Chemically stringed (Dysfunct...

By Zoesimple

475 103 13

Dysfunctional hearts series circles around four unlikely childhood best friends that made a pact to always s... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five

chapter twenty six

14 2 0
By Zoesimple

I'm not the kind of girl who likes to cry about things easily, and the last time I really cried my eyes out was when Owen called me an ugly duckling but tonight, I'm breaking the clean record I've kept for straight five years and what ever I felt then, is nothing compared to how I'm feeling now

I cant even describe it. All in know is that I feel so much anguish like my heart has been ripped of my chest so hard that I'm about to die. Gosh! heart break is so painful. It hurts more than any other pain I've felt before, and the tears won't stop coming out no matter how much I've cleaned my eyes. My entire Pillow's soaked already and its passed midnight, yet it keeps falling like an endless rain. If Audrey see's me now, she'll get irritated and call me a 'cry baby' because she hates to see people cry

The irony of things is that I ought to be crying for the relationship that ended yet I'm crying for the one that never even started. It's my fault anyway. Kai gave me his heart before, and I threw it back at him so now that I've given him mine, He's also thrown it back to me in broken pieces and it really hurts to think that I may have lost Kai for good.

I finally cried myself to sleep by around three Am in the morning hoping to sleep through the morning that I wouldn't have to go to school, but my sleep was troubled so I woke up three hours later with heavy and puffy eyes that without looking in the mirror, I know are red rimmed. I also woke up having a bad feeling as if things are about to get much worse but I shove it aside concluding that things cant get as worse as I'm feeling right now

I really don't want to go to school but mom won't hear of it because she doesn't know what happened since I manage to maintain a strong face all through dinner before running to my room to spill out in silence although Isadora suspects. The thing is even if my mom knows, she'll still make me go to school because to her, heartbreak is no excuse not to go to school after all, my staying home would be only to weep

Jade comes to pick me up today with Amber's car since her mom still hasn't returned her car keys, and although Amber's getting better at driving, She still drives like a snail on the road and that people walking on foot, are faster than her in the name of safety measures. I settle on the back seat just before they both turn to me demanding answers because my eyes are still so puffy even after washing hell out of my face, that my glasses can't even cover it up so I tell them everything

"So Kai really refused you? and Owen almost forced himself on you?" Amber asks with wide disbelieving and bewildered eyes

"She just said so sunshine or did you hear gibberish?" Jade says to her before throwing me a glance since she's driving "Owen has always been a manipulative scum I know but I didn't think that he would stoop so low. lying to be what he's not and trying to force himself on you, is such a shocker and now I feel really bad"

"Why?" Amber and I asks in unison

"I imposed him on you that's why. I was always clamouring for you two to date without knowing his true colours" She confesses remorsefully

"Its fine" I shrug "You couldn't read his mind and even I was fooled for so long and you never pushed me on him. I thought I liked him but I only liked the thought of liking him because of my stupid crush back then"

"Either way I'm still sorry. We should be listening to moody more often because she was clearly against him from the start" She snorts

"Audrey's against everybody and if we listen to her too much, we may end up becoming as moody as her" I point out

"Good point" She smiles "Now back to Kai, I'm still wondering why he rejected you though"

"May be he got tired of my consistent back and forth behaviour. kissing him one day, calling him a liar the next. I also even went after him while still cozying up with my ex boyfriend" I admit bitterly "He's been waiting for me to figure him out for so long but I  did too late"

"I'm thinking that it's because you kind of jumped from one boy to the next in one day. Maybe he thought it was too soon but for what it Worth's, I know that he'll come back to you so cry no more four eyes" She consoles softly

"Yeah sure" I don't believe her anyway "So you've moved back to four eyes?"

"No offense but you don't look so foxy right now and you're wearing your glasses today" She explains

"Non taken" I don't want to be foxy, I just want to cry

"I'm also considering something" Amber brings up after a deep thought "Maybe he wanted you to say something when he asked you why you want him to be your boyfriend"

"Like what?" I wonder

"Okay tell me, who do you want to date? kai? or you secret admirer?" Amber thoughtfully asks

"Both of them"

"Then who do you love? Kai or your secret admirer?" She asks again

love! I never thought of that before

"I haven't told Kai I love him" I admit

"What if that was what he wanted to hear? you telling him that you love him and not your secret admirer" She concludes

"Oh my Stars!" My head snaps as it clicks "That could be it Amber, you're a genius"

She smiles sheepishly "I know"

Jade throws her a look of pride and awe "Maybe we should make you our love therapist because you just solved a problem"

