Something special

By mayakomlj

36 0 0

"You're the reason i have my walls up. I loved you." More

chapter 3
chapter four
chapter 5
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter 13

Chapter twelve

3 0 0
By mayakomlj

It's been a week since our conversation about him wanting to prove he still cares. He's already proven it and honestly I didn't know it could happen, but I fell even more in love with him. I leave in a week and last night he said that today he has a surprise for me.

He's taken me out on date and a few were expensive so I argued with him to let me pay for myself. I am not letting him use too much money on me.

Me: what should I wear?

Gray: a bathing suit and bring a bag of casual clothes

Me: okie dokie

Gray: artichoke

I went to my closet and picked out a navy blue piece and put it on. next up were my back Nike shorts and a tank. i grabbed a towel just in case. i grabbed a bag and threw a pastel pink t-shirt and a black hoodie. suddenly i jump from the loudest honk known to man. i look out my window to witness a wild Grayson dancing to music in his black challenger.

How cute.

I walked down the stairs to put sandals on.  walking  out side, i noticed gray had switched his position and was outside his car bouncing, his back towards me.

still... how cute.

I quietly opened the car door and left it open, leaving it peaceful so he wouldn't know I was there. I took out my phone and started recording him. After about twenty-ish second I started encouraging him.

"Go gray! Go gray!"

He stopped and turned around, looking right at me with a blush on his face. The red tint on his cheeks got even more red, if possible, when he saw that I was recording.

"Uh, hey there anja." He was so nervous now and I don't know why.

"Hi there, cutie!" I replied cheekily. How can someone be so... intimidating and soft at the same time?

He smiled and shook his head getting in the car and shutting his door, I shut mine. He pulled out of the driveway and made his way to our destination.

"You remember when we used to swing into the river on a rope back home?" He asked me. I just nodded, confused a little bit. "Well I know a spot that's beautiful and we can do that. We don't have to if you don't want to, we can go to the beach.." he rambled into a whisper which was adorable. I don't know why he was so nervous. "You know cause that was our thing back at home. I don't know if-"

"It's fine." I was overly excited. I haven't been since the last time I went with gray... I've changed a lot. Quite a bit actually. I have a smaller stomach and my hair has gotten longer. My arms are smaller along with my calves.

"Okay good." He was smiling ear to ear.

About twenty minutes over blaring music and sing/yelling to all the songs we knew, we made it to the spot. He pulled into the smooth open spot of grass and parked his car. "Wait here." He said, looking at me sternly. What did I do? He ran to my side of the car and opened my door. "M'lady." He said bending over, signaling with his empty hand for me to get out.

"What a gentleman." I said kissing his cheek.

To say he was surprised, well, it's an understatement. His eyes widened, his cheeks and nose turned tomato red. Oh and his ears! And when he noticed I saw, he looked down rubbing the back of his head with his left hand, reaching his right out for me to grab. Of course, I accepted and let him guide me to where we were going.

Grayson's pov -

She took my hand. I didn't expect her to. I don't know why but I expected her to decline. She kissed my cheek... that felt amazing. I missed her lips, even just on my cheek. We started walking towards the rope. Back home, our first date was at the rope on the tree over the deep river. Our tree... I'm surprised she even accepted coming here.

"Gray are you okay?"

"Um yeah. Just thinking." I replied not letting her see my face. Why am I hiding? She then stopped walking causing me to almost fall back. I didn't know our hands were holding onto each other that tight.

"Look at me. Why are you hiding?"

Shit. "Well I'm i was thinking about our first date." It's gonna get awkward...

"I said okay to coming because it reminded me of that."

She was looking at her feet. She's nervous, but why? I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head so I could see her. We're about a foot apart and it's taking everything in me not to get closer.

"Would you like this to be our 'second first date'?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded her head. "Yes." Then her smile left and sadness took over. "I-if that's okay with you, gray."

"Of course it is, cutie." I watched happiness consume her face.

I love her. But I won't say it until it's the right time. I'm not fucking up this time.

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