Finding Love In a Hopeless Pl...

By fantasyfanficings

12.4K 508 27

You have been a member of the Glade for about two weeks now. You've adjusted to the Glader life style, but ha... More

Chapter 1: A Surprising Discovery
Chapter 2: The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Common Thoughts
Chapter 4: The Prick of Real Life
Chapter 5: The Awakening
Chapter 6: The interuption
Chapter 7: Final Fate
Chapter 8: He Wasn't Kidding
Chapter 9: An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 10: What do I want?
Chapter 11: A half Page That Changed the Game
Chapter 12: Surprise, Surprise.
Chapter 14: Rising To The Ocassion
Chapter 15: Friend or Foe
Chapter 16: I Can See The Light

Chapter 13: Running Into Trouble

506 22 0
By fantasyfanficings

Complete defeat engulfed the entire Glade. It was one disapointment after another. I scanned the crowd to see utter fear, and shock written on everyone's face. I quickly looked to my side to see Thomas with a stonned face, as if he had a plan.  He placed both hands under my jaw to craddle my face. He looked at my eyes and kissed my forehead. 

        "I'll be right back. I have a plan." Thomas said with a serious tone. I nodded trying to look supportive.  He walked fast-paced to Newt, Alby, Frypan, etc. In a small group. I couldn't hear much, but I prayed to any God out there that it would free us from this hell. 

Since the Greiver's wont be back for another 24 hours (we hoped), they started to get to work right away.  Thomas announced to us all that there must be something hidden in the maps. Why else would we have records of them if they were meaningless, and kept us from escaping? So, they leaders went into the map room and started to investigate. Searching for patterns of words, letters, anything. I was put in charge of keeping the outside of the Glade at ease, if that was a possible option. I kept them updated, until there was an uproar. 

        "What is going on?" Why is no one doing anything about this?" "We should be running for our lives!" I zoned out through most shouts and pleads becasue I wasn't going to be the person to solve anyone's problems. But, a memory hit my square in the brain. It was a huge screen showing Thomas and I how to get out of the Maze. There was a reckless route off of a cliff, into a abyss of nothingness until landing into a rounded stone room with only a mossy computer and key board.  running for our lives.... 

        I decided to plow through all the idiotic boys to the map room. They gave up on shouting at me when I reached the metallic slab door. I saw them all look up from their work. Pieces of paper layed out on any surface available. Thomas ran up to me, excitement in his eyes.

        "There is a pattern, (Y/N)!" He shouted as everyone stared at us. I was embarressed, but continued to listen. "There is some kind of code. every corner of the maps connect into another letter. We are almost done." He shook my shoulders for me to look happy. I was overjoyed don't get me wrpng, but I knew there was a catch, there always was. Always would be. I could feel it in my soul. "So far, we have FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, and DEATH. It's not finished but we're trying to hurry." 

        "Sounds optomstic.." I sarcastically commented. They all had the same attitude but Thomas. "I came to tell you something." He tugged me aside so we could have a smidge of privacy. "I'm starting to get flasbacks in my dreams and stuff." I admitted. "I recently saw us in a rounded stone room with a computer. I think we can get out, but we have to run for our lives. We need a plan quick." Thomas was amazed. So was I. 

        He went back to the group to tell them the new information. They all had an agreement that they would take a chance and listen to what I had to say. I ran through the proceedure with them all, and they were skeptic about it, but what choice do we have? False memory or not, we need to try and get out of here befpre we all die in a Greiver's grasp. 

        When everyone agreed, we had to hold a Glade meeting to see what everyone else thought. Long story short, the majority was on board no matter how dangerous. but a third of us decided they weren't ready for change. The chance of escaping to only  get put into a world that was worse than this, was a deal breaker. It was sad but I understnad. I would do the same thing if it wasn't for Grievers, beatle blades, and dystopian leaders controling our every thought and movement. I'd rather take my chances, going down fighting. 

        Everyone started to gear up, weapons in hand, preparing for the worst. We said our sorrowful goodbye's to the ones staying behind. Weather it was dusk or dawn, we would take off. No matter what time it was, the Greiver's were prepared to keep us in.  we Ventured out into the begining walls of the Maze. Newt and Alby in front, fillers in the middle gaps. Thomas decided to stay with me in the back. Lord knows I wasn't a runner for a reason. 

        Newt gave a little pep talk before we went furthure into the open. 

        "Okay everyone. This is it. We shanks are gonna attempt to escape. finally." His words felt strong, but I could tell he was weery. He has been ever since things started to change around here. "Rembmer. This is life or death here. I want you shanks to know i'm bloody scared. We all are. But once this is over, freedom is ours. Let's just get this bloody over with." That was as cheerful as his speech was gonna get. A solomn numbness fell over the group as we marched to our fates, whether that be death or life. We picked up the pace to get to our destination before Grievers catch up to us, but they were all too close. 

        As we got to a three way intersection, there was a group of about 10 Grievers on each hallway. They were waiting for our first move. Gaspses escaped everyone's mouths. Imagining someone seeing this for the forst time is tragic. But this is life here in the Maze. It was time to think fast. 

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