Forced Away

By kayla_gummy_bear

14.3K 303 121

What if Jay still refused to reunite with the ninja after the death of Zane? Still suffering with the heartbr... More

When You Loose Trust
Shocking Realizations
Meeting My New Future
Lost Brother
The Darkness Takes Over All
The Problem With Jay
I Wish I Could
What Have I Done? Part 1
What Have I Done?- Part 2
The Wedding- Part 1
The Wedding- Part 2
The Wedding- Part 3
The Wedding- Part 4
Rushing To The Rescue
Watching Them Laugh
The Thought Of Darkness
One Final Battle
Saying Goodbye

The Last Tale Of The Final Two

465 7 8
By kayla_gummy_bear

Zane POV

Our chances were very slim when Lloyd decided to split us into 2 groups. I tried to warn him of the danger that he was putting us through, but he would't listen.

"If we go out, we go out like warriors not like peasants." Lloyd said as soon as he was sure that Kai was gone.

"Lloyd, I don't want to go out this way." I finally said.

"We don't get to choose the battles that we go out in, the battles choose us." Lloyd said simply.

"Have you thought about what Kai, Nya or even Jay would think about this? What would Cole say?" I asked in concern.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks." Lloyd said with a hint of sadness.

"Who's thought doesn't matter?" I asked, already knowing the answer.


"You shouldn't hold in your feelings." I said, knowing that I should probably just leave it.


That was enough of an answer for me to see he just wanted to be left alone. Of course, I knew a while ago, I just wanted him to release more anger so that he wouldn't accidentally kill one of the Guards. 

That was when we arrived. They were all there seemingly waiting. It wouldn't have shocked me if they had heard Lloyd yelling.

"You guys walk like turtles. You probably fight like turtles too." Guard one said.

"You are right. I cannot wait for you to be apart of my turtle soup." I said before charging at him.

The fighting was going on for seemingly ever. I looked over to see Lloyd not doing anything. I was being outnumbered. I wasn't going to make it out of here alive.

"Lloyd! I need help! Please!" I pleaded.

"I cannot Zane. You don't understand. We are outnumbered." Lloyd said.

"I know that we are outnumbered. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

I was charged at and stabbed in my gut. I felt the electricity leaving my body. I heard Lloyd screaming my name. I saw the guards leaving. I felt my body being lifted off of the ground.

"Zane? You have to stay with me. Please Zane." I heard him say. I knew that it was only a matter of time.

"Lloyd, my time is--almost u--p. I need you to--to know that-that-that this is--is--is n-o-t all of you--you--your fault. I am go-goi-going to a better place now. I am goi-ng to be with Cole. I need you to promise me that you will look after them for me? Make sure that they don't do--do anything stu--pid." I managed to get out.

"I promise." Lloyd said as he let out a small laugh as tears were pooling out of his eyes.

"Goodbye, brother." Lloyd said as he held me tight.

"It is never a go-goo-good bye. Just a see you later. I will be watching you from u-u-up the-ther-there." I said as I pointed to the sky.

I heard Lloyd laugh. A sign that he was going to be okay. I looked up at him and smiled.

I felt the memories of my brothers and father pass through my head. I saw all the good times that we had, and I knew that we would soon be reunited.

I felt the smile stay on my face as my spirit drifted up to the unknown.

Lloyd POV

I felt Zane's body become limp. I knew that he was in a better place now. 

"You do realize that this is all of your fault, right?" I heard a voice whisper in the shadows.

I couldn't feel my body.

"He would still be here if it wasn't for your foolishness. They both would." The voice whispered with venom in its voice.

The voice was right. It was all of my fault.

"The only question now is what are you going to do about it? Do you really even deserve to be alive? The poor little green ninja is all alone." The voice taunted.

"Clouse." I sneered.

"The one and only. " He said as he stepped out of the shadows.

 "Lets get over this." I said as I felt my Element flow to my hands.

He charged at me. The battle came out as a fight for control of darkness and light. I felt him weakening, and I knew that I was too.

He changed his face to the one of Zane's. I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. My body just shut down.

I felt him throw me to the wall. I felt the blood trickle down my face and the bones in my body slowly breaking.

I felt him leave me when I was completely broken. He was so sure that I wasn't going to survive. That was when he turned back to me.

"It was a pleasure fighting you, Garmadon, but you aren't the one I am after at the moment. Gordon will pay for what he did to me, and since he didn't want to come out to fight me, I guess I will just have to settle for his son. It is so sad that he is not going to live very long after being married." He sneered before walking away.

I felt my body slowly decay as my breath became more shallow.

"I am sorry Zane. I couldn't do it. I hope that you will forgive me one day." I said before my final breath was let out of my body.

Authors Note

Sorry that I didn't update yesterday. I have had a lot of homework and with all of my accelerated classes, which is almost every one, we had to do detailed posters and write essays for them for homework. I was up really late last night, and was too tired to update.

The next chapter will be called Watching Them Laugh and it will be told in Jay and Nya POV. (You wont find out what is wrong with Jay until The Thought Of Darkness, which will probably be updated at some point on Saturday.)

I am sorry to say that book will be coming to a close soon. The way it is ending will ensure that there will be no second book. However, I might do this book but in the POV of Kai and Skylor so that it is like their own little love story because as much as I love Jay and Nya, they don't deserve all of the love stories. That book will probably be called Forced Apart, and I will work on that as soon as I finish this one.

That is the end of this chapter. I will see you all next chapter.

Peace out Dudes and Dudettes!!!

(Please stay healthy!) :) ;)

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