Slytherins Do It Better - A S...

By OXkellicOX

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So since I never got feedback on whether or not to do this ship or not, i figured I don't care anymore, It's... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter 1: The Trip to Diagon Alley
Chapter 2: An Awkward Encounter
Chapter 3: The Dream
Chapter 4: That Look He Gave
Chapter 5: Tryout Troubles
Chapter 6: Slytherin verses Gryffindor
Chapter 7: Working Hard, But Not Hard Enough
Chapter 8: A Day of Firsts
Chapter 9: The Start of Something
Chapter 10: Christmas at the Manor
Chapter 11: Where Do We Go From Here
Chapter 12: Distrations Everywhere
Chapter 13: Blackmailing
Chapter 15: Chaos Errupts in the Halls
Chapter 16: Emotions Flare Up
Chapter 17: Taking a Step Back
Chapter 18: Seperation Anxiety
Chapter 19: Telling the Truth
Chapter 20: Return of the Augury
Chapter 21: Help in the Forest
Chapter 22: Coming to a Close

Chapter 14: Scorpius Takes Action

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By OXkellicOX

Scorpius knew not to do anything right away. But he could see how much of a toll it's talking on his best friend, boyfriend rather. It's driving the boy insane. He's barely left the dormitory. He only goes to class and some meals. He's been trying to avoid the team. He's not ready to face the fact that he has to quit. Thankfully Theo Flint hasn't really come after him for missing a couple practices. Albus used the 'I have to study for my OWLs' line again. Even if he stayed on his bed the whole time doing homework with Scorpius.

Sometimes Scorpius will go up to the library with Brian and Tracy Nott, their still trying to stay as much a secret as possible. Not that it's a bad thing, they're both just not ready for others to know right now. They're scared about how others would react especially their parents. Scorpius more than Albus. Albus knows that his parents have friends that are the same way, but it might be different since it's him, their son. But Scorpius on the other hand doesn't know how his father, Draco, would react, it's not like he had friends or family that he knew were like him. Scorpius is very aware of his father's upbringing and the way pureblood mindset works. So he's very scared.

Scorpius is aware of Albus closing himself off and staying in the dorms practically all the time and the blond boy knows that it's time to do something about it. He can't stand seeing his boyfriend like this, he wants a happy Albus back, and one who plays Quidditch again. Scorpius was in the library when he finally got the urge to do this. It was dinner time and since Scorpius didn't want to go to dinner without Albus he went to the library. This may be the most Gryffindor thing to do but right now the Slytherin boy doesn't care. He storms out of the library and all the way to the great hall. He spotted James Potter and went over to the Gryffindor table grabbed him by he back of his robes and pulled him along, and out of the great hall. All the while the older Gryffindor was shouting at him.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" James shouts at Scorpius.

"What exactly did you say to Albus!" Scorpius says with gritted teeth.

"Oh trying to play the hero for Albus?" James snickers.

"You started all this! I'll go right up to your aunt tell her and she can write to your parents if you'd like" Scorpius tells James.

"You wouldn't dare" James sneers.

"Wouldn't I, Al is all distraught now, he won't even leave the dormitory, he barely eats anything anymore and doesn't pay attention in class, if he goes, since he's been skipping many of them. I need you to apologize to him and swear that you won't say anything and he can stay on the Quidditch team!" Scorpius try's to say calmly without yelling but is still fuming.

James realizes that Scorpius isn't playing and it's the first time in two weeks since he said that to his brother that he's realizing what it did to him. It's like a wake up call, or slap in the face if you will for James.

"Really?" He says seriously this time.

"Yeah..." Scorpius responds. James thinks for a moment.

"Fine, but after dinner alright" James agrees. Scorpius nods.

"Meet me here after and I'll take you to the dungeons and get you into the common room" Scorpius tells James.


"Because that's where Albus is he's not coming to dinner like I said before he barely eats anything anymore" Scorpius says then he walks away from James Potter.

While James goes back to the Gryffindor table in the great hall. He sits next to Merida Finnegan-Thomas, his girlfriend, with Marcus Davies opposite them. Marcus asks James what that was all about. James shrugs it off as nothing. To James he didn't feel it necessary to involve his friend any further into family matters. He's already feeling guilty that he even told them in the first place. So to tell this might have repercussions that he doesn't want to risk. It's taking a lot of pride as a Gryffindor for James to apologize to anything.

James kept to his word and after dinner he stayed and waited for the Slytherin. Scorpius was finishing up and waited a bit for the crowd to die down then went up to the older brother of Albus. They walked down the dungeons James following closely behind, once they reach the entrance Scorpius says the password and they enter.

"Bloody hell its freezing down here" James comments. Scorpius rolls his eyes.

"You get used to it" Scorpius says.

"Hey! what the hell is a Gryffindor doing here?!" He hears Zabini ask.

"Relax he only here to talk to his brother Albus" Scorpius says.

James is starting to feel intimidated with all these Slytherins around, like he shouldn't be here, which theoretically he shouldn't, but he has to help his little brother. Scorpius shows him to the dormitory. James can immediately tell which is his brothers bed, since it's the only one with the curtains drawn.

