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{Silver's POV}

I ran into the Kafe, feeling the scratches on my back, slowly starting to heal.

Matei and Emilia both turned around at the same time, and ran over to me. I looked at them and shook my head.

"I'm alright." I said, and moved past them, and Aran stood there, his face full of pain and agony. I walked over, and he leaned against me, and I could see the tears of agony in his eyes.

I shut my eyes and shuddered.

"I won't let her die Aran. That I promise. I can't lose anyone else. Where is she?"

I asked quietly, and he looked at me, and I followed him quietly upstairs, walking in a deadly silence.

I walked into Jana's temporary room and found Meinir coughing, and Dr Rebecca Whitewood standing there.

I growled, and she looked at me. "I'm here to help. Jana called me." And I felt my anger diffusing only slightly.

I walked past her, and crouched next to Meinir, grabbing her hand in mine. "Silver?.. Silver Morris? The Supreme Tracker?"

She whispered between coughs and tears ran down my cheeks. "Yes. It's me." I whispered, and she looked at me, and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Don't cry for me Tracker. You are stronger then that. You are so much stronger then any of us."

"Alric. Jana. Aran. Rhydian. Ceri."

"You are the strongest among us."

"You don't fail when others are in need. You don't walk away when others are threatened."

"You do not cower and run, when you are threatened by or with someone of authority. You rise up and fight."

"Do not let others see you at your weakest. Never let anyone see you at your weakest." And she coughed, and looked at me when she had stopped.

"It's what made it an honor to fight alongside you." And she clasped her hands with mine. "Do not give up hope now Tracker. You never lose."

And I looked at her and nodded, my eyes closing in concentration. When I stood up again, my eyes glowed, and my tears had stopped.

"You've always been honorable Meinir. But this is too high a price."

Jana said, walking into the room, with TJ and Emilia behind her, and Matei a step behind.

"I decide when it's too high a price Jana Vilkas. This is nowhere near that yet daughter of Alric."

And I looked at Jana.

"Too high a price for what?"

I asked quietly, grabbing Jana's arm.

I marched her outside quickly, followed by Aran, leaving Matei, TJ, and Emilia inside with Whitewood and Meinir.

"Imara gave me an ultimatum."

"Turn over Matei and Emilia, or Meinir dies." And I looked at her and snarled, veining up fast. "Turning them over, is not an option."

"You know that!" I snapped, and she looked at me, her eyes filled with pure and utter agony.

"I don't have a choice."

She said, and I looked at her.

"If you turn them over, you'll have to do the same to me." I said quietly, and turned, walking out of the room, my eyes glowing yellow.

I walked right into Matei, and he looked at me. "Silver..." And I hugged him, my face buried in his shoulder.

He hugged me and I was shaking.

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