Paranoia // Third Book To The...

بواسطة DeathInspiresMe_

231K 5K 6.6K

After Archie got arrested the town of Riverdale went to shit. Pasts are dug up. Relationships tore apart. And... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Ask The Characters!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 35

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بواسطة DeathInspiresMe_

I move with the other serpents through the dark school. My trainee jacket replacing my serpent jacket. I move behind Jughead. Dodging the furniture and other crap in the school."Perimeter's clear," Jug's voice cuts through the walkie talkie on my hip, "Moving in." Jug waves directions towards us. As we turn the corner a red dot moves to the back of Sweet Pea's head. Jug jumps to knock him back but its already too late. "Sweet Pea, duck!"

"Bang, bang! You're both dead," Keller says as the lights turn on, "Always check your six, Deputies."

"It's a deadly mistake," FP says. I roll my eyes at him. Boy he got sheriff by taking a shot at Hiram so since when does this bitch know all this stuff. I mean damn with that logic hand we a gun and I'll gladly be the new sheriff.

"This is just a simulation, but you don't get any do-overs on the street," Keller says.

"Which makes it all the more obvious that you boys aren't ready for them," FP says as I growl under my breath. I look over the group and then back to FP. It's not my fault that they suck. "You wanna stop the rogue Gargoyles? Work as a team. Till you've proven you can do that, I'm not letting you out there. Do it again." We all scoff and sigh in defeat.

Jug looks to the ceiling cursing himself slightly as I kick the set of lockers beside me. "Let's go Jug!" FP yells at once. Sweet Pea pats Jugs back leading us back as we all reset on the course. We were in police training in an attempt to be able to join FP and the police in the field to take down the gargoyle assholes. Our second and third tries end in failure too. Eventually, FP decides to just send us home.

"I hate this," I say to Fred as the four of us eat dinner. He, Lily, Archie, and I to be exact, "Jughead isn't communicating with the rest of the team well enough. It's leading us to fail these exercises."

"Well have you talked to him?" Lily asks me. I tense slightly. No, I haven't talked to him. I slept with him again and I don't want him to take it as we are getting back together. Despite how grand the gesture of the Seventeen Duet that was my thing. Not his. He still isn't making the effort he needs to. "Well?"

"No," I say honestly, "we haven't been talking as much. My fault."

"That you slept with him," Archie says under his breath. I send a harsh kick across the table kicking his leg with full force. What an asshole! I mean come on to the parents? Two can play at this fucking game.

"Was that Josie that snuck in last night?" I ask with a smug tone. Fred rolls his eyes as he looks between Archie and I. As of late the two of us have been at each other's throats. Josie has been busy and I've been single and doing nothing so we both are growing tense.

"You two act more like brother and sister every day," Fred says, "no boys or girls in the house after 10. That goes for both of you!" I roll my eyes slightly looking off.

"I can't believe you slept with Jughead after you broke up with him," Lily says drawing my attention back to her, "how the hell does that show him that he's toxic and needs to get his shit together."

"I know!" I exclaim annoyed with myself, "trust me I'm just as pissed off as you are."

"Was it good at least?" Lily asks as Fred places his fork down at the table rubbing his temples as Archie pretends to gag. My face turns bright red. Why would she think that was appropriate to ask? This is not how we do this here my lord.

"Can we not at the dinner table?" Fred asks Lily at once. She smiles at him then leans over pecking his temple. The two as of late are disgustingly cute together. Which is absolutely fine seeing as now that his divorce with Mary is final maybe that means something serious for them.

"Of course," she says to him then looks to me, "this isn't over little girl- now if you want to fix these exercises then tell Jughead up front. He needs to get the whole team on the same page."

"Fine," I sigh looking away. The conversation moves onto Archie's latest match he won. Now that he isn't a target or dating a mob boss's daughter his life is very simple. Boxing, Josie, failing at school, friends, the crisis on what he'll do once he eventually graduates. Which is a hell of a lot easier than my police bullshit and running around getting my shit together for these art schools. I look down at the time and sigh. "I told Veronica I'd help her down at Pops tonight. I'll be in by 12."

