seaycee oneshots :)))

By allyjean2323

30.1K 1.2K 1.7K

hi so here's my attempt at some oneshots! some will be happy, some sad, some *boundary pushing* but really, j... More

the one where sean almost quits
the one with will and janelle's wedding
the one with prom
the one with the good girl and the bad boy, pt 2
the one with him
the one with the one year celebration
the one with all the jealousy
the one where i almost lost her
the one where nobody knows
the one where nobody knows, pt 2
the one where nobody knows, part 3

the one with the good girl and the bad boy

3.1K 135 210
By allyjean2323

hella long, time skips, probably terrible. enjoy yeet


There really was no word to describe her that fit better than good. Glasses she had to push up occasionally because they slid too far down her face, eyes bright when she scanned over books, grades more immaculate than her stunningly neat room, hair always pulled back in a braid, under a beanie, teacher's pet, Honor Society President, Student Council President, and total nerd. She lived her life in the shadows, but didn't care, because she had a Bigger Plan. Georgetown was her goal. She was getting out of this stupid country deadbeat town and moving on, and never coming back. Deep down, if you asked her, she was sad she hadn't found anything to make her miss it, because in the bios of billionaires she read, they all said the most rewarding experience was visiting their hometowns after they made it big for the first time. But you could never tell.

She was the good girl to end all good girls. That was just who she was.


There was no really no word to describe him that fit better than bad. Captain of the football team, barely passing his classes just for the sole purpose of staying on the team, going to college for free on a scholarship, smoking behind the school during study halls, cutting classes, hazing freshmen, shoving kids into lockers as he walked in the halls with his friends, basically the bad boy out of every cliche high school movie scene. The only thing he ever loved was his varsity jacket. Every girl loved him, even though he'd fooled around with them and dropped them later, and every guy wanted to be him. This stupid country deadbeat town was his endgame, and deep down, if you asked him, he was afraid of what would happen when he walked across the stage, but you'd never know it.

He was the bad boy to end all bad boys. That was just who he was.


"What do you mean, I don't have enough service hours for Georgetown?" Kaycee shrieked at her principal. The man raised his eyebrows and squinted at his screen, then flipped it around to show her. "For admission, they require at least 200 per year of high school, and this year, you've only logged 184."

"W-well can I fix it?" she cried in disbelief. All this time, all this work, this was literally her one dream. She had no backup plan. "I can't not go," she shook her hands frantically. "This is my dream."

"Come on, Kaycee," her principal sighed. "You're valedictorian. Captain of the cheer squad. A State champion. A National Merit scholar. You've had all As your whole time here, any college would love to have you, you have so many awards ranked, is just staying in town so bad?"

"Yes," Kaycee said flatly. "It is. You can't change my mind, Hills." The principal winced as the tiny brunette called his last name out dryly. "I'm going to Georgetown, that's my dream school, and I'm getting in."

"Can't," Mr. Hills smiled smugly at the girl. All these years, she'd haggled with him over APs, test scores, deadlines, and teachers, and she'd outsmarted every last person in these hallways. She called him out when he tried to fudge some SAT scores for that quarterback Sean Lew, she'd called him out when he'd cut pay from the guidance counselors to fund the football team, and she'd called him out when he'd tried to suspend her the week he let the football team cut school to get rest for the state championship game. 

"They're not even good," she'd deadpanned. "We cheer for idiots."

In short, Kaycee Rice was the Krypton of every poor high school teacher. And he needed to get rid of her. Georgetown was all too close, as far as he was concerned. Hell, he wanted to see her get on a plane to some boarding school in France with her sister and never come back.

"Fine," he slid her transcript across the desk towards her. "I'll say your last AP exam hasn't come in yet. If you can get these last 16 hours done in school, since you've managed to direct all your efforts outside of these halls yet you complain-"he shot her a look-"About how poorly I run my school, I'll sign off."

"Fine." she snatched the paper.

"Ah ah ah, Ms. Rice," Mr. Hills smirked. "Not so fast."

"What?" Kaycee crossed her arms, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm choosing for you. And I choose that you will be a part of our peer tutoring group."

Kaycee groaned. "Can I do literally anything else?"

"You're the Student Body President, Kaycee," Mr. Hills retorted. "If you can't work with your classmates, then I may have to have Georgetown question the accuracy of that resume."

"You wouldn't," she challenged.

