The Roommate

By latethoughts

239K 7.5K 3.1K

Modern roommate au You had just been dumped by your asshole ex and need a new place to live. Drinks with Nat... More

First Night
Sunday Girl
Drunken Doughnuts
The Morning After
Don't tell Ma
Birthday Dinner
Harder and Harder
Steve's Hangover
Ah Of Course
Ah Of Course II
Lucky in Love


7.5K 238 21
By latethoughts

The feel of his warm chest and cool left arm was so soothing and a great way to fall asleep but when morning came it was time to get back to the real world. Nights and weekends seemed to be the only time you felt joyful anymore.

"You okay?" Steve noticed you solemnly walking in on Thursday. Kicking off your shoes and falling on the couch. 

"Yeah," you sighed, turning around to face him in the kitchen. Obviously lying, Steve stopped making his sandwich and came over to you.

"What's going on?" he put on his Dad voice and crossed his arms.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to be home,"

"Bucky!" Steve called out.


"Come out here!"

"Steve don't-"

"What's going on?" Bucky came into the living area with his wet mop hair and towel around his waist. You sat upright in front of Steve, hoping he'd shut up; not in the mood to talk about your terrible day. 

"How'd you used to get people to talk in the war?"

"Who's our subject?" Bucky approached, knowing that annoyed look on your face. Steve just nodded down to you, then the one armed man stepped back, "what? what's going on, doll?"

"Nothing!" you stood, "I'm fine, I just had another bad day. That's all,"

"Another?" Bucky pried.

"That'll be your fifteenth bad day in a row, right?" Steve frowned, worried about you. You just shrugged, hoping they'd drop the subject. You tried squeezing between them to get to the bathroom but failed.

"Sit," Bucky guided you to the couch. He sat on your left while Steve was on your right. Both men put a comforting hand on your thighs, "tell us about your day," he requested.

"Guys, it's not needed-" you began.

"It is. What happened?" Steve asked.

"I just-I don't like where I am right now. My boss is a dick, my colleagues are worse...I didn't get that promotion," you admitted. Steve's hands began drawing on your back.

"I'm so sorry," Steve knew you were working harder these past few months in preparation for this application. 

"I was telling the truth. I'm just so happy to be home," your head rested on Steve's shoulder. 

"You should talk to Sam," Bucky spoke, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Why?" you spoke quietly.

"He works for this company that helps war vets-"

"I'm not really into cleaning up old men diapers," you joked and half-rejected the offer. Bucky shook his head and chuckled.

"No, no. Nothing like that, you'd be his personal assistant. He's been bitching about his current one, Leslie, for a while now,"

"I don't know if I should just give up my job,"

"You work in retail with no health benefits or insurance. Sam offers that and more, like job security and you can wear whatever you want. You don't need to keep wearing these weird polos that make you really sweaty," it sounded enticing but nepotism isn't fair.

"Just consider it, hand in your resume and see if you get a callback," Steve suggested. Your shoulders dropped, it would be nice to have a change. 

"Okay. Yeah, that sounds really good actually. Thank you," you kissed the boys on their cheeks.


You sent in your resume and got an interview. You felt confident that Sam was the one interviewing you. His company was in a small plaza near your apartment, the decor was definitely 70's. The carpet was shaggy and yellow, the wallpaper was peeling off and all the furniture seemed to be donated.

"Hey! Come on in," Sam wore a black v neck and jeans, Bucky was right, you really could wear anything.

"Hey. Thank you so much for considering me," you walked into his office, everything in there matched everything outside.

"No problem. We're not a huge company so you can learn as you go, I just need you to fill in a few forms.." he trailed, trying to find the right forms in his stack of disorganised papers.

"Is one the requirements sorting out your filing system?" you joked, pointing towards the pile. Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, we're new. Everything is kind of...shit right now. But we'll get there, we already have 20 clients who come in and hang out and talk. I just need help sorting out appointments and care plans. We got a psych on site as well for any concerning cases...that's about it. What do you say?"

"Wait, what? I got it? I got the job?" the dumbstruck expression on your face made Sam cackle.

"Of course you did. I know how loyal you are, the guys tell me how caring and hardworking you are all the time- I think you'll really fit in here,"

"They didn't tell you to give me the job, did they?" you had to double check. Just to be sure.

"Of course not," he frowned, "Steve and Bucky are very independent, I can tell you are too."

"Thank you so much," you thanked him again with a wide smile.


"We are celebrating!" you entered the apartment with a bag full of food. The guys weren't home so you just announced that to your empty living room, "oops," you muttered. You had the chance to redo the announcement once they came home a few minutes later. The champagne bottle was already open and glasses poured, "Hey!" they entered.

"Hey, you seem happy. Good news I hope," Bucky planted a peck on your forehead, Steve did the same and sat next to you.

"The interview went really well, I got the job...I got the job!" the guys were so happy to see you all excited again. It was probably the first time since Dylan took you that you've been genuinely happy.

"Congratulations doll," Bucky just had to give you another kiss.

"Thank you," you replied, "I'm seriously so lucky to have you guys," You gripped Steve's thigh. "I hope you're hungry, the chicken is roasting as we speak."

Steve watched you walk up to the oven in your tight pencil skirt that shaped your ass so well. He couldn't stop staring, he didn't know why. Bucky was the one to snap him out of it with a slap, "cool it," Buck teased. 

"I'm just gonna shower," Steve exhaled and ran to the bathroom. He didn't think it would be this hard to stay away from you. He wanted to take you into his room and not leave for the entire weekend, just lay there with each other steaming up the window. His thoughts went to a steamy place as he spread the soap up and down his shaft and massaged his balls. Thinking about you whimpering and moaning his name in bed, on the couch and in the shower. He groaned as he neared his climax, hoping no one heard him. "Dammit," he cursed, usually he was discreet about these moments with himself but he came on the shower curtain and needed to scoop it off with his hand and put the curtain in the shower to wash it off properly.

You caught Steve coming out of the shower in his towel and gave him a kiss, getting a chance to touch his abs while doing so. You'd be lying if you said this whole 'no sex' thing was satisfying you. Your libido seemed to be rising every night, wanting more and more. Neither man protested, they loved making you feel good but you wanted to take that next step and you could tell they wanted you too. 

You noticed Steve checking you out more often and Bucky getting jealous at any man that glanced at you in public. They weren't aggressive with you but something has definitely changed.

"So," you began, fork in hand at the dining table, "I was thinking that maybe tonight, we should sleep together," Steve chocked on his food whereas Bucky was gripping his fork so hard it began to bend, "we don't have to do anything!" You clarified, "I just thought it would be sleep," you downed the rest of your wine, hoping the tension would die down a little. 

There was a grin emerging on Bucky's face but he covered it with his glass and Steve was already salivating at the mouth and sweating a little bit, he too drank his tall glass of water. "Sounds good," Steve nodded.

"Yeah, we're fine with that," Bucky agreed.

The three of you continued eating, the tension was obviously clear but it was nice. It was exciting and you all could not wait to get to bed tonight.

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