"That's a little late for a school night," Fred says, "where's Pop Tate?"

"His moms sick so he wanted to be able to take care of her," I say as I stand scrapping my plate and untouched food, "I promise I'll be fine."

"Alright," Fred says, "but don't forget your meds. I picked up your refill they are on the counter over there." I pull my purse onto the counter knocking the new pill bottle into my purse. A slight pang of guilt hit me as I think over my actions of skipping the last week of pills. At this point, the only side effects that have hit me is nausea. Maybe I'll be fine skipping out. Maybe I'm fine to stop taking them, some people aren't on them for life. As I get to Pops I see Veronica and Betty chatting cheerfully. Once I return from changing into uniform I join in on the discussion.

"Is there any way that maybe you can see this divorce as a good thing?" Betty asks Veronica as she sits on the other side of the Pops counter with her Milkshake. I wipe down the counter as Veronica counts what is in the tip jar.

"I'm trying to find a lining of even tarnished silver," Veronica says, "but my parents raised me to believe that family is the most important thing in the world."

"Mine didn't raise me," I say poking fun at my orphan status. Veronica chuckles slightly looking over at me with a faint smile.

"It's just hard," Veronica says breezing past me slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Vee," Betty says to her. My attention is moved to Evelyn in the back holding papers and raising them to imagine them in different spots. There is no way this can be a good thing.

"Veronica, hi," Evelyn says approaching the group, "Do you mind if I hang some fliers? The Farm's having an open house tomorrow."

"An open house?" Betty asks looking over at Evelyn curiously. I smirk knowing the blonde and why she even starts to humor Evelyn. Little Nancy Drew here wants nothing more than to solve The Farm's dark mysteries.

Yes, we are opening our doors to visitors," Evelyn informs us, "Everyone is welcome to tour our renovated premises, meet with The Farm elders and learn about our values and practices."

"Go ahead, Evelyn," Veronica tells her. Evelyn smiles nodding to us.

"Thank you," She says before stepping off to hang them. Betty looks at the two of us sipping her milkshake watching us. I chuckle at her and look to Veronica hoping for her to cave first.

"Of course I'll go with you," Veronica says then looks over to me, "So Wednesday Adams? Will you join us to visit the farms new head quarters?"

"Of course, I'll go with you," Veronica says then looks over to me, "So Wednesday Adams? Will you join us to visit The Farm's new headquarters?"

"Well of course," I say smiling at them, "I must know what has become of that nightmare of the sisterhood of quiet mercy. I mean how much paint must be used to get out child drug testing and conversion therapy?" The girls chuckle at my comment. But honestly how in the world are they going to justify or at least comment on the actions that took place on those very grounds. Then again we were there for the cast party and it seemed fairly changed from its past. Enough so I felt comfortable being there at least. How Cheryl or Betty did is beyond me though.

"I've got these tables," Veronica says sliding off. She leaves Betty and me alone as I keep wiping down the messy counter. I feel the green eyes of Betty Cooper weighing down my very soul. As I look up she smirks widely at me.

"Betty Cooper, what is on your mind?" I ask her playfully. She looks over to Veronica a couple of feet away then leans in to talk to me.

"I was wondering," She starts, "Maybe you can help me with this farm situation." I stop wiping and look up at her curiously.

"How so Nancy Drew?" I ask her. She smiles up at me fondly.

"I'm thinking that maybe if you- and only you talk to the Farmies tomorrow we can make then sympathetic towards you enough to let us get close," She tells me. I smirk widely understanding where she is going with this idea.

"You want me to play the orphan card?" I ask her. She nods.

"If it's not too much to ask," She starts, "it's just that they tend to reach out to people that have lost family members and well you fit in that box. A lot more than anyone else I could have. But if it makes you uncomfortable-"

"Shut up I'll do it," I tell her, "I'll go in tomorrow with my saddest sad girl look and I will play up the dead family. Maybe then I'll get to meet Edgar." She nods smiling.

