The Accidental Wedding

By kiwiiiiii_

286K 8.8K 623

A story about arranged marriages in India. Naina is an independent Indian woman living in London and visits h... More

Author's note
1. The Meet
2. Escape
3. Pickup Lines
4. To Find a Way
5. The Maybe-Date
6. The Plan
7. Picnic Baskets
9. Shopping Spree
10. Snoggers and Sleeping Beauty
11. Rendezvous
12. First Day, First Date
13. Making Up and Breaking Up
14. Flashbacks and Tears
15. Pancakes
16. A Place Close to His Heart
17. People Change
18. Dirty Secrets
19. A Bullet of Love
20. Double Trouble
21. Pure Gold
22. It's a Mother's Day
23. Mothers-in-Law Unite
24. A Wife and Two Kids
25. Le Plus Mignon
26. Best Friend
27. A Lot Of Reunions
28. I Am Not Sick
29. A Big Happy Family
30. Another Problem
31. Back to India
32. Happy Ending
Another Announcement!

8. London Baby!

7.2K 252 9
By kiwiiiiii_

The plane landed in London. It was Saturday afternoon and I was eagerly waiting for Monday. But I had to do one thing before that. Visit Dr. Vanessa. As I stepped out of the aircraft, the chilly London wind engulfed me. I felt like I was finally home. I looked at Sanjana and grinned, she mirrored my expression.

"Finally." I said with a smile.

"Naina, I know you're happy to be back. But dad will notice that both of us are gone and he's probably going to blame me." my brother replied.

"I know and he probably knows we are gone." 

"Let's just go home now and think when we aren't jet lagged, okay?" Sanjana interrupted.

We both agreed and we walked towards the taxi we booked.

My phone vibrated. It was a text from Ashwin

'I hope you've landed safely. Our parents know that you're gone and they want me and Shithead to visit you and convince you to be back. We'll be there tomorrow.'

I stopped in my tracks when I read it.

"Hey what's wrong?" Sanjana asked when she noticed I had stopped walking.

"Ashwin texted me. Dad wants Shiv and Ashwin to come here and convince me to be back." I said while giving the phone to her.

"We're not going back." My brother said in a stern voice. Obviously we aren't going back.

"Definitely. Let them be here then we will discuss this. Come on, let's go home." Sanjana said.

"Yeah, I need to be at home. Once I'm there, I will feel better."


I opened the door to our three bedroom apartment. It was the same, organised and as we left it. However, I was not.

I collapsed on the teal sofa in the living room and threw my handbag on the coffee table. Sanjana picked it up and placed it on the chair. 

"It's so good to be home." I sighed. "I need to clean up. I am going to shower." I said and left towards my room.

Vivan and Sanjana did the same.

In the shower, hot water trickled through my skin. I washed my body and my hair but after I was done, I didn't  leave the bathroom. I stood under the shower till the water went cold. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body.

After getting dressed, I left for my appointment with Dr. Vanessa. I left a note on the TV set. Hopefully they would notice it and know where I was. As I sat in my car, I turned on the ignition, put the car in first gear and left off. 

The car I had in London wasn't as good as my Range Rover I had in India. Obviously, because that was a gift from my father but this car, a Honda Civic was what I had bought with my own money. It was way too valuable to me than the gifted one ever was.

I reached the clinic and parked my car. Making my way through the clinic, I stopped at the reception and asked about my appointment. 

"You will have to wait for 10 minutes. We will call you, please sit in the waiting area." the woman told me in a thick British accent.

"Thank you." I said with a smile and sat in the waiting area. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a lot of texts and missed calls from my mom and dad. I ignored all of them. I wasn't in the state to talk to them, too jet lagged to deal with their drama.

"Naina Dixit." the lady I talked to before announced. I got up and followed her to the doctor's office.

She knocked the door twice, opened it and said. "Naina Dixit is here." She waited for the doctor to reply.

"Let her in." I heard and the receptionist told me to go in.

"Hello, Naina." Dr. Vanessa said in her posh accent.

"Hey, I am here to take my shot." I informed her. She was also a friend of mine, not just my doctor.

"Yes, I thought that you are due in a few days but I checked and your due date passed about 10 days ago. I'm surprised you haven't got your period yet."

"What? 10 days?" I said, utterly shocked.

"See for yourself." She said and handed me the report. It was true. I was supposed to be here 10 days ago.

"I was in India. I probably forgot it while I was travelling. There's a lot going on. But I still don't understand why I haven't got my period yet." 

"I can be wrong in what I'm thinking, but can you answer a few questions for me?" She said while she tucked a lock of her blond hair behind her ear.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"While you were in India, did you by any chance had sexual contact with anyone?" 

"Um...yes." I did wake up naked next to Shiv one morning.

"How long ago?" She didn't think that, did she?

"About 15 days ago. The shot was still effective by then. Right?"

"It can wear off a few days before the date given. Are you feeling nauseous?"

"Yes, since a couple days. I am feeling a little sick too. I don't feel like eating and I've-" I cut myself off, realising the possibility. She understood it too.

 "We can't say anything now. Can you please give a urine sample? We will test it out and inform you if everything is alright or not." 

"Yes, I can do that." I said, stuttering a little. I was still in shock. That can't happen. I can't be pregnant. 

"Don't worry, it will be alright. I am still not sure about it but it is a possibility." She said just to assure me. She noticed that I was devastated. She probably lied that she wasn't sure.

I left her office and a nurse directed me to the restroom. After doing what I needed to, I exited the washroom and the nurse told me to wait in the area I sat before. My leg bounced up and down. I was getting anxious by every passing minute. I was sweating even though it had started to snow outside.

The receptionist called my name once again and I made my way to the office.

Dr. Vanessa gave me an apologetic smile as I sat down. I knew what that meant.


After talking to Dr. Vanessa, I made my way to the car. I sat inside and turned on the heat. I didn't move, I just sat in the car for what felt like forever. My phone vibrated and I flinched. I declined the call without even seeing who it was. After gaining my senses back, I finally started the car. 

I stopped at Starbucks on my way back to the apartment. I ordered a coffee and started driving back home. 

Opening the front door of the apartment, Vivan and Sanjana were sitting in front of the TV, having pizza. I had lost my appetite.

"Hey! You're finally back. We ordered pizza." Vivan said.

"I don't feel like eating. I need to sleep. Good night both of you." I would've told them about it but I needed to get my own thoughts sorted out first.

I went to my room and changed into a large grey sweatshirt and black shorts. I freshened up and made myself comfortable in my bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. The news had took me by surprise and it definitely wasn't a good one.

I also had a very important decision to make, I needed time to think about the whole scenario and then decide. But there wasn't enough time. 

The drama in my life never ends. I escaped from one and ended up in an even bigger one.

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