One big happy family! (Sequel...

By DeathFire03

6.4K 63 57

4 books, one story! Yeah, the final book is coming. I'll probably upload the chapters at Friday and Saturday... More

In everyone's soul exists something dark!
This was a gift, FOR US!
There's something bad, inside of me! I can't be fixed!
I know that you're are in there somewhere!
Every soul contains a whisper of light...
I always come back!
Together again!
If I could go free, they come to recapture me!
I'm just a phantom in your room. With intent on helping soon.
You think you stand a chance to last ,against the ghosts of your past?
Heart crushing pain...
Together...To be...Together...And be...
When a friend becomes an enemy...
We will put you back together.
Now it's the finale. Were you ready?
Autor Note/Announcement

We ALWAYS stay in control!

487 4 21
By DeathFire03

Matt's POV:

I run with Singe down the hallway as fast as we can. This hallway seems endless. No doors. No opportunities to hide. But we still run. Hoping for a way to escape. But we are getting more and more tired.  If we don't find something to rest, this situation can end in a very bad ending.

After a lot of meters we reach the end of the hallway, but there's no door. We are at a dead end. We turn around and see Dark sprinting towards us. 

"What do we do?!" Singe yells panicly. I feel cold air coming from the top  my of the ceiling. I look up and see an entrance to the vents. Singe notices the vent too.

"Quick! Climb on my shoulders!" I yell as I see Dark coming closer and closer. Singe doesn't wait long and climbs on my shoulders and drags herself up in the vent. As soon as she's in the vent she reachs out her hand to grab me.

"Come on Matt! Hurry!" she yells and I grab her hand. I hear Dark shouting under me. I drag myself up in the vent. Only my ankle peeks out of it. Before I can drag it into the vent I feel a grip around my ankle that drags me down. 

"Where do you think you're going?!" Dark yells at me and forcefully tries to drag me out of the vent. Singe pulls me at my arm to drag me to her. But Dark is clearly strong than she is. I slip more and more out of the vent. My leg is already out of it. Then I have an idea. I've seen that trick in a lot of movies. I kick with my leg with full power where I think Dark is standing. As I hear a deep groan the grip around my ankle disappears and I crawl into the vent. 

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" Dark yells behind me with a clearly angry and aggresive tone. But I ignore him and we crawl further through the vent. 

"I clearly hit him." I say to Singe as I look behind me. Dark doesn't follow us, I don't know if I should be happy or worried about that. 

"Yep, and obviously he didn't like it." she say with a little smile. I don't know why but I forcefully need to hold back a laughter. Also when we are in a bad situation, this answer from her cheered me up a lot. 

After some minutes Singe stops in front of me. I didn't see that coming and bump straight into her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and look over her to look what's in front of her. But there's only an exit of the vents. Nothing more.

"Why does everything have a dead end?" I say annoyed and roll my eyes. I mean, always when we need a way out, we only meet dead ends.

"Well, it seems that we need to get through the exit. If we stay here, Dark will find us." Singe says to me. She's right. Dark saw where we went. It doesn't take him long to find us. It's his hideout afterall. 

She slowly climbs out of the vent and jumps down. I follow her as fast as I can. I jump out of the vent and look around the room. The room is filled with weapons. Knifes and axes are hanging on the wall. Some chairs are standing in the middle of the room. That is obviously a room to torture people. 

"D-Do you think that they wanted to use them on us?" she asks nervously. She clearly is scared. But how could I blame her. I'm scared too. More than she probably thinks.

"Maybe, but I'm glad that they didn't." I reply. I wonder what they would have done to us with all this stuff. I go close to investigate them and pick up a big knife. Pure Metal, as expected. I turn to Singe, she's also analizing the tools.

"It seems that you like my little collection of toys." we hear a voice echoing through the room. We immediatly turn in the direction of where we think that we heard the voice, but there's nobody. Singe slowly comes closer to me. I still have the knife in my hand. If he attacks us, I will use it. 