"Of course," She says to me, "I have full faith in you." We share a smirk before parting ways for the night.


Bright and early the next morning the three of us girl reconvene at the old sisterhood of quiet mercy building. Sure from the outside, it looks a lot more welcoming than it once did. But the worn dark statues the "nuns" for lack of a better term decorated the grounds with remained. Leaving the whole aura over our group very creeped out. "Here," Veronica says handing me my visitors pass. My move to the tour guides and I see Kevin smiling at us brightly.

"Y/n! Veronica! Hello!" He hugs the two of us then just simply nods to Betty. The three of us exchange a look at the action but bite our tongues in order to not hurt his feeling or cause a scene. "Y/n did you reconsider the farm?" I sneak a glance at Betty who urges me to play along. I nod to Kevin.

"I thought I would at least check it out," I say to him, "then the three of us decided to make it a bit of a girls thing. Ya know as two attractive ladies and a troll do- Ow Veronica!" At calling myself a troll, the girl stomped down on my foot. He looks between us but only smiles.

"I'll take you guys in my group then," He says to me, "come on." With that officially, we are in. Kevin leads us through a mildly mundane tour. The only part really standing out to me is the issue of the bad energy in the air. I mean maybe it's just because I know what used to happen in these halls. Or maybe its because I know what the farm did to Alice. Regardless I am not enjoying the energy."If you cross over this way, here you will find two of our more artistic members expressing themselves," Kevin says as he leads us into a hallway, "- Hi, Megan. Hi, Garrett."

"- Hi," The girl- Megan I presume says waving as she looks away from her painting. I look over it skeptically. It's okay in form but only brown and white. However, Garrett and Megan seem to be enjoying themselves painting.

"At The Farm, we like to nurture everyone's unique talents," Kev says as he leads us further down into this hallway of hell.

"It's like Hockney meets Heaven's Gate," Veronica whispers leaning towards Betty and I. I look over chuckling slightly. Kev continues until we are in front of a room with stone walls in front of it. It's completely different than the rest of the rooms in the building and stands out. My guess was the nuns used it for torture. Then again I'm naturally against nuns so what does my opinion or idea matter.

"Now, would anyone like to guess what this room's used for?" Kev asks.

"Ritualistic drownings?" Betty says softly under her breath. I chuckle slightly too loud causing Kev to look over at us.

"Sorry, Betty," He says in an overly positive fake tone, "I didn't hear you."

"Hey, what's behind there?" Betty asks moving the attention from her snide comment to a door with numbers on it. It seems ordinary but then again what can I compare it to in this place?

"That is just the janitor's closet," Kev says at once. I look at him and nod attempting to keep up the façade that I care about this place at all. "Now, if everyone will follow me, I'll show you the garden." The stone door opens as he turns the group around revealing Alice in all white stepping out.

"Betty!" Alice says surprised at her daughter's appearance at such a place.

"Mom," Betty says as Veronica and I wait at her side she looks to Veronica and me, "Go ahead, I'll catch up with you in a bit."

"I'll stay," I tell Veronica. The raven nods before rejoining the group leaving Betty and me with her mom. I step back attempting to be supportive but not weird about it.

"I didn't think you would come," Alice says to her youngest daughter. Slightly eyeing us suspiciously.

"Well, everyone's welcome, so," Betty says trailing off. Alice looks over to me.

"What about you?" She asks me carefully, "Evelyn said you didn't seem interested in The Farm." I smile at Alice. Forcing every bit of positivity in this conversation.

"Well admittedly I don't know much," I tell her, "and I want to be off all those pills. I heard The Farm can help." She smiles slightly then drops the hint of joy looking to her daughter. Never in a million years would I think that Alice Cooper would like me more than her daughter at any moment.

"Well, enjoy the rest of your tour," Alice says slipping away.

"Wait," Betty says stopping her mom, "That's it? We haven't talked in forever, and that's all I get? 'Enjoy the rest of your tour'?"

"You forsook me, Betty, not the other way around," Alice says, "So if you'll excuse me."

