The Beautiful World (Hetalia...

By Worldclass_Fuckup

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Hetalia Oneshots * aph hetalia * 2p! hetalia * nyotalia Requests always open! **J... More

Author's Note
One Number Away/America
May I/England
Just Tell Her I Love Her/Italy
Shut Up and Kiss Me/Romano
Author Note
Fuck Away the Pain/2P! America
Guilty/2P America
Author's Note
I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America
More Than Books/Prussia
See Ya In The Mornin'?/Denmark
Dollhouse/2p FACE
Something Just Like This/Canada
Safe and Sound/Italy
Author's Note
Romeo and Juliet/Russia
Waiting For Superman/America
Escape/2p Italy
Childhood Promises/Iceland
Happy Birthday, Hero/America
Author's Note
Mistletoe/ Finland
Sleepy Cuddles/Greece
Couple quirks
Welcome to Wonderland
Author's Note
Wake Up Call/2p Italy
Forever With You/Italy&Romano
Love Letters/Sweden
This is my idea/2p Romano
Coming Home/Italy&Romano
Bye Bye, Loves
Howdy babes


853 18 3
By Worldclass_Fuckup

Imagine Dragons

Character:Russia/Ivan Braginski

Warnings: None


When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold

It was so cold outside, but isn't that expected in Russia? Delicate snowflakes fell on to the already white ground. I leaned against my balcony rail staring out at the beautiful terrain.

I wasn't used to this cold weather. I should be considering I've been living here with my lover for a few years now. But somehow it still got to me. I could be inside cuddled under a blanket, sitting next to a fire with a nice warm cup of tea, and reading "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov. It sounded nice, but I needed to take a breather.

With the threat of war arising, Ivan was very strict about me not traveling between countries for awhile. I understood and respected his words, and I obeyed them too.

But none of his justifications stopped the homesickness and fear in my gut.

I missed my family in (insert country you're from). I couldn't communicate with them and I feared for their safety.

Ivan said they would be fine, and I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't push away the feeling of uncertainty.

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood's run stale

I trusted his words, and I would never go against them. Not out of fear, but out of respect.

I rubbed my arms with my hands trying to preserve what warmth I could.

I looked up at the cloudy sky. It was so pretty, despite being gray. A pulled my coat tighter around me as I peered out at the white horizon. I couldn't see where the ground ended, and the sky began. I sighed, my warm breath coming out as a white cloud that blew away in wisps as the wind come through.

I shivered as my (h/l) (h/c) blew into my face. So cold...

"My sunflower is cold, da?" A beautifully similar Russian voice rang as gentle arms wrapped around me.

A smile graced my lips as I relaxed into the taller male who rested his head on mine.

"J-just a little" I tried to sound convincing, but my teeth chattered slightly, "but I'm fine, Ivan"

"You should go inside," Ivan held me in a tight warm embrace," It is far to cold for such a delicate flower to be out here"

I hummed quietly with a small nod.

"Alright, just give me a minute"

I continued to look out at the horizon. I hope my family is doing well. I hope this is over soon so I could see them again.

"They will be fine," Ivan says as he pushed hair from my face, "I assure you they are perfectly safe"

I nodded with a smile, "I know"

With that we both went back inside to the safe warmth of our bedroom. I shrugged off my coat placing in infront of the fire hearth to dry. I stretched my cold limbs my (f/c) sweater coming up to show a little of my stomach.

I sat on the carpet infront of the fire pulling my knees to my chest.

"Why do you have to be so cold?" I asked my Russian fiancé.

He just laughed quietly ruffling my hair, taking of his heavy parka.

I want to hide the truth

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide


I watched her stare into the dancing flames with a small smile. She's so beautiful, and delicate. She was small, soft, and kind.

She's everything I'm not.

I want the best for my dearest sunflower. I want her to be happy. That's why I'm trying my best to shield her from the war raging on just a few hundred miles to the south.

I don't want her to get hurt by my mistakes. And that's why i don't tell her of how bad thing are getting. About how her country is fighting mine. About how her family is in great danger.

But even I know its only a matter of time before she finds out. But until then I will be her shield and protect her.

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

"Ivan?" (y/n) called looking at me with a concerned look in her sparkling (e/c) eyes, "are you alright?"

"Da", I said with a smile, "just lost in thought"

She extends her hand to me, with a worried smile. I take her warm hand into my large cold one, and she gently pulls me to sit with her on the floor.

She layed her head on my lap looking up at me with a loving look, "what's on your mind?"

"Nothing for you to worry about" I assure running my fingers through her soft hair.

