yearbook ✂ c.h.

By hemmingslaugh

238K 9K 2.9K

"They're for the yearbook, I promise." ---------------- Just a girl named Ester Murphy who was pushed into a... More

yearbook ✂ c.h.
00 - president
01 - senior year
02 - small world
03 - interview
04 - close up
05 - friends
06 - alike
07 - ditch
08 - Homecoming: part 1
09 - in front of the camera
10 - Homecoming: part 2
11 - ice cream
12 - fair
13 - chicago
14 - i have your back
15 - Kasey
17 - lucky
18 - scrapbook
19 - christmas party
20 - the gig
21 - ashton
22 - the eve of christmas
23 - night terror
24 - yearbook
25 - new years

16 - football game

6.6K 319 177
By hemmingslaugh

There wasn't much to anyone anymore. I hung out with Michael and Luke, and sometimes Ashton.. but Calum just wasn't around anymore. He was with Kasey. He even forgot about his three best friends Ashton, Luke and Michael. If that wasn't saying something, I don't know what is.

Even if he didn't have feelings for me, he still replaced me. That's what hurt the most. He was such a good friend and always claimed to be there for me but in the end he just flaked. It's not that I didn't see it coming.. I did. It's just things were going so well that I had forgotten about my shyness and my terribile social skills with them.

Things were slowly going back to the way they were except I didn't have steven this time. Michael and Luke were there for me, but I just didn't know how well I could trust them ever since Calum just dropped off the face of the planet. What made me think Michael and Luke wont too?

I didn't really count Ashton because I really didn't know him that well. He was just dating my sister, which they now claim "Official".

I sat on my bed after a long day at school. Things had been dying down because our christmas break would be coming up soon. That meant I had 2 weeks of nothing. I was extremely excited.

Luke - 2:54; Whatcha doing?
You - 2:57; nothing why?
Luke - 3:00; coming over for a few minutes

Luke walked in the door and sat down next to me on the couch.

"did you know that I sing?" Luke asked randomly.

"I think Calum's brought it up a time or two..." I nodded.

"Well you know we're in a band right?" He asked.

"yes why?" I giggled at his interest in what I know about them.

"Just wondering" He shrugged. "I think we might be getting big"

"I'm happy for uou" I nodded.

"So have you seen Calum at all?" Luke asked.

"No, you haven't either?" the sound of his name hurt.

"He's been too caught up with Kasey" He rolled his eyes. "The only time I see him is at practice. Even then he's trying so hard to get out of there and it's been pissing us off. A lot." 

"how annoying" I huffed. As soon as I said that I got a text.

Calum Hood - 4:13; Miss you :/ Feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

You - 4:15; Wonder why..

"He just texted me." I sighed.

"saying?' Luke asked.

"I miss you" I rolled my eyes.

"Kasey isn't even that great of a girl.. She's so.. I don't know.... fake." Luke explained. 

"I don't even know who she is" I sighed. 

"You're not missing out on much." Luke chuckled.

"I actually miss him too, but he kinda just dropped us like we were nothing and it actually kind of makes me upset." 

"Me too sis, but he's my brother and I have to be happy for him." Luke sighed "Even if I want you two together"

"What?" I shot my head at him. 

"Nothing, I have to go" Luke got up and headed for the door.

"You punk" I laughed. Calum texted me earlier but I ignored it untli now.

Calum Hood - 4:15; Can we talk about this?

You - 4:24; Are you sure you have time?

Calum Hood - 4:25; C'mon Est..

You - 4:30; gtg hw. 

Calum Hood - 4:32; Est please. I know you're mad at me. I've barley made any time for you but it's just because i've been so busy and then Kasey always wants to hang out... I didn't know she was gonna be so clingy.. Look i'm really sorry. I just want to see you.. You're my best friend.

You - 4:36; Michael is your best friend. I'm just a friend. You made it clear there's nothing more than that between us. Best friends don't forget about eachother. 

Calum didn't text back after that. 


A school football game is always fun when you're down. Luke, Michael, Ashton, Braelin and I decided to go to one and of course I was taking pictures. 

I really hadn't put my camera down since I had the time away from Calum. I had more time on my hands. We weren't going anywhere or doing things so I had the time to walk around and take pictures.

Our football team was alright. We were winning. But our school spirit was better. Everyone wore green and gold, wear indian face paint and we screamed school cheers about indians, our school mascot. There was the mascot down on the feild and he would walk around and take pictures with people. Everyone would hollar and hit their hand as an indian call. It was a tradition at football games.

"We're actually doing really good tonight" Luke yelled over the crowed. 

"Luke, can you take a picture of Ester and I down there by the feild?" Michael asked. 

"Sure" He smiled. Michel grabbed the camera and handed it to Luke and then he took my hand and led me down to the fence next to the feild. 

"One! Two! Three!" Luke said and Michael put his arm behind me. 

"Now a funny one!" Luke said. Michael kissed my cheek and I stuck my tongue out and smiled.

"Braelin, can you take a picture of the three of us?" I yelled to her. Brae grabbed the camera and Luke ran down to us and they both kissed me on the cheek. As the picture was taken, Calum walked up hand in hand with Kasey.

"Hey guys" Calum smiled.

"Oh, hey." Michael waved but walked away. Even if I didn't know them, I'd know that they were fighting about something.

"Hey Cal" luke nodded but didn't say much either. They stood in front of me as Luke walke away with Michael and I just scrunched my nose up and called it a smile. 

"Hi, I'm Kasey" Kasey said and held out her hand.

"Uh.. Ester." I looked at her.

"Sorry, she's shy.." Calum told her.

I just gave him a look of disbelief and rolled my eyes. I chose to walk away because he wasn't worth it.

They followed us though and I stood next to Michael and grabbed his hand to squeez it.

"When you want to leave, let me know. We're not on the best terms right now either." Michael said. Michael looked down at me and saw my expression. I was kind of upset at what Calum said. Yes, I am shy but he made it seem like it was a burden. 

"Lets go" I told Michael. We squeezed past Kasey and Calum and Luke followed. 

"Where are you goind" Calum asked Luke. 

"I don't know." Luke shrugged.

"You're not going to invite us? I didn't know thats how friends acted towards eachother... " Calum looked angry.

"You're not going to make time for us? I didn't know that's how friends acted towards eachother.." Luke chuckled and shook his head. He kept walking and Calum locked his jaw. 

 I was proud of Luke standing up to him. 

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