~Away From You~ Jookyun

By nikkiyeollie

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Changkyun is a young omega who lost his home, his pack and his mother to another wolf pack. The alpha wolf of... More

Chapter 1 : Away from home
Chapter 2: Enemy's Pack
Chapter 3: Mate
Chapter 4: Jooheon
Chapter 5: Not Safe
Chapter 6: Secrets Hurt
Chapter 7: Decision
Chapter 8: Goodbye Jooheon
Chapter 9: Omegas on the run and Alphas on the hunt.
Chapter 10: Part I. Dead
Chapter 11: Part II. Dead
Chapter 12: Part I. On our way to a better place
Chapter 14: Precious Moments
Chapter 15: Guilty Conscious
New Jookyun Books!
Chapter 16: A Fresh Start
Chapter 17: 5 months later
Chapter 18: Welcome Home
Chapter 19: Changkyun
Chapter 20: MiMi
Chapter 21: Part. I - The Blue Moon pack
Away From You 19k!
Chapter 22: Part II. The Blue Moon Pack
Chapter 23: The Worst for the Better
Chapter 24: Home
Thank You
Chapter 25: Let me fix you
Chapter 26: I'm Sorry
Chapter 27: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 28: Unexpected
Chapter 29: Together Again
Chapter 30: My First Time
Chapter 31: Be Careful
Chapter 32: I Will Protect You
Chapter 33: Felix
Chapter 34: [Filler] Life at the Orphanage
Chapter 35: [Filler] Let's Just Be Together
Chapter 36: [Filler] Gunhee's Troubles
Chapter 37: [Filler] Minhyuk the shipper
Chapter 38: [Filler] Part One: New life at the pack
Chapter 39: [Filler] Part Two: New life at the pack
Away From You 2
Chapter 40: Alone in the forest
Chapter 41: Captured
Chapter 42:The Truth in Lies
Chapter 43: Forever Silent
Chapter 44: Our dirty little secret
Chapter 45: The competition
Chapter 46: Patch things up
Chapter 47: A Post it

Chapter 13: Part II. On our way to a better place

1.6K 120 54
By nikkiyeollie

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :. ───

Part II. Kihyun and the girls

A/N: This is a special chapter for Kihyun, Aerum and JangMi ^^ so that you get to know them a little. Hope you guys like it. Short Chapter cuz I'm really getting depressed for watching other monbebes meet the boys who I will never meet /.\ HUGE THANKS TO MIN and AJ <3


I watched Aerum drive away from the river we had to cross to get to the human territory. She and JangMi quickly settled on the front seats while I laid down on the backseat to be more comfortable and careful I don't injure myself more.

Everything seemed so surreal now.

I was in a car with two wolves I've never met before driving away from the place I've known all my life. I left my home, my friends and my mate. I left everything behind like I had nothing in the first place.

A small smile ghosted over my dried up lips when I remembered doing the exact same thing years ago. I left the pack I was born into and never looked back even if I had a loving mother and siblings.

I left because I was so unhappy with myself, of who I was and how my pack viewed my kind. Omegas were only useful to create a family, nothing else. My pack mistreated omegas and didn't allow us to do anything useful, we were only servants to those above us.

I grew up wishing I could be something else but I always had my kind thrown at my face. We were yelled at that we were stupid, weak, useless, worthless and replaceable. Those words were engraved into our minds and bodies every day until one day I decided that I've had enough. I ran away and never looked back.

Running away felt good back then and it certainly felt good now.

Don't get me wrong, I love The Clan pack and everyone in it, especially my mate but I love my freedom even more.

I guess what I'm saying is that I choose freedom over being an omega, being a beta and being someone else's mate.

While I was lost in thought I felt a pair of small curious eyes set on me from the front seat. I slowly moved my head to the side to see why JangMi was looking at me for. The girl had her whole body turned to me, her head was poking on top of her seat whilst her eyes were glued to me. I raised an eyebrow and the girl did too, like what the hell?

"Can I help you?" I asked my annoyance speaking in volumes. JangMi didn't say anything and just turned around to look back at the road.

"Everything okay guys?" asked Aerum without taking her eyes away from the road.

"I don't know." I mumbled with a pout.

"I think he's making a huge mistake." JangMi told her older sister with a straight face causing Aerum to choke on her own saliva to later yell at her.

"JangMi!" she cried out "you can't say such things because whatever Kihyun decided to do is none of our business." she tried to reason with her little sister that was just pouting.

"But Aerum, he has a pack, friends, a family, and a mate. Why would he throw all that away?! I just don't understand."

JangMi looked at me dolefully silently begging for an explanation.

Aerum sighed taking a quick turn to the right that led to town. "Is none of our business."

"It is our business because we helped him escape. We are involved now."

"Why do you care so much." my bitchy attitude came back alive on the defensive. JangMi turned her whole body to face me and I could see tears gathering at the edge of her eyes "because I don't want you to end up all alone like us Kihyun!"

I unconsciously glared at those words, even dared to roll my eyes after hearing them. "I have Changkyun and he has me. We are not alone. We have each other and that's enough."

JangMi scoffed turning away from me. Aerum drove silently with her lips sealed shut while the little girl fumed next to her because I was supposedly making a huge mistake which I was not.

She's just a naive kid.

She still believes that love is all pink and butterflies but it's not. Not all mates love each other forever as they should, mates can love sure, but they can also cheat, abuse and kill the person they love.

I love Hyunwoo a lot but not enough to choose him over my freedom.

Ever since Changkyun came to the pack I was craving for an adventure. You know? To roam around and just travel to other places and meet other wolves.

I wanted to run away because my time was running out with Hyunwoo. He wanted to mate and I was scared that he would find out I was an omega.... so I was thinking of a getaway back then... never thought I would end up eloping with the pack's Luna.

The bumpy road was really making me sick, my stomach was churning and my throat tastes weird with all the dried up blood. JangMi seemed to notice and asked her sister to pull over at a convenience store.

"We need to buy painkillers, more gauze, and snacks for us to eat." said the Kid unbuckling her seatbelt to grab her light green backpack. "Be right back sis and Kihyun."

We watched the brat go and Aerum unbuckled herself to turn her body towards me. Her amber eyes glowed with excitement when she met my boring ones. She was very grateful that I was still alive and not hurting much anymore.

"Hmm, maybe I can sew you up before JangMi comes back with the gauze."

I stared "Okay. Thanks." came my dry reply with no real emotion at all.

Aerum slowly nodded her head using one of her hands to brush a dark strand of hair with blue highlights away from her eyes, her very bright yellow eyes that were ... enticing?

"Forgive JangMi," said Aerum waking me up from the thoughts I was having of the female omega's eyes "she means well, she's just worried about you."

"Worried that what I did is a mistake?"

"She's had a tough life. No parents and no home. She was a lost rogue when I found her running away from people that wanted to sell her off. I adopted her and I brought her to the human territory to survive and have a pleasant life."

"You were a rogue too?"

"Yeah, but I ran away from my pack."


"We didn't have good parents or friends that could understand us, we didn't fit in anywhere and it was pretty lonely, still is. Sometimes we wish we belonged to a pack, to a family we could depend on." she smiled softly checking my wounds, gathering a few things to clean them before JangMi returned with the new gauze.

"But I understand you Kihyun, you want something more and you are allowed to want it. I believe you should always do what makes you happy because it's your own happiness that matters most. Your happiness seems to be about freedom, to be what you want to be and I think that's cool. Be happy!" she chirped and I just laughed causing my insides to hurt so my laugh sounded more like a cry than a laugh...

"Hey hey don't laugh if it's gonna hurt you. Laugh later."

"Heh, thank you for saying all that. I really appreciate it."

"Sure, I understand and I believe that the mate bond can be shitty sometimes because it keeps one of the mates tied to the other and has to depend on the other and I just think is not fair. Both mates should be able to do what they want. Pursue their dreams ya know."

"Yes, thank you." for the first time since I got hurt I genuinely smiled towards the pretty female omega with the bright amber eyes. She understood me and accepted me and my choices and that wins me over pretty damn fast. I like feeling understood because it gives me hope, makes me feel like I can do anything.

