~Away From You~ Jookyun

By nikkiyeollie

100K 5.6K 5K

Changkyun is a young omega who lost his home, his pack and his mother to another wolf pack. The alpha wolf of... More

Chapter 1 : Away from home
Chapter 2: Enemy's Pack
Chapter 3: Mate
Chapter 4: Jooheon
Chapter 5: Not Safe
Chapter 6: Secrets Hurt
Chapter 7: Decision
Chapter 8: Goodbye Jooheon
Chapter 9: Omegas on the run and Alphas on the hunt.
Chapter 10: Part I. Dead
Chapter 12: Part I. On our way to a better place
Chapter 13: Part II. On our way to a better place
Chapter 14: Precious Moments
Chapter 15: Guilty Conscious
New Jookyun Books!
Chapter 16: A Fresh Start
Chapter 17: 5 months later
Chapter 18: Welcome Home
Chapter 19: Changkyun
Chapter 20: MiMi
Chapter 21: Part. I - The Blue Moon pack
Away From You 19k!
Chapter 22: Part II. The Blue Moon Pack
Chapter 23: The Worst for the Better
Chapter 24: Home
Thank You
Chapter 25: Let me fix you
Chapter 26: I'm Sorry
Chapter 27: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 28: Unexpected
Chapter 29: Together Again
Chapter 30: My First Time
Chapter 31: Be Careful
Chapter 32: I Will Protect You
Chapter 33: Felix
Chapter 34: [Filler] Life at the Orphanage
Chapter 35: [Filler] Let's Just Be Together
Chapter 36: [Filler] Gunhee's Troubles
Chapter 37: [Filler] Minhyuk the shipper
Chapter 38: [Filler] Part One: New life at the pack
Chapter 39: [Filler] Part Two: New life at the pack
Away From You 2
Chapter 40: Alone in the forest
Chapter 41: Captured
Chapter 42:The Truth in Lies
Chapter 43: Forever Silent
Chapter 44: Our dirty little secret
Chapter 45: The competition
Chapter 46: Patch things up
Chapter 47: A Post it

Chapter 11: Part II. Dead

2K 129 65
By nikkiyeollie

A/N: ENJOY! Sorry for the mistakes. Ignore them. Follow, like and comment pls. Huge thanks to my friend Melanie, Min and AJ. Luv you gurls ❤️

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :. ───


His feet were hurting so much from running but he knew he couldn't stop. He promised Ki that he would reach the bridge no matter what. So far the omega he lost the wolves that were chasing him and ever since then he hasn't encountered any rogues and that was hella good. Changkyun could move on without any worries.

Kihyun linked him a few minutes ago and told him everything. Kyun knew that Jooheon's pack was already on the move and almost caught Ki, he knew that Ki managed to get away with a few injuries and that two werewolves from the human territory are helping him survive.

Kihyun is alright.

And yess... Kihyun told Kyun about the idea of faking his own death, the female omega Kihyun met will help him stage his murder and all, he also told Changkyun that he should do the same thing ... but Changkyun had no idea how he should do that.. so until he comes up with an idea he kept running towards the bridge. That's his goal at the moment and he wanted to focus on that.

He was near and all he needed to do was run across an open field up the hill and cross the damn bridge ... it was that close and Changkyun could already breathe the same air that the humans do. Changkyun ran and whilst he was doing it his foot cramped up causing him to fall on his face.

It was embarrassing really but the omega didn't care, he just wanted to get up from the ground and keep on running but before he could prop himself up his nose caught a whiff of a strange scent that was spreading throughout the air... a very heavy scent that screamed bloodthirst and lust. It was the kind of scent that causes a helpless omega to freeze. Changkyun's muscles atrophied and his heart instead of racing it went dangerously slow. His eyes widened as they did in the silly cartoons when he warily scanned his surroundings to find no one around.

Changkyun thought of making a quick run for it cuz the bridge was just up the hill but he was damn sure something was out there watching him, hunting him. He didn't have a death wish just yet so he needed to clear his head and push away all his fears and worries away so that he can concentrate on what's happening.

As Kihyun said, omegas can perceive danger and Changkyun was indeed perceiving it like crazy, the only thing bothering him was that he didn't know where the hunter was. Kihyun also said that omegas can run faster when they are in danger and so far his short legs had carried him far but now that he tried to get on his feet he felt his legs waddle. His legs were exhausted, he was exhausted.

He ran himself ragged.

'Damn it all' he thought but he maintained his calm and focused on resting his legs a little so that he can run to that stupid bridge. He tried to suck in some fresh air so that his lungs could recover from all the strain he has put on them, he tried to keep his eyes to his surroundings and amazingly his eyes met bright red eyes that were shining in the shadows, watching him like prey.

Kyun swallowed hard when he was looking directly into the rogues glowing eyes, he realized he was a distance away so he could run and make it up the hill if he just runs fast. He readied himself without losing eye contact with the bloodthirsty wolf that was watching him and when he felt that he was ready to run he made a run for it to the hill. His heart was pounding and his legs were moving, the rogue pushed himself from the shadows and went after Changkyun at full speed ready to maul the omega.

Changkyun tried not to care about the rogue chasing him, he pushed himself hard to cross the field and climb the hill, the alpha running behind him leaped forward and successfully grabbed Changkyun's robe front the back and hauled him up into the air and then push the omega to the ground harshly making the omega let out a cry of pain.

The bastard bit really hard into his back! Changkyun ignored his aching back and tried to move away but the alpha had already pinned him down using his two front legs to pin Changkyun's arms and his two back legs to pin Kyun's legs.

So yeah, he was completely pinned.

Changkyun's warm brown eyes widened when he met bright red eyes, the alpha didn't waste a minute into tearing Kyun's robe apart into pieces without a care in the world and the same he tried to do to the rest of the clothes Changkyun was wearing. Changkyun freaked and tried his best to push the horny bastard away from him but the wolf was just so big and heavy, Changkyun's efforts were useless. The alpha rogue forcibly flipped changkyun over so that he could tear off the annoying fabric that was hiding away the omega's sweet rounded buttcheeks. Changkyun didn't stop fighting until he felt the weight that was on top of him trying to violate him disappear.

By the time caramel headed omega looked up to see what had happened the rogue alpha was already on the ground being violently maimed by another alpha wolf... well... a female alpha wolf that came out of the blue.

Changkyun stared at the female alpha who towered over the other alpha, who managed to push her off him but she went straight for his jugular and tear it apart, immediately killing the other wolf. Changkyun laid speechless, as he eyed the female alpha whose black fur was shining under the sunlight. Her electric blue eyes gently settled on the omega who was already looking at her shocked. Even on her wolf form, she tried to smile, she slowly shifted to her human form, a beautiful woman appeared. She was quite tall with short black raven hair and her electric blue eyes had a grayish hue mixed with the blue. She looked strong and not homicidal at all... well, changkyun hoped so.

She warily made her way towards Changkyun who was still staring at the female alpha who was more preoccupied with injuries that the other wolf might have caused. 

Her features soften up when she crouched down to Kyuns height, she tried to inspire confidence so that he could trust her. Kyun let her approach him for he did feel like she was trustworthy and her smile could really liven him up and make him believe that everything is alright. She took off the sweater she was wearing and handed it over to the omega who didn't hesitate to grab it and put it on.

"Hey." her voice was soft and very welcoming when she reached out for his hand to slowly grabbed it to help him stand up.

"H-Hi." he moaned in pain after waiting to drop down to the ground but the girl held him steady. "Thanks for ... you know."

The girl nodded taking a quick look at the damage that was done to Changkyun's clothes and on his back that was covered with teeth marks and claw marks, wounds didn't look that deep but the female alpha wanted to treat them as soon as possible so that they won't get infected. Changkyun could barely walk on his wobbly legs, he was too exhausted and needed to sit down for a while because he felt dizzy.

"Rest up a bit so that I can take you back to my house to patch you up."

"Is your home by any chance in the human territory?"

"Yeah, I actually live in the middle of the town. I come here to shift into my wolf form and run, beat some rogues assess and be free."

"Thank you for wanting to be free today. You saved me from being violated."

"You are welcome." the tall alpha-girl offered Kyun a small smile that was quite contagious, it made him smile even when he didn't feel like smiling... Weird... why was he feeling all fuzzy all of a sudden?

"What's your name?"

"Changkyun... Yours?"


Changkyun nodded feeling his mind opening up to a communication link with Kihyun who sounded very tired and impatient.

KYUN! Are you alive? Did you make it across the bridge?

"Im fine, just got attacked by a rogue but was saved by a girl that seems trustworthy and no I haven't reached the bridge yet...but I will soon. I will see you there."

Did you fake your own death yet?

"Not yet....but I think I have an idea... will link you later when I cross the bridge."

Okay, I'm about to reach the human territory, see you soon. Make it damn believable!

The link dropped and Kyun glanced at the dead alpha wolf that was behind Diana who looked confused at why he was staring at a dead wolf. He got on his feet and made his way over to the corpse that was spilling blood in many places which was good and what's better is that the rogue tore off his robe and some of his clothes, his scent was all over the place and all over the body.

Everything was looking good for Kyun, he just needed to add a few more things to make Jooheon believe he was indeed mauled by the dead wolf and by another one.

Diana stared at the caramel headed omega that was rounding the dead alpha with eyes brimming with some sort of excitement, she wanted to ask what he was up to but she wasn't sure if she should. Kyun read her mind and explained that he was being chased by rogues and his pack which he ran away from, he didn't go into deep details he just asked her to give him a hand for what he was planning to do.

Diana went towards Changkyun that was standing right beside the dead alpha's head, he crouched down to be right next to the alpha's opened mouth with his sharp teeth in plain view. Changkyun brought up his arm right next to a canine tooth that looked very sharp and perfect.

Diana freaked at what Kyun was about to do and tried to stop him but the omega refused to be stopped and used the canine teeth to cut his arm. Yep, he cut his arm willingly let droplets of his blood drop onto the dead alpha's mouth so that it can be believed that the alpha attacked him and bit him. Kyun smeared his own blood all around the alpha's face and paws, onto the ground and onto his torn clothes that were scattered a few feet away from where he was almost raped.

"What are you doing?" Diana's voice was filled with concern. "You want your pack and your mate to believe you are dead? why?"

"Because!" Changkyun frustratedly yelled "everything was fine before I met him okay! Everything went to hell when he appeared. One minute I was baking a cake with my mom and the next the whole pack was destroyed and my mom was dead!" Kyun was letting his demons out. He just needed to say it out loud. He needed to let it all out. "The head alpha that destroyed my pack and killed my mother turned out to be my mate! My mate! Do you know how awful that was? How disgusted I felt when I learned that? I was then forced to become a part of his pack and was forced to be his mate. I didn't want to give him a chance because I knew the exact moment I let my protective walls down he would make me fall for him because it's damn inevitable! We are mates! We are destined to be together and we are attracted to each other as much as I want to deny it. I also learned that my stupid mate attacked my pack because supposedly my pack were criminals, especially my mom who is not really my mom."

Changkyun was ranting nonstop everything that happened with fresh tears brimming at his tired eyes. He told Diana how everything went for him and how he felt every time. He told her that it was all shitty between his mate and him and that his biggest wish is to take matters into his own hands and find out the truth about his pack. To find out who he truly is and where he came from! He was done letting others tell him what to believe in. He wanted answers and answers he will get no matter what.

"Now! Will you fucking help me or not?!" he expectantly looked at Diana that was standing in front of him speechless. Her eyes were clearly absent from reality though, everything that Kyun told her was really ... too much and she felt sorry that he was going through it. The omega before him was indeed lost and robbed of his real identity and she felt like she should help him get those answers.

"Alright, I will help." she said smiling mischievously "since my scent is all over the place, let's make them believe I was the one that finished the job. I need your blood on my paws okay, I need to leave a trail that leads back to the forest."

The omega agreed and both worked together to leave a bloody trail. Diana cooperated with everything that Changkyun asked her to do. Both made a badass homicide scene that was for sure to led others to believe he was truly dead.

By the time both wolves were done the sun was about to set. Diana finished wrapping a cloth around Kyun's arm and she also sprayed some moonflowers spray she had on herself and onto Kyun so that they could finally go cross the bridge without any worries of ever being followed by Jooheon or his pack. The seconds he was crossing the bridge he thought about all the pain he will be causing Jooheon, the heartbreak. It hurts just by thinking about it... Kyun's inner wolf wasn't very happy with Kyun and he tried not to care about what his inner wolf thinks or wants. He wanted to be selfish and focus on what he himself wants.

Changkyun's small hands touched the bridge's metal railings and wondered how Jooheon would react... how will he take it.. his heart was being squeezed with all these thoughts.

He didn't dare to look back... Kihyun told him not to.

Kihyun was already safe and soon he will too. They will both meet and will probably gossip like high school girls about what just happened with Jooheon's pack and assumed together how will they all react to their deaths.

He couldn't wait to meet Kihyun.

He was so glad that the grumpy red-headed omega came with him.

He was so damn glad.

He was so damn glad that Ki was on his side.... and also glad that Diana seems to be so too.

Changkyun crossed that bridge and touched human territory ground with a few words echoing in his mind.

Goodbye Jooheon.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :. ───


Everything was wrong.

Terribly even...

Hyungwon couldn't stand the situation that they were in right now. He felt faint, his hands trembled and his heart ached for all the blood he has seen. He tried to not to cry, he couldn't because he thought the first ones that should shed tears should he Hyunwoo and Jooheon... they needed to be the first ones to grieve the losses of a great loyal beta and the clan's pack Luna.

Hyunwoo and Jooheon's mates.

Ay first Hyungwon thought it was all a prank!

After Hyunwoo lost the suspicious omega whose scent was back at our pack the Clan pack's wolves had to get rid of all the rogues that was intervening with their mission. Hyungwon remembered he was trying to track down the omega that ran away from Hyunwoo but instead of finding him, he found something familiar, well more like caught a whiff of a familiar scent.


It was soft and very faint but it was in the air. Hyungwon followed his nose and eventually it led him to a tree, a tree that had giant claw marks engraved onto it with blood smeared all over it.

(Imagine the claw marks has blood on them pls)

Blood that smelled like lavender.

Blood that smelled like lavender... kihyun's scent.

Hyungwon tried to wrap his mind around what he just found but his brain was completely shutting down. His breath hitched, his shaky hands ghosted over the claw marks and over the dry blood. He needed to inspect the blood, smell it to make sure if it was the blood that smelled like lavender or not.

He just needed to make sure.

His slim fingers softly pressed against the dry blood that was a bit damp, he gently lifted his hand to his nose and took a quick whiff. His thick pink eyebrows twitched at the faint scent of lavender and a strong scent of blood.

For him, it was odd that the lavender scent was too faint when it should be stronger than the blood's iron smell. Hyungwon wondered if it was Kihyun's blood or he was imaging it all but what threw him off was the piece of fabric he found on the muddy ground.

It sat there on the ground, poking out of the mud when Hyungwon bent down to grab it. As you could expect the pink-headed wolf sniffed the torn fabric and perceived Kihyun's scent and the suspicious omega's scent. His eyes went wide as a planet.

He felt like the air was kicked out of his lungs, he choked loudly and pathetically using the tree as leverage. Hyunwoo just caught up to him because of the same lavender scent that was lingering around. He also thought his beloved mate was close or was. He looked distraught when he found Hyungwon coughing by a tree holding a very familiar baby blue fabric that stank of Kihyun's scent and the strange omegas.

His feet moved on its own, he yanked the fabric from Hyungwon's delicate hands and smelled it.

It was there.

Both were there in all that mud and blood, the scents were there, faint but there.

"It's kihyun's scent." was all he said when he pushed the other alpha away from the tree so that he could take a look at it. "Damn it. What did you get yourself into Ki."

"We can't jump into conclusions just yet!" Hyungwon pushed Hyunwoo away from the tree. "He can still be out there."

Hyunwoo's eyes were set on the blood. The lavender blood. His lips quivered at the thought of his gorgeous redheaded beta being injured beyond help. He couldn't bear the thought really.

It made him angry and sad all together. He knew he needed to suck it up and keep searching. He needed to believe that his mate was alive.

"Use your nose! Find Kihyun now!"

Hyungwon locked eyes with Hyunwoo's and honestly, he felt too sick to concentrate on tracking Ki's scent down but by the murderous look the other alpha was giving him... he shook his head and started to sniff around, to follow the faint lavender smell that led them far ahead.

Hyunwoo soon followed when Jooheon caught up with the rest of the pack that were done eradicating the rogues from the area. Hyunwoo filled his leader in with what that found and all Jooheon could do was stare with disbelief.

He felt a cold chill run down his spine when he thought about Kihyun being dead.

