Hwayugi 2

By anangAna

9.8K 222 76

Son Oh Gong is willing to-- and can-- move heaven and hell only to be with the love of his life, Jin Seonmi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

580 15 18
By anangAna

As the gloom fully lifted, Seo Mijin spoke again, "Hey."

Son Oh Gong turned to her. "You know what, I noticed that you have never called me by my name. Do you dislike me that much?"

Mijin grinned before turning serious again. "When I met you, there's this one instinct inside me that tells me to stay away from you. But another one tells me to get close to you. I was confused. My instincts never malfunctioned like that. Ever since that night, I started to have dreams of someone's life. I keep waking up asking myself, whose was it, what does it have to do with me, those sorts of stuff. At first? the waves of the dreams hit me softly, like it was poking me. But as time goes by, it started to hit me hard, slapping me in the face. Some nights I purposely lose sleep just so I could avoid my dreams."

Seo Mijin sighed. "But ever since we entered Pipa Cave and met that wench, these memories popped up, out of nowhere. It then became clearer to me when they took you away to prepare for your damn wedding ceremony."

She paused because of anger.

"What? What became clear?" Son Oh Gong asked impatiently.

Seo Mijin continued, "That the dreams were not dreams. They were memories." She added, "I remember meeting Mawang-nim. I remember owning a realty estate company. I remember going up a mountain and meeting a Fairy. I remember fighting evil spirits. I remember dying. But most especially," she stared straight to Son Oh Gong's eyes. "I remember you."

Son Oh Gong can sense that the moon and sun are starting to meet in the sky but he can't seem to peel his eyes away from Seo Mijin.

"I didn't call your name because these memories scared me, and Seungah warned me before to not meet anyone from my past life. But somehow, I met you all once again. It's like fate was playing with me." Seo Mijin chuckled. "But I can't bear to see you with another woman. So I decided to reveal myself to you niw."

A short pause.

But that pause seemed to last to eternity for Son Oh Gong.

"Seo Mijin... are you...." he can't continue his sentence.

Mijin nodded. "It's me..." she smiled her dimpled smile. "Son Oh Gong."

After she spoke his name, a veil seemed to lift from Son Oh Gong's eyes and saw clearly for the first time, Seo Mijin's real face.

"Jin Seonmi..."

Tears started to fall from Seonmi's eyes. "Son Oh Gong..."

As the sun and the moon meet in the sky, Son Oh Gong crossed to Jin Seonmi and embraced her.

"Jin Seonmi!" He stepped back just enough to look closer to Jin Seonmi. "Is it really you!?"

Seonmi nodded. "Seo Mijin isn't even my real name. Seungah just gave it to me because she got scared seeing my past life-- that it might happen again. She also put a veil on me so everyone else will see me differently." She held Son Oh Gong's face. "Like in my last life, in this life, I am still Jin Seonmi, Son Oh Gong."

Son Oh Gong nodded, tears flowing from his eyes. "Jin Seonmi, Jin Seonmi.." he repeated her name like a prayer as they embraced for the longest time.

They both felt the pull on the sun and the moon. With that, they looked up to the sky and watched the two entities.

Son Oh Gong held Jin Seonmi closer to him as Jin Seonmi held him closer, too.

They watched as the two entities slowly separate and the sky turn blue.

"Jin Seonmi, I saved the world again," Son Oh Gong spoke after the sun and moon peeled away from each other.

Jin Seonmi nodded. "I know, Son Oh Gong." She put her head on his shoulder. "I know."

Son Oh Gong returned inside Seungah's temple with Jin Seonmi by his arm.

"Son Oh Gong," Mawang called him. "Did you see Seo Mijin....." his voice faltered. "Jin Seonmi-ssi?" He took an overall view of Jin Seonmi. "You're wearing Seo Mijin's..... Jin Seonmi... Seo Mijin...." Then he gasped. "Seo Mijin was you!"

Jin Seonmi nodded. "It's me Mawang. It took me awhile to fully remember but it's me."

"So that's why Son Oh Gong can't feel his eye on you," Mawang explained. "Because you were born like him! Your powers overshadowed his eye."

Again, Jin Seonmi nodded.

"I'm glad you have found yourself, Seonmi-ya," Chul Sun said.

"Thank you, mistress."

"In the end, you still remembered, huh," Seungah spoke as she entered the main hall. She looked tired but fine.

"Yes, goddess," Seonmi replied. "It turns out, I didn't really want to forget. And don't worry, Seungah-nim. I'm not Samjang anymore and I'm stronger now. The tragedy in the past life won't happen again."

"Yeah," Son Oh Gong interjected. "I'll make sure that that* won't happen again." He held Jin Seonmi's hand tight. Showing everyone his determination on not losing his woman ever again.

Seungah smiled weakly. The eclipse has taken its toll on her. "That's good. Then, I'll retire for the day, first. Take care everyone."

Everyone bowed to her in respect.

As she entered her private chambers, Deity of the Sun arrived looking disheveled.

"Sunny! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Son Oh Gong asked.

"Seungah? Is she fine?" Sunny ignored him.

"Your sister is resting in her room, Deity of the Sun," Mawang answered to him.

Sunny ran into her room quickly. He appeared and disappeared so fast.

"He must be very worried for his sister," Chul Sun commented.

"Yeah," Mawang agreed.

"THEY WERE SIBLINGS!?" Son Oh Gong exclaimed. "Mawang! Why didn't you tell me!? I even thought something *love-love* was going on between the two!"

Mawang shrugged. "You didn't ask, thug." He turned to Jin Seonmi, "Anyway, Jin Seonmi-ssi, this means you're going home with us, right?"

Seonmi nodded. "There are a lot more skillful protectors in the village. And somehow, my family always knew that a man will come to sweep me off my feet."

