One big happy family! (Sequel...

By DeathFire03

6.7K 64 59

4 books, one story! Yeah, the final book is coming. I'll probably upload the chapters at Friday and Saturday... More

In everyone's soul exists something dark!
This was a gift, FOR US!
There's something bad, inside of me! I can't be fixed!
I know that you're are in there somewhere!
Every soul contains a whisper of light...
I always come back!
We ALWAYS stay in control!
If I could go free, they come to recapture me!
I'm just a phantom in your room. With intent on helping soon.
You think you stand a chance to last ,against the ghosts of your past?
Heart crushing pain...
Together...To be...Together...And be...
When a friend becomes an enemy...
We will put you back together.
Now it's the finale. Were you ready?
Autor Note/Announcement

Together again!

472 5 0
By DeathFire03

3rd person:

The guys are following the AlterEgos in a room. When they see eachother they start to smile. The AlterEgos show the guys where they should stand. Then they go in the middle of the room and turn around. All of them are smiling insanely. 

"Kneel down, our puppets." NateMare says and the guys kneel down immediatly. 

"It looks like our plan worked. That was a very good idea Anti!" Dark chuckles and gives Anti a slight hit on the shoulder.

"LoOks like I'm alwAys going to sUrpriSe you ovEr and ovEr again!" Anti says smiling like a little, happy kid.

"Yep, you do! But always more positive than before!" Madpat says and nods towards the guys.

"Then let's sEe how effective our plan wAs, shall we?" Anti says and they turn to the guys which are still kneeling down to them. He snaps his fingers and the guys look up immediatly. 

"Now, oUr loyal servAnts. Bring us the giRls!" Anti starts to say.

"But don't hurt them that much. We want that they can still handle a bit suffering. We still need to bring them to our side and that doesn't work if they are dead! You understand?" NateMare adds and explains it like he would explain a some wierd stuff to student.

"Yes, master!" the guys say together and look to the ground.

"Good! Now, come here." Dark comands and the guys stand up and walk to him. He points to a table we a few different tools. All of them for knocking out people. A few syringes with yellow liquid inside of it, a bunch of cloths that are soaked in chloroform and a lot of other stuff. 

"This tools will help you against the girls. But choose wisely. We don't want that you mess it up and disappoint us, don't we?" Madpat explains and looks to the guys. 

"Of course not, master! We will make sure everything goes according to plan!" Matt speaks for the other three. They don't want to disappoint their masters at all cost. 

"I hope so! Otherwise it can also be different than you imagine ..." Dark hisses and looks at them with a serious and strict look, which makes the guys uneasy. They don't want to know what happens when they fail their mission.

Amy's POV: 

I'm still running down the hallway. It seems that Anti and Nate don't follow me. I slow don't a bit to keep some energy. You never know when you can need it in the future.

I run in the direction of what we came from. As I reach the hallway, where we have split up I bump into a person and fall to the ground. I quickly look up and pull up myself, ready to run again. I stop as I see into who I bumped into. Surprisingly it's not one of the guys or the AlterEgos. It's Steph. I look next us as I see Cristina and Singe lieing on the ground too. I look to Steph again and help her to stand up

"Sorry Steph...I didn't see you coming..." I say a bit uneasy as I notice that none of the guys are here. 

"It's okay, but we need to run as fast and as far away as we can!" she answers panicly.

"Wait, why?" Singe asks quickly.

"Let's talk about it later! I think we all have the same problem! Let's go!" Cristina yells and starts to run down the hallway. We follow her and run the hallway. It seems that nobody's following us. 

After some intersections and different choices of ways, we come to an dead end. We run to the first door we see and enter the room as quickly as possible. We all are hard breathing as I close the door behind us. I slide down to the ground and gasp. This is a half marathon what we are running here! I look to the others who are also sitting on the floor. Singe is the first one who manages to speak.

"Did you see somebody following us?" she asks.

"No, fortunately not." Steph answers, still a bit gasping for air.

"Ok, one question. Where are the guys?" I ask. All the others are looking down to the ground. 

"No, it didn't happen the same to the others as to Nate. Please, tell me that this is only a joke!" I yell panicly as nobody answers my question. I sigh and run with my hand through my hair as the others still are quiet. The silence speaks for itself. Nate's not the only one who doesn't act as normally. My eyes start to water as I think about Mark. I maybe never see him normal again. So kind, friendly and happy like he always was. Maybe it's gone forever! 

Tears start to run down my cheeks. I look to the others. Tears are running down their cheeks too. We all think and feel the same. The sadness, the loneliness and emptiness in our hearts. The realization that the guys may never be the same mans again, that we felt in love with. They may  will hunt us, capture us and torture us until it's over, but they won't be same after all that. This fact hurts harder than anything I ever felt. It doesn't hurt physically but mentally. It tears me apart from the inside. 

But something inside of me still is fighting. There must be a chance to get them back! It can't be over! It simply can't be over! I wipe tears out of my face and sigh.

"Ok, girls. I know that we are in a freaking bad situation, but we can't give up! We need to find a way to change the guys back to normal." I say energeticly. 

"And how?!" Cristina asks me sadly and wipes the tears out of her face.

"Ok, just stay calm. We are going to find a way! But it's more important, that they don't find us. If they do, we are screwed." Steph replies to calm the conversation down a bit. 

"Yeah, Steph's right. The thought of a way is good. But if they find us, this thought is meaningless!" Singe adds. 

"Ok, how are we going to find a way?" Cristina asks.

"First of all, we should check the rooms around ours. Maybe we find something that helps us." I suggest.

"Well, it's worth a try!" Steph says and stands up. 

"Wait, you want to check them NOW?" Singe says like Steph would be crazy. 

"Like we know, the guys are under the controls of the AlterEgos. But this szenario happened only few minutes ago! What I noticed too, is that NateMare stopped Mark from following me. I think firstly need to bring them together and what they must do. In this time we maybe can check the rooms." she explains very calmly. She's really smart though. I would never have been coming on that idea!

"Ok, seems logically! Let's check out the rooms." I say and stand up. Cristina and Singe stand up too.

"I think two of us should stay here. If they find us, the other two can still investigate the other rooms and find a solution." Cristina says before we can make a movement.

"I'll go if you want." I say before anyone can say something.

"I come with you." Singe says before the other two can protest.

"Ok, but please, come back safely." Cristina says and we are hugging us tidely before are going to the door. Both of us sigh and look for the last time to Steph and Cristina. We smile to them and exit the room.

Please, let us find a way...

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