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" the voice is echoing again through the room. Suddenly black smoke starts to come out of the walls. We run in the middle of the room as fast as we can while dodging the smoke. Then I feel my legs pulled back and I fall on the ground. My face lands with a big slam on the cold floor. I feel like someone is pulling me back to him witg a strong grip around my ankles. 

"Matt! Take my hand!" I hear Singe yelling. I look up and try to reach her hand but as soon as I grab it I'm pulled into the smoke. My vision is all black but I feel that I'm awake. Where am I? I open my eyes. I lie in a complete black and empty room. No doors, no windows, completly empty!

"Welcome Matthew!" I hear the voice once again. But I can locate it directly behind me. Then I feel somebody forcefully bringing me on my legs with a strong grip around my arms. I start to struggle. 

"Let me go!" I yell. The person turns me around and I look in Dark's black eyes. I gulp as he looks at me with a big smile. I try to struggle but something keeps me in place. I look down and see smoke around me. I only can move my head. What the hell is this stuff?!

"It's time, that you become a loyal puppet!" he yells and forcefully opens my mouth with one hand. He raises the other hand and a bunch of smoke starts to form in his hand. I look at him desperated and intimidated. Then he pulls his other hand over my mouth and the smoke enter my mouth. He shuts my mouth and a bunch of burning pain starts to form in my entire body. I try to open my mouth but Dark forcefully keeps it closed. The pain gets in every place in my body and is getting worse with every second. I yell into Dark's hand but only muffled sounds are coming out.

Suddenly the pain stops and I drop my head down. The smoke slowly disappears but I still stand on my feets. My mind is completly empty.

"Now, my puppet, how do you feel?" Dark asks me. I feel how proud he is, that he released me. He's proud on me! A smile starts to form on my face.

"Good, my master." I say and go on my knees. I hear my master chuckling. 

"Now, I have a question. Who's your lord and savior?" he ask questioning. His chuckling is becoming louder. 

"You, my lord. And all the other AlterEgos. You're my lord, savior and master." I say decisivly.

"What's your wish?" I ask him. I will do everything what he wants. He's my savior and I'm his loyal marionette.

"Bring me Signe. Alive." he replies chuckling and I laugh with him. 

"Yes, master!" I say and close my eyes. 

"Then go, my loyal puppet. Make me proud!" I hear him say and I open my eyes. I feel that somebody's shaking me. My vision gets clearer with every blink. I see Singe right in front of me. It's getting better and better.

"Matt? Matt!" she says and notices that I'm awake. I try to stand up but I'm too weak. 

"Carefully Matt. You're lieing here since the smoke has disappeared." Singe says worried. If she would know what I'm planing. Now I'm happy that I used to do theatre. 

"I'm alright...thanks Signe." I lie pretending to be thankful. As soon as I can stand Signe sees my right eye and starts to look at me worried.

"M-Matt, why is your right eye black?" she says and takes a few steps back. She already can think about what is going to happen. I need to capture her! But I can't kill her! It was an order of my master and I must obey him!

Singe's POV:

"M-Matt?" I say nervously. I knew that something was not right! Why would he lie on the ground unconscious without any wounds or anything else. That black eye already gives me a hint that he's not alright.

"Oh, my dear Singe, Matt can't hear you. He only listens to my comands!" Dark says and appears behind Matt. I slowly walk backwards until I touch the wall. A smile starts to form on Matt's face. This is not going to be good!

"Now, my puppet, do your duty!" Dark hisses and points with his finger towards me.

"Yes, master." he answers and walks towards me. I panicly look around me for an exit or any sort of defence, but nothing is in my range to grab it and the door on my right side is too far away. I look back to Matt, he still is smiling like a psychopath and before I could make a move he pinnes me against the wall.

"Matt it's me, Singe! Please!" I yell as he raises his arm to probably punch my right in the face. I look to the door. I need to get out of here!

"Matt, I'm so sorry!" I say as kick him with me knee in his stomach. He falls backwards to the ground and grabbing his stomach. I don't wait long and sprint towards the door and swing it open and run out of the room with full power. I have no idea where I am going, but I want to get away from Dark as far as possible!

