Waves In The Mirror【Kuroshits...

By MegamiYuika

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What does it take to find peace, when only pain had always been with us, throughout our lives, like a curse... More

- A T T E N T I Ø N -


68 6 1
By MegamiYuika

Chapter 7
Falling Cold, A Trembling Sigh

Outside, the Phantomhive servant lined up as they witnessed their young master's eventual departure. Ciel was to visit his townhouse in London, in order to determine the cause of a certain trouble that had taken place the day before, and see the damages yet to be discovered by himself, since his butler was too indefinite of the details.

"I trust that, even for once, you will take care of my manor efficiently." Ciel stated with an underlying tone, as if silently 'asking' his servants NOT TO reduce his estate to rubble, again.

"Definitely, young master!" Finny answered with a large smile on his face, something that didn't really convinced the young earl. After all, many years have already passed since they have began to serve him, but no days were spared by their failures.


Still, he nodded and looked at a specific elderly man that was clad in a black, sophisticated suit, standing beside them as well. "We'll be taking Snake with us. For the mean time, you are in charge of providing their duties for the day, Tanaka."

"Most certainly." The Phantomhive's house steward replied. And right afterwards, his appearance instantly depleted into a simplified form of his former stature, followed by his signature lines of ho ho ho!

Turning his back to the servants, he was about to make his way to the vehicle when suddenly, he stopped and peered over his shoulder. "Also, I want you to watch over our guest. Do everything necessary to treat her illness. Understood?"

"Yes, my lord!" They chorused quite nervous, yet also happy about his orders. After all, the servants already like the woman with a shy demeanor, even if it had only been a few days or weeks since she had awoken and befriended them, of sorts.

Same as the other, each of them couldn't exactly define what they felt. Something about her disposition radiates ease and trustworthiness. And so, despite Sebastian's strict instructions of being careful around their mysterious guest, the three already accepted their new companion and warmed up to her.

With that said, the young earl climbed inside the carriage and half-heartedly bid his servants farewell, with Snake as the coachman, and Sebastian as his company, much to his dismay. By the signal of the lashing whip, the horses galloped away from the grounds of the Phantomhive Estate, onwards to their rightful destination.

Left to their own accords, the servants faced each other and nodded in mutual determination, which was, in all honesty, an adorable act on their part. Punching their fists above in the air, they dispersed to their assigned areas and began their tasks.

- - -

The day went on with taking care of both the manor and their bed-ridden guest. Elvilya, whose illness had taken no rest for the last 24 hours, remained in her chambers all the time, all alone.

As soon as she woke up, she pondered about the young earl's whereabouts. Surprisingly, even Sebastian, who was supposed to check up on her later that day. Upon further thought, knowing that a few yet enough hours have gone by, he might've already did so when she was still off and asleep; a kind of gesture that she was somewhat thankful of.

Wincing at the pain from the tiniest bit of her movements, she turned her head towards the window and sighed, the outside unable to be seen due to being concealed by the pastel-silk curtains.

Elvilya, for some reason, wanted to see the outside once again so badly. The sky, the birds, the flowers that adorned the young earl's garden. She yearned to feel the air that have already calmed after the storm. She felt the need to bask into the sunlight, to feel the warmth that gave her a sense of glee.

But instead, her body refused to move, radiating with miserable warmth that does not even compare to that of the sun.

Another throb pounded in the innards of her head, shaking the walls of her vision, and letting a soft cry slip past her lips. At the same time, the doors were slammed open by none other than a cheerful Finny, oblivious of what was currently happening together with the other three servants, all equally joyous as him too.

The gardiner, who was carrying a bouquet of freshly picked roses, almost leaped into the room with a large grin on his face, unable to contain the excitement of telling their guest about the flowers and his accomplishments of not destroying anything for once. However, as soon as they heard even the faintest of her whimpers, all of them froze in their places, both startled and worried.

"Miss Elvilya?!" Mey-rin, realizing that something was wrong, almost shrieked as she ran to the ill maiden's side. Touching her forehead for the temperature, she flinched right away and shook her hand frantically. "E-Eeek! Hot! Boiling hot!"

"Let me see." Tanaka, who reverted back into his original form, placed his palm at the top of Elvilya's forehead as well. Slowly raising his hand back, he glanced towards the three and gave a serious nod.

"Bardroy, call Dr. Bancourt from the Royal London Hospital immediately. He'll know what to do and bring, once you address the current situation."

"On it!"

"Mey-rin, get a bowl full of water and a set of clean towels to clean her up and lessen the heat. See if there's also some medicines left at the shelvings above the counter. Also, be sure to read the label first before going back."


After the two disappeared from their sight, Tanaka turned to the young gardiner and smiled, quietly showing some reassurance for the matter. "While I take care of the rest, please keep her company for now. Make sure she is comfortable, alright?"

"I'll do my best!", The latter returned the gesture earnestly, hugging the bouquet of silver sterling roses close to his chest for comfort.

Finnian was left alone in his thoughts soon after, surrounded by the sound of the ill woman's rugged breaths, and the peaceful chirping of birds from outside. The difference were so clear in the air that he felt his emotions soar down. However, thinking that his sadness wouldn't do good for her well-being, Finny shook his head and brightened up. Pulling a chair with his other hand, he made sure not to cause any noises that might give her any more headaches, or pain.

