S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Cri...

By RaniaTwaireq

1.6M 48.5K 9.3K

The S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation Team was formally established. S.C.I.: Short for the Special Crime Inv... More

Murderer killer 01 Mouse And Cat, Not Wearing The Sky
Digital Murderer 02 Case
Digital Murderer 03 Mysterious Number
Digital Murderer 04 Funeral Home
Murderer 05 tracking
Chapter 06 Prison
Murderer 07 killer
Murderer 08 Doctor
Murderer 09 Sneak attack
Murderer 10 The clue
Major 12 psychology department
Murderer 13 tragedy
Murderer 14 Li Feifan
Murderer 15 Killer 135
Murderer 16 Academic
Murderer 17 old case
Murderer 18 chaos
Murderer 19 Hostage
Murderer 20 Third person
Killer 21 Zhao Jue
Murderer 22 Sighting
Murderer 23 crazy love
Murderer 24 Trial
Murderer 25 Hint
Murderer 26 Instruction
Murderer 27 Accident
28: Obsession (the end of Digital murderer case)
Killer Training Camp 01 Dinner
Killer Training Camp 02 Sniper Case
Killer Training Camp 03 Student
Killer Training Camp 04 Band
Training Camp Murder 05: Training Camp
Training Camp Murderer 06 Probability
Training Camp Muderer 07 Purgatory
Killer Training Camp 08
Training Camp Murderer 09 Utilization
Killer Training Camp Murder 10 Lovers
Killer Murder Training Camp 10 Lovers 'Sex Part'
Killer Training Camp Murder 11: Devil's Son
Killer Training Camp Muderer:12 Destiny
Killer Training Camp muderer 13 :Clues
Killer Training Camp Muderer 14: Son of God
Killer Training Camp Murderer 15: Breakthrough
Killer Training Camp Muderer 16 Meter
Killer Training camp Murder 17: Retribution (The End of This Case)
Magic murderer 01 Imitation
Return of the Magical Killer 02
Magic murderer 03 "Ghost"
Killer Magic Murderer 04 Blood
Magic murderer 05 curse
Magic Murderer 06 Misleading
Magic Murderer 07 Fog
Magical Killer 08 Kidnapping
Magic Murderer 09 Guess
Magic Murderer 10 Meeting again
Magic Murderer 11: Gambling
Magic Murderer 12 Numerologist
Magic Murderer 13: Magic
Magic Murderer 14: Puzzle
Magic Murderer 15 Mutation
Magic Murderer 16: Turn
Magic Murderer 17 Hatred
Magic Murderer 18Free
Magic Murderer 19 Overture
Magic Murderer 20 Ended
Magic murderer 21 Christmas night
Magic murderer 22 Christmas night
Murder Non-Human 01 Box Corpse
Murder non-human 02 Curse
Murder non-human 03 Provocation
Murder non-human 04 Tutsi
Murder non-human 05 Totem
Murder non-human 06 Eagle King
Murder non-human 07 Accident
The murderer is not human 08 Unknown suspect
Murder Non-Human 09 Mutation
The Murderer Is Not A Human Being
The Murderer Is Not Human 11Multiple Murderers
The Murderer Is Not Human 12 Lower Set
The Murderer Is Not Human 13 Recruit
The Murderer Is Not Human 14 Motivation
Murder Non-Human 15 Opportunity
Murder Is Not Human 16 Step By Step
Murder is not human 17
Murder is not human 18
Murder is not human 19
New Year's Day, Kitten, Mice
Murderer non-human 20 bright line
Murderer is not human 21
Murderer non-human 22
Murderer is not human 23
Murderer 01 night punisher
Murderer 02 weird murder
Murderer 03 Ghostly
Murderer 04 Another world
Murderer 05 Unexpected
Valentine's Day
Murderer 06 Tips
Murderer 07 Night kingdom
Murderer 08 Black and White
Murderer 09
Murderer 10 Amazing discovery
Murderer 11 Luo Wen's care
Murderer 12 Violent
Special Thanks 🐾
Murderer 13 mysterious code
Murderer 14 The End of the Tunnel
Murderer 15 Sin And Punishment
Murderer 16 Cruel Story
Murderer 17 Madman
Murderer 18 Brother
Ghost Murderer 19 Nursery Rhymes
Ghost Murderer 20 Coming From Afar
Ghost Murderer 21 Past Events
Ghost Murderer 22 Plausible
Ghost Murderer 23 Gradually Becoming Clear
Fanwai 100 Questions for Rat and Cat 'Special Part'
Ghost Murderer 24 Trap
Ghost Murderer 25 Fire
Ghost Murderer 26 Warmth
April Fool's Day Bathhouse Event
Ghost Murderer 27 Rodent Control
Ghost Murderer 28 Lead Out Of The Snake
Ghost Murderer 29 Hypnosis
Ghost Murderer 30 Strategy
Translator's Note 🕸
Ghost Murderer 31Provisional Paragraph(End of this case)

Murderer 11 Doubt

14K 487 38
By RaniaTwaireq

After hearing Bai Yutang's words, everyone starts to worry.
While Zhan Zhao is a member of S.C.I., but he is afterall not a field officer. In addition, this case has been so problematic. If that organisation really has its eyes set on Zhan Zhao, he would really be in danger. At the same time, it is also very puzzling that S.C.I. just took over this case and doesn't even have much leads to go on yet, why would the killer be onto Zhan Zhao already?
Zhan Zhao doesn't seem as worried despite everyone's solemn expression. He asks Gongsun, 'By the way, Gongsun, you are not done?'
"Oh..." Gongsun recovers, takes a look at Bai Yutang.
Bai Yutang nods for him to continue.
"I have also inspected the numbers behind Wu Hao and the rest of the bodies' ears. I finally figured out what it is. And that is why I say that the guy is the psycho of psychos!"
Everyone has turned their attention back to Gongsun at this point.
"Everyone here has eaten pork before, right?" Gongsun asks without context. Everyone looks at each other in confusion.
Bai Yutang nods, "Meaning...?"
Gongsun continues, "I don't know if you guys have ever noticed, but the pork after inspection usually have some kind of blue ink mark on it that cannot be washed off."
After hearing Gongsun's words, everyone gave a disgusted look.
Zhan Zhao frowns, "It can't be..."
"It is!" Gongsun answers, resigned, "I have double checked, the chemical component is exactly the same. It's the same kind of stamp used for raw pork and edible colourings!"
"This guy is indeed unhinged. Is he treating people like pigs?" Bai Yutang has a contemplative look on his face.
"Captain?" Wang Chao suddenly yells, "Is it possible the killer sells pork?!"
Zhang Long swallows his spit, "That...that doesn't seem likely."
Zhan Zhao shakes his head, "I don't think it's possible. From the way the killer act, he has some degree of OCD, is cautious, a perfectionist and a clean freak."
Bai Yutang nods, "You make a good point. But this can be a clue as well. Zhang Long, go check where can one buy this sort of stamp and colouring tomorrow. Wang Chao, go check on pork factory and pig farms."
"Huh?" Wang Chao looks unwilling, "That's so not appealing..."
Bai Yutang glares at him, "That's why I'm asking you to go. If you can prove he is butcher, I will buy you a car."
"Really? Captain! Promise?!" Wang Chao runs off gleeful as soon as he finished his sentences.
Zhan Zhao looks astonished, "White mouse? You meant that?"
Bai Yutang shrugs, "I didn't say what kind of car."
After the meeting is over and everyone starts to leave. Zhan Zhao was just standing up when Bai Yutang grabs him, "Let's go."
"Go where?" Zhan Zhao gives him a puzzled look.
"Just follow me and you will know."
The two of them enters the lift, Bai Yutang presses on the button for level -2.
Zhan Zhao frowns, "Why are we going to the shooting range?"
Bai Yutang ignores him instead asks, "Did you bring your gun?"
"...nope." Zhan Zhao sticks his hands in his pockets.
"Why?" Bai Yutang glares, "The whole point of the bureau giving you a gun is for you to carry it around."
Zhan Zhao rolls his eyes at him, "I have classes this afternoon. I couldn't possibly bring a gun to the university."
"It's exactly because you are going to the university that you need to carry your gun. I already told you to stop going all these classes."
"You! Teaching is my interest!"
"I think the students in your class are all girls, isn't it? They are not there to listen to your lectures, they are there to look at you." Bai Yutang casts him a sideway glance.
"Bai Yutang!" Zhan Zhao fumes, "I am not talking to you for an hour." He turns his head away.
The lift door opens at underground level 2. The two of them walks out of the lift. Bai Yutang drags Zhan Zhao who is still pissed off into the range forcefully.
Zhan Zhao gets into the shooting position, wears his earmuffs, picks up the gun and shoots a whole round of bullets at the target.
Bai Yutang, who is behind him is a little alarmed, he has a feeling that Zhan Zhao is imagining the target as him.
Zhan Zhao is indeed imagining the target is Bai Yutang, because Bai Yutang was right.