"Maybe" She starts to giggle

'All hope is not lost' a silent voice in my head says soothingly...warming me up "I can still mend things with Kai then. I'll tell him how I feel today that's if he comes to school anyway"

"He'll come trust me" Jade assures then starts frowning at me through the review mirror "but you look like what a troll threw up on and we can't go back to your house to fix you up because we're already close to school"

"Honestly, I don't care how I look right now" I really don't

"But I do" She insists "So I'm going to fix you up"

Fixing me up almost takes forever so I grumble all through the process until she's finally done. She offers me a mirror to look at myself and after a brief glimpse at the heavily contoured face, I shrug "I think I looked way better before than now" An honest opinion

Amber starts to laugh as Jade snorts "Ingrate. But It's not my fault that when you're somber, your face becomes unworkable"

"She doesn't need make up, all she needs is a smile" Amber offers

I smile "I look better now don't I?"

"Sure" Amber nods

"Not to me" Jade argues scowling

"Your opinion doesn't matter to me at the moment" I get out if the car and the others follow, and just like before, we march together into the school although they're high heels while I'm in my comfortable flats. My skirt is still mini anyway since I already cut it and I can't replace the pieces

The usual glares continues as we walk along the hallway but strangely, everyone seems to be staring more at me than the others....not in awe like before no, but with reproach and loathing in their eyes that making me seriously confused and giving me a weird feeling

"why's everyone looking at you like they want to eat you up?" Jade notices

"I'm wondering the same thing" I mumble feeling that it might be because I look terrible

I see Kaitlyn and Megan walking towards us....well not particularly towards us since they're just passing by with their eyes throwing hateful daggers at me then as they get closer to us, Kaitlyn halts and says to me "Nice boobs by the way, they're like fresh apples"

nice boobs?

I look down at my well covered chest wondering if I heard wrong and they're talking to Jade who's cleavage is always exposed before looking up to ask her "Who do you mean?"

"Who cares to know? walk away bitch before I slit your throat" Jade threatens and obediently, she hurriedly whisks away to join her friend

"They didn't seem to be talking about your boobs though" I mumble more to myself than to her

Receiving more and more loathing until I reach my locker, I opt to open the door when I gasp in horror at the sight of whats written on my locker door so boldly 'Twosome cheat'

what have I done to deserve this new treat?

"Okay who the hell wrote that? and why?" Jade demands from no one in particular with honest confusion etched on her face

"I know why" Amber announces gravely, waving her phone in the air "Kim_k has struck again, and you're not going to like this at all Isabelle"

"Give me the phone" I demand right away outstretching my hand and as she hands over the phone, the panic surge starts to rise for what I'm about to see. Jade peers in to look as well not bothering to go online with her phone

First, I read the headline 'New flash! our beloved Isabelle has been caught cheating on her devoted boyfriend Owen McCall with two of his team mates'

"What the devil is the meaning of this?" I exclaim. But trying not to dwell on it yet, I move my eyes down to the video already playing on the screen. What comes to view's a completely naked girl who seems to be deeply asleep in the middle of two naked guys who are busily laughing and caressing her body. I would have considered this as porn and looked away if the girl in question wasn't me, and the two guys aren't Chase, and some other guy named Linden in the swim team

"Oh God! oh God! oh God" I keep exclaiming with shock and horror roaring in my ears. with my severely shaky hands, I return Ambers phone back to her so it wouldn't slip off my hands. Suddenly wishing for the ground to open up and swallow me, I look around me at everyone close by glaring me with so much loathing, then I start to run. I hear my friends yelling my name to come back but I don't answer, feeling too ashamed and tainted to look anyone in the eyes again

This had to have happened on the night of that party I'm sure, because up until now, I still have no memory of what happened that nigh and I may never remember because the drinks I had, must have been heavily drugged. Not remembering the dance, not feeling people touching me and doing whatever.....and Owen?


Knowing who might be responsible for this, go looking for him in the area of the lobby where he always assembles with his friends. Getting there though, there's no one except for Martin. Well since they're friends and he may have the answers I seek, I breeze towards him like flash as Martin in turn, looks at me holding his hand to his chest like I gave him a shock. He doesn't seem to be aware of the latest scandal

"Why the marathon?" He asks after regaining his nerves "and Please tell me you ran all the way here to bring me good news about Audrey"

Not even close "Where's Owen?" I go straight to the point snappily

"At the gym why?"

No time to answer or accuse him of being a part of it, I take off again to the gymnasium, to meet the person who just ruined my life. It doesn't take long before I set eyes on him standing near the pool and smiling smugly at me as if he's been waiting for me to come, with Brandon and Linden by his side, his two friends in the video. They're the only one's in the gym but I'm not scared because this is school ground

More horror struck as the new revelation hits. This was a set up. He's not only planned it with them, he's also watched them do what they did to me, and maybe, he was the one who made the video....who knows what else they did? and why?

"Hey sexy" Chase hails winking at me. Disgusting "Come for another round?"

"It will be threesome this time with Owen's here" Linden adds "It will be in the pool, and we'll make it quick"

Ignoring their taunts, I walk towards  Owen, feeling so much rage that could cause an Earth quake "You're Kim_k the unknown aren't you?" It's not a question but a confirmation because its all clear now "you used a girls name as an Alias to cover your tracks"

"What if I say I am?" He doesn't bother denying it

"Then I'll say that you're a sick twisted bastard invading peoples lives" I retort gripping him by his shirt tightly on the neck "Why do you take pleasure in writing false news about people? why?"

He pushes my hands off and straightens his shirt "I don't write false news, I write what I see with a little bit of spice" A pause "I used to like your friends a lot you know, then they started getting on my nerves but I was helpless against them at first  until your outburst in the girls rest room gave me a story to tell" He smirks proudly "As for your video, It was just for fun, and I wasn't going to post it but you prompted me to do it from your actions yesterday. You didn't think you would go scot free did you?"

"For fun?" This is outright unbelievable "for Christ sakes I was your girlfriend back then" I grip the neck of his shirt again and he pushes my hands off but I go on demanding "How could you drug me and watch your friends do that to me? your own girlfriend at that. And you two," I look at them spitefully "Why did you do it? are you his cohorts?"

"Bro's before hoes babe" Chase blows me a kiss

"Why Owen?" I ask painfully "You did all this because I broke up with you after all that you've done to me? Its not as if you ever even loved me, and the relationship was just a game to you" Jade was right, this was a prank

"I do what I do for fun and I hate to lose babe. But for what it's worth, I did fancy you a lot after all, I stole someone's Identity just to get you and forgave you when you cheated on my with keg, Kai, or whatever..... you were a good girlfriend at first then you stopped being loyal how could I take that? " He explains

"You didn't fancy me, you only kept me as your priced possession you nitwit. You're such a despicable creature that I regret the day I ever met you" I move closer to him threateningly "Take down that video right now or I'm going to report you to the school authority right away"

He remains unmoved "What prove could you possibly have? I'm a prince charming in peoples eyes and you're what?" He stares me down "Don't forget that you're no longer the geeky good girl with a squeaky clean image any more because you've turned out to be a bad girl who's scandalous friends are whores. Not to forget your cheating act based on your twosome venture. So People are too busy sympathizing with me to give a damn about you and your shit"

The painful thing is that he's right and all those news about me that I didn't do anything to squash, has made all odds to be against me now

Suddenly feeling helpless and defeated, I simply say "May you rot In hell" Before pushing him into the water and using my last shred of dignity to walk out of the gymnasium, willing my already heavy eyes not to let the rain fall. At least not yet. Then as soon as I reach outside, I head for home straight away to cry my eyes out in the confines of my room

As far as I'm concerned, my world ended in school today and I feel so dirty and tainted that I can't face any one anymore So I locked myself In my room never to leave it again. My friends have been calling my phone so much that I had to switch it off even though I know that they're just concerned. But I don't need any sympathy, I just want to die. what hurts the most is that due to the news, I didn't get to see Kai and tell him how I feel. Now, he must have watched the video and may not want to see me again because I'm a dirty creature who lost my virginity without even knowing it. With so much shame coupled with the anguish of my broken heart, has shredded me apart.

Soon, the sun goes down everyone at home starts to arrive one after the other from the sound of cars being packed in the garage, the opening and closing of doors, then the voices and footsteps. In no time the expected knocking came with the yelling to open the door since they figured that I'm back home but I ignore. More knocking and yelling mostly from my mom and Isadora,then sometimes my dad. I'm sure I even heard knocking coming from outside my closed window as well but I didn't care who it was to get up to look

After hours upon hours of crying, the tears finally stops and I finally peel myself off the bed to use the bathroom already feeling sick to my stomach and weak for lack of eating. Upon returning to my bed, I pick up my phone to switch it on. So many messages, so many phone calls, but I ignore them, clicking on Kim_k's page instead to watch the video again and again and again even though it's not wise for me to look at it again, even though my eyes hurts from seeing myself naked in the middle of two beasts. At long last I quit watching it, then I move on to the 'life of the party' video I've been too afraid to watch ever since. Half way through the video, I start to cry again. I cry and cry and cry until I sleep off

On Saturday's used to be our study group before I deviated from it. After settling with the girls the other day, I thought that things has gone back to normal. I thought that we would meet up in Audrey's house today and gossip. Now.......I can't even move from my room not to mention leaving the house to go where? Like yesterday, I decide to remain locked in my room even if I might die of hunger so that and would be left of me would be my corpse. Soon, the knock starts again with the yelling voice of my dad threatening to break the door if I don't open up in the next ten minutes, and my mum also coming around threatening to send me to a shrink for therapy. With the pressure becoming too much, I finally open the door to see Isadora standing outside my room with a machete in her hand

"Lucky you I was about to break the door myself before dad would make his move" She drops the machete on the floor and yells to whoever "You can stop looking for the axe now she's out" Before lowering her voice to talk to me again "You look so like a living corpse and why are you still wearing your uniform?"

I shrug "I didn't have the energy to take it off"

"You tend to worry our parent's a lot do you know that? I should have been older than you because I don't worry them half as much as you do" She reprimands but not with the harsh tone that she usually uses. Rather, with concern because somehow, she knows what's up "By the way, your friends came to look for you yesterday because they were really worried about you. Kai came too, and he went knocking on your window to get you to talk to him. Why didn't you answer him?"

"Oh!" I manage feeling slightly surprised then I shrug "I didn't want to see anybody that's why"

"Okay. Come on let's go to the living room. I bet that mom and dad has a surprise for you that will cheer you up" She urges and starts heading ahead of me towards the living room

I follow after her mumbling "I doubt that anything can cheer me up"

"It will I promise"

"If you say so then"

My mom rushes towards me the moment I step into the living room with a worried look on her face "What's wrong with you Belle? why did you lock yourself in your room? your friends even came to look for you yesterday but you refused to answer them. Do you know how worried we were?"

My dad soon joins in "Why are you still wearing your uniform? I hope you're not sick? do you need to go to the hospital?"

Isadora steps in for me immediately "Gosh parents how many questions do you need her to answer at once? She's sort of depressed because highschool isn't easy due to so much drama, so leave her be and show her something to cheer her up"

My mom throw's her a dirty look but my dad softly paths her shoulder "She's right honey, besides I'm too eager for her to see it anyway"

"See what?" I ask as my curiosity picks

"Go outside and take a look" Mom urges

I oblige immediately wondering what it could be, then I see it and gasp. By the road side where kai and my friends often park their car, Is a dark green G-wagun car, not very new but not nearly old either. But a car's a car right?

This has always been my dream so I should be jumping up and down squealing, or beaming with all my teeth showing but I face my parents and simply smile "Thanks mom and dad"

"My colleague at work bought it a month ago but to pay a debt he decided to sell it, so I thought of you and bought it especially since it's green" My dad explains beaming more than I am

"Thanks dad" I say again forcing myself to smile much more

"Why don't you go take a drive around town with it?" My mom suggests

"Good Idea" He concurs bringing out the keys from his pockets then he hands it over to me

"If you're going, I'm coming too" Isadora says eagerly

I glance back at the car and sigh "Can it be some other time? I really don't feel like doing that right now"

"Why?" My dad asks looking surprised "You don't like the car?"

"No I love it" I really do and I'm going to call it 'Jade' since Jade gave hers belle "I'm just not in the mood" I'm too sad to be happy

"What are you in the mood for then?" My mom demands disdainfully

"I'm going back to my room" with that, I march back to my room but without locking the door this time so that they won't break it

Moments later, my mom and dad enters into the room along with Isadora following behind but she remains by the door with folded hands and unusually sympathetic eyes, while my parents settles on both side of the bed, leaving me trapped in the middle as I was trapped in the middle of two naked guys

"Don't you two have better things to do than surround me?" I demand uncomfortably

"Belle honey" My mom calls softly but I don't cringe or flinch or frown. I'm over the hating Belle phase "Do you care to tell us what's happening to you?"