"Alice-" I start. Betty grabs my arm signaling me to stop. I take a deep breath letting the older woman walk away. Despite everything Alice still believes she can play the victim? I have to laugh.

"Hi," A man says approaching us, "Would either of you be interested in one of our quick and easy interviews?"

"Uh, yeah," Betty says looking to me, "Both of us." I nod looking to him.

"Yeah Sounds great," I say.

"If you'll follow me then," he says. He nods leading us into the stone room. Once inside I see that it's actually a bunch of tables set up on either side with Farmies stationed at each one.

"Betty. Y/n," Evelyn says stopping us at once, "These interviews are for people interested in joining The Farm."

"I am," I say to Evelyn, "you and Kevin inspired me."

"And well, let's say that I am," Betty says, "Where's your dad, by the way?" I smirk at the mention. Typically I don't feed into the hot Riverdale dads thing but Edgar Everneer from what I've seen of him is fine. Like some character in an early 2000s show.

"He's around," Evelyn says, "Well, let's get started, shall we? Y/n you can head over there." I nod following the instruction moving to the other table without Betty.

"Name?" The Farmie asks.

"Y/n L/n," I tell them watching the room skeptically.

"- Occupation?"

"- Student. And waitress," I tell them.

"Do you ever bite your fingernails?"

"Sometimes," I answer, "it's always been a thing of mine when my anxiety starts getting to me."

"Do you ever feel stressed?"

"Doesn't everyone?" I ask, "but I would say I am."

"Would you consider yourself a cold person?"

"Not nearly as much as I claim to be," I say to them. They nod marking down on the paper, what is most likely a response to my answers. Their eyes met mine.

"What is your number so we can reach you?" She hands me the board and quickly I scribble my number down. "Okay. Great. Thank you. We will definitely call." I nod. I stand moving over to see Betty already getting nasty with Evelyn.

"Is that it?" Betty asks, "Aren't you going to ask me about my secrets?"

"No, that's all we need for now," Evelyn says waving us off, "Thanks. We'll call you." Betty scoffs as I pull her away from the girl. How they haven't just fought yet is way beyond me because the tension between the two of them is suffocating. We return to our tour group as Kev shows off the gardens. Talking about everything and anything that might appeal to the group before him. Longer and longer until he's shown off every presentable area to the group. I couldn't tell you how many he skipped but he seemed to work it so well that many didn't mind. As the group breaks up I return Betty and Veronica to the Lodge penthouse and then I return home. I step inside the kitchen to see Jug and Archie standing with Fred and Lily.

"Well I don't want anyone to get too excited," Lily says to the boys as she fixes her outfit. She and Fred seemed rather frazzled but buzzing around excitedly. "It's just looking at the houses. It's nothing set in stone yet."

"Woah are you planning to buy a house in Riverdale?" I ask her stepping forward into the room. Her eyes go wide as she looks to Fred. "Oh my god are you guys moving in together?"

"It'll be nice to have us all together," Lily says as she moves towards me cupping my cheek. From this distance, I can smell the thick scent of her rose perfume. She and Fred both look nice. Which makes sense now with them looking at houses for all of us. "We think that by a month or two we all can be in a house together." I look in between the two adults. It takes a second for me to decide it but ultimately I nod.

"That's great," I say to her suppressing all of my thoughts about how bad it could possibly end up. They definitely didn't need to hear that now. "Honestly I'm excited for you." Lily smiles hugging me before she pulls back. She moves towards Fred hugging him tightly as I nod watching them pretend to be this family all together.

"We'll be gone for a bit but we'll pick up dinner on the way back," She tells us. I nod as she and Fred wave moving off. Both of the boys keep their eyes on me waiting for an unfiltered response now that the adults are gone. Instead, I step towards the fridge pulling out a soda. It stays quiet for a while before Jug breaks up the silence.

"One good thing about being your neighbor is I got two kitchens to raid for grub now," Jug says smiling at us both. I look to Archie before just paying my attention to my drink.