"You've given me enough trouble, Ms. Rice," he sighed, folding his hands. "If I were you, I'd hop on over to room 406 after school without another word."

She groaned and slid around the corner, rolling her eyes. "Fine," he heard her call from down the hallway.


"You're doing peer tutoring?" Tahani pulled on her friend's arm. Kaycee jerked it away, rolling her eyes as she sipped on her smoothie. "I know. It was all Hills had and it's the only way the Georgetown dream is still alive."

"I doubt that," Bailey rolled her eyes. "He's just sticking you with the lowest of the low to get back at you for trolling him all these years."

"Well, whatever he's doing," Kaycee sighed, "Is leaving me stuck with peer tutoring. Who even does that?" she scanned the cafeteria and her eyes rested on the jock table. "I'm guessing they're involved?" Bailey laughed. 

"I think the only regulars they have going are Sean Lew and Audrey Partlow," she grinned. "At least that's what I hear from Ken."

Kenneth San Jose. Bailey's longtime crush, and Kaycee's Vice President. 

"Dumb and Dumber?" Kaycee moaned. "I quit already."


Means to an end.

She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply before opening the door to room 406 after school. She wasn't terrible at communicating, because obviously she had friends. It was just with her school, the majority of her school, they irked her. Their immaturity and lack of push to learn made her feel so isolated and the popular girls had never made any effort to help her fit in. She felt her tiny town high school was a set straight out of a movie, and nobody helped by falling into their typical archetypes. She had social anxiety, a little bid of ADHD, and a whole lot of OCD. When she was a kid, she struggled to find friends, and everyday, a little voice in her head reminded her she'd only become friends with Tahani and Bailey because their moms were friends. She knew they'd never have chosen her now if they'd just met, and she knew back then she'd never have had the courage to speak to them otherwise.

She had always been in her own little world, and the doctors told her mom that it would wear off as she grew, and she'd become the life of the party like her sister, but for Kaycee, it just stuck.

She swallowed her anxiety medication, washed it down with water, and opened the handle.

There was one boy in there. 

Sitting alone, earbuds in, nodding his head off vaguely, tapping his pen on the chair, his papers strewn about.

She resisted the urge to go pick them and walked over him to him slowly. She heard someone clear their throat and looked up, to see Mr. Hills watching, his eyebrows raised. She rolled her eyes and sat down at the desk in front of the boy and picked up his papers. He looked at her. 

"You dropped these."

"WHAT?" he yelled, and Kaycee winced.

"YOU DROPPED THESE!" she yelled back, embarrassed as the sounds reverberated off of the classroom walls. 

He shrugged and went back to jamming out with his pencil.

"Um, Sean," she tapped him. He yanked his earbuds out and looked at her, agitated. "What?" he snapped.

"Um, hi," she said, at a loss for words. They'd never spoken, and this was just one of many reasons why. Besides being a total dumb jock, and a total fuckboy, he was also a total ass. "I'm Kaycee, and I'm here for peer tutoring."

"I don't need your help, Miss Perfect," he snapped. "I'm just here because they make me. At 4, you go your way, I go mine. Simple as that." He snapped his fingers and Kaycee flinched.

"I'm here to do something too," she said slowly, shuffling his papers. "And I can't walk away from a job knowing I didn't do it."

"Sounds like a you problem," he said, without looking up. 

"No, it's your problem too," she sighed, withdrawing a folder from her backpack and sliding it across the desk to him. He looked at it blankly. "What's this have to do with me?"

"They told me you were the only regular here, so I took the liberty of looking up your stuff on GraderNet," she reported, referring to the school's grading network. "Looks like this semester, your GPA is under a 2.3, so I'm pretty sure that means you can't play this season until that comes up."

"Where'd you get that?" he snatched the file from the desk and flipped it open. "Did you like, stalk me or something?"

"I'm tight with Constance," Kaycee replied simply.

"Constance?" he raised his eyebrows. She stuttered as she caught herself. "I mean, uh, the guidance counselor. Mrs. Roberts. I eat lunch in there a lot, you know," she said, looking at the ground. "I'm not really good with the whole high school thing."

"I know what this is," he said, flapping the folder. She watched him curiously. "What?"

"You have a crush on me," he said. 

She resisted the urge to laugh. "On you? What gave you that idea?"

