1) The Tracker's Eyes [Wolfbl...

By Aspiring-Writer14

5.1K 71 17

Silver Morris is the twin sister of Rhydian Morris, the wolfblood who left Stoneybridge last year, to find hi... More

Through the Streets
The Ancien
The Moon's Pull
The Den
Dark Moons
The Human Liar

Selina Khan

339 4 1
By Aspiring-Writer14

{Silver's POV}

TJ insisted that we had to come to this TaeKwonDo tournament, so I did, and it may or may not have been because Matei was going with Emilia.

I sighed, and walked into the gym, and sat next to Matei, who moved over to let me sit. "You okay?"

He asked, and I looked at him, and shrugged. "Better then a few hours ago." I said and he sighed.

"You'll be alright." He said, and grabbed my hand in his, as I leaned over him, to talk to TJ.

"Selina..." And he nodded.

"Yeah. She's like well..."

He started, and I nodded.

"I was wondering about that."

I said, as I sat back down next to Matei. "Do you think she could teach me?" Emilia asked TJ, as I looked at the fighters again. "Yeah of course. She lives for this kind of stuff."

TJ said, and I looked at Emilia over Matei who was looking at his sister.

"Then when someone tries to pull something..." And she elbowed Matei in the ribs. "Ow... Then... Practice would definitely help."

Matei said quietly, his eyes full of pain. I looked at him, and grabbed his hand, and he looked at me.

"What are you doing?"

He asked and I looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

I asked, and he nodded at my arm.

I looked at my arm, and saw my veins were turning purplish, and I felt like I was the one who had been elbowed.

"Apparently Supreme Trackers can take pain." I said, and began to watch, as they began to fight, and suddenly when the one called Natalie.

Who had tried to punch me when I first came to school, swiped Selina's legs out from under her.

She went down hard, and I saw TJ diving forward to cover her, and I saw his eyes concerned.

"Rugby Tackle." Matei whispered in my ear, and I laughed quietly, as TJ and Selina stood up.

Selena pushed TJ away, and I heard a growl from her, as TJ backed up fast and ran as she chased after him, chased him completely from the gym.

She pushed past him, and grabbed her backpack, and running from the gym.

"Nice job Terrence."

I said, as I picked up my bag from next to my feet. "It's TJ." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

And I sighed as TJ ran ahead, to try and talk to Selina again. "I think it's time for some more control lessons you two." I said and Emilia grunted.

"If you think that we need more control, why aren't you teaching us the Tracker way?" Emilia said coolly, to me. "I started training the day I first transformed. It's not necessarily that easy to train someone when they've already changed multiple times."

"You have to be patient with me."

"The last time I trained someone, my mother helped me. And she didn't get the chance to finish my training before I left for Segolia."

I said, and heard a howl of pain and worry. I looked at Matei, and Emilia looked at both of us.

"Do we get to skip school again?"

Emilia asked, and I looked at her, and sighed. "Your foster parents are going to kill me."

I said, as we raced off, following the sound of the distressed, and shocked howl. I howled as I ran, dropping my stuff next to the Den. "Silver..."

Matei started, and suddenly a small black wolf lunged, panic radiating off of it in waves, and I dropped down onto my hands and feet.

"Bryn?" I asked and he stood up and was shaking with fear and sobs. "They took her!" And I looked at him.

"Who took her? Who took Mum?"

I asked and he looked at me.

"The people going after Dad."

"They took Mum." And I shut my eyes, squeezing them shut tightly, and felt my pulse rising with panic. "Call TJ." I said quietly, my voice barely audible.

Matei made the call and I looked at him, shaking with fury and agony.

"Tell him to tell Imara that Victoria is after Gerwyn again. She'll know who it is. Tell her that she's taken Ceri as bait."

And he looked at me and nodded slightly. "What are you going to do?" He asked, and I stood up, and Bryn looked up at me, his eyes full of fear.

"I'm gonna get my mum back." And I tipped my head back, and howled, my veins creeping up my face.

Matei and Emilia looked at me as I shifted, shaking my white and silver fur out. "Be careful. Both of you."

Emilia said, and I looked at her, and bowed my head in a quick, and swift nod.

I turned to Matei, and he crouched in front of me. Also Bryn, who was back as a wolf next to me. I licked Matei's cheek and he grimaced. "Yuck."

He said, and I whacked his head playfully with sheathed claws.

I heard another howl, and saw Rhydian leaping over the broken wall, and landing next to us.

He snarled, and I shook my fur out again, ready for a huge fight, if it came to it. "Go back to school."

Jana said, looking at Matei and Emilia and they raced off, picking up my bag as they did. I looked at Rhydian and Bryn and looked at Jana.

She nodded and I raced off, followed by my two brothers, as fast as they could, running behind me.

I led the way as we loped into Segolia, and ran right into Victoria Sweedy. I snarled and she laughed.

"You can't hurt me here." And I looked around, as the wolfbloods closed in around us. I stood up in human.

"Release our mum! Now!" I shouted, my eyes glowing yellow, as my veins retracted only slightly. "Or what?"

Victoria asked coolly, daring me to do something, anything really, to show my power as Supreme, and I tipped my head back and howled.

Wild wolfbloods, in human and wolf forms alike, ran in, with Aran and Meinir at their head.

Alric, as a wolf, standing next to them.

