Death Note: The Raven [Reader...

By LinkThePokemon

433K 13.4K 36.8K

I do not own Death Note, the characters or you. I do not own Sword Art Online or any other anime references I... More

Death Note: The Raven
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
A/N: Here We Go...
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
A/N: One book?
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Preview...

Chapter Four.

18.2K 582 2.6K
By LinkThePokemon

Gently, Light sets you down on the sofa before he climbs on top of you. His pink lips softly caress your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Warm hands grab ahold of your waist as he hungrily growls into your ear, "You're so beautiful..." Biting your lip, you try not to moan and without permission, your hands begin to tangle into his hair.

A smirk forms on his lips as his hands wonder down to your legs, wrapping them around his waist. His 'manhood' presses into you, just as solid as his abs.

"Moan for me... Tell me how much you want me."

Hastily, he bites your neck and sucks on the skin, forcing a moan from your lips. Of course, that only causes him to grow hungrier...

Beep beep!

Light's phone goes off- he has a text. He groans, standing up and checking his phone as you lay there, watching him. His brown eyes peak at you from the corner of his eyes as he smiles at you, "Why don't you go clean up while I sort this out?"

Startled, you stutter, "U-uh, a-alright..." And so you stand up and head into the bathroom to shower.


Drying your hair, you head out of your bedroom and into the livingroom.

"Light-kun?" You call out, walking into the kitchen.


There on the fridge, is a pink sticky-note.


Something came to my attention so I have to go. I'm sorry about this... I love you, though.

I'll see you tomorrow maybe,


A small sigh escapes your lips as you pick up your phone and jacket, heading outside to get some fresh air.

The crisp air causes your nose to slowly turn pink, your panda hat keeping your ears warm. Thousands of stars twinkle in the nights sky, the bright, full moon shining down lightly on you. The sound of cars in the distance fills the air but otherwise, it's silent.

Peaceful and... Romantic, weirdly. I wonder what's wrong with Light. He seems very, I don't know, distracted? Weird? Mind you, maybe it's just the time of year or something... I mean, Kiyemi seems weird lately too. I wonder what's wrong with them...

"You fucking cheater!"

"Baby, don't be this way!"

"No, Makoto! It's done,"

"Hikari-chan, don't do this!"

Uhh... This is awkward.

Quickly, you walk away, towards the nearby harbour. Now added to the sound of the city was the gentle crashing of the waves as you take off your shoes, walking barefoot on the sandy shore. Taking in a deep breath, you allow a small smile to spread on your lips.

"[Y/N]-chan?" A familiar voice brings you out of your thoughts. Swifty, you turn around to see L looking down at you from up on the dock.

"Uh, hey, Lawliet-kun. What're you doing here?" Surprised, you ask.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walk. What about you? I thought you and Light-kun were..."

"Uhh, yeah, I thought so too."

"Did something happen?"

You cast your gaze away to the ocean, "I'm sorry, I've interrupted your walk. Please, continue,"

He jumps down and sits on the sand next to you, "It's fine. You can always talk to me,"

Sitting down, you gaze at him, "I don't know... We were fine and then he got a text and took off. I mean, I understand and all with his mom being ill lately but... Something doesn't feel right. Like, he's hiding something or, I don't know... It's probably just me,"

"What makes you think that?" L asks, handing you a sweet.

As you take it, you mumble a 'thanks' before continuing, "He just seems weird lately. Plus he's always busy lately too. He cancels plans a lot, he's done this whole disappearing act a number of times, half the time he won't answer his cell... I just don't know anymore,"

Silent, L gazes at you as if contemplating what to say. Finally, he gives you a small smile, "Tell him, then."

"You think? I don't wanna seem paranoid or anything..." You mumble, pulling your legs into your chest.

Smiling, he nods, "Yeah. If he doesn't know you feel this way, how can you expect it to get better?"

"You sound as if you've experienced this before..."

"Let's just say I was dumb enough to not tell a certain someone something and I still regret it."

'Yeah. I regret not telling you about... That night.' He thinks, lost in your [E/C] hues.

A small smile spreads on your lips as you nudge him, "Thanks,"

"Not a problem. If he ever just disappears on you again, feel free to drop by," Smiling, he says.