"Good to see you smiling! You have a pretty nice smile, you should smile more often instead of being grumpy all the time hun." she finished cleaning me up and started to look for a sewing kit she had on the trunk of the car. When Aerum came back she had already had the needle in hand which she was sterilizing. "Stay still and it won't hurt as much."

Once Aerum began sewing me up I began to talk about my life a little, I started with my birth pack down the clan pack where I was struggling every day to keep my horny mate out of my pants. It was hard but I honestly enjoyed everything else that I did on the pack like my beta duties which were more than what an omega does in a pack. I told Aerum one of my favorite hobbies which was cooking which she looked pretty impressed.

"Yum, did you cook often?"

"More like every day. Everyone loved my food so I made myself the head chef there."

"I hope I can have a meal."

"If you fix me then I will be able to make you something."

"YES! Omg, can't wait."

"But first fix me and help me find Changkyun please."

"Will do!"

The copilot's door opened and JangMi quickly jumped in pushing two bags on the driver's seat. "I'm back and I got everything."

"Oh good! Please give Kihyunie here a painkiller for the pain and prepare the gauze please."


"Hey kid," I called for JangMi who quickly averted towards me "thanks for worrying about me, but trust me, I will be alright."

"I'm sorry."

"Is alright. Just keep me alive."

It felt like hours since Aerum began stitching me up, it was painful and no painkiller could completely numb my pain. JangMi tried to feed me but I was too upset to eat or drink something to keep me hydrated. In a way, I felt like I deserved the pain, for running away from home and from my mate. I began to wonder about how he was and all.

Is he sad?


Is he upset?

Hell yes.

I knew that what I did was wrong but was for the best reasons. I love Hyunwoo to the moon and back but I also love being free to be whoever I want to be and I knew that freedom would be taken away from me the moment I decide to come clean. I knew more than anyone that Hyunwoo wouldn't understand and wouldn't let me keep carrying out my beta duties.

I knew Hyunwoo and I knew he wanted an omega mate more than anything because he wanted a family, a huge one and for that the omega had to stay home and take care of the kids and that's something I didn't want to do, I wanted to be useful and work for the pack.

If Hyunwoo knew I was an omega then that would have been my life and I didn't want that. That's why I kept the lie.

"How is your mate like?" little JangMi was indeed very curious to know more about my mate than myself which was weird and funny. Aerum also encouraged me to speak about him and I hesitated to do so because I didn't want to feel sad... I wanted to avoid being sad for leaving him but the girls insisted so much and couldn't get the hint that I wanted to avoid the subject.

"Come on, we are rogues we practically never seen or met other wolves besides you and we are curious about how is like to be in a bond and how is like to be marked."  Aerum insisted again and JangMi was already giving puppy dog eyes which was about to make me barf.

"Ugh okay!" I groaned and the girls giggled "He's stupid. He's tall as a damn bear, he's a very strong alpha and a very over-protective idiot that won't stop fussing over me."

"He loves you a lot right?"

"Yeah, I think he does."

"Is he affectionate?"

"Too much."

"Are you affectionate or are you bitchy most of the time."

"Uh, both."

Girls laughed. Aerum had just finished stitching me up, when she put down the needle I took a quick glance at the work she did and it looked amazing. You could easily tell it won't leave an ugly scar on my sides. I thanked the girls for all the help but they felt they weren't quite done yet. Aerum went back to the driver's seat to continue our journey whilst JangMi helped me sit straight on the backseat to help me get into a hoodie she bought at the store.


"Yeah, thanks brat." I saw her smile and felt how lightly she punched my thighs when I called her a brat. After the hoodie, she shoved a few snacks into my lap along with a few water bottles so that I could eat and keep myself hydrated.

"After you eat and drink all those take a nap. It will be a while until we reach the center of town. Make sure your friend meets us there okay."

"I will."

JangMi smiled again helping me open up the snacks so that I wouldn't have to struggle to open them with my weak hands. She watched me eat quietly and reminded me when to swallow and when to take a drink because I was too busy enjoying how good food was in my mouth after starving a whole day.

I almost cried at how good the burger I was having tasted like. JangMi, on the other hand, kept opening more stuff for me and I was shoving all of them down my throat.

"Slow down! No one is going to take the food from you, so slow down."

