The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)

By scobidoo

235K 6K 1.8K

Jade Thirlwall, captain of the school's football team and most popular girl in the entire school. She's got m... More

The Coach's Daughter (Jerrie)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Information numero 2

Chapter 15

10.6K 275 75
By scobidoo

Jade's POV

I woke up from my little nap, with Pez still asleep in my arms, she looked so peaceful and easy to break. And because she is easy to break I need to protect her even more, I can't let today's earlier happenings happen again. Who does this bitch even think she is? She walks up to her ex, who's my girlfriend and hits on her and because she doesn't want anything to do with her anymore she beats her up? I think she needs to have a little meeting with my fist.

I smiled down at Pez but frowned once I saw the bruises covering various parts of her body and I was filled with rage once again, this bitch will learn her lesson sooner or later, but right now Pez and healing her was more important. She's my number one priority. I still don't get over the fact that she's mine, she's so perfect and she chose me, plain old Jade, who has nothing special to offer.

And she's the perfect human, the way soft snores escape her mouth and her hair is all messed up from sleeping, some bruises on her body but she still manages to look absolutely stunning. She always does as a fact, there isn't a day she doesn't look gorgeous, at least to me. You could say I'm a bit obsessed with her, but if you were to date someone as beautiful as Perrie fuck she's actually my girlfriend Louise mine and not yours take that Edwards you'd do the same trust me.

I glanced to my bedside table and looked at the time, it was half past four, which means Pez and me have to leave soon, I gotta wake her up, but before I did so, i took my phone and sneakily took a picture of her sleeping, for when I can't see her like that and have trouble falling asleep.

I started shaking her, but not too roughly, I don't want to hurt her. She stirred slightly, her finger pressing to my lips, "Shhh Jadey, I want to sleep" she mumbled sleepily, burying her head in my chest, "But you have to get up, love, we gotta get to the game"

"Mhmmm" she murmured, but didn't move one bit, "I want to stay here, with you" she told me, looking up at me, her eyes were brighter than usual due to only waking up again. She looked so adorable, with her bright blue eyes staring into mine expectantly, she almost looked like a child and it was too cute.

"We can have a movie marathon after we come back from the game and cuddle. How does that sound?" I asked her, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded, "That sounds brilliant" she told me and pecked my cheek, while getting up, groaning a bit, because of the pain. I rushed out of bed and helped her immediately.

"That bitch" she mumbled as she walked a bit, groaning slightly with every step she took. "She'll pay don't worry, love" I told her and kissed her temple, while my arm rested around her waist, to help her stand without hurting to much and to pull her closer to me, because i love having her close to me, it gives me this content feeling, knowing she's safe and with me.

Pez put her hair in a messy bun, not wanting to have to deal with her messy bed hair and even though she just did it in a few seconds time it looked amazing. She's not even trying, she literally just got up and she's still the most beautiful person I know, it's just too good to be true and I have to do everything I can to not lose her, because she's everything I have and want and more.

"It's cold outside, you can take my jumper" I told her and threw it at her, she put it on and walked over to me, kissing me. I wasted no time and kissed back, pulling her closer to me, both of us were smiling into the kiss. I knew we didn't have much time left to get to the game now and if we continue like this we'll be so late. So I took the hood of my hoodie, which Pez was wearing, and put it over her head and eyes, causing her to pull away and sigh.

"Over too soon" she sighed, "I know, but we need to get going, love" I told her and picked her up as well as my bag with my football stuff in there. I put the bag on Pez, for her to hold and carried her bridal style, "Bye mam" I yelled and got out of the house. My mam is actually really glad me and Pez are together, she hated me for sleeping around and knew that Pez was the right one for me, because one she liked her from the start and two she got me away from sleeping around, she knew we'd end up together the first time she got over and we were only friends at that point.

"Do you really have to carry me? I'm old enough to walk on my own" Pez complained and pouted, I leaned down and kissed her pout away, pulling away, before Pez could deepen the kiss.

"Yeah it is, because you're injured and I don't want you to walk if it hurts you. And I love carrying you around" I told her smiling, she giggled and rested her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes and I think she was listening to my heartbeat, because she tapped her fingers repeatedly on my shoulder.

"Why are you tapping your fingers?" I asked her, she looked up, getting pulled out of her trance, "Huh, oh I was just trying to tap in the rhythm of your heartbeat it's the most beautiful melody ever and I don't want to forget it, so I always try to tap it in order to not forget it."