I was so hesitant to touch her. I was afraid I would hurt her. People tell me how scared they are of me. Because I'm really strong, and scary. I didn't want to hurt her.

To me she was as fragile as glass. One wrong touch and she could shatter.

I don't want to see her broken because of me, or anyone else.

I vowed to protect her when I asked for her hand. We seemed to be doing well enough, and I hope that when the war us over she can become my wife.

But I'm still scared to hurt her...

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

"You are an awful liar" she said as she pushed back some of my white hair tucking it behind my ear.

"I am not lying" I tried to assure, only to have her raise an eyebrow.

"You're pretty easy to read, Ivan"

"How so?"

"Your eyes, " she smiled, "I can see you're upset, so please tell me what's wrong"

My smile fell as looked down at my love.

"You really should not try to read me," I warn with a sigh, "you might not like what you see"

She sat up holding eye contact. The way her (e/c) eyes bore into mine It almost felt as if everything around us fell away, leaving just me and my sunflower.

"Maybe I love what I see," she said in a calm voice, "Not everything as bad as it seems. Tell me"

When the curtain's call

Is the last of all

When the lights fade out

All the sinners crawl

"Things are bad out there," I say quietly, unable to hold her gaze, "Bad things are people out there, the good people. And they're bringing it all up here."

She just sat and listening to me. Giving me her undivided attention.

"You see everyone as good people, and I adore your ability to do that, but everyone isn't good, they are bad people just looking for a chance to break down any good left in this world"

So they dug your grave

And the masquerade

Will come calling out

At the mess you made

Don't want to let you down

But I am hell bound

Though this is all for you

Don't want to hide the truth

"When you finally see that, I'm afraid you'll turn out just like them..." I looked at her with a sad expression, "afraid you will turn out like me..."

"But you're not a bad person, yes you can come across as intimidating, but you're not bad" she says returning my expression.

"I am glad you think that," I say with a sad smile, "but even you can't see through the false people in the world"

She looked conflicted, and I hated that I have to let her be exposed to the world's cruelty. I just want to hide her away from it so she never has to see it.

"If you were to see me the way everyone else does you would see that I am no better than everyone else" I say feeling my stomach churn in a sickening way, "I wanted to keep you from the bad things, but I know I can not protect you forever"

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

"Not everytgings so bad," (y/n) tried to comfort me, "There's always something good, itself just hard to find sometimes."

I smiled at her caressing her cheek. She was so good. She was so innocent. She'd been so oblivious to the evil in the world. That or she chooses not to see it. Either way, she's just too good for this world.

"Maybe so, but you can not change people. It is time you see that. The world is not a good place all the time, and that is how it will always be"

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's were my demons hide

"I know that" she says placing her hand on mine, "but it also isn't bad're not bad."

"You do not know the things I have done before"

"I don't have to know what you've done," she lock her eyes on mine once again, "it doesn't matter who you were then, it matters what you do now"

They say it's what you make

I say it's up to fate

It's woven in my soul

I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright

I want to save their light

I can't escape this now

Unless you show me how

"Not everything is set in stone" she says, "Things change, people change. It all just depends on what you do"

"I could change, da" I reply to her pulling my hand away from her grasp, "but that doesn't change what I have done, or what I could do. I am still dangerous. I could hurt you next, I could be the one who brings you down."

"Is that you're way of trying to scare me away?" she asked with a annoyed look.

"I only want to protect you, liybimaya" I say.

"You're so worried about hurting me," she gives me a hopeful look, all annoyance from her previous look falling away, "what if I could be the one to protect you? What if I was the one you who rubbed off you?"

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's were my demons hide

"I do not think you could" I said innocently.

"No harm in trying, is there?"

I though for a minute, "I....Do not think so, no"

She took my hand in hers with a loving smile, her (e/c) eyes reflecting the fire that danced just a few feet away. I couldn't help but to smile with her, "Then let me try?"

I sighed. I couldn't say no to her when she looked so cute, "Da, why not."

Her smile widened, and she wrapped her arms around my mid-section, my arms going around her waist. She hugged me tightly, and I returned her embrace happily.

"mnye tak pa-veez-ló tee-byá fstryé-teet'" I say into her hair as I hold her close with a firm grip, only,holding as tight as I dared, "Ya tebyA lyublyU"

She smiled into my chest, "Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu"

Her Russian was sloppy, but it made me happy that she tried.

Maybe having some demons wasn't the worst thing, as long as have my delicate sunflower.


//Russia is a highly under appreciated character. I don't really see a lot of stuff on him. So I though why not give the boy some love? After all he does deserve it, just like everyone else.

Have a wonderful day/night/evening/morning.



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