Teacher x Student

By just_books01

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As I was beginning to leave his class, Mr Greyson put his hand on my lower back and the other on my arm, pull... More



25.6K 193 685
By just_books01

This is the vehicle I picture Mr G in. (Super redneck/ hillbilly I know).

And this is what I picture him to look like. Hopefully that gives some visuals. Let me know if I should give a visual for Dakota?


It's Monday morning, I've already gotten myself prepared for school and all of the assignments I've missed.

I was greeted by my mom downstairs, "Good morning sweetie. Eat some breakfast, take your vitamins."

I did as told and grabbed a piece of toast out of the toaster, I spread some butter on it, and grabbed my gummy vitamin. Yes, those bear shaped vitamins that little kids take. I still take those.

I scanned the kitchen for Charlie and my dad, they're usually down here by the time I am. "Where's the boys?"

"Charlie and your father?" My mom smoked a little.

"Yeah. The boys."

"Charlie had to be at school early so dad and him left already," she said. After the news about her..time, she seems okay. It's weird. I would expect her to be down and depressed but she's living her days to the fullest.

"Oh okay... Mom can I tell you something?" I sat down at the table with her.

"What else could you tell me? I already know about you and hottie pants," she laughed. I didn't.

"He doesn't know that I'm 17, I told him that I'm 18," I watched my moms eyes grow wide. "Please don't tell him."

By now, I only have a few months until I'm 18. But that's not the point. The point is I lied.

"Why didn't you tell him your actual age? He's going to think he'll end up in jail if you don't tell him. He's with a minor. Even though I'm totally fine with the situation, he still needs to know Dakota," she explained. "I haven't talked to your father quite yet. When I do, you better have told Mr G who you really are."

With that, she got up and kissed me on my head and headed up to her bedroom. I was left wondering what the hell I need to do with this situation. If I tell Austin my true age, I feel like he'll end up leaving me. I don't want that..

I tried to clear the thought and gathered my things and headed for school.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Austin sitting in his truck. Well, actually, he was on his phone talking to somebody. I decided to park right next to him, I noticed I was a bit early. Nobody else was here.

Austin noticed me and immediately hung up his call and got out. He came around to my door and knocked on it.

"Hey," I smiled.

He leaned one arm on the top of my car. "Hey. Good to see you here," he shot back his angelic smile. "What are you doing later tonight?"

"Gonna try to cook dinner again?"

"I was hoping I could give it a second shot," he said.

I gathered my bag and got out of my car, Austin shut the door for me and I leaned against the door, with Austin right in front of me.

I glanced at his truck, then back at him. "I wanna drive it."

"What?" He was in shock. It made no sense to me, I didn't think asking to drive his truck would be an issue.

"Let me drive it," I repeated myself.

He got closer, and lowered his head down to my ear. His hands were on my waist. "Somebody's bossy today. You wanna drive my truck? You think you can handle it, Shorty?"

"I-um. Yeah, it's just a truck. I can handle it," my words stumbled as his breath hit my neck. His lips started to place kisses beneath my jaw.

"Whatever you say, let's go mudding. After class," he mumbled against me.

We walked up to the school, I made a left to the hall. He made a right to his classroom.

I saw Shelly standing in the hall, talking to one of the popular kids that I'm not close with. Shelly's surprisingly cool with all the it kids.

"I'll see you later!" Shelly said to the girl. "So? When will you confess to your relationship with Mr-"

I was quick to put a hand over her mouth. "Sh! If you even say anything like that, people will think it's true!"

She moved my hand away, "but it is?"

"No it's not!"

Everybody's attention was to us, my voice echoed in the hall. I realized I probably shouldn't be raising my voice this much.

"Obviously it is. You're making a big deal," she said and crossed her arms.

"I don't want the whole school to be thinking that I'm dating a teacher," I replied.

"Whatever," she's just full of attitude today. Shelly usually isn't like this toward me.

I decided to walk away and not let the situation get any worse, a tear left my eye. I was frustrated. Not upset. Just frustrated. I'm one of those. I cry when I'm irritated.

I felt a hand on my arm, I thought it was Austin but I was wrong. It was Derek, a guy I had the biggest crush on back when I was a sophomore. I eventually got over that little thing because he got a girlfriend. A cheerleader, in fact. He was the quarterback. Yeah, one of those high school relationships.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked me. His green eyes looked straight at me.

I was taken by surprise by this, "y-yeah. I'm fine. Why?"

He released my arm quickly. "Well you're crying. I just- I don't know."

"Thanks. I'm good," I smiled.

"No problem Dakota."

Woah, he knows my name?

I walked away with the thought of Derek on the surface of all of my thoughts. Why, after these past few years, is he now talking to me? Why couldn't this happen back when I actually liked him? Why now? When I have a relationship with somebody? Sorta..

                                —After school—
I met Austin by his truck after class. As always, nobody was out here.

"Let's drive to my place, and you can drive my truck out to the property," he told me.

I did so, getting in my little car and followed him. It was a quick ride to his literal mansion, and I switched vehicles.

"Okay wait, before I get in there, I'm going to text my mom and let her know where I am. In case I die, she'll know," I told my mother who I was with and where.

Austin laughed, and snatched my phone, "you're not going to die. I'll be with you."

"You're not going to save me from dying if I crash," I shot back.

"Well, I could be your Superman," he grinned. I hate him. In a loving way.

Austin opened the door for me, he held one hand out for me to grab onto so that I could jump up into the truck. When I got in, the seat had to be majorly adjusted to my body. I wasn't able to reach the pedals or even see over the steering wheel.

Austin was quick to get in the passenger side. "The view from this side ain't too bad, might have to make you drive me around," he winked. I flipped him off.

My nerves were calming down as I looked around. It wasn't that bad.

"Okay, foot on break and put her in drive. And go," he ordered.

When I put my foot on the pedal, the engine was loud and the turbo whistled.

"That'a girl!" Was all I heard over the loudness. I suppose it's because the windows were rolled down.

Austin directed me out on the country side to the location of this muddy property. It was literally 5 minutes from his house.

"Just pull off into the mud and start tearing it up!"

Oh boy, this mud isn't the only thing that should be torn up...

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