"I...I.. can't" I shake my head unwillingly. How can I tell them about the scandal? they'll be too disappointed in me and I don't want to see that disappointed look on their faces

"You can't or you won't?" Dad asks but I don't answer "Anyway, we're not going to press you for answers, we're just here to give you parental support"

"For real?" I eye both of them unbelievingly

"Sure honey" My mom nods "But when ever you feel you can tell us, we'll be ready to listen and even if you don't want to talk about it at all, we'll still respect your decision .But for what its worth, we love you, and we'll always be proud of you"

oh God

Her words prickles my chest with guilt and shame that the tears begins to roll out again "You shouldn't be proud of me at all because I don't deserve it"

"Why?" They both ask in unison

"Because you were right all along and I've been wrong. I made the wrong choices and I've made so many mistakes and now, everything has blown up in my face that I don't know how to fix it" I explain. This is as close an information I can give

"That's the essence of being a teenager honey. You make mistakes and learn from it. The mistakes becomes an experience, and that experience becomes a story you'll tell your kids one day" My mom replies softly "Either way, I'm still proud of you"

"Thanks mom" I rest my head on her laps and she starts rocking my hair "That means a lot"

"I'm proud of you too Belle" My dad concurs "But I hope that this mistake has nothing to do with you getting pregnant for that boy Owen?" He asks on a serious note "Because you're still young and you have your life ahead of you"

"Jeez! dad no" I snort feeling so much heat rise up to my cheeks. If I were  pregnant, I would know "And if you must know, Owen and I have broken up"

"Really?" Everyone looks at me in shock then Isadora lets out a breath "Finally"

My mom throws her another dirty look before she asks "Why? he's such a handsome gentle man"

The word 'Gentleman' almost makes me want to puke "We just weren't feeling each other"

"Okay then, if that's what you want" My dad decides and no one argues

"So are you and Kai dating now? since you love each other so much?" Isadora inquures

My chest hurts once again as I say "No"

"Too bad" My mom sighs while Isadora hisses "You two would have made a good couple"

I simply reply "I know"

After the conversation, My mom forces to have a bat then to eat then to do the laundry and other chores, then to stay in the living room and watch TV with Isadora since they don't want me to go lock up myself in the room again. During the evening, they also force me to go with them for family dinner using my car as my ride. The entire outing was almost fun, and I loved riding my new car like crazy, but when I returned to my room to sleep, the old anguish that I've been suppressing in my chest all day resurfaces again, but I swallow the tears this time and just stay up thinking.

By on Sunday evening, I lay on the floor on my belly and elbows down, trying to get myself to read a sci-fi novel to keep my mind busy and because I haven't picked up a book to read in ages, but nothing seems to be getting in as if my brain has been fenced with strong bricks. So after a while, I toss the book aside to pick up the scrap book that Kai gave me which I often keep under my pillow. I go through it once, twice then on the third time, Isadora rushes into my room hurriedly, with her laptop in hand

"What now? and when will you learn how to knock?" I demand

"Shut up I've got something that will cheer you up"

I raise a brow in disbelief as I sit up "You said that last time"

"This time, you'll be really cheered up" She sits on the floor next to me dropping the laptop in front of us, clicked on some buttons, and says "Watch"

"Watch what?" I hiss "If this is some funny video about cats, then I'm not sorry to say that I wont be laughing"

"Does this look like some cat nonsense to you?" She snaps at me with irritation "It's Jade's last YouTube video so just shut up and watch"


The video starts playing and at first, everything's dark. Really dark. Dark, dark, dark. So I'm about to open my mouth to start complaining when I started hearing voices in whispers. Not just Jades voice only but Audrey and Amber's as well. I can't make out what they're saying but from Audrey's mumbling, I know she's complaining about something. Amber sounds both delighted and anxious. While Jade has the assuring and convincing voice

"What are they saying? I cant hear anything" I complain

"Keep watching"

I oblige. Finally, the lights come on and Jade steps into the background fully clad in all black apart from her red hair, and looking like a ninja. The other two aren't in the background but I can see their shadows on the wall and someone else's on a chair. Something I also noticed is that, the background is neither Jade's room, nor any one else's. In fact, it looks more like an empty warehouse or someone's garage

"Hey everyone" Jade starts to speak with all sharpness "On the last segment of my show 'fashion is life', I'm going to do something that doesn't relate to fashion tonight which is painful because I had a lot to show you" She gives a brief somber expression and smiles flaunting her fake eyelashes in a flirting way "But this is more important so.....I had to do this"

"What could be more important than fashion to her" I wonder

"If you keep quiet and watch, you'll see" Isadora urges

"Today, we're going to unravel a mystery" Jade is saying "But before that, I need to say some really deep shit that's been bothering the hell out of me" She puts her hands to her chest dramatically "Well for starters, you all watching my show are bitches. A bundle of self righteous warms that throws stones at people just because you heard something about them without checking first if its true or not. The worse part is that you all still come to watch my show and gain from my knowledge how dare you?"

