Happy hunting

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The plane is floating on the water near the shore. The chilli wind is brushing your cheek as you are leaning out of Sully's hydroplane and taking in the beauty of Scotland landscape. Nate and Sam are standing on the cliff in front of you giving you goodbye.

„Last chance to come with." Nate tempts you through his walkie talkie.

„No, I am good. I don't like climbing on freeze slippery cliffs beside I don't want to ruin the Drake brothers again together atmosphere." you chuckle and lie convincingly. Of course, you wanted to come and search for the treasure like during the old times but knowing that Sam is lying to Nate you couldn't risk slipping your mouth. You won't be the one destroying their relationship right after their reunion.

„Happy hunting and bring us back something shiny." Sully ads as they disappear from your view.


After half an hour no call from Nate. You are nervous because there is nothing to do except waiting for them. Your mind full of anxiety. You should be there with them, that's what made you come back. The thrill, the adventure, the danger. When you hear the subdued noise of gunfire, you can't take it anymore. You raise from the seat and quickly start packing your things.

„What do you think you are doing?" you hear Sully's calm voice from the cockpit.

„I am not able to just sit here just waiting what's going to happen. Apparently Rafe is waiting for us prepared with this Shoreline army. I rule my life, not others." you answer angrily but immediately shoot him apologetic look. You are angry on yourself he has nothing to do with it.

„If you want to go I won't be keeping you here but you have no chance to catch them." Sully objects.

„You're right..."you pause yourself thinking. Than you realize it and the corner of your lips raise a bit „well, even if I can't join them I still can help them." Sully turns his head to meet your eyes waiting for you to explain. „Take me to the other side of the island, I'm gonna keep those Shoreline guys occupied and maybe I will be able to get them out of the right way."

Soon you are standing on the shore checking the gun and the hook. Everything is ok so you wave to Sully and continue closer to the cathedral. Climbing up the high rock you get to the perfect vintage point. You see the cathedral and a lot of mercenaries. You observe the place closely with your binoculars and you spot the detonator. If you could detonate it earlier than it's planed you would cause total chaos which is exactly what you need. „There is too much of them for me to deal with." you think in your head. Suddenly a well build woman enter your sight. With energic gestures she order some men and they follow her into the cathedral. „Thank you for your help lady." you smirk and start climbing down the rock.

You are crouching in the tall grass and slowly walking towards the detonator. Luckily there are only three mercenaries near the detonator because the majority of them is unloading equipment from the truck. You approach the first one from the back. You raise up from the grass grabbing his head and you break his neck. Slowly you lay his body preventing it from making a sound and hiding it. The grass provide perfect cover and you can continue to another guard. After taking down the second there is only one left right next to a detonator. You sneak behind him but as you stand up and reach for his head he turns around. You try to pacify him quickly but he fights you and brings the attention of the rest of mercenaries. They immediately raise their guns and start shooting. Using him as a shield you avoid being hit and with a quick move you detonate the charge.

A white darkness that's all you can see. You're trying to run away from the cathedral to safety still hearing ringing in your ears. As you run further the ringing slowly disappeared and you can hear footsteps and shooting behind you. Not looking back, you slide down the gravel rail. When you reach the end of it you jump to the cliff across. Quickly climbing up and behind the corner you reach the point with no more ledges. Just bear smooth rock with nothing to climb on. You catch a sight of a wooden construction on the upper edge of the other cliff. You rope it with your hook and swing to the other cliff and climb to the top. Reaching the top, you just lie there trying to catch your breath. You can hear that the shooting stopped and the only sound you can hear is  a mumbled yelling from the mercenaries in the distance. You stay in that position for a couple of minutes just laughing about what just happened and how awesome it is to feel the adrenaline in your veins again.

„Hey guys, are you there?" you hear Nate's voice coming from the walkie talkie.

Still lying on the ground you detach it from your belt and answer. „Yeah, hey Nate."

„Are you two okay? We heard explosion and a gunfire. Did they saw you?"

„No, they didn't see the plane. Sully is ok I hope. But yeah I am responsible for that chaos, I detonate the charge near the cathedral and they didn't seem quite happy about it." you laugh.

„Are you out of your fucking mind?" Sam blurt „So you are telling us that you didn't want to go with us but your plan was walk right in front of the cathedral to the nest of the mercenaries, blow it out and then walk away. Are you trying to help us or just get yourself killed?" He yell at you with the biting tone in his voice that you hate the most.

„Well, I put all the attention to myself. You're welcome by the way." you bark offended.

„Enough you two." Nate clears his throat and changes the subject, „we were in the graveyard but the treasure is closer to the cathedral, in the cave below the cross on the western side. We're on our way there."

Now standing you look around and spot the cross. „I'll wait for you there, I'm not far from that place."

„Try to stay alive." Sam sends you one last cocky comment.

You make it to the cross and notice you're the first one here. You sit on the ground and pull out your binoculars to search for them. You see Nate climbing the side of the cliff on your right. Then you move your attention to Sam. You observe him jump from one ledge to another hanging on one arm only. „Are you trying to get yourself killed?" you say trying to imitate his voice. Then you smirk to your success. „Idiot."   

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat