Uncharted: Different story (S...

By KristinaPinkrov

11.2K 329 58

Hi, this story will be fanfiction about Uncharted 4, especially relationship between Samuel and reader. Engli... More

Back in the game
Stop playing games
Happy hunting
For those who prove worthy
Good luck
It's gonna be okay
In the forest
No more secrets
Ancient mistakes
Inside the cave
Together again

Good to hear you again

1K 25 3
By KristinaPinkrov

You slowly approach the front door, your high heels clicking on the floor. Inside of the building looks amazing, all the luxurious furniture, golden decorations and crystal chandeliers and it plays this weird kind of music as on any other auction. You arrived just 10 minutes before the auction because you don't want to risk meeting Rafe or any other familiar face. You walked in to the auction hall, order a glass of champagne on the bar and walk to the pillar in the back of the room trying not to draw any attention which was hard thanks to your stunning look. You are wearing your favourite long black dress with slit reaching the middle of your thigh. The slit ends high but still left enough fabric to cover the small knife attached to your garter. You could wear something les sexy but it just isn't your style.

As you were observing the room you notice that the lot order must had been changed because the cross should be auctioned later in the evening and not at the beginning. „Well I would really love to know how much it cost Rafe." you said with eyes pointed at Rafe who was standing in front of the stage.

As everybody was watching the start of the auction, you walk carefully around the room checking exits, number and location of the staff members and of course Rafe's actions. You spot a waiter murmuring to himself next to the stage and strange feeling appeared in your gut. You looked at photos of the staff million times but this guy doesn't look familiar. „Maybe just last time help. This is gonna be easy." you shake your head to let go of those strange feelings and encourage yourself just as the bidding on Avery's cross begins. It was a fight between Rafe and some older but charming man. You started to feel kinda sorry for that older guy as he hasn't any chance to defeat Rafe and his infinite amount of inherited money.

Just as you scoffed in disgust the lights go out. Your heart starts racing. Something isn't right. Before you can even think about what you should do, the lights start to shine again. But something is different. Wrong. You look at the stage and see. The cross is gone.

„Shit!" you started scanning the room for anything suspicious. Then you realized it. The waiter is gone. „I knew it!" You quickly start making your way through the panicked crowd. You caught a glimpse of that guy as he disappeared behind one of the doors. The security blocks your way but Rafe and his hysterical yelling provides the distraction you need to sneak into that door.

You quietly follow the waiter coming closer and walk from three to five steps behind him leaving enough space not to get spotted and still close enough to overhear the conversation with his confederates. „I got Saint Dismas right here, you wanna say hi?" he grins satisfied. „Well, I would really love to greet him." you break the silence raising one eyebrow. He stops and slowly turn around to face you. The hall is quiet, lighten only by the moonlight coming through windows but you can clearly see him. It's handsome man a bit older than you with brown hair and deep dark eyes. He smelled of his cologne mixing with the cigarette smoke. Standing in front of each other you remain silent for a moment. You're looking straight into his eyes with serios face while he's scanning you up and down.

„Well", he clears his throat, „although I would really like stay here and introduce you to my friend, I'm afraid we've got an important meeting to attend so If you'll excuse us." He smiled slightly and starts continue down the hall.

„I'm worried that your friend is not gonna appear on that meeting, because he's leaving with me." you say blocking his way.

„Listen, you are really beautiful and I don't want to hurt you so let me go and everything will be ok." His serious expression changes into flirtatious smile as his hand tenderly cupping your cheek.

„That's not gonna happen." you say decisively ripping the cross from his hand.

Before you know it he grabs your wrist and squeezing it really hard. Pain is flooding in your body. Knowing that you can't defeat him and you soon won't be able to hold the cross anymore, you open your hand. Pretending surrender, you drop the artefact. „Good girl." he responds in relief like he was hoping that he won't have to hurt you more. He lets go of you and bow down to pick up the cross. This is your chance. You kick him hard in the chest and he drops down on his back. You grab the cross and start running down the hallway leaving him on the ground behind you.

„Stop!" He shouts and starts chasing you. „Nathan we've got a problem, some girl just stole our cross. I'm after her but it will take some time which we haven't."

„Nathan?" The name echoes in your head as run. You begin to slow down and suddenly stop when the name matches the face in your thoughts and you know there is only Nathan that could want Avery's cross. „Nathan? Nathan Drake?" you ask the man urgently as he's approaching you with a questioning expression on his face. When he's close enough, he attempts to get the cross. It's not the same like minutes before, he was calm and concentrated but now his moves are guided by emotions as he's angry about you having the cross. You weren't strong enough to defeat him but you're fast enough to avoid his attempts to get closer to you and the cross. With one smooth move you use the energy of his body to turn him to face the wall and push him against it just a second after you steal his earpiece. After he bumps into wall you put the earpiece into your ear.

„What the..." you quieten him with your palm making a stop signal as you start speaking through the earpiece. You see his confused face and recede a bit further.

„Don't even try to tell me that Nathan Drake is trying to steal Avery's cross without me. You hurt my feelings really bad, I thought we were friends." you say jokingly.

„Y/N? Is it you? I am so glad to hear you again but I hope it would be under different circumstances. I'm sorry not calling you for this job but it was a last time action. Wait a minute, where did you get this earpiece? You stole it from my brother didn't you?"

„Yeah I take it from your guy but don't worry he's alright. Wait...brother? Li..Like your dead brother?" you ask confused and shoot a look at a man standing in front of you leaning against the bookshelf looking at you smirking.

„Yeah...well he has never been dead. Listen, meet me in the Hotel Rome when you get out of here this is not a good time for talking."

You throw the earpiece back to Nathan's brother and hand him the cross. „It looks like we're allies now." you say nervously. „Let's get out of here." 

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