I shake my head unable to believe my ears. Jade will always be Jade

"If you don't like what I said, turn off your laptops or phones but to all those that stayed behind, shut up listen up;" She pauses briefly "Before judging people and plastering insults on their lockers, try to confirm if what's been said is true or not. And even if its true, you still have no right to judge because your secrets not being out, doesn't mean that you don't have skeletons in your cupboard" She pauses briefly again "I was called a thief and a whore, so I'm going to clarify that. I have never stolen in my life before because I'm a hard worker aspiring to be a fashion designer and duh, I don't hook up with boys for money so you can ask my ex's if you like. They give me gifts yes, but I didn't put a gun to their heads to give them to me so how does that make me a whore"

"See, we're heading somewhere" Isadora says smiling in awe at Jade

"Secondly, my friend Audrey" As she calls, Audrey steps into the background also fully clad in black as well but it's no shocker since she always wears black "Which one of you have ever seen her display any violent behaviour before? no one which one of you has she ever attacked? no one. That's because she has no bipolar or mental instability. She's as normal as the rest of us and being quiet and staying out of trouble, doesn't make someone dangerous because life isn't some movie where every quiet person is the villain. Anyway, since you know absolutely nothing about her past, don't you dare judge her for being sent to rehab again. Thank you"

"My turn" Amber says happily before entering the background and yeah, she's also in black

"Yeah lastly, I want you to take a look at this cute face" Jade urges holding Amber closer to the screen "She's cute and innocent right? well that's what she is at heart. If she prefers older guys because some teenage boys are assholes then its her choice and you have no right to judge her for who she chooses to love because the heart cannot be questioned. Anyway, that's that" The frees Amber "To those out there that have been victimized for living your life, stand strong, be confident, and give them your middle finger"

I honestly feel like crying not out of pain no, but Jade's bravery's so inspiring. I used to think that Audrey's the best of us, then recently, I gave Amber the title, but right now, Jade's the best of us. In fact, everyone of them are the best in their own way. I don't know about me though....

"Coming back to the mystery unraveling part, our friend here has something to tell us" She nods in front of the camera saying "Kai?" then it moves from the three girls to Owen who's tied up to a chair with bruises on his face

"Okay what the heck is going on?" I demand unable to contain my shock. I don't even know what's more shocking; Finding out that Kai's the cameraman or that Owen has been tied up like that

"You'll see" Isadora smirks knowingly

"Can he be fast? I need to go home and sleep" Audrey says tiredly

"Me too" I can hear Amber yawning as she adds

"Speak Kai" Jade urges

"Fine" Owen faces the screen as speaks looking like he wishes to be swallowed up by the Earth. I wish that too "I'm Kim_k the unknown and I've made a lot of fake stories"

"He's confessing" I exclaim with my heart leaping for joy

"There's more trust me" Isadora assures

"Go on? tell us what you said about our friend Isabelle?" Amber asks with eagerness

"Every single news I've made about her Isn't true" He continues "She's decent and our sex scandal never happened. The cheating scandal is also a lie because.....I" He halts for a bit "I drugged her that night as a precaution so she wouldn't wake up when the video was being taken. We just undressed her but I didn't let my friends go as far as what you saw in the video because I love her"

"Love indeed" Jade echoes my thoughts "You aren't done yet. You haven't said anything about the party and you haven't said why you posted the twosome video"

Owen swallows hard as if something heavy hooked in his throat "Well, because of the drug I put in her drink that night, She didn't know what she was doing in that party when I made the life of the video, and she doesn't even remember it. As for why I posted the twosome video, waa because she broke up with me and I was angry"

oh my gosh!

"Jade has more than half the school watching her YouTube video so you can cheer up now because your name has been cleared" Isadora Informs beaming

"It really has" I smile in concur. Thanks to my friends. And Kai "Thanks for showing me this Isadora"

"You were troubling mom and dad. I needed to help you to help them to help me because you were troubling me too" She admits

I smile affectionately "Tell you what, ask me for anything and I'll give to you"

"Are you sure?" she asks speculatively

"Try me"

"Okay....give me your car then"

"Jeez!" Impossible "you're just fourteen and you cant drive so ask me for anything else like clothes or shoes" I suggest

"I don't need those but how about you make kai your boyfriend"

"Gosh! I'm not sure I can do that" I'm still not sure where we stand and if he wants me back

"You're useless to me then" She shrugs

Owen said other things about Ashley and blah blah blah before the video comes to an end, but I didn't bother to listen, feeling too wrapped up in my relief and happiness that not only has my name be cleared, I'm also still a virgin. This night, I go to bed peacefully and I over slept

I'm not sure that I was ever going to wake up if my mom didn't come to tap me that it's passed eight already and school starts by eight o'clock

"Since I'm so late, I can skip till tomorrow right?" I inquire as I stretch. I feel relieved but I still feel anxious to go to school

"Don't worry, I won't be the one to drag you to school today" My mum says with a knowing smile on her face

"Who is?"