Without you knowing, you find yourself admitting, "You know... You've changed. Grown up more, even,"

"We all have to grow up sometime." He nods before standing and extending out his hand, "C'mon, it's like 30 degrees and we're sat outside in the cold,"

Taking his hand, you flash him a smile, "Let's go."

Both of you silently walk down the street, enjoying the tranquility of the area. It was amazing, considering you're in a busy city. Soon, you're both stood outside of a cafe so L smiles, "Wanna catch a quick coffee?"

"At midnight?" You giggle, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugs, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside, "My treat. C'mon,"

It was rather pretty inside and quaint. Oddly, it was set up like an old-fashioned cafe. The seats were a creme leather, framed by a dark wood. Light wooden floors make the muraled back wall stand out. Painted, was a portrait of two lovers and a wilting rose, clearly representing heartbreak of another. There was also some little things around it such as quotes from famous people. One stood out to you the most...

"Forgiveness is a gift only humans have the pleasure to give and receive as they too are the only ones who can get stronger." By Unknown. (By me... *sighs* it's terrible and cheesey, I know... And by stronger I mean emotionally, not stronger as in physically.)

As you reach the woman to place your order, L orders, "Hello. Two hot chocolates, a chocolate muffin and a cookie, please."

The purple haired woman blinks her brown eyes in a suggestive manor and asks, "Is that all... Sir?"

"Yes, thank you," He shrugs, turning to you.

She glares at you before huffing and walking off, "Hmph!"

Biting your lip, you send him a smile, "So... You remembered what I like?"

"Duhh. I spent three years with you and you think I'd forget so easily?" With a roll of his dark eyes, he grins back.

"Here's your order, handsome. That'll be 1,565 yen," (I DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S CHEAP OR NOT, SHUSH.) She smiles sickly-sweet at him, pushing her breasts together as she leans on the counter. Simply, he hands over the money before the pair of you sit down in a stall.

After taking a sip, you smirk at him, "You didn't notice... Did you?"

"Notice what?" He asks, plopping a piece of cake into his mouth.

Chuckling, you wipe some crumbs off of his cheek with a napkin before replying, "She so had the hots for you."

Quickly, he takes a glance at her before shaking his head, "I didn't see it,"

"Uh-huh... Okay then,"

"I'm serious!"

"Psh, 'kay then,"

"... You're so stubborn,"

"And for the worlds number one detective, you're such a baka!"

He chuckles before going all serious on you, "About that... I need to talk to you,"

"What is it, Lawliet-kun?" Concerned, you stare into his dark eyes.

As if having an internal conflict, he hesitates before asking something you never expected. Something you never thought about.

"What's your opinion on Kira?"


The sun burns your eyes as you groggily wake up to the sound of your phone ringing its Resonance ringtone. Without bothering to check the caller ID, you answer, "Hello..?"

"Where are you?! I thought you said you'd be here at 10am!" Lawliet's amused voice calls down the phone.

"Crap!" You exclaim, jumping out of bed.

"... You were still in bed, weren't you?"



"Okay, maybe I was!"

He chuckles before saying, "Okay, just be here in half an hour,"

"You got it. See you in a few," And with that, you hang up and jump in the shower.


Knock, knock!

At that moment, a familiar man with grey hair and blue eyes opens the door. He's quite old and wears a suit and glasses... Watari!

"Watari-san!" You grin, pulling him into a hug.

The older man chuckles, reciprocating the gesture, "My, my, [Y/N]-chan... You've grown considerably! Such a beautiful young lady..."

As you pull away, you reply, "Yet you haven't aged a day,"

He chuckles again and steps aside, "Please come in, L and the task force are awaiting,"

As you enter, inside stands several men.

A man with black hair and brown eyes wears glasses and a brown suit, you recognise him as Light's father, Soichiro Yagami.

Another has spiky black hair and black eyes. He wears a blue suit and is rather broad and tall.

Another one has floppy black hair and brown eyes, with bangs above them. He wears a grey suit and looks rather young.

Another with black hair and eyes wearing a green suit.

A man with short, black hair and black eyes wearing a mahogany suit.

Finally is Lawliet and... Light?!