"That's what." Rhydian said, standing up next to me, with Bryn on his other side. "You dare..." Victoria said and I lunged and grabbed her by the throat, my fangs bared against her throat.

"Release my Mother. Then I tell them to go." I said coldly, my voice low and dangerous, growling savagely at her.

"Let the woman go." And suddenly I dropped her, as I saw Ceri running towards us. I tipped my head back and howled, my eyes glowing yellow.

The wolves, plus Aran and Meinir, weaved around Ceri, before once again disappearing, back to the Wild.

I hugged my mum and Rhydian, as well as Bryn, before they raced away, back to Stonebridge.

I turned back to Victoria, and she fell back a step, as I went forward. "If you ever touch my family again, I will kill you myself." And I turned around and walked away, shaking my jacket out.

I saw Matei and Emilia, just outside the gates, and I looked at them. "What happened? What's wrong?"

I asked, and Matei sighed. "Selina's now quit Taekwondo all together now. Your little brother has shown up and decided to stay in the Den."

And I sighed. "Get Jana to talk to Selina, I'll talk to Bryn." I said, and he looked at me.

"Alright fine. I'm coming with you."

And I sighed again, knowing this was a single fight, that I wasn't going to win. "Fine." I said and we raced to the Den, while Emilia went to find Jana.

I moved the board, and Bryn was in the corner, holding a couple of slowly dying glowsticks in his hands.

"Hey Bryn." I said quietly, and he looked up at me. "Is he here?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah he came." I said  as Matei moved the board, back over the entrance to the Den.

"I saw you guys coming. With Eolas." And I smiled. "You've inherited our mother's talents."

I said and he looked at me and nodded. "And yours." He said and I sighed.

"Bryn if you're here to try and talk me back to the Wild Pack or going back to Stoneybridge..."

And he hugged me tightly, startling me. "Bryn..." And he looked at me.

"Be happy. I'm going to the Wild Pack, and Aran is going to train me as a Beta." And I smiled and hugged him.

"You'll be a great Beta one day Bryn."

I said and he looked at me.

"You would still be a great alpha. If you ever wanted to be. No matter what, or how many times you deny it, it'll be in here." And he pushed his hand against my chest and I smiled.

"Tell the pack I'm sorry."

"But you know that I can't run with only one pack forever. Not even as a Tracker." And he hugged me.

"Bye Sister." He said and I looked at him. "Bye Bryn." And he pressed his forehead to mine, before nodding to Matei, and racing away. I smiled, but felt tears running down my cheeks.

I heard Matei moving around behind me, and felt his fingers laced together with mine.

"You'll always have me." He said, and I looked at him, and nodded slightly, wiping my eyes again.

"Hey." He said, and caught my hand before I could wipe more tears away and off of my face. "Don't hide it. Not from me." And I leaned against him.

He kissed my forehead, and I shut my eyes. "Tomorrow it's a dark moon." I said quietly, and he looked at me, and groaned. "You had to mention it."

He said, and I looked at him, and a smirk slowly started to spread across my face. "You thinking what I am?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"Am I?

He asked, smirking at me, and I shook my head. "I'll meet you in front of the school tomorrow."

I said, and he grabbed my hand, and I looked at him. "What Covaci?" I asked and he smirked. "Roof. 11:00."

And I shook my head.

"Fine. But you know that... If you break an ankle, it won't heal for a while. Also, I won't be able to take your pain away."

I said, and he looked at me. "You take my pain away, by standing right next to me." And I rolled my eyes.

"Lame. But I'll take it Covaci." And I sighed and looked at the moon, which was already mostly gone.

"I'll see you later." And I raced off, picking up my bag as I did.

I leaped into Imara's house, through the window, and I landed lightly on my tip - toes.

"Silver Morris! Downstairs now!" Imara shouted. "Coming!" I called, and swore under my breath.

"I heard that!" She shouted, and I let my bag drop, with a hard, loud thud, onto the floor in front of my bed.

I walked downstairs, and Victoria Sweedy stood there, her veins creeping up onto her face.

I snarled almost immediately, and Imara got in between us quickly.

"You kidnapped my mother!"

I snarled.

"You attacked me! In front of half of our Segolian employees! You brought Wild wolfbloods into our home base!"

And I snarled savagely, sounding more like an alpha, as Imara kept herself in between us, and at great personal risk to herself.

"I wouldn't have had to, if you had just left my mother and my family alone!" I screamed at her, and she snarled and lunged at me. I flipped away and howled, my eyes glowing.

Suddenly, Matei and Emilia stood behind me, with TJ and Selina behind them. "You are so asking for it!"

Victoria said coldly, and I looked at her.

"You want me to kneel to your so called 'alpha power' you're gonna have to make me!"

"And I'm the Tracker! You'll need to do something a lot worse then that!" And she turned and ran.

I looked at the teenagers behind me.

"Thanks." I said, and they nodded.

"Aran and Meinir were right, you do have the alpha inside of you." Imara said, and I looked at her, shrugging.

"Jana has been my alpha for years. She deserves it more then I do."

And I went upstairs with the others, who were following me, except for Selina, who was going home.

"We would all follow you anywhere Silver. It doesn't matter how hostile, or how peaceful it is."

Emilia said, and I looked at her.

"Training starts two days from now. For all of you. TJ, that means you as well. Jana knows I've wanted to teach you guys. Now it's the time. Finally."

I said and they looked at me and knelt, their arms level with their heads, as they did.

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