"The people that won't take no for an answer" Jade replies as she enters along with Amber, and surprisingly Audrey

"You guys take care I'm off to work" My mom kisses my forehead then in turn, kisses my friend's on their foreheads before rushing out of the room

"You guys......" I feel so grateful. Beyond grateful "I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me"

"Thank us not because it's not just for you, we were his victims too and so were other people including Ashley" Jade points out

"Fine I judged her wrongly" I admit "I'll apologise to her when I see her. Anyway, I was told you came to see me last Friday so....I'm sorry for not opening up"

"Kai too. He was really worried about you" Audrey put's in

"Yeah I know" I agree weakly "Thanks once again and I'm truly sorry"

"We've heard you already now go get ready for school" Audrey urges

"I'll go but first tell me how you guys knew Owen is Kim_k?" since I didn't mention it to anyone

"Oh! that" Amber throws a glance at Audrey and starts to giggle "Martin over heard you and Owen talking that day so He told us on the condition that Audrey will be his prom date"

My eyes almost bulge out "Really?"

"Yeah yeah" Audrey shrugs

"But since he's Owens friend, don't you think he knew?" I ask thoughtfully

"He didn't know at all. Only Chase and Linden were in on it" Jade explains

"Okay.... Another question before I go. How did you guys meet Owen and get him to speak"

"It was Kai's crazy Idea that we ambush Owen on his way from a party, then we threatened him to come with us using a fake gun....he didn't know it was fake anyway" Jade shrugs

"I was the one who pointed the gun to his head" Amber announces delightfully

"Sure she was" Jade goes on "After that, we took him to Kai's parents garage, tied him up, beat him up....well, kai wanted to help us out with the beating but Audrey suggested that we show him girl power and did most of the beating. After that, we threatened to shoot him if he doesn't confess"

"Audrey held the gun this time" Amber puts in again

"we made video, and the end" Jade concludes

"Reporting would have been much better since taking matters into your own hands was a reckless a reckless thing to do but... thanks're the best" I feel so overwhelmed with warm emotions

They all groan tiredly "We've heard" Then Audrey continues but you can thank Kai better. He brought up the plan, he was our cameraman, and so on... he did all those things for you and he's waiting for you to tell him how you feel"

my sweet Kai

"I thought that he already hates me after seeing the video but how I thought wrong" I sigh cursing myself for thinking so low of him

"If he hates you then its a blessing because hate is still an emotion and a thing line from love whereas, indifference is no emotion at all and it's the real opposite of love not hate" Amber quotes while everyone looks at her like she's nuts

"How does that relate to anything?" Jade asks her

"I'm just educating you guys from my wisdom and the reason why Audrey can't love is because she's indifferent" She adds

Audrey hisses "Who's talking about me? we're talking about Kai"

"Yes and Kai isn't indifferent towards you Isabelle" Jade puts in sharply "He never believed crap about any of the scandals about you that's why he went out of his way to help us help you"

"I know" I agree with a smile as tingling sweetens my chest

"Now go get ready and go get your boyfriend back before some other girl takes him away because of your sluggishness"

"Fine" This time I oblige

"Oh and one more thing" Jade stops me on my way to the bathroom "Congrats on your new ride"

I take in deep breaths as I prepare for the stage since I've been informed by Mrs Jenkins that I'm next to present. I've been seeing Kai around but I haven't been able to do what my friends are asked me to do because there haven't been time for love confessions and I don't want to rush into it like some rap no, I want to settle down and lay everything down at the right time. That's why I've decided that after this entire presentation, I'll tell him. So one extra hour or two wouldn't hurt right? and it's also not nearly enough for another girl to sweep him out of his feet either

"Isabelle Swaun, you're next" Mrs Jenkins announces from the stage so I pick up the violin I burrowed from the music room and stepped unto the stage