Zhan Zhao really enjoys teaching in class and discussing theories with his students. However, it's like something has gotten into his students recently, especially the girls, they are starting to remind him of a certain creature that howls during the full moon. What is worse is that he notices the percentage of girls in his class has started to increase and most of them are not from psychology. There was also that time someone actually asked him if he has a boyfriend. Madness!
Bai Yutang presses the button and moves the target sheet forward. He takes a look and has to suck in a breath – six shots fired, but there are only three holes on the target sheet.
"Zhan Kitten!" Bai Yutang roars, "How did you pass your shooting test back then?"
Zhan Zhao looks away, thinks to himself, "Not talking to you for an hour."
Bai Yutang is furious and continues to yell, "I remember I gave you special trainings! You had quite good aims back then."
"That's how I passed." Zhan Zhao continues to think to himself.
Pissed off. Bai Yutang holds out his hand in front of Zhan Zhao and fasts his watch forward for an hour, "talk!"
Zhan Zhao gives him a look and finally opens his mouth, "I didn't practice after that..."
Bai Yutang clenches his teeth, "Do you know that someone who carries firearm but cannot shoot, is like someone driving without the steering wheel. It gets people killed."
Zhan Zhao knows he is in the wrong here, murmurs, "So I stop carrying it..."
Bai Yutang takes a deep breath and sets the target sheet back in place. He removes Zhan Zhao's gun and sets it on the table. He then bends down to retrieve a pocket pistol hidden near his ankle, "Use this."
Zhan Zhao accepts the pistol and notes in surprise, "Remington M10?"
Bai Yutang is amazed, "You are bad shot, but you know your firearms."
"Bai Yutang, you are in illegal possession of firearms!" Zhan Zhao points at his nose.
"I have a firearm license from the government." Bai Yutang clarifies, "I am a police officer."
Zhan Zhao waves the gun around, "This gun can't even be bought in this country! Your brother gave this to you?"
Bai Yutang scratches his head, "Yeah."
"Your brother makes a lot of money. He is not in the firearm business, isn't he?" Zhan Zhao asks in a hushed tone, "Or your brother is an action film fan and wants to turn you into James Bond?"
Bai Yutang is exasperated, "Hold it properly."
After making fun of Bai Yutang for a bit, Zhan Zhao feels much better already. He raises the gun obediently and aims...
"Wait." Bai Yutang calls out. He walks behind Zhan Zhao and holds his hand from the back to help him aim, "Eyes to the front, press the trigger, eyes and the bullseye in one line."
The next round, all six bullets hit the target.
Zhan Zhao turns around, smug, "I am indeed a genius."
Bai Yutang takes over his gun and removes the clip to reload the bullets, "It's cause the instructor is good."
Zhan Zhao picks up the training gun he was using previously, "Eyes to the front, press the trigger, eyes and the bullseye in one line."
After firing, four holes, two didn't manage to hit the target...
"White mouse!" Zhan Zhao says resentfully, "I understand now. You are a good shot because your gun is good!"
"Being a good shot has nothing to do with the gun."
"Of course it does. The one you gave me is lighter."
"That is because your basics are not solid and your arms have no strength. I told you to exercise since a long time ago."
"It's definitely related to the gun!"
Just as the two of them are about to start another round of meaningless bickering of the day, Bai Yutang suddenly stops. He seems to have thought of something and starts to mutter, "related...not related..."
"What's wrong with you?" Zhan Zhao waves his hand in front of Bai Yutang and tries to regain his attention.
"Cat, I just thought of something." Bai Yutang puts down the gun and sits down on the table next to the shooting spot, "The car was stolen almost half a month ago. S.C.I. and this case have only been established for a couple of days. Perhaps this car is coming for you, but it is completely unrelated to this case?"
Zhan Zhao is stunned for a second and considers, "Yes... It is possible."
Bai Yutang asks suddenly, "You have classes this afternoon, right?"
"I will go with you."
"...? What for?"
Bai Yutang stuffs the Remington into Zhan Zhao's hands, "For investigation."

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