Jack's/Seán's POV: 

I hold Cristina's hand as we hide behind a control panel. She holds her other hand over her mouth to be as quiet and relaxed as possible. As we saw Madpat following us we ran into this room that looks like a lab. Clearly Madpat's room. No doubt! He entered the room, but didn't see us. I just hope he doesn't recheck it.

"Do you think we're save?" Cristina whispers carefully. I look over the control panel. No sign of Madpat.

"For now, yes. Let's investigate the room. But carefully and quietly, he could still hear us." I whisper back to her. We slowly stand up and walk to a large table where lie a few notebooks. One for each one of us. I pick up mine and read it carefully. There is standing every single information about me! My fears, my triggers, my entire life in a nutshell. Even all of my secrets are in here. 

"What the hell those?" Cristina ask as she picks up hers. 

"In this book is every single detail of us. Even our secrets are in there!" I say unbelieving. I come to a page that gives me a half heartattack.

The title says "AlterEgos/Better Parts". Of course there is written "Antisepticeye" with big green ink but my attention gets the name under it, it's written really elegant. Really unusual for an AlterEgo. But I heard about that name. Sometime's in my past nightmares somebody called me like that. But always when I needed to do something against my will. 

"Dr.-Schneeplestein." I read questioning. I never thought that this name could have more importance behind all that.

"It seems like you remember that name..." I hear a male voice behind me. Both of us turn around immediatly. Madpat is leaning against the doorway and playing with a syringe with light blue liquid in his hand. He looks up and starts to smile. 

" know. We needed to invent names for you if we would control you..." he sighs and takes a few steps forwards. We immediatly step back. 

"...but don't worry, this are only name's for our experiments. We still call you by your normal names. But I tell you what would be your names, for later, so that you remember them." he says and crosses his arms. The syringe still holding in his left hand. We slowly take a few more steps back. 

"So here we go, like you know by now. You would be called "Dr.-Schneeplestein", for short Schneep. Matt on the other hand would be called "Antimatter". Nathan would be called "Phantom" and Mark "Wilford Warfstache"." he explains us like a real teacher who explains students chemistry.

"And how in freaking hell do YOU want to control us?" I ask him with a serious but a also with a bit challenging tone.

"Like this!" he hisses and sprints towards me and throws me to the ground. I struggle with him and Cristina tries to pull him off of me. But he doesn't move a centimetre. He manages to pull my two wrists over my head with one hand and injects the light blue liquid into my neck. A burning and stuning wave wanders through my entire body. 

"You will listen to every word what we say! You will obey every of our comands without protest!" he yells in my ear. He repeats this two sentences again and again. With every word my mind starts to clear and this two sentences are stuck in my head. 

"Don't listen to him Seán! Don't do it!" I hear Cristina yelling while she still tries to pull Madpat off of me. 

But it's to late. Only this two sentences are important to me. They are my rules and rules are needed to be followed. I slowly start to smirk towards my master to give him a sign that I finally understood what is my destiny. My purpose in this world. Be my master's servant for eternity!

"My puppet..." he whispers and starts to smile as he notices my smile. He gets off of me and steps back of me. I stand up and look towards Cristina. A big smile starts to for over my face. She quickly walks backwards with a scared expression. 

"You know what to do, Schneep." he says to me. I know exactly what to do. Capture Cristina. 

"Yes, master." I hiss and walk towards Cristina who is close to the door.

"Seán please! Don't do this!" she pleads but I ignore her. Nothing can stop me to complete my mission. I continue to walk towards her and try to grab her. Before I can grab her she opens the door and runs out of the room. I want to run after her but my master pulls me with his hand on my shoulder back. 

"Give her time. She will not escape. Wait until the Nathan, Matthew and Mark found their destiny too. Together you can hunt and catch the girl faster." he says calmly. His voice gives me chills.

"Yes master!" I say and walk with him away into the darkness of the room. 

Mark's POV: 

"Not this shit again!" I say annoyed as I enter with Steph the room and I see a bunch animatronics. Every single character of FNAF is standing in this room. Even freaking Balloon Boy. But this room could be our only hide place. 