"Yeah, no worries, Jug," Archie says, "How's it going with your mom?"

"It's Cold War," He says sighing slightly, "I mean, the nuclear option is that I tell my dad everything, but that could spell mutually-assured destruction."

"More so that Can secure you jail time," I say to him as I move towards the counter jumping up to sit on it. "In fact, that could send us both. And I don't look good in orange."

"So instead, the Serpents and I are just dismantling her drug trade piece by piece," He says telling Archie more so than me. Of course, I would know since I'm apart of it. "Up next, we're gonna drive the Gargoyles out of town, and her cook Kurtz. I am gonna make Riverdale a very unwelcome place for Gladys Jones."

"And if she does go, what happens to Jellybean?" Archie asks Jug pointing at the real hole in this situation. Gladys has custody of JellyBean. One goes so does the other and we want to keep JB around.

"Still need to figure that out," Jug sighs looking back down to his plate. The phone rings loudly. I move over to answer it but Archie steps ahead of me. As he answers the phone I shove him.

"Hello?" He asks the other line. He looks puzzled for a second. "Uh sure." I look over curiously wondering what's going on in the house that they would call the home phone and not our cells. He speaks for a second before hanging up and looking back to me. "I have to head out. Sorry."

"Archie!" I demand as he runs out. He leaves Jug and me alone in the kitchen awkwardly. I feel the raven headed boy's eyes on me desperately. I give him a quick glance and he sighs loudly.

"I thought you and I were going good and then you just shut off from me," He says looking up at me.

"You thought we were good. Why?" I ask him, "is it because we slept together? Because I've hooked up with a few people since the breakup and it meant nothing."

"No it wasn't the sleeping together," he says to me, "we were finally talking like best friends again and we were getting back to that point that it was normal again. And then you just shut off."

"I didn't want you to think us hooking up meant we were getting back together," I say simply. He sighs looking back down to his plate. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes leaving me to think in silence. My mind instantly starts running a mile a minute trying to figure out why he isn't talking or what could be going through his mind. I look at him for a second attempting to read his expression. He thinks I'm a slut now doesn't he? That I'll just sleep with whoever whenever. God, he's probably reading me like a book over there and judging me for everything. Who the hell does he think he is? Then again I do have to remember how much I love him. Finally, as my mind spirals, he speaks up.

"I don't deserve you," he says simply, "honestly I know we aren't getting back together any time soon. I just want to at least be your friend again. I miss having you in my life." I sigh looking up to meet his eyes. The spirals of blues and greens are enough to melt me a bit.

"I miss you too," I say to him, "sure let's go back to being friends. I think that's best for us." He smiles weakly before catching the time in the clock behind me.

"Shit we better get going over to the Serpents," he says at once, "we have a little meeting to get everything set up. Let's go." I nod allowing him to pull me away to my truck. We separate there though as he takes his bike. Once ahead of me I start to get frustrated quickly. I look up in the mirror glaring at myself.

"It's toxic I'm gonna step away," I say mocking myself, "that's not stepping away from you dumb bitch," I growl slightly looking over my reflection. How the hell can I be so dumb? I start my car heading off to the proper direction. Once over at the new Serpent base, he and I use the time to properly adjust and clean up the rooms. I hadn't helped much in the set up as this place as much as I helped readjust everyone at Sunnyside. A couple of the Serpents who didn't have homes still were settled into my old home. Which was getting costly for me but it was holding over several Serpents and keeping them off the streets at night. Jug's project was this new base where rooms were also placed. Mine was my old house and making it a safe space for these guys. Soon after a while of hard work at adjusting everything the other Serpents join us for this meeting. Before it starts Sweet Pea makes his way towards me smiling cockily.

"You know I hate how Jones is taking credit for this place," Sweet Pea says at once, "Fangs and I did all the work."

"All of us did," I say shoving him slightly, "but you're right. My final straw is if he tells people he did the housing that I've been busting my ass to provide for them."

"He wouldn't dare," Sweet Pea says, "he's trying to get on your good side remember." I roll my eyes and Jug stands above us now ready to start.

