seaycee oneshots :)))

By allyjean2323

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hi so here's my attempt at some oneshots! some will be happy, some sad, some *boundary pushing* but really, j... More

the one where sean almost quits
the one with will and janelle's wedding
the one with the good girl and the bad boy
the one with the good girl and the bad boy, pt 2
the one with him
the one with the one year celebration
the one with all the jealousy
the one where i almost lost her
the one where nobody knows
the one where nobody knows, pt 2
the one where nobody knows, part 3

the one with prom

2.3K 116 214
By allyjean2323

hi so this one might be a lil longer don't hate me ok sry let's hop to it

dedicated to my bestie seayceetings



"HE SAID WHAT?" Tahani shrieked, lurching off the bed and shaking her best friend. "AND YOU'RE NOT MAD AT HIM?!"

"I can't be," Kaycee shrugged, ignoring the hurt in the pit of her stomach. "We're professionals, T. This is how it has to be sometimes."

"Well, yeah," Tahani frowned. "But this is prom, Kaycee! If this were Josh, I'd make him fly back here and take my ass with him to prom. Then sex, and then he'd get to go back."

Kaycee rolled her eyes. "Don't you think that's what I want, T?" Tahani raised her eyebrows and waggled them. "Without the sex part," Kaycee quickly added. "Ew."

"Don't act like you and Sean ain't done the nasty," Tahani teased her friend. "I mean, he did tell, like, the universe, he was gonna give you the best sex ever."

"SHUT UP!" Kaycee screamed, wacking her friend with a pillow. "That's not the point."

"Right," Tahani sighed, again looking agitated, her glee at abusing Sean and Kaycee's PG-13 teaser wearing off. "The point, my friend, is that your boyfriend is missing your prom because of his stupid dance thingy. Don't you care?"

"I did care," Kaycee rolled her eyes. "You know that. I just can't be sad over it anymore. I got my tears out, and nothing's changing, so I just have to accept it and move on."

"Still," Tahani said. "I feel bad. Everyone in our group's gonna have a date."

"I'll be fine," Kaycee grinned. "We were just going as friends anyway."

"Damn," Tahani groaned. "We had a bet going it was gonna take less than two minutes into afterprom for that to escalate."

"Shut up," Kaycee giggled. "We're just friends."

"Don't lie, girl," Tahani cackled. "I'm your best friend. We literally have discussions on how long it's gonna take your entire fan base to crack the code. Angel emojis? Really? He's feeling bold bold," she laughed, waving her hand about airily. Sensing her friend's lurking sadness, Tahani draped a hand around Kaycee and hugged her. "Hey, at least your feelings get to stay safe for longer, right? They were gonna lose it when they saw you guys together."

"I guess," Kaycee sighed, flopping back onto the bed. "If he really liked me, you know he'd come back."

"Prom changes everything, Kayc," Tahani tried. "It forces a lot of guys to be out in the open and forward with what they're feeling."

"Even if it does," Kaycee sighed, pulling her feet to her chest and hugging her knees, "He's not coming back."

"Maybe he's just not ready to tell you how he feels," Tahani consoled the smaller brunette. "Sean's weird about stuff like that, you know."

"HE DID TELL ME!" Kaycee moaned, throwing the pillow over her face. "But I freaked out, remember? In that stupid moment after the Cut."

"I remember," Tahani winced. "I was trying not to bring that up."

"I was the one who wasn't ready," Kaycee sighed. "I just wish I'd realized then that I was."

"I'm pretty sure everyone watching you guys then could sense that he did, and so can everyone watching you now," Tahani said comfortingly. "It's no secret you guys are closer now than you were then, and what you were then was a level most partners finish at," she smiled. "It's definitely still there."

"You don't know him like I do," Kaycee frowned. "Dance comes first in his life, always. I always tell him to put his passion first, T."

"Maybe you don't know him as well as you think," her best friend winked. "I'd say you're a pretty big passion too."

"He doesn't love me like he loves dance, T, trust me," Kaycee rolled her eyes.




"So she said 'He doesn't love me like he loves dance, trust me',"Tahani blurted through the phone. Sean groaned, his head in his hands. "Ugh, why does she say that?" he moaned.

"Because, you idiot," Tahani deadpanned. "Tomorrow is prom, and you're in Japan."

"She knew I had to go," Sean cried. "She said she was fine with it!"

"Kaycee loves you, you moron," Tahani insulted him again. Even from across the Pacific, Sean could feel her hurling insults at him like knives. "How many times are you going to find a girl that's willing to go to prom by herself just so you can go see the world?"

Sean was silent.

"That dream," Tahani continued, "Is gonna be there when you get back. And I know that Kaycee will wait forever for you, since she's been waiting for you for like, nine years already, but come on, Sean," she sighed dramatically. "You guys are partners. And you're leaving her on one of the most important dance floors out there."

"I-I-I have to go, Tahani," Sean mumbled. She started to object, but he cut in. "Thank you. I'll call you later." He snapped his phone shut and sat down in the chair, breathing heavily for a minute as he tried to process. Kaycee loved him? Jesus God. He really did have the worst timing. She'd been the most important project of his life, over any concept video, any shoot, any number, anything, and NOW she needed him, NOW he had the opportunity to go get his girl, the only girl he'd loved besides his family EVER, and here he was, 5,456 miles away.

He took a few more deep breaths, and made a phone call. "Mom?" his voice was strained. "Can you pick me up, please?"


He knew his mom didn't drive like a lunatic. So when his mom's sweet little white BMW came whipping around the corner, heavy bass boosting out of the windows, he knew something was off.

"Get in, loser," Kylie rolled down the windows, chewing gum and fiddling with one of her hoops. Sean's jaw hit the ground. She pulled off her sunglasses and his eyes were instantly hit the ones that resembled Kaycee's, and his knees were weak. "You're going to prom."

Sean wordlessly trailed into the car. "How did you know I was-"

"You really think I was letting my baby sister go to prom alone? You THOUGHT!" Kylie trilled, pounding the steering wheel aggressively.

"We," a voice corrected her. Sean jumped as he saw Devon emerge from the backseat. "Sorry, Sean," he apologetically shook his hand. "Kylie almost killed me when she took that turn into the lot."

"You should've had your seatbelt on," Kylie argued.

"Next time I need a hard hat," Devon grinned.

"Guys," Sean said. "RIGHT!" Kylie clapped her hands. "Dev, start him off. I need to figure out how the hell I'm going to get back to Miya's."

"Just that we made it here is a miracle," Devon muttered and exchanged with Sean a knowing look. The middle Rice child was not known to be the best driver. "My mom knows?" Sean asked. Kylie grinned at him in the mirror. "Knows. Honey, she flew us out here to talk some sense into your little tiny ass brain."

Devon shrugged. "You don't need me, Ky. Think he got the message."

"So I'm going to prom with Kaycee? That's awesome! Let me text her!" Sean grabbed his phone, only to get it smacked out of his hand by Kylie.

"Watch the road, Ky," Devon sighed. "We agreed I'd do the smack."

"I just felt it in the moment," she sighed. "Just shut up. I could kill you, you know, right now."

"All too well," Devon shot back, "But you won't, since I have Sean."

"Don't test her," Sean said, gripping the seat.

"Anyway," Devon laughed. "My sister is in love with you. You're lying if you say you're not in love with her. You chose a dance class over my sister. We're not happy. She's not happy. But she's much more selfless than us, and she's letting you be here. Not many other girls would've given up their prom dates without a fight, you know," he said. Kylie lurched them into the driveway, Sean wincing as she picked up the curb pulling in.

"KYLIE!" Sarah and Serris ran right past Sean as he walked in the house. Devon grinned. "Don't worry, I'm the least favorite too."

"Son," Miya appeared, giving Devon first a quick kiss on the cheek and then Sean. "Come sit."

"You ditched Kaycee for prom?" Serris shrieked. "I would've cut you off," Sarah added.

"THANK YOU!" Kylie and Devon chorused in unison.

"Sean," Miya said, taking his hands and folding them in his lap. "You know I support you and your dance career. It has taken you so far and taught you so many things. But Sean, one day that's all going to be a memory. Yes, it will make you proud the rest of your life, and it'll carry you through, and you'll be stable, but Sean, that girl could be the rest of your life," she sighed. "I know you're only 18, and I don't want to rush you growing up, but my son, you've found love, and that dance floor isn't it anymore. It guided you to her, but she's what you're in love with, Sean."

His heart did one flip, then two. She was right. And all he could think about was Kaycee, sitting in her room tomorrow night, doing her hair alone, no one to tell her she looked beautiful, standing in the back of pictures by herself because she didn't have a date, and the hate that would reside in her heart, even though she was so sweet and understanding she wouldn't say a word about it, at him, the one she wanted to love, and who he wanted her to love, the hate at him, for leaving her on her prom.