"Did you see him?" Steph asks hard breathing and pulls me out of my thoughts. That long and intense run took all of her breath.

"Not directly. I heard him singing. He sounded so much like Nate. Didn't you hear it?" I reply to her.

"No, I heard him too." she says and starts to breath normally. I slowly move over to the animatronics to investigate them. They look so real. Even the corpse inside of Springtrap looks so realistic. They all stand in the order of games. The first is Freddy and the last one is Lefty. I move to the FNAF 1 ones and start to investigate every single one of them very closely. Old memories are coming in my mind. FNAF 1, FNAF 2, and 5 other ones and soon an 8th one. All part of a big story. I look to Steph who is analizing them too. 

"Do you like my little collection? It was a hard time build all of them." NateMare says and appears right behind Nightmarrione. Not very surprisingly actually. He's based of the Puppet, and calls himself a nightmare. Nightmarrione would be the perfect choice.

"Why are they here?" I ask him seriously. He only chuckles about my question.

"Oh Markimoo, isn't that obvious? I'm the puppet master, I could control them with only one finger snap. For what do you think do I need them?" he says grining to me. Both of us step back from the animatronics. I have a really bad feeling about this. 

"But a new little puppet would also be nice!" he hisses and snaps his fingers. Before I can make a move Freddy and Bonnie are grabbing my arms and forcefully pull me to NateMare. I look to Steph. She tries to reach me but Chica and Foxy stop her. They are not grabbing her but only block her way to me. 

While Freddy and Bonnie are bringing me to NateMare, the other animatronics stare at me with their red glowing eyes. It's like I would be a criminal that comes into prison. Intimidating and dangerous. They all follow me with their eyes. We stop right before NateMare. He has big and insane grin over his entire face. He pulls hat my hair and pulls my head towards him and starts to whisper in my ear. 

"If it feels good, tastes good. It must be mine." he starts to whisper in a singing tone. This words...I don't know what they do to me. It's like I need to listen every single of his words. 

"Heroes always get remembered. But you know legends never die." he stops to whisper. My mind is completly blank. 

"Now repeat it!" he says and I follow his order. I don't know why, it's like an order that must be followed, with no protest. As I finish to repeat the words I look at him. He grins at me. Proud of what he has done.

"Who's your master?" he asks me. I already know the answer. Now I know the meaning of this words. They mean loyality, justice and him and all the other better parts of us.

" master..." I reply to him like I would be in trance. He starts chuckle outloud and I silently laugh with him. He snaps his fingers and Freddy and Bonnie are stomping back to their original places. 

"Now, my puppet, bring me the girl." NateMare hisses and points to Steph, who looks at me terrified. She understands quickly what is going here. I turn around to her and start to grin towards her. Foxy and Chica are already standing at their original places. She quickly steps to the door and grabs the doorknob. 

"As you wish, my master." I say and walk towards Steph. 

"Mark, I don't know he has done to you, but please, fight it! This isn't you!" I hear her yell but with no avail. This words mean nothing to me. I must complete my task and bring her to NateMare. 

I continue to walk over to her and are only a few metres away from her as she suddenly punches me in the face. I fall to the ground and hold my nose. I look to her with a angry look. She will regret what she has done!

"I'm so sorry, Mark..." she says and runs out of the room. Before I can follow her I hear a finger snap behind me. I immediately turn around and look towards NateMare. He comes to me and offers me his hand. I take it thankful and he helps me to get up.

"I have disappointed you, master..." I start to say but he cuts me off.

"You haven't. The fun just begun. Speed is good, patience is better." he says and turns around and walks away. 

"Follow me..." he says and raises his hand and I follow him into the shadows of the room.

Nate's POV:

"Nate, what the---" Amy starts to say but I cover her mouth with my hand. We are hiding behind a big closet in the room we ran into. I look at her and hold my index finger in front of my mouth. I hear footsteps wandering through the hallway. Please, say that he didn't see in which room we ran into. 

"Oh, my little two friends! Where aRe yOu? I don't want to plAy Hide and Seek!" a high pitched and irish sounding voice comes from the hallway. Anti's voice is so easy to recognize. 