"Stalking me, randomly showing up instead of Cassie, I know what this is," he said, pointing a finger in her face. 

"Who's Cassie?" Kaycee asked.

"The senior that normally tutors me. And by tutors, you know what I mean," he winked. 

"Gross," Kaycee closed her eyes, trying not to get a picture in her head. "Well, you're not getting that kind of tutoring from me."

"You know what you can do," he said, rubbing his hands together. "You can give me your study drugs. All the smart kids have them, right?"

"NO!" she cried, horrified. He looked disappointed. "I know it's a long shot, but any weed?"

Kaycee slammed her books down and jolted up. "That's it, I can't do this, if this is what getting into Georgetown is gonna take, forget it."

Mr. Hills laughed from the doorframe. "Giving up so soon, Ms. Rice?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but the boy behind her beat her to it. "Shut up Hills, don't you have anything better to do than hit on high school girls?"

She looked behind her slowly, dumbfounded. The principal left in a huff, but she barely noticed as she tilted her head in amusement at the now-spoken jock. "I take don't like him either?" she gestured towards the door. Sean shook his head. "Hate him. The guy's such a scumbag."

"Figured you wouldn't say that," she laughed to herself. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "And why's that, Golden Girl?"

"Please," she huffed, easing on top of a desk. "He's bent the rules over backwards so many times for you, I thought you guys would be like best buds."

"Yeah," Sean shook his head, "But he doesn't do the same for my guys. It pisses me off. They're just as good, and they've got more brains than I do."

"At least you have good grammar," she offered. He shook his head. "Look, I really appreciate what you're trying to do here, but it's just not gonna work. Cassie at least gave me a reason to try, but I have to go."

He got up and started for the door, and Kaycee froze. Her whole life, she was never able to find the words, and here she was, on the cusp of Georgetown, something she'd been chasing her whole life, and she was going to let Sean Lew, a walking, talking, breathing example of everything she hated about her sleepy town, get in the way of it.

"No," she said quietly. He turned around. "Sorry, Valedictorian Chick or whatever, but it's not gonna work. You and me, our types don't mix."

"Why not?" her voice quivered. "We both need something from this, and we can both get it from this. Why don't you at least give it a try? Please?" She closed her eyes, trying to muster up the strength to persuade him. "You need to play on the team, right?"

He didn't say anything, just leaned against the doorframe. 

"And I need these service hours for Georgetown. It's the only service Hills will let me do as long as he's holding my transcript from them," she sighed. "I know that maybe college isn't your thing," she trembled, "But this is my dream. I don't know a lot about sports, or about you, and I know we have no reason to help each other, but think of this." She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. She could barely look at him, she was so nervous. "Georgetown for me is like how it must feel to win States for you. You've been chasing it basically since you started playing and you have all the tools to get there, but then right before, you lose one of your guys. Then you have to go on the JV bench and pull someone out. It's a risky plan, and it might not work, but you want to win States so bad, you're not gonna forfeit, right?"

She looked up, and he wasn't moving. Emotionless. She sighed. "Please, Sean. I know we're not friends, but can you please try to be human for once?"

He thought for a moment. "Only if you bring weed."

And then he was gone before she could protest.


One day later

"Really?" he rolled his eyes as she entered, carrying a plate of green frosted cupcakes.

"Before you say no," she sighed, putting up her hand to stop him, "Just hear me out. I don't do illegal things. I do bake. I made these for you, see, they're green," she gestured to the tiny plate excitedly, "With mint. Mint's a leaf. It can actually make you sleepy and feel relaxed. Kinda like weed." Her eyes shone as she talked.

Sean almost couldn't believe her.

Most girls would bring him weed.

If they didn't, then they wouldn't have come.

They would've known it was over.

But she went as far as to make him cupcakes that were green with some natural shit with the same effects.

He started to laugh. "What?" her shoulders fell.

"Guess you're not used to not getting something down easily," he joked. She laughed, but he could tell he'd hit the nail on the head. "Tell you what." He picked one up, unwrapped it, and dropped it into his mouth. She watched him nervously. 

It was actually good. "Good," he mmphed as he talked with his mouth fall. She looked at him in disgust. "Manners, Mr. Lew."

She waited until he was finished chewing and waited nervously. "One week," he said. "But that's all I'm giving you."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" she squealed, leaping up and throwing her arms around his neck. He jumped at her eager hug and slowly, his arms found their way around her. "You're welcome," he said slowly. "You're welcome. But today doesn't count. I have a party to go to."