"I messed up, Mom," Sean choked out. "It's too late."

"No," Miya gave him a hug. "Would I have brought them here if it's too late?"

Sean sniffled, shaking his head. Shit. He'd messed up so badly. He wondered if she'd even take him back if he could get there.

"It's never too late," Miya said, "But that doesn't mean you don't have to hurry." She walked into his room and Sean watched her return with his suitcase, and a black garment bag he normally used for his costumes. "A tux in here," she said, "And everything else you'll need in here."

What once was filled with something for dance was filled for something with Kaycee.

"I have three tickets in my hand, Lew," Kylie said, fanning them out in between her fingers. She slid one on the table in front of him. "You in?"




one day later

"Kaycee," Laura said, her hand to her heart as her daughter descended the staircase. "Honey."

"Is it bad?" Kaycee fidgeted in her dress.

"Just the opposite," Laura said, choked up as she fanned her face. Damn that mascara, it wasn't waterproof. "You look stunning."

Brad Rice came into the hall to see what all the commotion was about. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his little one, his youngest, his second baby girl, the only one still in the nest, in a prom dress. That's tonight? He wondered aloud. Where's Sean? He then looked around the house and scratched his head. Wait, where are the rest of my kids?

"Hi Dad," Kaycee giggled. "I'm off to prom!"

"Heeeey Kayceekins, you look amazing!" Brad hugged his daughter. "But, uh, where's Sean?"

Laura threw her hand on her forehead. "Uh..uh...where's Sean in Japan this time...I mail...for you," Brad tried. Laura poured herself more wine. "Sean's in Japan, honey."

"Weren't you guys going together-"

"DAD! HI! DID YOU SEE THAT EPISODE OF-WHATEVER THAT IS-ON TV RIGHT NOW?" Kylie screamed, bursting through the door just in time to see the scene and grab her father's arm, tugging him to the living room to whisper the plan.

"Where have you been?" Kaycee quizzed her sister. "I had to do my makeup by myself."

"Out," Kylie shrugged. "Since when do you care?"

"I had to do my makeup by myself," Kaycee repeated. Kylie gasped, looking at her little sister.
"You couldn't tell, K. Honest. You look beautiful."

And she did. Her hair had been straightened, then put in a half up, half down braid, and it shone as it cascaded over her shoulders. Her makeup was natural, but made her glow even more. Her dress was the red dress she'd wore for Prom Girl/Call It Spring campaign, and she had flowing and glittering diamond earrings that dangled in sparkling waves. She had a matching diamond bracelet on, and the beige heels she'd also wore in the picture. Kaycee was truly radiant. She'd always been beautiful, but this time, she was breathtaking.

But something was missing. "You ok?" Kylie asked in her ear as she hugged her sister.

"Yeah," Kaycee said, trying to shake it off. "I just wish Sean were here."

"I know," Kylie hugged her tighter. "But you'll have so much fun with or without him."

"To the lake for pictures!" Laura called, and the two were jolted out of their sister-to-sister moment as Laura hurried them to the dock.

Kaycee posed and smiled and cheesed with friends and family and neighbors, and everyone was toasting and eating, laughing and smiling. She looked around, trying to hide her disappointment. Her mom had really gone all out, inviting her teachers, aunts, cousins, neighbors, and friends, and she was having fun. Really. To make up for Sean's absence though, was something no amount of people could fix. She knew yes, she'd been ok with it, but now she missed him. She swallowed a lump in her throat and willed herself not to cry. All I have to do is get through today.

"Honey, you ready?" Laura asked.

"I think we need to wait a couple more minutes," Kylie said behind her, her tone strange. Kaycee normally would've called her out on it, but she wasn't in the mood today. She remained facing the dock, her eyes glued to the water, trying to gather her strength. "Could I just have a minute, please?" she asked her sister. Kylie noticed the tears in her sister's eyes. "Of course, Kayc, of course. Everyone, dessert and coffee in the house!" she clapped her hands and the general commotion followed her. Kaycee sighed, picking up a rock and skipping it.

"I wish," she hesitated before speaking again. "That Sean is having a good time in Japan and that I'll be able to get through this night without him."

"I can't grant either of those wishes," a voice came from behind her, "But I can grant my own."

She turned around, her heart leaping. Just the smell of his cologne had made her heart stop.