"Come oUt, come oUt, WHEREVER YOU ARE! You can't hide from me! I will find you ANYWAY!" he yells way more aggressively. This isn't getting good. If he finds us, we are as good as dead. The footsteps slowly are getting quieter and quieter. As soon as I hear them anymore I let out a deep breath and slide down to the ground.

"That was close..." I whisper as Amy sits down next to me.

"It was indeed...sorry that almost blew our cover." she says in a ashamed tone. 

"You don't need to. I can't blame you for that. Everyone would be hysterical in this kind of situation." I say to her. She really shouldn't blame herself for something like that. Every person would react like this.

"I'm just worried about the others. What if something happened to them? If Anti looks for us, then NateMare, Madpat and Dark must do the same with the others..." she says and dig her face into her hands and starts to cry silently. I give her a big hug to calm her down.

"We are getting out of here, I promise." I whisper in her ear. Also if I am not 100% sure about that, hope's one of the last things that we have left. 

Suddenly I hear a fingersnap and something cold and heavy covering my throat very quickly. It feels like metal. I'm getting very hysterical. Even a bit claustrophobic. I try to pull it off but with no avail. As soon as Amy realizes what's happening I hear another fingersnap. Before she can make another move a bunch of ropes are tieing her ankles and wrists together. I slowly finish to struggle and try to reach Amy. She holds her wrists in my direction so I can open the knot of the ropes. I'm almost finished to open the knot as Anti appears out of the shadow, grining towards me. He has his knife in his right hand and in the other hand a glass of green liquid. I immediatly take my hand away. Maybe the knot became loose enough so that Amy can escape.

"I told you that I would find you...why do you even try it then?" he giggles and walks towards both of us. I start to struggle in pure panic. Anti only sighs about my reaction.

"Why must my puppets always struggle. The takeover didn't even start yet!" he says and looks at me with a annoyed look. I stop immediately struggling as I realize what he just said.

"Wait...what do you mean with "my puppets"? I ask him panicly.

"Oh, Nathan. It seems that our counterparts are easier to control than their partners. So we changed the plan a bit." he says and knees down in front me. We are on the exactly same eye level. 

"WH--?!" I start to say but as soon as I open my mouth he pours the green liquid down my throat. A sharp pain starts to form in my entire body. I yell out in pain and kick and punch with my legs and arms all over the place. I notice that I kicked out Anti's knife out of his hand and it lies next to Amy. She doesn't wait long and grabs it and starts to cut the ropes. 

While all of this Anti is just staring at me and muttering words. He completely ignores Amy and continues to mutter the same words over and over again. The words are slowly becoming clearer and louder. But the voice who's saying it, is way deeper than Anti's voice. It's like a mixture of NateMare's, Dark's, Madpat's and Anti's voice. They all say the same words all over again. 

"OBEY! THE MASTERS! OUR PUPPET!" they say louder and louder. I grab my head in pain as the words are slowly burning themselfs in my mind. I yell as loud as I can to drown the voices under my yells but the words are getting even louder by that. 

Suddenly the pain stops and my head drops down, I silently still hear the voices in my head.

Amy's POV: 

I cut the ropes as fast I can as Nate stops yelling. I look towards him in shock. He stares to Anti, repeating words over and over again. A big smile starts to form on Anti's face. This is not good! 

I finally managed to cut all my bonds and try to stand up but as soon as I try it somebody grabs my arm. I look behind me, expecting Anti that is grabbing my arm. But instead of Anti it's Nate. A big smile starts to form around his face. What the hell has Anti done to him?!

"Let go, Nate!" I yell at him but he only chuckles. Anti is only standing next to him. Watching this, for him,  funny scene.

"Never! I must capture you!" he yells and tries to reach me with his other hand. I punch his arm with the grip of the knife as hard as I can. Nate immediately lets go of my arm and yells out in pain. I stand up as quickly as I can and run towards the door and swing it open and run down the hallway. I'm kinda surprised that Anti does nothing to stop me. But I need to find the others as fast as I can!

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