"Are you going to drink?" she asked him timidly as he gathered his things.

"Don't worry about it, Rice. Why, you wanna come?" he asked. She jumped and shook her head rapidly. "No, no, I, no, no, I don't drink."

"Too bad." he shoved his folder in his bag. "It's a good time."

"So-so are you going to do your work tonight?" she asked nervously.

"Not a chance," he blew her an exaggerated kiss as he left the classroom. 

"Wait!" she chased him down the hallway. She was not letting his affluence ruin her college dream. "You can't show up hungover."

"I've been drinking for years, Golden Girl," he said, and for some weird reason, she felt herself blush. "My tolerance is better than an alcoholic's."

"Don't you worry?" she asked. "About what it does to you."

"After this, Kaycee Rice," he sighed, "I don't really have a next plan like you."

"I think you can," she said, stepping closer to him and staring up at him. He didn't meet her eyes. "I don't need some expensive school's validation to make me feel good, Rice."

"And I do?" she called to his back as he turned and walked away. 

"Just face it, Kaycee, you and I are totally different people. Leave it alone. You get into your stupid college and I get my playing time. Now drop it."

For the first time in her life, there was no SAT word available in her brain that she could come up with to snap back at him.

"Same time tomorrow?" he spoke after a while.

"Sounds like you're asking me on a date," she tried a weak attempt at his sense of humor.

"Please," he scoffed jokingly. "You plus me, Rice? That's some math I can do, and let me tell you, there's no answer."


two months later



He ate his words.

One week had become two, and one hour sessions had become three hour ones. 

Begrudgingly at first, he'd started to open up to her, once he'd realized she was going to prod him until he poured out his thoughts, but then it just started happening.

She was his breath of fresh air, his escape from the town world.

She made him feel smart. 

He liked hearing her talk about things, because she wasn't like everybody else. She had plans, she set goals, and she went after them. And she was the only person he knew that literally had accomplished, or had a plan in motion to accomplish, every last one of them.

His test scores were getting better.

Teachers now were giving him appreciative nods as his Fs rose to Cs to lingering at solid Bs.

He and Kaycee now spent a lot of time together. He ate lunch with her in the library as they poured over books, and they sat on the school roof together, often ordering pizza in, when the night hours struck and they found themselves still at the high school.

He'd begun introducing her to his friends, and she'd allowed him to meet her equally as intelligent posse. Of course, he'd been subjected to some condescending stares there, but Kaycee had just squeezed his arm and told the girls that he was actually doing really well.

She was different. She was a good girl.

And of course, he hated to admit, but there was a small part of him that was falling in love with her.



Sean had come a long way in two months.

He had opened up to her over late night talks, takeout dinners, and study sessions.

Sometimes they didn't even talk, just studied either together at a table in the library or over FaceTime in their rooms, enjoying each other's presence.

They'd become a unit that functioned best when together. She laughed as he consulted her on outfits, she quietly listened when he told her all the stuff that went down at parties, they celebrated his two months sober and clean together with more of her imitation weed cupcakes (yes, he did still bully her for that) and she told him all about Georgetown, and why she loved it there.

"My sister wasn't perfect," she sighed over the phone one night. "She was anything but. But my mom deserved more than she got on that. My dad left when I was younger, my brother died overseas, and Kylie just kinda burned out when she moved off with her older boyfriend guy. I just wanted to be good, really good for her. To make up for everything she had to go through with all of them."

"That's awful, Kaycee," Sean had said. 

"No, it's no big deal."

But as much as it could for her, life was falling into place. Hills had signed off on her service and she'd mailed in her application to Georgetown, cheer was going well as they geared up for football season, and her grades were, as per usual, perfect. She was enjoying senior year but not too much, as she was trying to slowly detach herself from everything going on. 

Then the letter came.

When she opened it, she was shocked, relieved, every emotion she could feel, all at once.

Miss Kaycee Rice, 

We at Georgetown are excited to announce you have been warmly accepted into the class of 2025...

She snapped it shut.

She had to tell Sean.

"Rice, that's amazing!" he said over the phone. "We gotta celebrate!"

"You wanna...celebrate?" she asked, confused. She knew they were close, but like...going out somewhere together? That would throw their whole high school into a frenzy. "You wanna be seen with me?" she asked, only half-joking.