At that timing, Elder Soobori appeared in front of them. "Thank you for bringing back Deity of the Sun." He turned to Son Oh Gong. "Well, Great Sage, it seems that your reward has come to you." He turned to Jin Seonmi, "And welcome back, Jin Seonmi-ssi."

The couple smiled and nodded.

"Mawang, the heavens has promoted you to the highest seat of the council as of now," he announced as Elder Soobori faced Mawang. "You will be given two grants as the head. Can you announce now what you want?"

"Firstly, I want Hong Hae Ah's life to be spared from any punishment given to him once he knows of his true identity. His mother has already paid the price of her crime with her life. And in all actuality, he had no part or say of the sin his mother has done," Mawang replied.

"Done," the elder said. "Secondly?"

"Tell me where Cha Eun is now."

The elder then called, "Chul Sun."

She stepped forward.

"Please take off the veil you have put on yourself,"

She did. And everyone saw Princess Iron Fan.

Everyone gasped except Jin Seonmi.

"You knew?" Son Oh Gong asked her.

Seonmi nodded. "Princess Iron Fan was also the one who put a veil on me. I just didn't know her relationship with Mawang-nim at that time because my memories hadn't come back yet."

"Why?" Mawang asked her, tearful. "Why did you hide from me?"

Cha Eun smiled. "I heard you were making your way up to make sure our son is safe. I didn't want to be a hindrance. That's why I endured up until this moment to tell you about me." A tear escaped from her eye. "Mawang," she said before running into Mawang's arms.

They embraced.

It was too personal that everyone turned away from their little moment.

"Now that everything's settled, I hope you all behave as you continue to live and help humans every now and then," the elder said. "Congratulations once again, and thank you. I'll see you all soon." Then he disappeared the same way he appeared.

Son Oh Gong didn't even think of going home because his home is now by his side.

"Mawang, what if she didn't come???" Son Oh Gong asked for the thousandth time.

"Hey, quit it already. What kind of person do you think Jin Seonmi-ssi is? A thug? Trust me, she won't leave you hanging. She'll be there. Just calm down, will ya?"

Son Oh Gong can't help but pace.

A knocked came on the door of the room they are in and Secretary Ma appeared, "Son Oh Gong-nim, we have to go."

It's been a month since the solar eclipse. Now, they are in Mawang's hotel, specifically, in one of the suites. Jin Seonmi is in the penthouse.

Today is the day Son Oh Gong has waited for almost a hundred years.

His wedding ceremony with Jin Seonmi.

The wedding will happen in the banquet hall on the third floor.

"Dog secretary, can't I just visit Jin Seonmi for one minute?" He begged the secretary. "Just to remind her that if she misses our wedding, I will erase all the tteokbokki, cotton candy, and color green in this world."

"No, you can't, Great Sage," Secretary Ma strongly disagreed. "Don't jinx your wedding by seeing your bride before the ceremony and no threats, please. Jin Seonmi will be there. You only have to wait for her in the hall. So please, behave."

After 5 minutes, Son Oh Gong found himself once again in front of the altar.

Compared to when he was at Pipa Cave, Son Oh Gong is far more nervous now. And he can't fully understand why. He knows-- and without a doubt-- Jin Seonmi loves him. She will surely appear.

But why is he so nervous to the point that he can almost feel his heart about to crawl out of his chest?

The answer came when the doors opened and he saw Jin Seonmi.

He's scared to lose Jin Seonmi again.

Jin Seonmi glanced at him and smiled. She started to walk towards him as piano music started to play. She walked so leisurely that he started complaining in his mind.

*Hey, Jin Seonmi, can't you walk faster?*

She was midway when Son Oh Gong grew impatient and met her halfway.

"Son Oh Gong! What are you doing!?" Jin Seonmi can't stop exclaiming, half whispering and half shouting.

"You're too slow! I want you to be my wife already!"

Son Oh Gong practically dragged Jin Seonmi for the rest of the way until they reached the minister of the ceremony.

This time, it's Elder Soobori.

The elder cleared his throat, "Today, we will witness---"

He was stopped by Son Oh Gong who faced the audience and announced very quickly, "You all will witness our marriage, alright? Jin Seonmi and I. We will be together forever. Marriage is sacred. It cannot be broken." He faced back to the elder. "Please, Teacher, proceed to the vows. I want this woman to be mine and for I to be hers."

The audience laughed.

Son Oh Gong even proceeded to make Jin Seonmi wear her wedding ring and then offered his left hand for his ring, which Jin Seonmi wore on him, chuckling.

Elder Soobori chuckled and shook his head. "Son Oh Gong and Jin Seonmi, please proceed to your vows."

"Me first!" Jin Seonmi said out of nowhere. "Son Oh Gong, you are such a pain." At that everyone laughed. "But you are the kind of pain I can't live without. I have seen your faithfulness and honesty. I know your good points and the bad. Well, mostly bad but you're fine." Once again, everyone laughed. "I'm so sorry it took so long for us to get married but here we are. It is my pleasure and honor to spend the rest of eternity with you. I love you, Son Oh Gong."

A tear escaped from Son Oh Gong's eyes. "Jin Seonmi, I love you." was all he could say and he hoped Jin Seonmi can feel the weight of those three words.

Jin Seonmi nodded, telling him that she understood what he really meant.

That he will be with her forever. It will have to take his life for anyone to attempt to take Jin Seonmi away from him. And that he will move heaven and hell just to be with her. Jin Seonmi is now his everything.

"Teacher!" Son Oh Gong called the elder. "The announcement! Faster!"

The elder hurriedly wiped his tears away at Son Oh Gong's reminder. "Son Oh Gong and Jin Seonmi, I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

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