Promises // m.c (book 2)

By lovelycliffordx

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(sequel to new beginnings) the future of summer and michael. More

Author's Note


1.5K 81 13
By lovelycliffordx

Calum's POV

 It fucking sucks. Knowing that one of the closest people to you might not make it. It also fucking sucks watching one of your best mates deteriorate day after day because he may lose the love of his life. Another thing that fucking sucks? Knowing that one of the sweetest little girls might not grow up with her mother. All of this fucking sucks and I know, because I'm going through it all. 

I was now sitting in a McDonald's with Luke and Ashton. I had invited Michael, but of course he needed to be at the hospital. I was picking at the last of my fries while we sat in silence. 

"This is absolutely pathetic, guys. No one has said a single word this whole time," Ashton said, breaking the silence. He turned to Luke, who was on his phone. "Tell us about your relationship. How's it going?"

Luke shrugged. He had went through a rough patch with Rachel, but they were trying to work things out. It was something about how they didn't spend enough time together and were drifting apart because of it. The break has been helping them, so that was a plus. "I think we're good now. She received a job offer though. In France," he said this blankly, like he didn't want to say it or believe it. 

"Is she gonna take it?" I asked, sipping my coke. 

"Yeah, I think so. I want her to take it too. She should seize the opportunity because I know that's what we've always done. I just don't want us to get back to that dark place."

"As long as you work at it, you should be fine," Ashton said with a nod. 

There was another long silence and this time I was the one to break it. "What do you think will happen?" 

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, both him and Ash giving me confused looks. 

"To Summer," I said, looking down at my tray. 

"She's going to be fine. She's going to wake up from her coma any day now and she's gonig to marry Michael and they're going to be a happy family with Hope. And then we'll get back to doing band stuff and put out a kick ass fourth album."

"Life isn't a happy ending, Ash," I shook my head, frowning. 

"But you need to have hope, mate. Nothing good happens when you're hopeless." 

Michael's POV

Two months. It's been two months since Summer overcame cardiac arrest. Honestly, I didn't know how I was still holding up. It's also Hope's third birthday. I wanted to be happy for her, but I wasn't sure how. I know Hope was little and didn't expect much, but I wanted to give her something special. The boys helped me by booking out this little aquarium in town. Hope loved all animals that lived in the water, so I thought it would be fun for her. I had them book it for the day because I didn't want to deal with people and crowds, I just wanted to enjoy the day with my daughter.

"Why is mama not here?" she asked, her little hands pressed up against the expansive glass. 

"Mommy is still sleeping," I explained. This is what I had been telling her, that Summer was extremely tired.

"But it's my birthday!" she said, stomping her converse covered foot. 

"I know, sweetie, but look at all of the fish. Aren't they cool?" 

"Turtle!" she exclaimed. 

"Those aren't turtles. They're fish, Hope. The turtles are somewhere else."

"Oh," she said with a pout. 

We walked around the entire aquarium three or four times, Hope thinking that every single animal was a turtle. It was actually quite adorable. We walked through the gift shop now. I was letting her pick out a few things to get. She decided on a dolphin stuffed animal and a cup with animated turtles covering it. 

"Why did you pick the dolphin?" I asked, while we walked out to my car. I helped her with her seatbelt before sliding in the front seat. 

"Mommy likes dolphins." She pulled it out of the bag and hugged it to her chest. "I got it for her," she said and I started to tear up at the sight of my daughter clutching the dolphin in my rearview mirror. "Can we go visit mommy?"

"Sure, baby. You can give her the dolphin," I nodded, trying not to show my emotions in my voice. 

There were still always a couple of photographers outside of the hospital, but they had lessened immensely. I walked quickly by them, carrying Hope in my arms. I ignored any question they asked as I entered through the doors. I found Summer's dad and Jordan in the waiting room. 

"Hey there, Hope!" Jordan said and she ran into her arms when I set her down. "Happy birthday, girlie!" she said, giving her a huge hug. "I've got your present in the car." Hope jumped up and down with excitement. 

"Anything new?" I asked.

"No. Everything is the same, like it has been for awhile," her dad replied sadly. 

I nodded and grabbed Hope's hand. "Come on, let's go give mom her gift." She waved goodbye to them and we went to Summer's room. 

Hope bounded up to her mom's side. "Mommy! I got you a present. I know I'm supposed to get the presents, but I miss you. I got you a dolphin," she placed the stuffed animal in the space between Summer's arm and side. Hope sounded so proud and happy. She turned to me. "Why won't she get up?"

"She's tired, like I told you before." I pulled the chair close to the bed and Hope up into my lap. "Hey, Winter," I said, grabbing onto her hand. 

Summer's POV

I wanted to know when I could stop trying to fight. I was sick of watching the people I loved the most come and sit at my bedside, telling me how much they miss me. I was sick of my daughter asking why I wasn't waking up. 

"Hope and I went to the aquarium for her birthday earlier. You would've loved it, babe. She loved all of the fish and turtles and sharks, didn't you?" Michael said, turning to Hope.

"I did, mommy!" she exclaimed, a bright smile on her cute face. I wanted to reach out and give her a hug, tell her that I loved her. 

Michael went on, telling me absolutely every idea about their day. I loved it when they were here, when anyone was here because then I wasn't alone with my thoughts, trying desperately to get myself to wake up. 

"Say goodbye to mom, Hope," Michael said when it got dark outside. 

Hope stood at my side and held onto one of my fingers. "Bye mommy. Love you," she said, her head just barely peeking above the bed. As I watched my body from outside of myself, I saw my fingers twitch. I looked down at the ghost like figure of myself and felt as though I was being pulled toward my physical body against my will. I had no idea what was happening as my bodies seemed to combine as one again. Everything then turned to blackness. 

I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes. It felt as though my eyelids were glued shut, but finally, finally I was able to slowly open my eyes and I saw the light for the first time in quite awhile. 

ok, not sure how this turned out, but i hope you like it. thanks so much for reading. the next part will be the epilogue. please vote and comment. xx zoe

gif because michael looks cute and happy (:

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