"I'm starving and I worship food that tastes good." I wolfed down a pack of warm fries and a honey bun before I drank a whole bottle of water. JangMi was glad that I haven't lost my appetite after the horrible trauma I went through.

She would stare with her big chocolate brown curious eyes. Her short hair was messy and she was very much focused on taking in my facial features. I could tell she was examining my appearance because of how I watched her blush like a tomato when our eyes met. She quickly looked away to hide away her crimson cheeks and ears, I couldn't help but laugh about it.

"Why don't you take a picture? It lasts longer."

She scoffed "I wasn't checking you out!" she defended "I was wondering if your mate has ever noticed that you are too beautiful to be a beta."


"I wondered the same thing!" Aerum joined in on the conversation but elaborated more than JangMi did by saying "Beta's aren't usually attractive you know, I mean they are! But their appearance isn't as noticeable as an Omega." she explained but somehow I felt really stupid and needed her to be more clear. She chuckled but kindly explained it slowly for me " Kihyun, what I'm saying is that Omegas are known for their impacting beauty and resistant bodies and you obviously have both. You also have the kind nature that comes with omegas, you have that maternal instinct which you show when it comes to your other omega friend. It would be like impossible to believe someone like you could be a Beta. That's what we mean."

JangMi nodded as well agreeing with her big sister. "I'm a beta and well our features aren't that much appealing like an omega's. We don't stand out in features, we stand out in our fighting skills and on our leadership skills. We are the alphas right-hand man you know and you... overall scream omega and I'm just surprised that anyone in your pack hasn't even noticed."




"Big sis, why isn't he saying anything?"

"I think we broke his brain."

"Is okay Kihyun! uhhh maybe no one noticed! I mean, you said you covered your omega scent and your parts very well in your wolf form... so yeah... I think they didn't notice or else your mate would have pressed you more into mating or be more straight forward about what he noticed." Aerum laughed nervously "please let us know your brain is still functioning."

"I never... thought about that..." my words echoed inside my head all over. I just couldn't believe how careless I was with that.

"There was nothing you could have done Kihyun. You can't make yourself look ugly just to fit in as a Beta."


"Well, at least you were the most beautiful beta in your pack! Your mate must be proud or must have been... since you are technically dead now."

"Am I really good looking?"

"YES." both girls answered together which I was taken aback. I never really noticed that I was physically attractive. I guess I was more concerned about my scent and covering my parts that I just didn't see it...


Aerum's laughter erupted in the car, she tried to convince me that Omega's should be proud of their looks and I just found it ew.

"I don't want to be known as a pretty face thank you very much."

"Not every pretty face has an empty head you know. You have a very good head on those shoulders of yours and you are stronger than the average omega."

"The moon goddess made a mistake when she dropped a bucket full of omega genes on my making bowl."

"Don't say that. We omegas are amazing creatures! We can create life and we can do many other badass things."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. We can be strong when we need to be and we can definitely have the power to change our destiny."

"Change your destiny? How?"

"You tell me! You and your friend just ran away from your alpha mates! That takes a lot of strength and guts! You defied destiny! You ditched the mate bond and instead of suffering you are just sitting on the backseat of my car eating chips as nothing has happened."

"Not every omega can survive being without their mates for so long." JangMi volunteered.

"You mean mated omegas which I am not." I said quickly getting a mental image of changkyun that is indeed mated but hasn't shown any signs of suffering or withdrawal or whatever. 

"Yeah. You are a badass omega."

"Are we closer to town?" I asked shoving all the empty plastics away growing concerned about Kyunnie. I wanted to be with him so that I could take care of him and make sure he can survive on his own without his mate. The kid was marked a while back and who knows how his body and mind might react after been separated from his mate too long.

"15 minutes to town. Just relax. Have a nap okay. We are almost there."

Aerum reassured me making me feel a bit relieved that I was getting closer to the meeting point. I felt like I could relax a little when JangMi offered her shoulder as a comfy place to place my tired head. I gladly accepted her shoulder and closed my eyes feeling extremely thankful that I met these wolves even if they can be a little annoying.

To be continued

›› 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬.

                („• ֊ •„)
                 O🌸O   #桜⁠ ⁠⁠

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