Age of Heroes (Superhero Role...

By KarmaProductions

8.9K 130 10.2K

[This Roleplay will have some Dungeons & Dragon elements to it] It's time for a new age of Heroes. There will... More

Coming June!
Chicago (Group RP)
Crimson Cloak (Female)
Auburn (Female)
Caduceus (Male)
Søren (Male)
Calypso (Female)
Nega Azazel (Male)
Dragon's Wrath Story Arc
We're Taking a Break
Dark Enigma (Female)
Black Moth (Boss Fight)
Cayden De Leon (Male)
Iribus (Male)
Triceroar (Male)
Prototype Prime
Operation Revelation Story Arc
Genesis Warlock (Operation Revelation Arc) [Boss Fight]
Luc Breaker [Boss Fight]{Operation Revelation Arc}
Prototype Prime [Final Boss] {Operation Revelation End Arc}
Echo (Female)
Champion (Male)
Red Scarlet (Female)
Count Magus (Male)
The Blood Moon Ritual Story Arc
High Priest Acheros (Boss #1) [Bloodmoon Arc)
Bloodmoon Crimson Warlock (Final Boos) [Bloodmoon Arc Finale]
Any Ideas?
The Legion/Juvenile Pack HQ
Abhor (Male)
Lady Frost (Female)
Mister Cruel (Male)
Blaque, daughter of Dread (Female)
Abnus, Goddess of Fear (Female)
Fear the Shadows Story Arc
Shade King (Boss Fight) [Fear the Shadows Arc]
Earth 2 Black Jack (Boss Fight) [Fear the Shadows Arc]
Abhor (Boss Fight) [Fear the Shadows Arc]
Abnus, Goddess of Fear (Final Boss) [Fear the Shadows Arc End]
New Heroes?
Olivia Boyer Joestar (Female)

Agent Walker (Female)

99 0 64
By KarmaProductions

Name: "Nice to meet you, I'm Allison Walker!"

Alias: "Agent Walker at your service!"

Alignment: Neutral Good


- Bang De Leon (Ex-Boyfriend)

Age: "38 years old... better asking than guessing! That would've been rude!"

Gender: "You have to ask? I'm female!"

Species: "Human... I guess I'm an abnormal now, but I don't think so..."

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Allison's gentle and kind-hearted nature is what defines what kind of person she is. She is supportive and understanding, and is willing to work difficult tasks for people she cares about.

Occupation: CIA Director

Relationship Status: Single

Romantic Interests: Bang De Leon/Bang Patonti.

Costume Looks:

Normal Looks:

Superpower: Energy Manifestation

Weapon/Gadgets: "I don't really carry much except for my umbrella and ear piece." *giggles softly*

Weakness: Her powers use up her own energy, if she uses too much, it'll weaken her.

Likes: "Cooking, working and practicing my new powers! I'd get Bang to help me practice, but... we haven't talked since we broke up..."

Dislikes: Awkward situations/coincidences, especially with Bang and his siblings.

Backstory: After she broke up with Bang in the events of Bang Patonti II (Spoilers! XD) She continued her normal life, until the arrival of Dromeas. After he declared his rule, she began working as a government agent. During the Dromeas period, she volunteered to the Awakening Program, a secret government project that awakens abnormal abilities. That is how she obtained her energy powers.

- Caleb Walker=Father
- Bella Walker=Mother

Theme Song: Panic Prevention by Calm Down Dearest - Jamie T.

Hero Scenario: When you arrived to the CIA director's office with Bang, you both recognize a familiar face sitting at the director's desk.

Villain Scenario: You were raided by the CIA and Agent Walker was chasing you down.

Antihero (Assassin/Hitman) Scenario: You were hired to assassinate the director of the CIA. Agent Walker was holding a conference on live television in Washington.

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