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--------- 2 years later ----------

"Mawang, where is Hae Ah?" Son Oh Gong asked Mawang as soon as he entered Mawang's home.

Mawang sighed. "He ran away after knowing you're coming."

Son Oh Gong groaned. "Why did you tell him I was coming!? Byul is looking for him."

"Hey, I didn't tell him. He heard our phone conversation. I was in my bedroom and he was here in the living room but still he heard. Whenever my phone rings these days, he always listens in."

"What's he so scared about? Byul is so cute!"

"Yeah, she is cute. Except when she starts to pull on his hair," Mawang chuckled. "Once, he came home crying because of the pain."

Son Oh Gong sighed. "I want to take Jin Seonmi out for dinner tonight but no one's available to look out for Byul."

"Great Sage, why didn't you ask me?" Cha Eun said, smiling, as she goes down the stairs. "Did you forget me?"

Son Oh Gong gasped. "Right! Sorry, Na Chal Nyeo. You totally slipped from my mind."

"It's okay," she said as she sat beside Mawang. "It's understable since we keep missing each other because of schedule. But we're free tonight," she says regarding Mawang and her. "It'll be my pleasure to watch over Byul."

"Hey, what are you gonna tell Hae Ah?" Mawang asked her.

Cha Eun only grinned. "Nothing."

"That's settled then! We'll bring Byul here around dinner time. Thanks, Mawang and Cha Eun!" At that, Son Oh Gong disappeared.

Mawang chuckled. "He's been the happiest these days. I can't almost recognize the past Great Sage but still some rudeness seeps out."

Cha Eun laughed. "Yeah. I was surprised learning about him and Seonmi. I almost didn't believe that the Great Sage had the capacity to actually love. Turns out, we really shouldn't be quick to judge."

"Jin Seonmi! Mawang and Cha Eun---"

Son Oh Gong stopped at his tracks as he enters his home. The view in front him takes his breath away.

Jin Seonmi is sleeping on the couch in the living room with Byul in her arms.

He can't help but sigh in content. This was all he asked for. He glared at heaven, This was all I wanted you, idiots. Why didn't you give it to me a long time ago?

Son Oh Gong fished his phone from his pocket and took a picture. His heart has never been this full before. He doesn't even ask for anything anymore. Just his wife and her daughter, to be with him forever.

He inserted himself beside Jin Seonmi and gathered the two in his arms. This action stirred Jin Seonmi up.

"Son Oh Gong, you're back," she asked with a hoarse voice fresh from sleep.

"Yeah," Son Oh Gong replied. "I'm home."

He watched his daughter sleep. He had to thank the heavens for giving Byul his and Jin Seonmi's best facial features. The kid was very pretty and cute. But because her parents were goblins, she has a bit of strength most kids her age don't have. That's why Hae Ah avoids her. All he hopes now is Byul won't be as rude as him. Hehe.

"We'll take Byul to Mawang's later during dinner. Hae Ah will be there so she'll be fine," Son Oh Gong informed. "Cha Eun will look out for her, too."

"That's a relief," Jin Seonmi said. "I wish we could just take her, though."

"We'll be back to take her home after dinner. It won't take too long. I just want some quality time with my wife, since it's our anniversary,"

Jin Seonmi gave him her dimpled smile, the one that can kill him. "Okay."

"I love you, Jin Seonmi," Son Oh Gong said. "And Byul. If someone ever threatens your lives, I'm going to see red."

"Hey, we'll be fine," she comforted him. "I'm sure Byul loves her dad." She turns to Son Oh Gong, "And I love you, Son Oh Gong."

Son Oh Gong smiled.

That's all he needed to hear. Forever.

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