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The morning sun is warming your skin, fresh salty air is coming through the window and carrying the lovely sound of bird singing to your ears. The city is waking up to a lazy morning. Everything is peaceful, calm and silent. Everything except your mind. Your body still and you are staring to the ceiling while your head feels like it can explode any minute. You close your eyes to calm down a bit and try to remember last night.


Walking down the dimly hallway you finally reach your destination. Encouraging yourself by taking a long swing from a nearly empty bottle in your hand you knock lightly on the door. Nothing. You knock again and get almost inaudible murmur as a response. After a moment the door swings open revealing Sam wearing only grey sweatpants. Your eyes scan his bare toned chest leaning against the doorframe and the sight forces you to bite your lower lip. „Hey Y/N, is everything okay?" he asks rubbing his eyes. His voice is drowsy but really sexy.

„I can't sleep." you answer softly and he gestures for you to go inside. Closing the door, he leads you further into the room which is exactly the same as yours.

„So, do you wanna talk...." you cut him off by pressing your lips to his and placing your hand on his chest. You lick his lower lip expecting him to connect his tongue with yours but instead he pulls away. He sighs and run his hand through his hair, then finally speaks placing both hands on your shoulders looking deeply in your eyes.

„Th...this is not a good idea." Fuck! he curses under his breath, „You are in a very difficult situation and I am here for you. What about we sit and talk about it? It won't help solve the problem it helps you feel better." You hear him but you aren't listening to any of his words. His smile is so sweet and his lips looks so tasty. All you can think of are your hands on his body and his mouth on your skin.

Pushing his chest, he stumbles and sits on the bed. His expression is confused when you slowly approach him. You straddle his lap clarifying your actions. „I don't wanna talk. I don't wanna think. I just wanna enjoy this moment." and with that you kiss him again. He tries to pull you away gently but you hold him tight. You bite his lower lip and that forces a small moan escapes his lips giving you enough time to slip your tongue into his mouth. You brush his tongue with yours and that in an instant ignites the flame inside him and he starts kissing you back roughly. His arms snakes around your waist pulling you closer hard and his tongue dominates yours....

End of flashback

„, no, no, no, no..." you whisper, shaking your head to stop recalling those memories. Slowly steadying your breathing, you gently lift his hand and quietly slide of the bed. Collecting your clothes and putting it on you tip toed out of the room and then rush to your own. You close the door behind you and lean your back against it. Slowly sliding down your mind starts filling with regrets, worries and much else. Everything what happened yesterday fills your mind and your vision is blurred as tears forms in your eyes. You try to fight them but it's too much and you burst out crying. After half an hour of hysterical crying you finally find enough strength to stand up and find a way to the bathroom. You take a long hot shower and it seems that the warm water is able to ease your mind. When you compose yourself it's nearly 9 and you have to head to Nate's room for a meeting.

After knocking, Nate lets you in his room and you are thankfully the first there. Waiting for Sam for more than 20 minutes and he still isn't there. Nate sighs and starts explaining the plan. When you're discussing last things, the door burst open and Sam walks in like he owns the whole place.

„Where the hell have you been? You're nearly an hour late." Nate says really angrily.

„Yeah...sorry about that. I overslept. I had some duties at night and that kept me up till the early morning." he answered slowly, giving you flirty look with that typical sexy smirk on his face.

You shoot him a death glare but then turn your head to peek at Nate if he doesn't become suspicious. But he isn't paying attention and browsing through his journal.

„Nate please tell your brother what we've agreed on. I'm gonna pack my bag." you stated while heading to the door.

„Don't you need help? I've got also skilled hands." Sam almost whisper when you walked past him. You rolled your eyes but blush as moments of last night flashes through your mind and you quickly exit the room.

You packed your bag and started to clean your gun when somebody enters the room. „Please, come later, I'm already leaving the room." you inform the maid or at least who you think is a maid 'cause you can't see who's there as you are facing the window.

„But later I won't be able to spend some alone time with you." You recognize the voice. It's him again. You continue your cleaning like he isn't in the room. When you're done you turn to face him.

„Sam look, what happened last night was a mistake, I was hurt and extremely drunk and I guess I wanted to feel loved or worshiped, I really don't know 'cause I don't remember much. The point is, it happened only once and it's not gonna happen again." you say calmly with a steady voice your eyes never leaving his. Placing your gun into the holster on your leg you're waiting for a response.

„To be exact, it wasn't just once. Danm girl, I thought you wanted to kill me when you kept asking for another round. You just couldn't get enough." he chuckled biting his lower lip obviously remembering last night.

„Shut up!!" You yell while rolling your eyes and turn from him and start filling the magazine with bullets. You whimper and freeze when his strong arms wrap around your waist pressing you to his hard chest. His hot breath on your neck is sending shivers down your spine and your breath shallows.

„C'mon babygirl, don't play hard to get." his lips brushing your earlobe forcing you to gasp. Your body heats up immediately when his fingers find a way under your top drawing slow circles on your bare skin. „Sam..." You shut your eyes and your head falls back on his shoulders when he kisses and bites your neck. The magazine falls from your hand and the collision with the floor makes a sound that brings you back to your senses. You push Sam away and start looking from side to side panicked. Picking up the magazine and placing it to the bag, you run without a word out of the room. 


You, Nate and Sam are on the boat heading to the island to find Libertalia. Since your weak moment in the hotel room, you're trying to avoid any possible interaction between the two of you and that's why is him behind the wheel instead of you. You love driving boats since your first time experiencing it at the age of 11 when your parents take you with them to Hawaii. Since then every time you have been at sea, you've been driving. No exceptions. And now you're here sitting angry in the back while this egoistic prick is driving just because you wanted to avoid his comments. You don't know if you're angrier at him for what he did or at yourself that you liked it.

You look around on the sea to calm yourself but you end up looking at him. His brown hair is glistening in the sun, his broad shoulders and muscular arms are clearly visible through his tight shirt... „Omg, get yourself together Y/N!!" you scream to yourself in your head.

Finally, you reach the island and spot a small tower. On your way there, you stay quiet and also you walk keep quite a distance between you and them. Nate notices and ask. „Is everything okay, Y/N?"

„Yeah, no problem, I'm just tired and I've got lost in thoughts." you lie. Nate nods and continues on his way while Sam stops and waits. When you walk past him, he whispers so only you can hear him. „Or maybe you just can't walk properly after last night." He winks at you and continues.

You are stuck in the place. You open and close your mouth multiple times trying to say something back but you can't find any words. This man is unbelievable. Shaking your head, you bring yourself back to reality, determined look on your face. „You wanna play? Fine, two can play this game." you said quietly and follow them inside the tower. 

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now