The Diary Project (ASOUE)

By heytherebro12

18.3K 648 224

Isadora Quagmire is less than happy when she hears about Prufrock Prep's newest idea: The Diary Project. More

1: The Diary Project
2: The Mistletoe Project
3: The Thoughts Project
4: The New Kid Project
5: The New Years Project
6: The Friendship Project
7: The Valentines Project
8: The Thank You Project
9: The Dance Project
10: The Deja Vu Project
11: The Guilt Project
12: The Terrible Person Project
13: The Apology Project
14: The Secret Project
15: The Suspicion Project
16: The Bombshell Project
17: The Embarassment Project
18: The Last Straw Project
19: The Competition Project
21: The Feud Project
22: The Just Friends Project
23: The Unfair Project
24: The Predicament Project
25: The Exploration Project
26: The Cakesniffer Project
27: The Confession Project
28: The Catastrophe Project
29: The End Project
A Quick Author's Note

20: The Coincidence Project

432 17 2
By heytherebro12

Thursday 22nd June

I was planning on updating this more frequently given everything that's been going on but when I was looking for my diary a few days ago I realised I couldn't find it anywhere. Which was extremely weird considering I usually only write in this stupid thing when I'm in the supply closet also known as my dorm room. Sure, occasionally I bust it out in class or in the library, but not frequently enough to give me any chance of losing this thing. 

And to make the whole situation more suspicious, when it miraculously reappeared it was back in the supply closet, exactly where I had thought I'd left it in the first place. AKA: the place I had searched at least ten times. So how did it suddenly just end up there, when it was definitely missing from that spot every other time I checked. 

It was easy enough to figure out that someone must've taken it, but who? I've already considered Marlene but if it was her, why wouldn't she have confronted me about the things I wrote about her? Maybe she was looking for something specific and din't find what she was looking for? 

Anyway, she's my prime suspect for now. Especially since I caught her whispering to Carmelita this morning, right before I found my diary. Coincidence? I think not.

I've decided to keep a closer eye on her, which won't be difficult. All I have to do is hang around with her favourite person some more and I'm sure she'll come running.


Hey guys, as you may or may not have noticed, I've been absent from Wattpad for like two weeks. It wasn't a planned break at first but when I realised that I'd missed my update that was meant to go out on March 21st, it occurred to me that maybe I needed to take a small break. I'd been stuck in a loop of writing chapters half an hour before they were meant to be posted instead of writing chapters in advance, which meant that I was stressing myself out trying to write every few days instead of planning things out and doing things at my own pace.

The chapters of this story are only short so I don't understand how I fail to just write a bunch and keep them on the side until I need them (trust me, I've tried this multiple times). In short, I don't really understand myself and my lack of motivation but what I do know is that when I fall out of my loop of producing content I begin to feel guilty which leads to a downward spiral of my mental health and I don't always know how to tackle that. 

ANYWAY (didn't mean to get so depressing there) I just wanted to give a bit of an explanation to my absence and also explain a bit of what goes on inside my head. I don't know if anyone actually cares or reads these author's notes but it makes me feel better to put out a statement just to explain everything.

In summary, sorry I was gone, I'm back now and updates will be continuing as normal from here on out.

I hope you're enjoying the story. Spoiler alert: things may or may not be about to kick off :)))

Bye! Have a great day/night/existence

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