"Ahh, here she is." L walks over to you and places his hand on the small of your back, leading you to the others, "Kou-chan, this is," He points to the first man, "Kanzo Mogi," Second man, "Touta Matsuda," Third man, "Hideki Ide," Fourth man, "Hirokazu Ukita and I'm sure you know myself, Light-kun, Soichiro-san and Watari-san,"

"Yes, nice to see you again, Yagami-san,"

"Call me Soichiro, child. How many times have I told you, we're family!" He chuckles.

You nod, "Alright, Soichiro,"


"Alright. So, Kou-chan, do me a quick analysis of Kira, will you?" L smiles.

"Well," Thinking, you say, "I haven't been keeping up with the case much but from what I do know... I think Kira is killing due to a strive to be seen as a god-like figure as he kills those he wants, when he wants and he only kills criminals, meaning he has a childish perception of right and wrong, forcing himself to take control as death itself. Perhaps he's striving to create a new world based off of idealistic motions, but due to the killing of the fake L, that seems to be changing ever so slightly, taking out any who would dare defy him. He's become power hungry after a single taste, again backing up the childish note."

Before you could add anything else, L speaks up, "Very correct. Your deciphering skills are better than before you left,"

"What would you expect of Light-kun's girlfriend?" Matsuda laughs.

Light smirks, "Yeah, well... I need to be able to hold a decent conversation with the woman I love,"

"Ohh, is that all I am, Light-kun?" You smirk back, raising an eyebrow.

Laughing, he wraps his arms around you before shaking his head, "No... You're also my gorgeous, funny, short-ass cupcake,"

"I AM NOT SHORT!" Yelling, you scowl. Everyone laughs before returning to the business at hand.

"So, are we going to pick up on this tomorrow?" Soichiro questions as he stands up.

L nods, "Yes, probably best... But tomorrow, we begin using HQ instead of my hotel room,"

"Hai." Everyone replies in unison.


It's been a month since you joined the task force and recently, L has become very suspicious of Light. He's even thinking of handcuffing himself to him to see what would happen in regards to deaths... You just use this as an excuse to call L gay.

The pair of you have grown a lot closer as you've had a lot of time alone, since Light seems to disappear a lot...

Just like an hour go.


He was unbuttoning your shirt and kissing your neck. Gently, your hands were tangled into his hair as you moaned freely. His 'manhood' again very bold, pressing against you hungrily.

This was all too familiar and just on time...

Beep beep!

~End Of Flashback~

That was it. You've had enough.

You're going to go to Light's and follow Lawliet's advise and tell him how you feel. Heck, you'd even spent more time with his father in the task-force than him!

Pulling on your panda hat, you walk outside into the cold December air. The snow crunched lightly under your feet as delicate flakes danced gently throughout the air... Truly amazing. The sun slowly falls, hiding behind the snow-covered horizon. Orange skies surrounds you peacfully, few people littering the street... Apart from a familiar boy. Lawliet.

"Hey, [Y/N]-chan! Where's--... He ditched you again, didn't he?" He furrows his eyebrows, gaze looking slightly concerned mixed with anger.

'What is that boy doing?! Whatever it is, it's messing up his chances with my girl... If he's not careful, he'll lose her. And regret it. She's one-in-a-million...' Lawliet thinks.

"Y-yeah... But I'm going to tell him right now how I feel," You reply, giving him a small smile.

He gives one back before asking, "Want me to come, or..?"

"I've got it,"

"Alright. Good luck,"

"Thanks. See ya,"

"See ya,"


Knocking on the Yagami resident's home, to your surprise, Sachiko Yagami, Light's mother, answers the door. She has a brown bob with brown eyes, wearing a purple jumper and white linen trousers. Her face turns automatically into a smile as she greets you, "[Y/N]! Come in, come in!"

"Hey, Mrs. Yagami,"

"Call me Sachiko. He'a in his room,"

"Thanks, Sachiko. Glad to see you're looking well,"

"Yes, I feel great. Now go on, shoo," She chuckles, gesturing for you to upstairs. After taking your shoes off, you comply and head upstairs.

As you grab the cold, silver doorknob, you hear muffled sounds coming from inside.

'Is he talking to someone?'

Shrugging, you open the door anyways... And instantly regret it.


OoOoOo cliffhangaaaa! Well, not much of one. There's only about three things it could be so yeahhh... Enjoy! Um. I know it's short but I wanted a cliffhanger ending. Ye. Das right. Pfft. Deal with it.


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