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The tower is made of stones and the time definitely did its job because the staircase is no longer sticking together but despite that the three of you find the way up. Up there on the wall is a large rectangle panel with engravings and in the middle of it is golden circle. Before you can even inspect it both boys are standing right in front of it blocking your view. Sam gently dust off the circle revealing the golden arrow while Nate is drawing into his journal. They start arguing about what that could mean and still don't giving you the chance to look at it too. You walk to the them and put your hands on their shoulders. „Excuse me, ladies." and with that you slip in between them paying extra attention to brush your body gently with Sam's. He sucks in a sharp breath when your butt connects with his body for a brief moment which makes you smirk contently. You run your fingers over the arrow and then push it. The plate divides in the middle and slide sideways revealing the view on the island.

„Hey how did you know to do that?" Nate asks amazed and steps closer to the wall.

„Well, there is one thing I've learned from your brother." you look from Nate to Sam and bite your lip. „Touch everything." And with wink of your eye you return your concentration back to Nate examining the view. „Down there. It's the same symbol."

„Another arrow?" Sam asks from behind you.

Nate nods. „Let's go find out where it's pointing." And with that he heads down.

You grapple your hook to one of the beams but before you can rappel Sam grabs your wrist and stops you. His pupils are dilated and his expression unreadable. „What did that suppose to mean?"

You gulp but compose yourself quickly and get out of his grip. „Nothing." you smirk and rappel down. You get on the boat again and follow the arrows further from the island and then back to the big cave. There is a large building.

„Oh, look. The main entrance is blocked by debris....again." Nate states irritated.

„Well, I guess Avery's builders clearly didn't take hundreds of years of erosion into account." Sam says.

„We gonna need to find another way in." you start climbing into the cave that could lead inside.


After approximately 40 minutes of climbing, sliding and swinging you find the way in through the hole in the ceiling. After lifting a heavy gate, you all reach a room with another trial. In the centre of the room there is something that looks like a ship rudder enlighted from centre of the ceiling, around the hole that enlights the rudder are constellations of all the zodiac signs. You and Nate approach the rudder while Sam is taking in the room. Nathan turns the rudder that makes two large globes with symbols move around the top of the room. He moves those globes into the light spots on the wall but the symbols aren't matching. „Hold on." you tell him and reach for the smaller rudder in the centre of the bigger one, but thanks to your small height you have to bend over it. You turn the smaller one and the symbols changes. When the right symbols appear four statues of pirate captains appear round the room and another set of lights appear on the wall. „Hey Sam, would you like to come here and help us instead of looking at those statues?" Nate asks. When you realize that he's standing behind you, you bend yourself even more over the rudder and stick your ass into the air more.

„Ehm...I,I'm....good." you can hear that his voice is a bit raspy. „I'm glad that I'm wearing shorts." you commend yourself.

After moving globes twice more the large door open in front of you as altogether eleven statues appear around the room. „Woah...wait a minute...That's only eleven pirates." Sam states.

„We're missing our star pirate." Nate ads.

„Uh um, it's kinda weird" you say with furrowed eyebrows.

You all step through the open door onto the round platform with the sun painted on it and pull the lever. The platform immediately starts to rise. When it stops, you find yourself on the cliff with the view on the tower where you were before. „Holy shit" Sam gasps when the massive statue of Henry Avery appears next to that tower. „There is your missing Avery's statue." Nate elbows Sam into the ribs playfully. You step next to Sam on the other side and all of you are quietly enjoying the view.

„You know...I'm starting to get the feeling that our friend was a little bit of a narcissist." Sam chuckles while crossing his arms in front of his chest. You rest your hand on his shoulder and lean a bit closer to him.

„Seems like you two have a lot in common." you say with a soft smile. Nate catches your attention by trying to suppress his laugh.

„Low blow." Sam says to you. You give him a wink and walk towards Nate.

When you find your way down from the cliff you get on the boat and sail back to the island with the statue. „I'm so excited my hands are literally shaking." Sam yells as he gets of the boat.

„Or you just need another cigarette, Smokey." you whisper as you walk past him. You hear him sigh and you know for sure that he's rolling his eyes even if you can't see him. As you reach the top of the stair leading to the statue Sam points out. „Looks like he's got a spyglass...but he's not really looking through it."

„Maybe he wants us to look through it." you say when you stop next to Nate.

Sam boosts Nate up to the spyglass, you want to help but he just waves you off.

„So?...Big skull shape island?" Sam asks Nate as he's looking through the spyglass.

„Big island. No skull." Nate answer and jumps down.

„That's gotta be it. Libertalia." Sam starts the discussion with Nate.

„That's optimistic considering everything."

„You know it's just us here. You're allowed to feel just a little bit of excitement over this."

„I'll get excited when we get Alcazar's noose off your neck." As he says this you uncomfortably shift your weight from one foot from the other. Nate notices and turns his attention from Sam to you and asks confused. „What?"

„Ehm...nothing I'm just thinking about Rafe." you give him a nervous smile and send Sam a look asking for help. He starts the conversation about the treasure again as you see a blink of a light from the corner of your eye. When you turn yourself towards it your heart skips a beat. „Guys!" you yell urgently and the stop arguing and turn towards you. At least twenty boats are sailing towards the island. You step back behind boys as waves of panic attack your body. Your head is spinning your vision is blurry and you aren't able to breathe. Suddenly your knees give up and you're expecting the hard embrace of the ground but it never comes. Sam is holding you in his arms and helping you to sit down. „Hey, it's okay, we're here. Look at me." he tells you softly but you're not able to listen as your hands are shaking as the message from Rafe appears in your mind. „Look at me." he demands.

Your eyes shoot up and you are captured in his gaze. Those incredibly beautiful green eyes are so poisonous, you're not able to break from them. Your pulse calms in an instant and as he strokes your arm it sends shivers down your spine and you relax.

„Y/N I'm sorry, but we need to hurry." Nate says with concern in his eyes and you nod getting yourself together. But before you can stand up Sam picks you up bridal style and hurry to the boat.

The storm is raging as Nate drives your boat as fast as possible to the island. Rafe's guys are all around you shooting at your boat. You and Sam are taking cover and firing back when suddenly large boat crash right into your boat and turns it over. Your body flies through the air, your head hits the iron container with supplies and that's it. Darkness. 

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now