Galing kay bananasboutyou

747K 23.5K 10.7K

"I'm not a lesbian, I just appreciate the fact that girls can be as hot as guys" That's what I believed, un... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 22

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Galing kay bananasboutyou

Lauren's sitting on the bleachers with a smile on her face while she texts Taylor on her phone.

You've been texting me non stop for 2 hours now

And I'm not complaining

You love it

Gotta go babe. My shift starts in 3 minutes. Talk to you later.

Have fun 💋

"You're all smiley.. and it's annoyingly cute" Dinah groaned as she sat down beside Lauren with the rest of the gang walking towards her.

"I take it that the date went well?" Dinah asked as she looks at Camila who was sitting down besides Ally.

"It went very well" Lauren smiled.

"So fill us in with details" Noah smirked.

"You mean tell you if we did it or not" Lauren shook her head smiling. Camila turn her attention from her phone to her friends.

"So.. did you.."

"No.. we didn't.. it's our first date. You guys are unbelievable" Lauren rolled her eyes making her friends chuckle except Camila who looks really interested in the conversation.

"So nothing happened?" Normani asked with disappointment in her voice.

"We kissed" Lauren looked at her fingers while smiling.

"Oohh get it Lo" Dinah sang.

"You're officially my idol now" Noah stood up before giving Lauren a high five.

"So what happened last night?" Ally asked smiling.

"We played mini golf, eat and went to the movies.. it was amazing" Lauren smiled.

"You really like her huh?" Ally asked making Dinah look at Camila waiting for her reaction.

"I do.. she's great" Lauren answered.

"I gotta go to class" Camila mumbled before standing up.

Lauren frowned while her eyes follows the brunette who was walking across the field.

"I got it" Dinah said as she stood up to follow Camila.

Maybe Taylor's right. Lauren thought.


Camila walked through the halls with her head down. She didn't want to kill the mood with her friends, she just can't stand the way Lauren was talking about Taylor.

Why am I so affected? Camila thought as she grips her backpack.


Camila felt two hands on her shoulder and looked up to see Shawn with a worried look.

"You okay? Noah texted me to meet you guys on the bleachers. What happened?"

"I'm fine.. I gotta get to class" Camila sighed.

"It's lunch time Camila.." Shawn frowned. "You are definitely not okay"

"Camila!" Dinah yelled panting.

"Why did you leave?" Dinah asked as she frowns at Camila.

"I'll leave you guys to talk" Shawn smiled weakly before walking away.

"Okay.. talk" Dinah said.

"I don't wanna talk about it" Camila mumbled.

"You need to talk about it with someone or it'll eat you alive" Dinah sighed "Come on.. I'm your bestfriend.. you can tell me anything"

"I just can't take it anymore Dinah.." Camila sighed


Dinah looked at Camila and her eyes widen in realization. "Is it what I think it is?"

"I don't know.."

"You're inlove with Lauren?!" Dinah whisper-yelled.

"Don't say it! Someone might hear you!" Camila whispered back.

"Holy shit" Dinah grabbed Camila's arn and pulled her towards the music room locking the door behind them.

"Since when?" Dinah asked.

"I realized it the day she met her.. I don't know.  They we're talking and smiling and I just ugh.. it made me so mad" Camila groaned.

"So you had this feelings since the begining and you just realized it? I didn't know you're..."

"Gay?" Camila finished her sentence.

"Into girls too" Dinah smirked.

"I didn't know either.. maybe I'm just gay for HER"

"Wow.. Lauren is that good huh?" Dinah asked making Camila look at her with confusion.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore, I lost her"  Camila sighed as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"You can't lose what you never had" Dinah replied.

"You probably think that I'm an idiot.." Camila chuckled.

"You are.." Dinah smiled "She's with Taylor now Mila. You had your chance and you wasted it"

"I know...I should keep my distance, right?"

"Come on" Dinah wrapped her arms around her bestfriend for a comforting hug "Let's go back to them.. class starts in 30 minutes"

"Okay.." Camila nodded

"Just so you know..." Dinah whispered "I'm still rooting for you"


"Sorry I thought lunch time was over" Camila chuckled as she sits down besides Dinah.

"Where's your head at?" Noah chuckled making Camila roll her eyes.

"Your fine Camz.." Lauren smiled.

Damn that smile.

Dinah nudged Camila's shoulder before mouthing "you're staring"

Camila quickly averted her gaze and pulled out her phone to distract her.

"I heard Austin is throwing a party on Friday" Shawn said and everyone's face lit up.

"You say party and everyone comes back to life" Ally chuckled.

"Are we going?" Camila asked.

"Of course.. I'll pick these two up on Friday" Noah pointed at Lauren and Camila.

"That's not a great idea. You're taking Lily right? We don't want to interrupt you two" Camila smirked at Noah.

Oh she's back. Lauren thought.

"Camz can ride with me..."

"Oh no no.." Dinah interrupted "I'll call an uber for us.. I don't want you guys driving while intoxicated"

"She's right" Camila nodded at Lauren.

"Ugh.. fine" Lauren groaned.

The bell rang making them groan as they pick up their bags.

"Thanks" Camila whispered to Dinah.

"I got you" Dinah whispered back.

Class ended and Camila walked towards her car as she scrolls through Instagram.

"Cute" Camila mumbled as she stalks Taylor's feed. She looked up from the phone and frowned when she saw her tires were slashed.

"The fuck" Camila muttered as she ran towards her car.

"What the hell?!" Camila yelled as she scanned the parking lot feeling her rage taking over her body.

"Fucking unbelievable" Camila mumbled as she calls Dinah.

"What's up Chancho?"

"Someone fucking slashed my tires!"

"The fuck.. who would do that?"

"I don't fucking know.. Can you give me a ride home?"

"I can't boo.. I'm on my way to pick up my sister. Sorry"

"It's fine.. I'll call someone else"

"Text me when you get home"

"I will.. Thanks Dj"


Camila froze when she heard that familiar raspy voice. She turned around and saw Lauren with a confused look.

Great.. just great.

"What happened to your car?" Lauren asked as she eyes the slashed tires.

"Someone's messing with me" Camila said with gritted teeth.

"Who?" Lauren asked.

"I don't fucking know Lauren" Camila snapped

"Come on.." Lauren sighed "I'll give you a ride home"

"No thanks. I'm fine" Camila replied.

"Woah.. what happened here?" Austin bend down to see Camila's tires.

"You sure? Austin can give you a ride?" Lauren said. She knows Camila hates Austin.

"I would love to give you a ride" Austin smiled.

Camila rolled her eyes and turned to Lauren "Where's your car?"

"Uhh before you go.. I'm having a party this Saturday and I want to invite you guys" Austin smiled.

He seems like a nice guy. Why does Camila hate him so much. Lauren thought.

"We'll think about it" Camila replied before walking away with Lauren


My friends are drowning in alcohol while I'm sitting by the pool writing this Chapter..

Hello everyone!

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

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