"The drug trade has reared its ugly head in Riverdale yet again," Jug says loudly to capture the attention of the whole room. "Now, my dad doesn't think we're ready, but we're going to be Riverdale's unofficial DEA."

"We aren't ready," I say harshly under my breath. Quite a few members looking at me sensing the approaching tension. Serpent King and Ex Serpent Queen fighting once again. Both of them too stubborn to listen to the other side.

"We are," Jug says looking to me fiercely, "That means we're gonna make life miserable for the Gargoyles and run them out of our town. But first, we're gonna hit the hotspots. Make sure Gladys isn't using any of Hiram's old infrastructure." As he explains the rest of the plan I can't seem to keep my mind in the room. My eyes trail over everything slightly getting overwhelmed at the numerous sounds and colors in the room. When Jug stops talking and takes a key out, a breath of relief in my freedom from the stuff building. As I get outside to my truck I climb in the back instead of the front. Wanting to give me a couple of minutes to calm down.

"I haven't seen you that anxious since Jones was in the hospital," Sweet Pea says as he approaches me. He hops into the bed of the truck sitting down beside me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired," I say simply, "it's hard around here." As if on cue my phone rings. I answer the unknown number cautiously. "Hello?"

"Who is it?" Sweet Pea asks leaning closer to hear the words from the other line. I simply shrug frankly confused for myself.

"Hey its Evelyn," I hear on the other line. My eyes widen at the words. "Yeah, my dad wanted me to call you to let you know he's interested in talking to you at some point. Maybe tomorrow night?"

"Yeah yeah that's perfect," I tell her, "I'll be there."

"Great," She says to me before ending the call. I look over to Sweet Pea who seems confused about what that was about and why she would be calling.

"Betty and I are infiltrating The Farm," I tell him, "I did an interview and they want me back. Don't worry I'm not joining its just purely detective work." I stand up and climb out of the truck. Sweet Pea follows carefully.

"I still think you should be careful," He tells me, "I mean there is a lot that could go wrong there. Like you falling for their shit and completely changing who you are." I think to every person The Farm has dragged into their cult and ruined. I sigh loudly.

"The first time I tell you that I'm for some reason considering joining that cult snap me out of it at once," I tell him, "promise me that. Okay?" He nods. His eyes fall back to Fangs talking to one of the newer Serpents. I could tell that Fangs being moved over to that cult was killing Sweet Pea. Slowly he's losing his best friend.

"I promise," He tells me. I smile and the boy is dragged off by his friend to return home. Jug's eyes firmly resting on me from the distance. His cold look turns playful melting my very core in a matter of seconds. I pull my eyes away from him in hopes to shut down my obsession with wanting to be with him back the way it was. It's not the same anymore.


"And they want me there," I tell Betty as she and I sit in the Blue and Gold. She and I decided to meet after lunch and such to talk through everything. "Betty this is our chance."

"Cheryl is helping too," Betty says, "or planning to at least. Everyone knows we are close. But general knowledge is that Cheryl hates you and doesn't care about me regardless. She won't seem suspicious. You will."

"Good thinking," I say to Betty, "I'll join Cheryl tonight. We can both see what we can find out. Maybe it will help us."

"I'm in, cousin," Cheryl says as she busts in. She marches towards us at once looking on fiercely. "Oh, I didn't know she'd be here. Betty why is she here?" She looks to Betty wanting an explanation on my presence. I stand up crossing my arms looking at Cheryl.

"I can talk for myself thank you very much," I tell her, "now I'm here to help Betty. That's it." Cheryl rolls her eyes harshly. Even with her and Toni back together she and I are not on the best of terms. I don't know exactly why it shifted this time but it's safe to say that she and I aren't exactly friends right now. Cheryl scoffs at me.

"Remember what I said to Toni about wearing red?" She asks harshly, "it applies to you. It's my color."

"I look better in it," I say getting into her face. She simply chuckles at the remark. I step away at once. "I have Serpent business. I'll pick you up at Thorn Hill Blossom."

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