Just seeing her current state, one could say that it was already more than too much.

"Hello, miss Elvilya." He began as he took a gentle seat. "I got you this flowers from the young master's garden. It's his favorite, you know? I think he wouldn't mind if I give you some. They say people get better when they recieve even a few. It lifts their spirits, and makes them happy."

He placed the roses to the vase sitting atop the bedside table, replacing the almost wilted flowers with anew. "I hope this will make you better, miss."

Glancing at the closed window, he added. "I really do hope so."

- - -

The blond gardiner, as he was told, remained in Elvilya's chamber the whole time. Half of it was spent by his story tellings, from the books that he read (or was given to, mostly), to the knowledge that he learnt from outside the outskirts of their precious estate. As for the other, he would hum a joyful tune to try liven up the atmosphere, following the melodies of the birds that were far away beyond the sealed window panes.

Mey-rin already replaced the ill maiden's garments, so was her bedsheets (with Finny's aid), and the wet cloth that was draped above her forehead, so as to ease the heat. An hour later, Dr. Bancourt arrived to check upon her condition. He was the one who treated her injuries from the accident before, the one who confirmed the loss of her memories, and the one whom Ciel trusts among most doctors, to say the least.

Straightening his back up, a grim expression settled in the doctor's wrinkled face, which didn't miss the eyes of the servants. "This is... beyond my comprehension. Without knowing the cause, she really is a rare case. To be honest, I have never encountered such illness before. Her condition isn't getting any better by the minute, so I highly suggest to bring miss Elvilya at the hospital for further examination."

The four looked at each other with the same thoughts running through their minds, carefully contemplating the words that he had spoken. Rubbing his chin with a stoic look, Bard's eyes flickered from their guest towards the patient doctor. "The young master needs to know this though."

"But didn't he say that we have to do whatever is necessary...?" Mey-rin said with a hesitant look.


"It is up to you to decide what must be done, but I assure you that it is best to take immediate action before all turns for the worst." Dr. Bancourt replied, arranging all his materials back to his suitcase. "There is nothing to worry about. We'll cure her to the best of our abilities. You have our reassurance that she'll be safe in our care."

"I see." The blond chef muttered, crossing his arms with a lengthy breath. They didn't really know if it was a good idea to agree without their master's consent, especially since it wasn't really guaranteed if they will be able to heal Elvilya from the unknown sickness that, as the doctor previously put it, was beyond his comprehension. However, seeing as it was the only choice available on the moment, a reluctant nod placed their trust on the offer.

"Alright. By tomorrow, me and a few staff will take her to the hospital. For now, I suppose it is time for me to go."

Before he could turn around, Finny took a few steps forward and spoke. "She'll... get better, right?"

Lips curled into a small smile, Dr. Bancourt replied. "That, we could only hope so."

Tanaka escorted the man out of the guestroom, followed by Mey-rin and Baldroy who returned to their duties as they were ordered to. Finnian remained glued in his seat, not knowing what to do for the next passing hours.

His mind was blank of any ideas, more occupied to the thoughts of her well-being. But a few minutes later, a single one appeared in his head, like a lightbulb switched open in an instant.

"How about I bring you my favorite books?" Finny suggested happily, standing up with his fists raised in a determined gesture. "I'll tell you about them once I get back! It won't take long, I promise!"

Not waiting for a response- not that there would be any as he expected, the young gardiner rushed out to retrieve the things that he held close to his heart, unaware of the loud groans that resonated in an increasing, painful numbers within the confinements of the chamber.

Elvilya was in between being awake and asleep, struggling to keep herself conscious. However, the agony on her body intensified more, to the point where she could no longer comprehend what was happening around her. She didn't know how much time had passed, nor was she able to notice the people that came back and forth to the room.

Their voices felt like a passing blur, distant, difficult to be distinguished, as if the sounds were submerged underwater. Feeling helpless for her inability to understand those that stood beside her, she cried in silence.

How had it came to this, she thought. It was just a simple day in the rain, and yet the next, her body was collapsing as if each and every diseases in the world were eating her flesh inside and out. It was painful, unbearable even, like she was melting away while being torn into pieces.

It was pure torture, but she couldn't do anything to prevent her illness from going much more further. Exhausted, a trembling sigh escaped her lips, allowing herself to be lulled back into a deep, and finally, peaceful slumber.

One where no one can ever be awaken from.

- - -

Beyond the depths of oblivion, she continues to sink. Her cries were unheard, her plea unspoken.

Dragged into the darkness, into its womb.

She continues to sink, falling cold.

- - -

"Oh dear, would you look at that..."

'What's going on?'

"Still asleep? Well, we really can't have that now, do we...?"

'What are you saying?'

"Time is ticking, my lady. It is now our turn to move the primary chessman."

'I don't understand.'

"Was it painful? Was it agonizing?"

'It hurts.'

"It's a part of the process, the beginning from an end. The next step for a promising future– a promising hope."

'It truly hurts.'

"Now that everything is about to be completed, soon, I will have you."


"And you will be mine."

'... Save me.'

- - -

Of tears and sorrow; reflected was a sin-
A tale that creates another trace, under the gaze of the mirror.

Music: A Soul's Tale by BigRicePiano

Image: //Ctto - WeHeartIt//

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