Through the Streets

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{Silver's POV}

I stood on the streets, breathing in deeply, ready to run as soon as his scent stopped moving.

"Found him."

I said, pressing my bluetooth.

"This is why you're our best agent Silver." And I walked out, onto the streets, and began to run, racing towards where Terrence or TJ, as he was calling himself, was.

I walked into the Kafe, and found Jana watching TJ as he dropped a mug of tea all over a girl, and I caught the mug before it smashed on the floor.

"Hey Silver." And I looked at Katrina and Kay. "Hey you two. A latte to go?"

And I paid, and got my latte, and then I walked out, chugging it down. I drank as I walked.

Once I had finished, I burped and walked to the rubbish bins, while I caught up to TJ and Jana as I did.

"Running wild as wolves in the city? Not possible TJ. Your mum would kill us." And I stopped, causing them to slam into me.

"Wolfbloods." I said quietly, my voice low as I sniffed around, catching the scent.

I spun around and saw two wolves, a bigger one that was clearly male, and a smaller one, who was female, racing through the streets.

They leaped clear over a car, and I saw animal control after them.

"Let's go." I said, and raced after the wolves, dodging cars and sailing over rubbish bins with unnatural ease.

I landed in the parking lot and TJ caught up to me with Jana. "Did you ring her?" Jana asked.

"She said to stay put." And we both moved forward, at the exact same time. "Am I talking to myself here?"

TJ asked rhetorically, as he followed us. "This way." I whispered and Jana followed my lead.

Even though she had been the alpha, if they were looking for someone, everyone followed the Trackers.

Alphas included with the following and I was one of the best of our age.

I spun around and a boy stood there, snarling and growling at me. "We're here to help!" I said and suddenly a whine was heard. "Emilia." He called.

"Wait!" But he had already shifted back, into a wolf, and he had been shot with a tranquilizer dart, like his sister had been.

TJ and I pulled Jana back, from charging, at the man taking them to the Animal Center.

He drove off with them in the back.

"I'll follow the scent." I said and looked around, and put my hand in the dirt, breathing in deeply.

I looked up as the Eolas took over, and I found them carried into cages, in the animal center.

"Cages." I said and my eyes glowed yellow with fear and fury. "Cages."

I snarled and TJ looked at me.

"Silver. Calm down. Kinkade is gone."

And I looked at Jana and nodded.

"Let's get them out." I said and we ran as a group, a pack if you would, and I saw the Animal Center.

I leaped over the wall, careful to avoid the cameras, and Jana used Eolas to check, where exactly the wolves were being held.

"Cages inside." And we walked into the room carefully. "Rotating camera. 20 seconds."

And I looked to see the big wolf moving. The camera was facing away, and we ran towards them.

I saw the boy from before. "TJ?"

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