(RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) T...

By Bravenwolf1324

47.1K 683 228

During Apollyon's Reign, there was a single Warden who was able to unite the Three great factions who were kn... More

Strike One: An Introduction
Strike Two: What do you know?
Strike Three: A Grimm Experience
Strike Four: The Awakening
Strike Five: The Warden's Past
Strike Six: First Contact pt. 1
Strike Seven: First Contact pt. 2
Strike Eight: First Contact pt. 3
Strike Nine: First Contact Pt. 4
Strike Ten: Stairway to Haven
Strike Eleven: Second Contact
Strike Twelve: Raider's Anger
Strike 13: Drastic Changes
Strike 14: Harmonian Mission
Strike 15: S&D
Strike 16: The Breach Pt. 1
Strike 17: The Breach Pt. 2
Strike 18: The Breach pt. 3
Strike 19: Answers
Block 1: Dust-mas
Strike 20: Stories, Answers, and...Jaune?
Strike 21: Revelations
Strike 22: Coronation.
Strike 23: Harmonic Defeat
Strike 24: The Warden's Present
Strike 25: The Vytal Festival
Strike 26: Round One
Strike 27: Family Brawl
Strike 28: Falling Out Pt. 1
Strike 30: Falling Out Pt. 2
Strike 31: The Fall
Strike 32: Battle of Beacon
Strike 33: The Tragedies
Block Two: The Third Brother
Strike 34: The Final Bout
Execution: The Warden's Future.

Strike 29: Reminiscing

616 6 3
By Bravenwolf1324

Strike 29: Reminiscing

(Text Key)
(Action in action)
*Action Noise*
Name: Speech
Name: "Thinking" / "Quotes"
/ Narration /
- Country: State  -
- Location -
—— = Scene Change
(A/N: Art Not Mine as with pictures. )


- Vale Werehouse -

/ In another secret hideout, three Harmonian leaders are simply waiting quietly.
While a certain Harmonian Leader listens to his thoughts. /

Vortiger: "So it has come to this, the moment we have all be waiting for...the death and destruction of not only the Harmonian Leaders, but to the peace that pervade these lands.
Apollyon's very ideals...what she knew was way to advance for us...she knew what was in this land...and they will have every right to fear it. "



[/ Within a hidden plot of land within Knight Territory was The Vortiger...yet something was very different about this man.
He donned no armor, he held no weapon, he simply wore a make shift set of clothing. He was simply in a rocking chair, looking at the fire that warms his barely standing home in the fireplace, tending to it every now and then.
Outside his home were plots of farmland with little sets of crops growing in them.
All was well for the man...that was until a knock came at his door.
The man never got any visitors.
He wanted it to be that way.
Slowly getting out of his seat he grabs a knife from his table and walks to his door.
He stops in front of it. /

Vortiger: Who's there?

???: Someone you know...Vortiger.

/ "Impossible" thinks the Warrior, he made sure no one knew his true name. Nor where he is in the first place.
Truly curious from who the person was he opens the door, and he sees someone he knew shouldn't even been alive. /

Vortiger: You...how are you alive?!

???: I have my ways. Now then...I have some stuff to discuss with you. Won't you let me inside?

Vortiger: You...

/ The person alive...the very person who has killed many and will kill more...was still alive and her name is.../

Vortiger: Apollyon...I don't understand...how are you alive.

Apollyon: Trust me.
/ A Dark noticeable Aura shined around Apollyon, then it soon disappeared. /
Even if I told you, I don't believe you'd understand, but that's besides the point.
All you need to know is what I am about to tell you. And how I am going to convince you and your "Hidden" Group of warriors to join me.

/ And so she did, she entered his home and told him what she knew.
There was an enemy across the Never Ending Fog, the enemy knew of magic not known to anybody else and was the controller of the Grimm.
She told of Beasts of Darkness that could destroy this world if not dealt with accordingly, she left out no little detail.
Then she told of her group that the warrior has heard about, the infamous Blackstone Legion, then that was when she got his full attention. /

Apollyon: You know...I already have General's for my two other Blackstone Factions, all I need is a General for the Blackstone's Knight Faction...So What say you...Black Prior.

Vortiger:...That is not my name.

