Secretly Super

By heyitscelina

160K 4.6K 393

"There was no where we could go, it was coming too fast. When I opened my eyes and looked out my window I saw... More

Secretly Super
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 26

3K 92 4
By heyitscelina

Angel's P.O.V

Mavor was staring at me wide eyed from the window, my yell almost causing him to fall off the ladder he was on.

"What's wrong?" Xavier, Serenity and Cindy burst through the door.

I pointed to the window as I held the pillow I had picked up, closer to my chest.

"You're such a creep," Cindy said, closing the window the rest of the way and shutting the curtains.

"You should always close your curtains before you get undressed," Xavier scolded.

"You're right I just didn't think about it."

"Well now that we're here again, we'll help you get ready. I've always wanted to dress you up," Xavier smirked.

"Just turn around Xavier," I deadpanned.

"We'll help you with your hair after you get dressed," Cindy smiled.

I went into the bathroom and put on the dress finally remembering how short it was.

"I forgot how short this was," I muttered, voicing my thoughts.

"It'll be even shorter when you put on some heels."

"No I'm wearing flats end of story no room for discussion."

"Fine now come here and let us do your hair."


"You look hot," Serenity complimented.

"Thanks, but I don't really care what I look like."

"I agree. I'm glad you refused to wear makeup you look great without it."

"Let's just go before I change my mind."

As we neared the stairs my ears started hurting the music was so loud. And I thought it was loud from my room...

As we walked through the crowd people stopped and stared at me. I'm not being conceited they really were.

"Why are they staring at me?"

"You're hot. What do you expect?" Xavier shrugged.

"I thought the point of this was to make me not stand out." I grumbled. 

"At least now you stand out for a good reason."

"I wouldn't say this is good."

"Come on just forget about it and dance."

"I'm not sure what this is but it isn't dancing." I raised an eyebrow, looking at the couples bumping and grinding.

"Well you don't have to dance like that, just go with the beat."

"Okay then..."

I started moving my arms and gradually let myself go with the beat. This was actually kind of fun. Suddenly I felt hands on my hips, at first I thought it was Mavor, until I turned around. It was some guy I didn't recognize.

"Don't ever put your hands on me again."

"C'mon you know you want me," he hiccuped, making me realize that he reeked of alcohol.

"No I don't," I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Leave her alone," Serenity glared from beside me.

"Fuck off. This has nothing to do with you," he sneered, before grabbing onto my wrist tightly.

"Let go!" I tried pulling my wrist away.

Xavier and Serenity tried pulling him away as Cindy tried prying his hand off me, but it wasn't working.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Hey bro would you mind getting these losers off me? They're trying to cock block me," the drunken guy asked Mavor.

"Ow that hurts," I hissed, his hand was probably going to leave a bruise.

"Oh i'll help you," Mavor said with a straight face.

"Move aside," he said, making them release him. Suddenly he pulled back his arm and punched him in the jaw, making him release my wrist immediately.

"The fuck man?!"

"Get the hell out of here before I kill you," he growled.

The guy left, not needing to be told twice.

"You okay?" he asked, standing in front of me.

"Yeah i'm fine," I sighed, rubbing my wrist.

"I'm sorry about that I shouldn't have invited him. Let alone, let him drink." 

"You shouldn't have alcohol at all."

"It's a bunch of high school people what did you expect?"

"I know."

"So how about that dan—" Mavor started, but was interrupted by a crash coming from the kitchen.

"Wait here, I have to go handle this," he groaned, before heading for the kitchen.

"Well i'm going back to my room."

"Come on Angel, don't let one guy ruin your fun," Cindy whined.

"Fine. But if something else happens I'm leaving."

"Something like what?"

"James? Mitch? what are you guys doing here?"

"Do you ask everybody that?" Serenity mumbled. 

"Well we were in the neighborhood and saw commotion coming from your house, so we thought we'd stop by," James explained.

"Oh I see, well since you're here go ahead and enjoy the party," I smiled.

"Angel what happened to your wrist?" Mitch asked, examining it.

"Oh it was just a misunderstanding," I waved it off.

"Well then let's party!" Cindy shouted over the music.


We "partied" for hours, I put quotes around partied because of the fact that all I did was sit around listening to music. It had gotten quieter as people started pairing up and making out instead of dancing.

Kevin had come and taken Cindy away a couple of minutes after the guys had arrived, Serenity and James hit it off, and were currently making out on the couch along with, you guessed it, Mitch and Xavier. Yes Mitch is gay I thought you would have guessed by now.

What about Mavor you ask? Well he never came back. I'm guessing something or someone else caught his attention. I don't know why I hadn't gone upstairs yet, okay well maybe I do. Maybe I was waiting to see if he would come back.

Sighing I got up from the chair I was sitting on and headed upstairs I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Hopefully Mavor would come back and end this party soon.

I knocked on Mavor's bedroom door, I wanted to make sure nothing gross was going on. When there was no response I went inside. No I'm not trying to snoop around this is where I had left my bedroom key after locking my door. I didn't wanna risk losing it downstairs.

Closing the door and turning on the lights I took a moment to admire his room, the walls were black with a couple of posters here and there. There was also a shelf full of wrestling trophies and medals.

Walking over to his dresser to grab my key I couldn't help but notice his bed. It just looked so comfortable. Yes, I'm that tired, that I don't care what or who he has done on that bed.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I took a little nap right? He probably won't come up for a while.

Taking off my shoes I slipped under the soft covers that smelled just like him. Sleep engulfed me seconds later.


The creak of a door woke me up. It took me a couple of seconds to register were I was.

Remembering I was in Mavor's bed made me sit up quickly, and jump out of it.

"Angel? What are you doing in here?" Mavor slightly slurred.

"Um well I was getting my key, I was just leaving." 

"You don't have to lie Angel," he smirked, coming towards me.

"Okay I fell asleep, but I was going to do what I said before."

"Are you sure? I think you were waiting in bed...for me." 

He was now so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face, it reeked of alcohol.

"Mavor you're drunk."

"I was, but now i'm sobering u,." he said, kissing my cheek.

"M-Mavor you have a party going on downstairs."

"Nope they all left, it's already three in the morning."

"Well then we should get to sleep," I attempted to back away from him, but all I ended up doing was falling back onto the bed.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, climbing onto the bed hovering over me.

"Mavor what are you—" I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. I would have pulled away but...I didn't want to, I was enjoying it.

He started grinding his hips slowly. Was I ready for this? Suddenly he flipped us over with me straddling him, never breaking the kiss. I don't know if I was ready or not, but I wanted it. 

The kiss started feeling strange so I pulled away. No wonder it felt strange, the jerk had fallen asleep. I got off of him, grabbed my key, forgetting my shoes and went to my room.

I can't believe he fell asleep!

Talk about embarrassing.

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