The Selfless Gene

By PeteDur

99 5 12

Trapped in a dank cave with only his bestial inner voice for company, Thame has a choice: deny the creature i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 6

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By PeteDur

Thame slouches back against the stoned wall. Stifled in the heat, he feels some strength returning. He's thirsty as the temperature rises again, slowly cooking him.

"If I don't eat eat, we'll both die." Ormr tells him, growling lowly in the opposite corner. He is now fully in view. His edges smudge into the darkness but his eyes are clearly focused.

"Still so stupid and human. You've been weakened to allow me to fully takeover."

"Death to me either way." Thame shrugs.

"It's been almost a year in here and you've still not got it." Ormr's frustration is undisguised.

"You never listened or tried to understand. You're obsessed with your senses and how everything affects you."

"Because you aren't real. My face, my friends, my heart... my life." Thame adds more emphasis with each word. His pause after 'heart' gives him a pang.

"I'm very much real and alive, just locked in this infernal darkness. Oh, and if you think you're the only one who's loved, you're more self involved than I thought."

Thame looks up and clenches his teeth.

"You had a girlfriend," Ormr spits, "I had a wife, children, grandchildren. I watched as they grew and died. I've been locked in a lightless prison for thousands of years with the pain, the frustration and knowledge that he lives out there."

"I killed him, he's gone."

"You still feel him though."

"Yes." Thame admits.

"I sense him bigger than ever. The light is building and I need to be ready."


"You don't give me any choice. You won't embrace everything we've been, we are and could be. I am you. Half of everything. I can't go back into the darkness."

Thame looks again and sees the aggression in Ormr's eyes replaced by fear.

"You're alone. Lonely. Sad." Thame begins.

Ormr keeps his gaze locked.

"No, you're powerless."

The word unlocks something in Ormr, whose form changes back to serpent.

"This is why we can't coexist! Why I can't live through your life and make more memories. You don't understand. Only you, Thame, are making this a do or die situation. Your stupidity leaves me no choice!"

"I can't trust you. You're everything I'm not!" Thame shouts back, "You're obsessed with power, control. You're a fucking killer. You give me no choice."

They stand against each other, eyes fixed and gazes locked. After the night in Rome and the feeling of power and strength rushing through him in battle, Thame was scared. Because he'd liked it. He didn't trust himself and who he might become with that power. He didn't trust Ormr not to consume him. In turn, Ormr didn't trust Thame with his life.

"It's not just your life, it's mine too. The rest of them weren't as strong as you, couldn't embrace my strength and live alongside me. They couldn't best me. It was about survival."

The food slot opened up, but instead of nourishment there was a bottle of cold water and the amulet wrapped in a heavy cloth bag.

"You can't adjust your eyes when there is nothing but darkness. No glimmer of light." Ormr begins, punctuating the tense stand-off. Thame grabs the bottle and gulps. It tastes of electrolytes and flavourings. Picking up the bag, he pours out his amulet. It turns from a dirty lifeless rock to a pulsing light in his hand.

"Learn from me. Let me take you through my story. Learn to trust me and see me, not my brother." Ormr offers. "Get control by fully understanding the beast that's been locked in a prison for thousands of years."

Thame relaxed his shoulders, aware that there was only darkness left for him in this cave. He had to finally either defeat Ormr or accept his partnership if he was to move forward. Full of distrust, he squeezed the amulet. The blinding light grows and fills the room. 

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