Ancient mistakes

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Floating in the darkness for what seems like eternity, makes your mind go crazy. „Am I dead? Am I in coma? What's going on?" But no answer seems to satisfy you. A faint noise makes its way to your ear but you're not able to place it. Second by second, it's becoming louder and louder making your head feel like it's going to explode. Not able to bear the pain any longer you close your eyes tightly and grit your teeth, hoping it's going to stop soon. The pain is spreading into your entire body and everything in your body is heavier.

It's like your body crashed into something hard, the impact was harsh and you're not able to feel your body anymore. Then the familiar voice reaches you. „Come on, kiddo. Wake up."

Slowly you begin to feel your body especially the weird regular pressure in your chest. Your eyes snap open and your lungs burn, the urge to vomit overwhelms you and before you can observe where you are your body moves on its own. Shoving Sully away you empty your stomach on the ground. When you finish you roll on your back and close your eyes. „This is the worst I've ever felt." you think to yourself, but your words are short-lived because as the feeling of nausea subside a bit a terrible pain emits in your left shoulder just few centimetres above your heart.

Your forehead corrugates as you grit your teeth in pain. „It's okay. You'll be fine. We're save." Sully's words cuts the silence.

„I've never been so happy to hear these cliché words." you giggle a little but wince in pain after.

Sully scoffs and smiles „Okay kid, let's patch your wound." He pulls out the first aid kit as you take of your shirt to give him access to your wound. He takes clean fabric, disinfection and starts to clean your wound. „You know you're tougher than I thought." his words distract your mind from the stinging pain.

„How so?" you ask the corner of your lip lifting up a bit.

„Firstly, running into the cathedral alone then wandering alone in the forest and now getting shot for Drake's. You're hard to get rid of." He chuckles.

„What can I say? When you kick me out the door I climb back through the window." I grinned at him.

„That's not the correct version."

„This suits me better." you winked and he laughs.

„I think you should know Nate is okay, you saved him but Rafe got Sam."

„I know." Sully's brows furrow in confusion and you make a gesture with your hand, waving away the obvious question. „We have to go. They gonna need all the help they can get."

„You nearly died 5 minutes ago and already thinking of a suicide mission?"

„I am one of a kind."


Sully navigates the plane towards something that looks like a small harbour destroyed by the time. Both of you depart from the plane and carefully walks through the empty streets looking for any mercenaries. Climbing up the walls of the small port you realise that Sully despite his age is really in good shape. „So what are you doing when you're not chasing pirate treasures with Nathan?"

„Ordinary work, you know. Ancient artefacts, sneaking, stealing, a lot of danger." he smirks. „But without Nate, it's hard to find a reliable man."

This picks up your curiosity. „And what if it was a woman?" you asks with fake innocence.

„Is she good with gun?" he chuckles.

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें