(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fat...

By NeoNaya

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Years have passed, but some things never change...or do they? ***Note: may have some grammatical errors*** More

10-Days Later
13-Months Later


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By NeoNaya

     CJ was having a strange dream. The wind was blowing hard in Madjesko. And the town looked completely deserted. She was wearing a black gown but noticed a man wearing a tuxedo in the distance. His back was to her, so she couldn't see his face. But, she knew that he had dark hair. A strange thumping sound caught her attention and she opened her eyes. She could still hear it, so she rose out of bed to investigate. The young woman looked out of a window and simply smiled. It was Peter chopping wood. Again. Their honeymoon had officially started as soon as they checked out of the Bellamy. They were in a refuge in Elkenah, and staying with an old friend. CJ couldn't help but chuckle. He had his memory back. but the chopping thing never faded. She didn't mind though, it was growing on her. Plus, it was a real turn-on for her to watch.

   A knock on the door alerted her. A little boy stuck his head inside. He had brown, dark eyes, and his name was Tristan Rush. "Um, good morning. Breakfast is ready." He closed the door quickly before she could respond.

 She chuckled and put on some pants, with the oversized shirt that she was already sporting. She entered the open kitchen and saw Peter plating the food for young children. She also saw Cassidy Arellus pouring individual cups of orange juice. Her husband winked at her playfully and kept working.

She chuckled and sat down the kids. "Thanks for lettin' us stay here, Miss Arellus."

"Not a problem." The woman sat down. "Thank your husband for saving my life years ago."

"Heard it!" Peter placed a plate of food in front of his wife. "And you're so welcome."

CJ giggled as he sat down next to her. The children finished quickly and went outside to play.

"So, Cassidy." He began. "All the kids are orphans?" He asked, she nodded

"Only Tristan, he's been here the longest. Nobody's ever adopted him, and it's always been two reasons. They either say his skin was  too dark, or he was too old. He's outgrown a lot of the kids here." She sighed. "He's always refused to make any friends, and nobody ever talks to him out of fear. The other children were only abandoned. But it's been hard for them too."

Hearing this made the couple sad. Peter understood the whole adoption transition, and CJ knew what it was like to be different.  

    Hours later, it was finally night. CJ and Peter were fast asleep and all was silent in the refuge. The young man was having the most peculiar dream. He was standing in the cabin, with himself wearing a ponytail. CJ was there as well, trying to comfort the other man. It was like he was haunting himself, no one could see or hear him.

[Whoa.] He thought to himself

The other him pulled away from her and ran outside. Peter was instantly transported to the front door of the safehouse, along with his other self. He watched as he knelt from the pain. Someone approached him, the stranger had dark eyes and hair.

"You okay?" He asked

"I-I'll be fine." He stood to his feet. "Thank you."

[Who's this guy?]

"I'm here to warn you."

The young man was confused. "Warn me?"

"Yes, Peter."

"How do you know my name? Do we know each other?"

"Yeah, we go way back. You should know that--your history will destroy your future. Death will be your secret."

[What the hell?]

Peter shot his eyes open. He sat up and saw that his wife was missing. He stood to his feet and saw a scorch mark on the ground. "No, no, not again." He moved and noticed a small note.


[No...] He thought trepidatiously, a knock on the door alerted him. He moved to answer it.

He sighed when he saw Tristan.

"Hey, kid. Now's not really a good tim--"

"I can take you to her." He interrupts calmly.

Peter was confused. But, he was also fearful.


Hey guuuuyz! Hope you enjoyed that. Tune in this fall for the conclusion XD

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