"Of course," his duh tone reaching her even through the phone. "Without Georgetown, I wouldn't be starting this weekend. So what do you say?" he asked. Her heart pounded. "I can pick you up at 6," he continued. "Wear something nice."

"Ok, yeah," she said, dumbfounded. "That sounds good, yeah. Really good."

She was going out to dinner with Sean Lew. 

Literal known bad boy, Sean Lew.

The literal known bad boy, Sean Lew, that in the past two months, she'd found herself slowly falling in love with.

That one.




As she talked excitedly about Georgetown and her dorm and everything, he couldn't help but let his mind wander.

He was happy for her.

Really, he was.

But he didn't want her to go.

And all the way across the country? 

He was in love with good girl Kaycee Rice, and he wasn't sure he wanted to let that go.

"Are you ok?" she asked him. He snapped out of it. "Yeah, yeah," he nodded. "Sorry. Just thinking about the game tomorrow. Nervous."

"Don't be." she reached across the table and squeezed his hand. His heart raced and he could swear he felt hers racing too. "You're amazing. Think about how far you've come. With everything."

She'd taught him every word there was to know, and he couldn't say some of the most basic to form the sentence he'd been trying to figure out.

Kaycee Rice, I think I'm falling in love with you.




the next day, at the game

"Kayc! You made it!" Sean said, jogging out of warmups when he saw the girl, wearing his practice jersey he'd offered to her when she'd called him that morning, realizing she had no football shirts. 

"I'm here," she grinned. "And ready to see if you can walk the walk."

"Trust me, when you're around, I can do anything," he winked, and before she could react, he was gone.

He had a way of doing that. She rolled her eyes and smiled to herself, and headed up to the stands, where Bailey and Tahani were.

"Is this true, what I'm seeing? Kaycee Rice at a football game?" Tahani grinned, dramatically putting her hand to her heart.

"Wearing Sean Lew's jersey, let's not forget," Bailey chimed in. 

Tahani nodded. "So does this mean y'all fucked or....."

"Shut up!" Kaycee squealed. "We've just been hanging out a lot because I'm tutoring him. And as if I had time for a boyfriend," she rolled her eyes dismissively. "I'm ditching this town and everything in it as soon as I get the chance. Except for you guys of course, since you're coming to the East Coast with me."

"You may not have the hots for him, but he definitely has em for you," Bailey observed. Kaycee rolled her eyes again as she watched him jog on the field. He lifted his helmet off and waved to her. 

"You think?" she asked, a flutter in her heart.

"I know," Tahani laughed. "We all know."

"Nah," she said, shaking off her friend. "He's too much of a bad boy."


Hilton High School


35 minutes before graduation

"Rice! Wait up!" Sean ran down the hallway, his one hand holding onto his graduation cap. Kaycee turned and Bailey and Tahani excitedly nudged each other, running off so the two could be alone.

The two still hadn't said anything about their feelings to each other, but something had blossomed out of their relationship. A midnight kiss after a good test grade was posted, Kaycee falling asleep on Sean's floor and waking up next to him, all of it. However, he hadn't made any moves, and she wasn't going to leave for Virginia on a fling.

"I wanted to see you," he said bashfully, "Before we go."

Kaycee never lived her life not knowing. For the past school year, instead of steering clear of all the relationships in her town, she'd found herself drawn further and further into one. She lived her life empirically. She always knew. But this was the most undefined path she'd ever allowed herself to walk, and in that moment, it became too much.

"What are we, Sean?" she blurted out.

The question visibly caught him off guard. "I mean, I helped you through all this, I've slept at your house, we've literally kissed-and I don't know if kissing means anything to you, but it does to me because you were my first and I-" he cut her off by kissing her. 

And of course, she, the good girl, kissed him, the bad boy, back.

"That's not my answer," he said, when she started to speak again. "This is." He took a deep breath and took her hands in his.

"Kaycee. You're a good girl. You're this valedictorian, president, cheerleader, honors student, peer tutor, service doing, Georgetown loving, girl, and you are undoubtedly, one of the most amazing people I have ever met."

