboyish look together. It really suits her though and adds that extra bit of sexiness to her.

"Wow babe you look fine!" Taylor's voice rang through my head snapping me out of my trance. I caught her staring at me from head to toe. We always did this every time we went on a date, we would stand and admire each other then decide to go. "Well somebody can scrub up nicely within an hour." I teased then winked only making her throw a wink right back at me. "Same as yourself babe." She then kisses my cheek as she gestures her hand forward to start our stroll. I took hold of her left hand with my right then started walking towards the stairway.

I release my hand from hers and hurry forward but tell her to close her eyes. I quickly but carefully pull the flowers out from behind the cupboard and hand here them, she opens her eyes and smiles. She takes in the strongly scented flowers in her hands then kisses me hard with so much passion I can't comprehend everything that's just went on. She pulls away saying "Thank you hunny they're beautiful, let me just set them inside." Then runs back to her room for a minute then returns and goes to take my hand but I stop her then lift the sandwiches and strawberries but when she sees them she allows her mouth to drop and start watering. "I must have one!" She exclaims making me laugh hard at her childish ways. I drag her along with one hand while balancing the food in the other, "When were get outside then maybe if your good you can have one." I laugh but hear her mumble, "I'll be good at whatever you want me to be good at." So I stopped and turned to her with a smirk spread across my face, "Is that so?" I questioned in my most sexiest voice possible. My girlfriend looked flushed because I heard what she had said but even more so at what I just said. Voice giggle, grab her hand while shaking my head and drag her along with me down the stairs and out the front doors.

As we strode along side each other we were chatting and learning more about ourselves and each other, things we wouldn't of ever thought of. Like Taylor asked me out if curiosity, "If your weren't royalty, what job you would want to have?", I didn't ever really properly think of it so when she asked it caught be off guard a bit. But after a minute of thinking I replied casually "Working on a ranch always interested me." This made her smile, "I always wanted to have my own ranch, herd the cattle and round up the horses." She said referring to her own ambition. I would love to make that become a reality for her, I know how much she likes those types of things, that would be perfect for her.

After nearly a half an hour of walking around the castle grounds we decided to sit down and eat the chocolate covered strawberries and sandwiches which Taylor dove right into and from the animalistic sounds it seems she's enjoying them. I burst out laughing as she looked at me with cheese covering her cheeks and a tiny bit of ham on the end of her nose. I picked them off her and kissed her lips but pulled away nearly instantly making her wrap her arms around my waist and push me back to the ground lightly. I can't help but gaze into her misty blue eyes. I reached up and capture her lips with my own to have her moan into the kiss so we continue our little heated session again for another few minutes before the need for air kicked in.

I try and fix myself while looking around and realize it's gotten really dark and getting late to be out unguarded. "Babe I think we should start heading back, it's getting really dark. Sure, we can watch a movie when we get in." I explain gently while helping my girl to her feet. I grab the little plastic sandwich bag and carton from the ground, put the carton in the bag and carry them in my right hand as I link my left arm with Taylor's right.

'Gosh I'm so luc-'

"Your Highness!! A moment please?" An alarmed guards yelled after me, we both stopped to see why he was so stressed, I know I wasn't the one to look out for the guards but I am after all still a princess, I do still care about my people. I give my full attention to him since he gets close enough to see the worry lines all across his forehead. He quickly bows then tries to catch his breath. "Calm down, what has you all worked up?" I ask in a soft tone trying to calm him down...


Alex's P.o.v

I can't believe their all getting along so well, well better than I thought ever possible but the one question still remains, that I must answer by tonight. I've had to think of it all night, she has asked me twice tonight already. She clapped her hands gaining my attention,"Well Laura, what is your answer? Will you leave with us or will you stay?" My mother asks me but before I have time to answer the door shot open. "Emma! Jasper, Jacqueline and Eve all demand a meeting with you!"


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