1) The Tracker's Eyes [Wolfbl...

By Aspiring-Writer14

5.2K 71 17

Silver Morris is the twin sister of Rhydian Morris, the wolfblood who left Stoneybridge last year, to find hi... More

Through the Streets
The Ancien
The Moon's Pull
The Den
Selina Khan
Dark Moons

The Human Liar

273 4 2
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Silver's POV}

I was sitting in the Kafe, sketching in my book, and moving gingerly, still sore from the cut on my ribs.

I looked up, and smiled, pulling out my earphones, seeing Matei, Emilia, and TJ standing there with Selina.

I moved over, and Matei slid into the booth next to me, and Emilia, Selina, and TJ sat across from us. Jana got us all lattes, except for me, and I got a pineapple smoothie. "Perfect amounts of pineapple Katrina!" I called, and she smiled at me, her face shining with delight, from the praise that she didn't get nearly often enough.

"Thanks Silver." She called back, just as she took the next customer's order.

"What's with all this happiness?"

TJ asked, and I looked at him.

"Am I not allowed, to be happy once and a while Terrence?" I asked, and he growled at me.

"She's always happy when Covaci's around anyways." Natalie said and slapped my hand and the smoothie splashed all over me. "Which one?"

One of her friends asked.

"I mean come on. Which would you rather be happy around?" And I stood up, and pushed her.

"Stop trash talking you bitch. Don't you ever get tired of it?" And she laughed. "You're ready to fight?"

And I looked at her. "Try me. Insult my friends again, and you'll really see me angry, and all too ready to fight."

I said coldly, and she looked at me.

"Fight me. Outside now."

She said, and I looked at her. "Aren't you used to all the special gear? I'm the street fighter. Try me."

And she took a sudden swing at me.

I ducked, and let her roll right over my shoulder from her momentum, and she landed with a loud crunch, onto the floor of the Kafe. She was crying as I sat next to Matei again.

"Well someone's even more of a badass now." Selina said, and I looked at her, my shoulders shrugging at her words.

"But I still could never do what you can all the time. All the competitions. It would have me veining up like this. Constantly." I said, and saw my hands, were shaking and veining up.

Matei looked around quickly, and grabbed my hand, and the veins began to disappear. "Thanks."

I said quietly, and flipped open my sketchbook again, once I had calmed down, and controlled my wolf again.

Matei looked over my shoulder.

"That is amazing." He said, and I looked at him, and shrugged.

"I've got better ones." I said quietly, and he looked at me, his face shocked at my reaction to the praise.

"Look at this."

He said, and shoved it, towards the other half of the pack. I sighed as they saw the sketches of us all as wolves.

"Not here." Jana hissed under her breath, bringing me another smoothie, after the other one, had somehow, ended up all over me.

Also bringing the rest of us back to reality. I took my sketchbook back from the pack, and shut it with a snap. "I'll be back in a second."

TJ said, and I looked at him, as he walked over to a human girl.

"Uh oh."

I said, and he started talking to her shameless, completely oblivious to anything else around him.


Emilia said and I concentrated.

"Maybe this will keep you quiet, for a bit, more then a minute anyway."

And I laughed quietly, and quickly turned it into a cough, as she wrote her number on his forehead.

I chuckled, as he walked over, in some sort of daze. "If that's how I acted around you, when I first met your brother, feel free to punch me Emilia." I said, and Emilia shook her head at me. "Not even close." She said and I looked at her, my face confused.

"Better or worse?"

I asked, and she looked at me. "Better. At least you were coherent, and able to form full and complete sentences."

She said, and I laughed, as TJ seemed to almost scream, with surprise and I looked at Matei, who rolled his eyes.

I shook my head. "Call her. If you want TJ, but we won't be standing there with you, when you eventually, and you will, get burned in the end."

I said, and walked out of the Kafe with Matei next to me, and my bag over my shoulder. "Silver."

He said, and I looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked, and he looked at me, and I saw something like worry and pain in his eyes.

"Will you ever let me come to the Wild with you?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Matei what's wrong?"

I asked quietly, and he looked at me.

"When Rhydian threatened me about hurting you... I ended up anyways. I brought you outside, and we ended up getting captured and..."

And I looked around quickly, and grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him, into the alley behind the Kafe.

"Why the... Matei that wasn't your fault. Rhydian understands." And he looked at something behind me.

"Does he?" And I spun around and saw a very familiar wolf. "Rhydian. Back off." I said as the familiar colors of his white coat came into view.

My eyes glowed yellow and he leaped past me at Matei. I snarled and landed between him and Matei, growling.

"Stop it. You're being ridiculous!" And he stood up in human form, his veins still black.

"I warned him. Multiple times."

And I punched him across the face hard, and he staggered back, holding his jaw.

"You don't get to make the ultimatums here Rhydian. Now get out. And stay away from my pack." And Jana stood behind Rhydian, growling savagely.


He said, and walked away quickly, his eyes returning to their normal brown. "Thanks Jana."

I said, and she looked at me, and nodded in respect and thanks.

"No problem. Now let's get to the Den. I'll meet you there in a bit. TJ is going on that date." And I rolled my eyes.

"He's going to get burned."

We both said.

"Exactly. Now you guys get to the Den." And I walked with Matei out of the alley.

"I'll race you to the Den."

"I'll also... Give you say... a 10 minute head start to try and beat me." I said and he raced off.

Even with a 10 minute head start, I still beat him into the Den and I smiled and waved, as he walked in.


He asked, looking completely stumped as to why he could never beat me, and I looked at him, leaning in close, next to his ear.

"Growing up Wild."

I said quietly, and he laughed quickly, as he sat next to me. I leaned on him, and his arm went around me gently, almost automatically now.

I felt his hand in mine, and I was almost asleep when TJ stormed in and punched Matei across the face hard.

"I told you to stop!"

He shouted, with complete outrage and fury in his voice, as Matei stood up, his eyes glowing yellow, and his veins creeping up his face.

"I told you. I'm not ruining your pathetic human date!" He snapped, and I stood between them.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

I shouted, and TJ looked at me, growling at Matei, almost like a wild wolfblood would.

"He keeps sending threats."

And I looked at Matei.

"Are you?" I asked, and he looked at me, and shook his head. "Why would I?" He asked and I looked at him.


TJ said and I looked at him. "TJ. I don't think that's really necessary.."

And Matei rolled his eyes, as he handed his phone over, to the clearly infuriated boy.

"Go ahead." He said, and I looked at him, as TJ scrolled through. He tossed it back at Matei, and looked at me.

"If you're the one doing it..."

"I swear to God..."

And I looked at him, and snorted at him, my eyes flashing with certainty and annoyance. "You're a cub TJ. You're about as strong as Natalie. Plus you haven't even transformed yet!"

And he pushed me back a step, and snarled at me. Matei and Emilia, who had been apparently in the shadows the whole time listening, appeared in front of me, snarling at TJ. "Fine." And he spun around, and walked away.

I looked at the Covaci siblings who stood facing me, their eyes glowing yellow.

"Thanks." I said, and they nodded at me, deep respect in their eyes.

"How long were you... standing in the shadows for Emilia?" I asked, as she paced around the Den. "I got here just after TJ punched Matei." She said and I sighed. "He's going to get burned."

We all said at once. "Exactly." I said, as we all sat down, and waited for one of our phones to ring.

1490 words

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