Her breath hitched in her throat. "And I'm a bad boy. I'm a kid from the same deadbeat town you are, that wanted to make nothing out of himself and wasn't going to, until you came into my life with you imitation weed cupcakes," he paused to laugh, "and you flipped my world upside down. You never quit on me, you're always there for me, and you've become the reason I haven't given up. You're an inspiration, Kaycee, and this past year has been so amazing, because of the million things you brought into my life, all of them were good, but the best is the fact that I am in love with you, Kaycee," he rushed out the words. "And I know you're going away to Georgetown and that I was awful to you, and I remember that I told you that you plus me equals nothing, but you, now I know that you," he struggled to get them out without crying as he saw her, already transcending into her collegiate life as she stood there, so far away from him already, in her cap and gown, "You and me, that is everything I want."

"Sean," she started to say, but they were cut off. "I-"

"Attention all graduates, please report to the football field immediately."

"I'll see you out there," was all she said, and she ran, her hand on her cap, as she ran down the hall, ready to go give her speech. "We can talk later, after this, I promise," she yelled down the hall, and he numbly followed her.


After Kaycee read her speech, she fell in line beside Sean. Her fingers silently found his, and her eyes met his. She nodded and closed them and breathed, motioning for him to do the same. As they moved up the line to receive their diplomas, and they heard their classmates be called out, she finally gave into the urge.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out with USC."

"Bailey Sok, Princeton."

"It's ok," he whispered, "I found somewhere else. It was a long shot, but I got in. There's this girl I like going there too, so it works."

"Tahani Anderson, Yale."

"Oh." Her heart fell. He'd just confessed his love, and now he'd already found someone else too?

She should've known he wouldn't change. She sighed and tried to blink back tears.

She was literally achieving everything she'd ever wanted, so why was she so unhappy?

"Good luck with her," she found herself saying, even though she didn't mean it.

"Thanks," he whispered back. "I got a football scholarship too, so that was awesome. As long as I keep my grades above Bs."

And he didn't even tell me. Her heart sank. She almost asked him why, but bit her lip as she realized she was next. "Go ahead," Sean pushed her gently. "Go shine."

"Call me if you need help," was all she said.

Then she was there. On the stage, shaking Hills' hand, the lights blinding her, finding her mom in the crowd, feeling her diploma fit into her hand perfectly. 

"Kaycee Rice, Valedictorian, Georgetown University."

But in that moment, Georgetown was gone. All she could think about was Sean. She looked back at him and her feet hesitated. She was literally frozen in between her present and her future, something it had taken her 18 years to experience, and now all she finally wanted to do was stay.

But this was graduation. She didn't have a choice anymore. 

She was out of time.

It was a deadline, the first ever, that she had missed.

She took her place beside the other graduates, swallowing a lump in her throat as she watched him receive his. 

"By some miracle," Hills laughed, and the audience did as well, "Sean Lew. Georgetown University."

Kaycee's heart dropped.

The next thing she knew, Sean was there beside her, and they were watching Julian and Chloe, who had been together since freshman year, walk and receive their diplomas together to a chorus of "awwwws". 

"I could call you," he reasoned, "Or I could just walk over."

"I love you," she breathed out.

"Because I'm going to Georgetown?" he teased.

"That helps," she grinned, and she pulled him down for a long kiss.

AN: hi guys wow that probably sucked but i got an idea so i wrote and heyyy that's what this website is all abt right???

lmk how i did bc i deadass don't know.

also thank you for 100 followers, a combined 100k reads on all my works, and 1 thousand reads ALREADY on this. SO looking forward to where this goes and your comments and feedback LITERALLY MAKE MY DAY SO MUCH i can't tell you how much, like i don't have the words. but trust me on this. there hasn't been a day in like two weeks that i haven't been smiling, or been upset and gone here and ended up smiling. so. much. freakin. love. it's. craaazy.

this was over 5000 words oops.

sorry not sorry?

here's that positivity challenge too :)

~take care of yourselves, you beautiful human beings. i saw somewhere that your diet is not only what you eat, but what you see, hear, do, who you surround yourself with, what you listen to, and what you model yourselves after. take the time to think. if i were on a food diet, i would be trying very hard to recognize what's good for me. now apply this to the life diet. sometimes it's harder to discern between fake friends and toxic relationships than it is between greens and candy. but you can do it. respect and love yourself that much! you deserve it :)


 kally jean <3

also sorry if u hated this i'm really sorry bc i actually wasted a lot of ur time

also dedicated to reg @seayceetings lol bc what do i write that isn't

ok bye now i'm done i'm serious

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