"Al, I have James here he wants to talk you" Scorpius says softly. Albus pops his head out of the curtains in disbelief.

"Go away" Albus says and retreats.

"Albus please" James says going up to his bed and opening the curtains to see him.

This is the first time James is seeing him since this whole ordeal started two weeks ago. James was kidding, he wouldn't really tell the whole school. It's was just to scare him off the team, but James can see that it all backfired, cause in front him was his brother, but he looks tired, and a mess like he hasn't showered in awhile. He takes notice of the half full goblet and semi empty plate sitting on the night stand, Scorpius had brought that to Albus last night from the kitchens when he forced Albus to eat something.

"Albus Severus Potter, you're going to listen to me right now" James demands.

Scorpius just kisses Albus on the top of his head and walks out of the dormitory giving the brothers some privacy. Albus blushed at Scorpius' gesture then when he heard the door close he looked up at his brother whose now sitting on his bed facing him. James has to swallow his pride and just accept what is and let it be. Since there's nothing he do to change it.

"Al, Albus, I'm sorry, I really am, I shouldn't have said anything it was stupid, I guess I was just annoyed that you told Lily instead of me" James said sincerely.

"Are you serious, you really think I'd tell you with how things have been the last five years" Albus says annoyed.

"You're right, I've been horrible to you and that's not fair. It's not easy Albus" James says.

"Don't give me that rubbish, you've had everything handed to you from mum and dad and everyone; you're in Gryffindor, your the oldest so you always got everything new. Lily's the youngest and the only girl so she gets everything handed to her as well. Everyone loves Lily and everyone loves James he's just like his namesakes. Well you know what I got most of the time, nothing, everything you didn't want, old clothes, used textbooks, everything was handed down from you. That is until I was put into Slytherin, then they had to get me new robes. Everything that happened last year was horrible. I've only ever had one friend from day one that being Scorpius, he's been there for me everything single time that you weren't. And yeah romantic feelings took over that usual friends one, but you know what, how could it not. You think I don't know that I'm the disappointment one, I know what mum and dad really think and the rest of the family, but I can't change this it's too late for that. So if you think it's hard for you just think that there's others that have it harder one being me, your own bloody brother. Who you think to threaten like that! Do you have any idea how terrifying that is, to have someone threatening to out you to the whole school when you're not ready for people to know about it. Knowing that your brother is the one doing that. It's hurts. It hurt a lot. I knew we haven't gotten on with each other, but I never thought you'd go that low" Albus finished.

James was stunned with Albus' confession. He never thought of it from his brothers point of view. Now he feels like a real jerk.

"Albus I'm so sorry, I never thought of it like that" James says.

"Of course not, your to much of a prat to understand anyone else. Your bloody ego and pride gets in the way every time" Albus tells him.

"Look, I don't think I could ever make it up to you, but I'm truly sorry for what I did to you and I'll try to be better to you and Lily" James said.

"I'll believe it when I see it James" Albus says. He nods.

"But there's also something you don't understand as well about me. You don't get how hard it is to not disappoint mum and dad, they know I do well in school and that I have friends and get on well with loads of people, and living up to the namesake, plus having two younger siblings to look out for. Even if I wasn't doing that good at that, sure I get things handed to me but there's also lots of pressure put on me being the oldest, and you're right I'll never know how you feel and go through and that may not be enough compared to you, but it's still something Al, so think of it like that sometimes too. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, but you can't play the victim every time alright" James tells him.

Albus hasn't thought of that either. But it's dawning on the brothers that they don't know anything about each other.

"I guess that's everything?" Albus asks.

"So it's true about you Malfoy then?" James asks. Albus blushes.

"Yeah, it is" Albus says.

"Well ok then, as long as your happy with him then whatever, but I'll kick his arse if he hurts you" James tells Albus. The other just rolls his eyes.

"So you going to tell mum and dad?" James asks. Albus shrugs.

"I don't know, I'm scared of what they'll say about it, I don't want to be more more of a disappointment, I'm already in Slytherin and they hate it, I don't want to give them another reason too" Albus says.

"They don't hate you Al, I know they don't and I'm sure they'll be fine with this they have friends that are the same, and they never say anything bad about them, so I can't see them saying anything" James tells Albus truthfully.

"I know but it's still scary to think about it" Albus confesses.

"I'll be there for you if want, and I'm sure Lily will be too if you need us" James says.

"Thanks James, I'll, uh think more about it" Albus says.

"Good, well I think that's about it, I'll see ya Albus" James says standing.

"Wait, you won't tell anyone right? And I play Quidditch right" Albus asks.

"Yeah, go ahead, I'll still beat you anyway, and I won't say anything, promise" James tells Albus and he hugs his brother. Something that they haven't done in years.

They detach and James walks out and out of the Slytherin common room and goes back up to Gryffindor tower. He passes Scorpius on his way out and gives him a smile and goes on. Scorpius takes that as a cue to go back in and check on Albus. So he goes back and sees Albus smiling. Smiling cause he's never talked like that to his brother, they're finally on mutual ground and really getting along. Sure they'll always be a rivalry. But it's going to be friendly from now on. Scorpius was happy to see Albus happy there was no need for words.

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