She Alpha

By wave_reader

188K 7.2K 590

Faced with the death of her father and mother, Riley Black has doubts about being able to protect her human m... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


6.4K 301 30
By wave_reader

Picture// Jude Black
Song// Two Shots Goody Grace and gnash

"What were you thinking!" I scream, pacing back and forth in front of my desk.

Kody holds back a laugh, refusing to be anything but serious. West glances at my Beta with a suppressed smile.

My blood boils at the two men, wanting to rip my hair out of my head.

"This is funny to you?" I grunt, placing my hands on my hips in defeat.

Kody nods, while West shrugs with a smirk.

"You're funny when your mad." Kody shrugs.

I bite my lip in anger, my jaw ticking in fury.

West ran away to one of the most dangerous packs, next to mine, and almost got himself killed.

His arm hangs in a bright blue cast, the doctor saying he needed to rest it for up for a few weeks.

He never showed his pain, not even when the doctor prodded the bruised skin around the broken bone.

West's strength and bravery astounded me every day and it made me wonder what kind of Alpha he would be.

"Look, I'm sorry for running okay." West speaks up, making my eyes snap to his caramel ones.

"After seeing the rogue fight, and your hurt leg, and then the dead girl- it was just too much and I freaked out." West explains, making me sigh.

I knew West had seen more in the last two days than a normal human sees their entire life.

But it hurt that he had run away, even if I didn't plan on mating with him- having him near me was important to me.

"Next time, just talk to me." I sighed, glancing at his busted lip.

It was swollen and blue, making my wolf whine in pain for our mate.

"I will." West nods, looking deeply into my eyes.

Kody glances between us weirdly.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now." He snickers, walking out of my office in an instant.

West and I are left to ourselves and I feel as if I can finally breath correctly.

He runs a hand through his raven hair, looking as if he needed to ask me something.

"What's a mate, Black?" He questions, making me choke on air.

I stumble over my words, "Wh-why?"

He shrugs, "You seemed peeved when that dick brought it up. So what is it?"

I knew this day would come eventually. West was now living among wolves, and he had to learn about mates one day.

"Um, it's kinda like a soul-mate- a gift from our deity the Moon Goddess." I explain vaguely.

His brows furrow at the information, taking his bruised lip into his mouth in thought.

"How do you know who your mate is?" He tilts his head at me.

My wolf pushes against my head painfully, making me wince.

Tell him! She shouts at me.

I grab my temples at her screaming, making West look at me in question.

"Black, are you okay?" He looks worried.

I nod, waiting for the headache to pass.

"Yes. My wolf is just going insane." I mumble, making her scoff at me from inside my brain.

His eyes widen in wonder.

"Your wolf is inside your brian?" He asks with his jaw hanging low.

I nodded, "She's kinda like a second conscious."

"Dope." He smiles, making my wolf purr at his mention of her.

"Can you answer my question now?" He pushes me.

I silently cursed, hoping he would've dropped it by now.

"Um, so you know someone is your mate by a variety of ways. Scent, the feeling you get when you touch, the list goes on." I shrug, trying to play it off as unimportant.

I can see him put the pieces together in his head, like metaphorical gears were shifting inside his brain.

"Like you constantly want to be around them?" He mutters, making me nod my head silently.

"And you have an overwhelming need to protect them?" He asks again, staring at the carpet.

"Yes." I mumble.

"So Alpha Woods wants to be your mate?" West clenches his jaw tightly.

"You can't choose your mate. He just wants Black Wolf- not me." I explain.

He stares for another minute before opening his mouth again.

"Can I start learning how to defend myself? I felt so useless in there today." West says, surprising me.

I cross my arms over my chest, thinking it over. It wouldn't hurt anything for West to begin training. One day it could come in handy.

"Sure, I'll tell Kody that you're interested." I nod at my mate, making him smile lowly.

A knock on my office door makes me glance up from my mates eyes. A short woman, with blonde hair and an angry frown bursts into my office.

"I quit!" She huffs, behind her trailing Jude with a scowl.

I place the woman as his tutor, his fifth tutor this month- to be exact.

"What did he do?" I question the frail lady, who glares at my little brother.

"He's very disrespectful!" She shouts.

"I was just doing math." Jude shrugs.

"No, you were trying to calculate how old I was when I had my first child." She says, making me furrow my brows at her.

"Sorry, but I was just curious as to how you're thirty-one with a sixteen year old." Jude snorts, making me close my eyes in exhaustion.

"Can we please just talk this out-"

"No, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm sorry Alpha." She says, turning around and leaving my office with a slam of my office door.

I decide to let her get off with being disrespectful to me. Jude brings out the worst in people.

I knew that first hand.

"What's up man, I'm West." West breaks the silence, offering my little brother a hand shake.

Jude shakes his hand with a blank look, not showing any emotion just like he learned from me.

"I just have a question." I cut through, making both guys look at me.

"Why that teacher was getting frisky at fifteen? I also was wondering about that." West snickers.

Jude turns to look at West, a giant genuine smile spreading across his face. I gawk at Jude, not used to seeing him smile unless is was sarcastic.

He lets out a chuckle, which makes my mouth hang open in surprise.

"That's funny." Jude laughs, doing the man handshake with a smirking West.

I stare at my brother and West in shock.

Jude was never friendly to anyone, much less laughing at someone's joke.

"I'm gonna go play video games, wanna come?" Jude asks West.

West glances at me, "Yeah, just wait outside for me."

Jude nods, sending a glare at me before turning and walking out of my office. I sigh in defeat. My once lovable brother now hated me.

"How the fuck did you get him to smile." I shake my head at my mate.

He shrugs, "You just have to get on his level."

I snort, it wasn't very hard for West to get on the level of a fourteen year old boy.

"Yeah well, I don't think that would work for me." I mumble, staring at my shoes.

West frowns, standing up in front of me. He towers over me, making me crane my neck to look at him.

"Keep trying. You never give up on family." He says seriously.

It makes me wonder about his family. Who did he leave behind? A mom and dad? A sister? Or and older brother?

I wondered if they missed him, and the pain they must feel since he's been gone.

"He blames me for so much...I blame myself too-but" I loose my train of thought at his proximity.

His warm breath fans over my cheek, a red flush bathing my cheeks.

My entire body sets on fire at his closeness.

"Stay still. I just want to see something." He whispers.

My chest heaves faster.

He lays his large hand on my cheek, the warm sparks making me subconsciously lean into him.

"Interesting." He mumbles, with furrowed brows.

Electricity seeps from his finger tips into my skin, making me loose all thought.

It was the best feeling in the world- to be touched by your mate. It made you feel whole and complete.

He takes his hand away reluctantly, lips parted.

I open my mouth to explain, but what would I say.

You're my mate, and you will be in a lot of danger that could one day kill us both. You will only love me your entire life and will live out your days in Black Wolf with a bunch of wolves that you didn't know existed a few days ago.

I couldn't say any of that.

So I remained quiet.

He looks between my eyes, caramel and coffee surrounding me as we stand inches apart.

"I like my shirt on you." He says breathily, toying with the sleeve of the oversized white t-shirt.

Goosebumps rise on my skin, a breath leaving my lips.

Then he turns, and leaves my office.

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