There he was, black tux, white shirt, hair combed perfectly, red tie, shining dress shoes, red rose with the smaller white baby's breath flowers pinned on his pocket, holding a bouquet of red and white roses, wrapped in white satin ribbon. "I heard," he said, putting his hands in his pocket shyly, as she took the flowers, unable to speak, "That you needed a dance partner."

"Not anymore," was all she said. She pulled him in for a long kiss, he lifted her leg up and dipped her as she held his face in her hands, not wanting to let go of the moment.

"You just kissed me," Sean said, shocked. Her face was still close to his and he was still holding her. She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously. "And you kissed me back."

"I'm sorry," he said, setting her back standing. "I made a dumb choice."

"I did too," she shrugged. "I let you go."

"No no," he shook his head. "I almost let you go, too. Dance is everything to me, Kaycee, you know that, right?"

She shook her head, preparing for what he gave up by coming here, that he had to leave right away, and that he was sorry but he wasn't going to see her for months, and that his managers were mad.

"But," he took her chin in his hands and softly kissed her lips. "Dance is nothing compared to you," he said against them. She blushed and looked down. "So, Kaycee Rice," he said, getting down on one knee, holding her hand, "Will you be my date to prom?"

"Of course," she grinned, unable to contain her smile. "The honor is mine, Mr. Lew."




three hours later

After many claps on the shoulder, dance battles, plates of food, and exchanged laughter and conversation with his friends and Kaycee, Sean had come to a conclusion.

This was where he was meant to be.

As his one hand held her waist and the other was laced with hers as they rocked to Say You Won't Let Go, a small nod to their past with James Arthur, he couldn't have thought of a better place to be in.

He had met a lot of girls in his life.

A ton, actually.

Some were cool. Some were smart. Some were funny. Some were cute.

But none of them quite struck him the way Kaycee did.

It was like when he was made, a piece of his soul had been detached, and sewn onto her heart. So when he found her, it was not only his destiny to find her, but to find himself with her.

His mom was right.

Dance was his world. He lived there, he ran it, that was all he knew. It brought him life, it brought him experience, it brought memories, friendships, and most importantly, love.

He had gone across the Pacific to find everything he thought he needed, which had been 5,456 miles away in Tokyo.

Only to find out everything he needed was 5,456 miles away again. In Simi Valley.

And he silently vowed, as the last music notes floated upwards, disappearing into the night, that he wouldn't go looking again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hi it's me i can't end things to saaaave my lifeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

but anyway ! i hope you guys enjoyed that! i actually had SO MUCH FUN WRITING THAT WOW and that dress was SOME INSPIRATION I MEAN CAN WE GET SOME APPRECIATION FOR THAT RN PLS AND TY

totally shouldn't have written this, bc i have so much homework, but like, it's fine WE'RE FINE AH IM IN A GOOD MOOD NOW EEK

and recently, i've been exploring some new ways to spread positivity, because everywhere i look right now, there's something negative. EXCEPT for on here, and these amazing seaycee fandoms on instagram. you guys are so kind, and so beautiful, and so amazing towards each other and the stans. so much respect. yes, we do have some locals acting up, but they're not WACK WACK. let's give it up for ourselves! so many fandoms fall apart or are split by hate, and we've taken controversies (sean and audrey, kaycee and tati) and turned them into support that deepens our bond with our stans and with each other. the power of internet friends is REAL! i'm so proud! if i could belong to any fandom: singers, dancers, actors....whichever, i'm so glad it's this one. we have two great role models too, obvi :)

but anyway! i'm just feeling so loved up and happy rn even tho i really should be stressed LMAO WHOOPS <33 but here's the Kally's Positivity Challenge!

also feel free to send any ideas for these in !! :)

~keeping it short but sweet! SMILE TODAY! a little :) goes a long way. trust me, it sounds cliche, but it's true. when i had an eating disorder back in middle school, i felt invisible. but one day, when it was really bad, in the bathroom, a girl smiled at me, and her warmth and light made everything seem, even if it was just in that moment, that everything was ok. people are goin through it a lot nowadays. a lot of things are totally messed up. but make the effort to bring your joy and light to others if you have some to spare! and if not, that's ok too. sometimes in giving to others, we find what we didn't know we had. no one deserves bad vibes or a bad day. so get out there and show those beautiful smiles!


kally jean <3

PS: THANK YOU for bearing w me, ik this one was long but AH long plot BUT I THINK IT WAS WORTH ITTT!!! and thank you so much for the overwhelming love on these! CRAZY!!! SO MUCH LOVE

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