Dark Moons

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{Silver's POV}

"Dark Moons suck." Matei said, lying back next to me, on the roof. We were lying on the roof of his house, and we were watching the stars.

"No hearing. No sight. No veins. No glowing eyes. No strength or speed. No fighting. Exhausted all the time." He said and I looked at him.

"Starting to feel it?" I asked, and he looked at me and nodded, almost breaking his jaw with a yawn.

"Let's go downstairs." I said, as we slipped back down, into his room through his window.

Matei looked at me, and I sighed.

"Fine." I said, and he looked at me, his eyes sparking, with the last of his wolf powers until the day after tomorrow.

"You were gonna stay anyways. You know that I can calm you down with your nightmares Silver Morris." He said, and I looked at him, and sighed.

He moved over, so now I had more space, and I lay next to him, and felt his arms around me, in the familiar, warm cage.

I felt the Dark Moon, doing it's work fast, and I fell asleep quickly within minutes. Still in the protective cage, that was Matei's arms around me.

I heard Matei's alarm going off, and he grunted and slapped it, effectively snoozing it.

I curled up tighter, and the alarm went off again, 3 minutes later. I groaned, and clamped my hands, tightly over my ears.

"Oh you two are going to be in so much trouble." And I opened my tightly closed eyes, to see Emilia there, her hair tousled from just getting out of bed. "Go away."

Matei groaned, and grabbed a pillow, and slammed it over his face. "Mum! Matei and..." And Matei was up, and out of bed in an instant for a human, slamming the door in Emilia's face.

He locked it, and climbed back into bed with me, his arms around me.

"Silver. What were Dark Moons like in the Wild?" He mumbled in my ear, and I blinked my eyes open again.

"In the Wild. We would always hunt enough for the entire next day, for the whole pack."

"Before the Dark Moon rose to doom us all, to a day of being a human." I said, and turned to face him.

"I hate to do this, but we need to get up." I said and he looked at me. "My door is locked." He said and I looked at him. "Locks can be broken."

I said, and he looked at me. "We can move the desk." He said and I looked at him. "Not as easily as we could've yesterday." I countered and he sighed.

"Are you now making a career out of annoying me half to death?" He asked and I looked at him.

"No. Just trying to be the logical one. For once in my life." I said, and he looked at me.

"I prefer the other Silver."

He said, and I looked at him.

"Some days. So do I." And he kissed me, and suddenly a pounding on the door broke us apart.

"Silver Morris! Matei Covaci! You two unlock this door this instant!" Matei's foster mother shouted, and Matei and I looked at each other.

"We are so screwed." I said, and he looked at me. "Yeah I think so." He said, and I pulled on my jacket, and he pulled on his shirt and jacket.

He unlocked the door and his foster mother stood there. "Use protection. It's all I wanted to say. You can skip today." And I looked at Matei, with raised eyebrows, as we shut the door.

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