The pack got their shit together and followed Hyungwon. He was walking slowly around the forest, sniffing and picking up things from the ground that seemed to be small blue pieces. Hyungwon held onto them and followed the trail scared shitlless of where it might lead them.

More blood was found when the group moved, Hyungwon hesitated when a strong lavender scent hit his face. Hyunwoo caught it and moved forward pushing Hyungwon aside that remained frozen. Hyunwoo sprinted to the other side of a huge bush to only find a gruesome crime scene.

There wasn't a body, well you couldn't even identify the damn body because it was mutilated beyond recognition. The body was indeed of a beta, that was obvious and it did smell like Kihyun... what attacked Hyunwoo the most was what the boy was wearing. It was the baby blue sweater his mom made for Kihyun before she died.

Hyunwoo's face went pale, losing all color if possible. His eyes were sorrowful when he slowly approached a severed torso that was wearing the ugly blue sweater, it was torn and ripped apart but Shownu could still recognize the ugly design.

It was Kihyun's sweater.

It definitely was.

"Hyung?" Hyungwon's voice was low but audible. Hyunwoo ignored the other alpha and proceeded to stare at the remains with an aching heart. Wonho and Gunhee stood awkwardly behind Hyungwon who had no idea what to do or what to say... everything had Kihyun's scent and the omega's scent, so that omega was involved somehow with Kihyun and Changkyun's disappearance.

Jooheon joined later and was completely shocked and hurt. The scene was very lamentable and it just made them feel the urge to scream at the top of their lungs and destroy everything that is in sight. Hyunwoo wanted to but he was too but grieving the loss of his be beloved mate.

"Im sorry Hyunwoo. I really am." Jooheon was the first one to break the silence. His words were sincere and full of lament. Gunhee followed and so did the other pack members. They stood by the grieving alpha that was too tired and too hurt to make a scene. Too heartbroken.

"What should we do?" Gunhee asked Jooheon. The head alpha shook his head running his pale fingers across his dark hair while he thought of the right thing to do. "Gather everything," he said setting his aways at Hyunwoo's back. "We will give Kihyun a proper burial back home."

Everyone nodded and moved to gather everything that was on sight. Hyunwoo allowed them too, poor guy was dumbfounded. Shocked. Motionless.

Jooheon took it upon himself to comfort his friend, to move him away from the scene and make sure he was alright. It was amazing how Jooheon was handling the situation so well when he internally was a wreck!

He was worried sick about Changkyun, he didn't know were he was or if he was even alive. He was scared but he had to push it aside to help his friend deal with the loss of his mate.


Hyungwon was totally done with life.

Screw everything.

He angrily stomped away from the scene that was breaking Jooheon's heart in a million pieces. Hyunwoo, on the other hand, was physically there but his mind was definitely absent. Gunhee was the one that stepped onto the crime scene and examined the wolf that laid there with his neck broken. Wonho didn't want to be near the scene and neither did Minhyuk... he was too busy crying his eyes out somewhere for the loss of his two friends.

Unlike Hyunwoo, Jooheon got angry and took it out on the trees. He screamed, he cried, he broke some trees, told everyone to go to hell, even the moon goddess. He was in no condition to lead anymore because of how lost he is.

He was ferocious.

His anger was manifesting in many ways.

His mind was clearly broken at this point.

No one talked to him the just proceeded to do the exact same thing they did for Kihyun. They picked up the little pieces of clothing they could find so that they had something to burry.

"Did you get everything?" Gunhee asked the betas that were doing the task to pick up the shredded clothes. The betas reluctantly nodded their heads bagging everything they have gathered. "Alright, um.." the dark-haired alpha ran a hand across his face wondering what the hell he would do next.

"Jooheon?" he went over to the head alpha that had finished rampaging. He was standing next to the dead wolf staring it down with such hatred that Gunhee was sure he could drill holes into the dead meat. "You okay?"

"Do I look okay to you Gunhee?! DO I ?!" came off harsh words. " I just lost my mate Gunhee! You expect me to be okay?"

"Im sorry Heon, I really, really am." he bit his lip placing a hand on Jooheon's right shoulder. It was all the comfort Gunhee could give his leader, his friend. Jooheon was going through a grievous loss and there was nothing no one could say or do to make him feel better.


To be continued...

A/N: I hope you girls like how the story is going with you in it!

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