Apollyon: It may be your title, but that is all it is, a title. The Black Prior, should I just call you that? Because I'm more inclined to say your name, then your title.
I mean...knowing someone's name could go two ways you know.
A sign of unbelievable trust...or humiliation.
/ Apollyon stands up and walks over to the sitting farmer, circling him. /
Wouldn't you agree?
But of course...you simply wouldn't understand, I mean...
Farming? Really? A man of your talents?

Vortiger: It's a hard life but it's my life.

Apollyon: Of course...of course. A man to their own I guess.
So join my Legion.

Vortiger: I deny-


Vortiger: Hrk!!
/ Apollyon uses her sword and puts it to the Farmers neck. /

Apollyon: You misunderstand, that wasn't a request. It was an order.

Vortiger: I'll never join you! I'd rather die!

Apollyon: Why do you deny me so?
Don't you wish to live?

Vortiger: I don't! Too many people have died to my hand! Both guilty and innocent, I had enough of it! What about you?!
Aren't you tired!

Apollyon: ...Yes, I am tired.
/ Apollyon's sword gets pulled away from the Farmer's neck and gets put back in its sheath. Leaving a small scratch on the Vortiger's neck. /
Tired of the fighting...tired of people dying, tired of everything.
Tell me Vortiger...what type of person do you think I am?

Vortiger: ...A murderer, a war lord, a leader, and an insane no good deadly warrior, who wants everything to be burned to the ground.

/ Apollyon looks down. /
Apollyon: You know...you would be right in your assumptions, but that is all without reason.

Vortiger: What do you mean?

Apollyon: The things I've loss. The things I've experienced. The things I don't have, the things I wished I had. I simply became who I am because of what this world did.
I once loved you know.
...I still remember when I was a young girl.
He was a kind boy...I loved him, then soon enough I was told to late that he loved me too. I loved just for him...then I was told the dark and terrible truth.
My friends were apart of his damned War and I've had enough of it.
I've decided to have my own agenda.
And I found it, it was by chance that the Very gods themselves that I found my Mentor, the past War lord, who was but one of many War Lords. They all wished for War, as do I, but for a very different reason.
/ Apollyon looks up.
Her voice rising a few pitches higher. /
So please...can't you understand that much?

Vortiger: Apollyon...I-

/ The War Lord's voice was once again normal and looked at the Farmer. /
Apollyon: No, this is not a matter of War against the Factions anymore.
It wasn't the matter to begin with when I became the new War Lord.
I killed my master by tradition and I will let that tradition die with me.
So you must understand, I fight against the Factions not only for War, but to make them strong, so that when Remnant appears...we will be ready.
The Grimm will come, they will be no problem, it's the people we should be worried about, and when the time comes, we will be ready to fight.
After all...nothing unites better than a common enemy...wouldn't you say so?

/ The Vortiger was left baffled.
This War against Factions...it wasn't just because of War...it was just a way to get things going. A way of training...it was a simple plan...if things worked out. /

Vortiger: What makes you think that this plan will work?

Apollyon: It will work...all you need do is to trust me. So will you join me?
/ Apollyon questions with an offered hand. /

/ The Farmer thinks on this...if what Apollyon says is true, then this enemy is far greater then anything before. The land in what is now called "Harmony" is "safe".
But for how long. /

Vortiger: Apollyon, please tell me...who do you want dead?

/ Apollyon become silent pulling back her hand...then she answers. /
Apollyon: I want nothing more then the man that has killed my friends dead.
I was told what he has done and how far he is willing to go through such atrocities just so his goals can be met.
He is a monster, more so then his true enemy, but with what they have told me, what they have done for me, it was said that they were the lesser evil, and I believe our goals can be accomplished...with your help.

Vortiger: I see...then consider me back.
/ The Vortiger kneels in front of Apollyon. /
My Lord.

/ Apollyon, under her helmet, smiles. /
Apollyon: Excellent ]


???: Vortiger?

Vortiger: Hm? Yes? What do you need Akihiko?

/ Says Akihiko, the Aramusha.


Akihiko: Nothing...it's just, I was wondering, what are we to do now? If all is right the the Blonde one was framed. What's next?

???: Yes...What happens now?
/ Says the Warlord know as Leif the Warlord.


Vortiger: Now...we make our move. Come, we must gather our forces. It is time.
/ The Three Blackstone Faction Leaders Then start to leave the warehouse by using an underground cavern, the final one to enter the cavern through a hatch jumps in, closing the hatch.
Leaving the warehouse quiet. /


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