I don't have any stage fright since I've been a spokes person during many school conferences, I've also been the president of the book club and class president, I've taking part in pop quizzes, I've done several debates, and I've taken part in spelling bees....all in front of a crowd. What's making me anxious however, is the fact that I haven't practiced in weeks so my hand must have gotten rusty. Nevertheless, since I'm already on the stage, I can do nothing else but play and pray that I don't flop in the process

At first when I start to play, So many screeching sounds are made that people starts covering their ears so I stop and start playing again memorising every thing Kai used to say to me. It soon starts making a rhythm so I go on and on until I finally end the tune and everyone starts to clap the usual clap. I know I didn't do too well due to my poor start and I won't get an 'A' but what matters to me is that I did my best

After Mrs Jenkins grades me with a B, I quickly rush to the music room to return the violin before returning to the theatre to sit next to my friends in the Audience seat they kept for me so that I won't miss out on Kai's own presentation even if it's not yet his turn

"You did great" Amber tells me

"You tried" Jade concurs

"You almost made my ears bleed from all that screeching sound" Audrey complains without outrightly saying if I did well or not. Typical Audrey

"Oh Please" I roll my eyes behind my glasses

More people came and left, some good, some awfully bad, some so boring that I fall asleep drooling away due to a boring poetry that someone had been giving, when The name 'Kai Bellamy' penetrates into my sleep, and I zap back to consciousness, sitting up properly on my chair

Kai enters the stage slowly, looking really pale, tensed, and fidgety as he stares at the massive crowd in front of him with eyes so wide. I'm sure that he's shivering out of his nerves and much more scared thoughts must been going through his mind because that's the essence of phobia's. To make you scared out of your wits. He finally reaches the bench that has been set before his piano, and sits on it still looking at the crowd. Every one starts to wait for him to play but long seconds passes yet he remains still, looking and looking like he's entered into some kind of trance. Then thoughtfully, I get up from my seat for him to see me, then I give him a thumbs up almost tempted to yell his name as well

He sees me and smiles and Just like that, he moves his eyes to the piano, and starts playing. It's that solemn sound that I've often heard him play so much but never heard him finish. It's such a beautiful tune that everyone ceases their breaths like hypnotised creatures while listening to it until the end. At first, silence takes over, then the endless clap erupts and with no doubt, I know he's going to get an A after all, music and art are his field anyway

A bright and crazy Idea suddenly crosses my mind while the clapping still goes on, so I quickly act on it leaving the Audience seat and rushing off into the stage where Kai still remains standing, doing a formal bow that performers do after performing

He see's me and his brow raises questioningly while the clap starts to go down because apparently, everyone are still dying to know why I'm up on the stage when I'm long done presenting

"I came to express my feelings to you on stage so that everyone will know how I feel about you" I explain to him loudly

"You don't have to do that, at least not up on stage where other people still have to perform" He protests nervously

"Don't worry it won't take time I promise"

"Alright then, what is it you have to say to me?" It's not like he agrees though, I've only left him without a choice

I step in front of him as if he's too far to talk to "Well I wanted to say, when I asked you to be my boyfriend, I was wrong because it was too tacky, and quick, and I should have waited to get my thoughts together and probably allow you to come to me first. I made it seem like I wanted to jump right on you. No, I actually wanted to jump on you because I found out that you're truly my secret admirer and I badly wanted to make up for lost times. But it's not like that anymore" I fall silent

"Go on" He urges

"When you asked me the last question, I failed the answer correctly then so now, I want you to ask me the same question again"

He looks at me with his eyes saying 'like seriously?' but he asks me anyway "Why do you want me to be your boyfriend?"

I take in a deep breath then replied "Because I love you" My heart skips just as the words fall out like I just dropped a heavy word out of my mouth that I cannot take back but deep down, I know I'm doing the right thing "I don't mean my secret admirer but you Kai. Sure the secret admirer was cute and comforting in writing sweet words but you're the original and you're realistic. The rude and arrogant jerk that called me a bug. The one who taught me how to play the violin, and I taught chemistry. It has always been you Kai, It just took me a long time to realise it" I heave a brief sigh before going on "I know its too late to say this, but even though you may not want me again, Just know that, I'll always love you" With all said, I turn to leave but then he grips my hand pulls me back towards him

"I wanted to be the one to ask you to be my girlfriend foolish, and you just told me what I've been dying to hear for ages" He says then he kisses me and cheers erupts just as the sparks ignites in my chest into something electrifying

I thought that I already reached the depth of Kai's passionate Kisses but this... Kai has just shown me that there's so much more. The funny part is that, he doesn't seem to care that he has crowd watching him.

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