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Cairo is a very closed off person. She has a lot of layers to her and most of those layers she won't let anyo... Mais



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Cairo's POV

While everyone is getting ready for training with the Thorns I go to talk to the head coach.

"Coach you got a minute?"

"Sure." He says then points at the seat in front of him. "What's up?"

"I'm pregnant."

"What? Wow congratulations Cairo."


"So I assume you won't be available for the season then."

"Correct. Also my doctor is in LA so I'm going to be staying there during the season."

"That's fine." Not really your decision. "But we do need to talk about something."


"Since you won't be playing this season your spot on the team is on the line?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that if we get a good enough trade offer for you then we will take it."


"Well then you will be making a huge mistake." I say while trying to keep my emotions in check.


"I won't go even if you accept an offer."

"You will."

"Let me put this in a way you can understand." I say then stand up and lean over his desk. "The only way I will even remotely consider leaving is if Lindsey is able to go with me. Otherwise I will retire and you'll be fucked."

"You can't be serious."

"Try me." I say then walk out of his office and back to the field and grab the bag of balls and go to the far side of the field and set five balls up for anger shooting.

Ball 1: Row Z. "PRICK"

"Lindsey what is Cairo doing?" I hear Emily ask.

"She calls it anger shooting." Lindsey says

Ball 2: Right upper corner. "CUNT"

"What is anger shooting?" Kling asks.

"She shoots hard and doesn't care where the ball goes and she yells her frustrations out." Lindsey says.

Ball 3: Middle. "DICKHEAD

Ball 4: Post. "ASSHOLE

"What happened?" Tobin asks.

"I have no clue." Lindsey says.

Ball 5: Bottom left corner. "DAMMIT"

I feel a little better, but I still feel like punting a ball into coaches face.

After putting the balls back into the bag I start to walk over to the team, but Lindsey comes over and stops me.

"Baby what's wrong?" Lindsey asks.

"We'll talk about it back at the apartment...Did they say you could stay with me in LA?"

"Yes...weirdly they just said to do whatever I wanted."

Of course they did.

"I'll explain why later." I say then walk with her back to the team, but the national team girls meet us halfway.

"Everything okay Cairo?" Emily asks.

"Not really."

"What happened?" Tobin asks.

"Lets just say I want to punt a ball straight into coaches face and then kick him in the dick. "

"Damn." Kling says.

The five of us walk back over and I drop the bag of balls then go sit on the bench. I stay on the bench for the rest of practice.

"Cairo and I have an announcement." Lindsey says as everyone is packing up.

I glare at coach until he leaves.

"Well I'm pregnant so you won't be seeing me for a while." I say before being hugged by everyone.

"And I won't be here as often." Lindsey says.

"Why?" Ellie asks.

"I want to be with Cairo during the pregnancy so I will be staying with her in LA and will be flying out to games."

"How far along are you Cairo?" Hayley asks.

"16 weeks."

"Do you know what you are having?" Christine asks.

She retired after the 2020 Olympics, but stayed on as a coach.

"We find out at her next appointment." Lindsey says as I lean on her. "You okay?" She asks me.

"Tired and my feet hurt." I say then Lindsey picks me up bridal style.

"We're gonna go." Lindsey says and she walks us out of the training facility and to the car.

Once at the car she sets me down next to the front passenger door then opens the door so I get in and she goes to her side and gets in then we drive back to the apartment.

The drive back is silent and kinda tense. Once back at the apartment complex Lindsey helps me up the stairs to our apartment then we head to our bedroom. Lindsey goes to shower while I sit on our bed and lean against the headboard. While Lindsey is in the shower I replay everything that happened today. It was supposed to be a good day, but ended up being shit.

"Cairo?" Lindsey says snapping me out of my trance and I notice she is sitting next to me.


"What happened?" She asks and I lean my head on her shoulder.

"I went and told coach about me being pregnant and he was excited for me. But then he told me that my spot on the team isn't safe."


"Yeah. That was my reaction too. I told him the only way I would remotely consider a trade is if the trade included you otherwise I'm retiring.

"That's so fucked."

"Yeah. That's why they allowed you to stay with me in LA because if they didn't I probably would've went and destroyed his office.

"Now I want to kick him in the dick." Lindsey says and I nod before the room becomes silent.

"This was supposed to be a good day. Now I just want to forget it forever." I say breaking the silence.

"I know baby." Lindsey says and starts running her hand over my stomach. "But I need you not to stress right now. It's not good for you or the baby."

"I know." I say then there is a knock on the door making me look at Lindsey confused.

"It's our turn to host Tuesday night dinner." She says making me nod, get off the bed, and answer the door.

"Hey girls." I say and open the door for our three national team teammates to enter the apartment.

"Hey." The all say and we go sit in the living room.

"Is it alright if we order in. I don't really feel like cooking right now." I say while sitting down in-between Tobin and Lindsey.

"Of course." Emily says.

"What are you and baby H craving?" Kling asks making me laugh.

"Baby H could kill some Chinese." I say making the others laugh.

We order Chinese and are told it will be at the apartment in fifteen minutes.

"What are you guys going to do with this place while you are in LA?" Kling asks.

"Well with the way today went probably sell it." Lindsey says and I nod.

"Cairo what happened?" Tobin asks.

"I went to tell coach that I was pregnant and he was happy for me. He then told me that since I won't be playing this year my spot on the team isn't safe." All of the girls jaws drop. "I told him that the only way I would even remotely consider a trade is if Lindsey was apart of the offer otherwise I will retire."

"Wow. I thought coach had a heart." Emily says.

"So did I."

"Would you really retire?" Tobin asks.

"I would. I'm not separating my child from either of us."

"What about from the national team?" Kling asks as there is a knock on the door and Lindsey gets up to get it.

"I would probably talk to Jill and explain everything. It'd be up to her to decide."

"Just give me the food dude." I hear Lindsey says.

I sigh. "Looks like I have to beat someone up." I say then walk to the door and wrap my arm around Lindsey and kiss her hard then look at the delivery boy. "You hittin on my wife little boy?" I ask.

"N-No ma'am" He says then hands me the food and runs away.

"Cool free food." Emily says making everyone laugh and divide up the food.

20 minutes after the food arrives I get a three way call from Alex and Christen.

"Who is it?" Tobin asks.

"It's uh your fiancée and your best friend." I say then answer and put it on speaker.

I texted them while Lindsey was in the shower and I guess they just saw it.

"Hello" I say.

"HE SAID WHAT NOW?" Christen yell.

"I WILL KICK HIS ASS." Alex yells.

"Well hello to the both of you." I say.

"Who does that?" Christen says. "Like what kind of self-centered, low life, disrespectful, small dick, mother fu-"

"Babe breathe." Tobin says.

"Sorry" Christen mumbles.

"Remind me never to piss you off." Lindsey says.

"Cairo who's with you?" Alex asks.

"Tobin, Kling, Emily, and Lindsey."

"Ah Tuesday night dinner."


" are you doing?" Christen asks.

"I had to do anger shooting if that tells you anything." I say.

"So not too good.


I then proceed to tell them all of what happened and then I eat with the rest of the girls and we hang out until everyone leaves then Lindsey and I go to sleep. 

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