"And why don't you want to forget it?"

"Because it reminds me of you and it calms me whenever you're not with me, I feel safe when I listen to your heartbeat or just think of it, because I know you're with me and that you'll protect me from whatever might happen" she told me, her eyes looking straight in mine, I had to break the eye contact sometimes, because we would have ran into something if not. But her words were so lovely and sweet and I know that she meant them, she didn't just say them to make me feel better or something, she really meant them.

"Pez, this has to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, if not the sweetest, I lo- thank you so much" I told her, was I just about to say I love her? Well I think I do love her, but I'm not sure we've only been dating for a few weeks is it too soon?

To my luck we arrived at the stadium and I put Pez down so that she was now standing on her own feet, I took my bag and hugged her tightly, "I'll see you after the game, love" I told her and she nodded and we both leaned in and kissed, her hands snaked around my neck and mine around her waist. I felt like I'm on cloud nine, she makes me feel so loved and forget about everything else in the world all my worries fade away and only her soft lips on mine and the butterflies going wild in my body matter.

My tongue licked her bottom lip, but before she could grant me entrance, we heard wolf whistles behind us, causing us to break apart, "What a way to arrive here" I heard Camila's voice say behind me, a sly smirk on her face. Of course. Lauren had her arm draped around my best friend's waist, pressing a kiss on her temple. They were so cute together and I really think they're meant to be together, Lauren is the best person to be with Camila and I'm glad Camila's finally with the one who she's been swooning over for years.

"Nice seeing you guys again as well" I told her a bit annoyed, because they were the reason for us having to pull apart.

"Someone's grumpy because we ruined her perfect snog with Pezza" Lauren teased, causing me to glare at her and Camila and Pez to giggle, "We better get inside, before coach gets angry" Camila suggested and I nodded, "Bye love" I told Pez and pecked her lips and walked together with my best friend into the changing room, leaving Pez with her best friend behind, I looked back and saw them hugging each other, they haven't seen each other for a few days and they obviously missed each other.

Perrie's POV

Laur and be sat down on the bleachers with some food and drinks, just randomly catching up to what happened in the last 3 days, sure it doesn't seem a lot but she's my best friend after all and I miss her easily.

"Why did you wince a bit when I hugged you before?" she asked me, I was dreading to hear this question, of course it would have come up, but I'm not really comfortable talking about it, especially since Laur isn't fond of Stacey, she'd murder her in an instant, not that I'd have a problem with it, but still murdering someone is never a good thing.

"Umm..Staceygotjealousandwantedmebackbutididn'tsoshebeatmeup" I said really fast, but Laur was able to catch a few of the things i said.

"What did this twat do?" she asked, her hands already formed to fists, yep she's angry. Well if it was someone doing something to her I'd be the same so not too bad.

"First of all hear me out and then you can get angry, alright?" she nodded and I continued, "So today when I was at my locker she just came up to me and started kissing me, she wanted to get back together and lied to me telling me she'll get a better person and what not. But when I told her I had a girlfriend she accused me of being a bitch and slut and who knows what, I told her that she doens't know about her and that she was the one helping me get over the heartbreak she caused. So she got angry and kinda beat me up." Laur gasped and her jaw clenched, "but don't worry Kat beat her up even more than she beat me"

"Kat beat someone up?" Laur asked confused, because Kat really isn't a violent person and she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly, but she can beat up someone like Stacey so that means a lot.

"Yeah she did, she got a lot of strength actually, Nick better not mess with her" I joked causing Laur to chuckle a bit, but her chuckling soon died down and she got serious again, "And what did you do after school, how did you get home?"

"Jade picked me up, she was so worried and then we got to hers, she took care of me"

"Oh I get it so sexy nurse Thirlwall was taking care of you, huh?" Laur asked and wiggled her eyebrows, causing me to slap her.

"Not like that, idiot. We just cuddled and fell asleep"

"You guys are boring, is this Jade's hoodie by the way?" she asked pointing at the hoodie, I nodded proudly a big smile appearing on my face. Jade gave me her hoodie and I love it,it's so comfy and cuddly, just like her and I could wear it every day, in fact I think I might knick it from her a lot more now. It's a bit bigger but that makes it even better and when I wear it I have the feeling that Jade's hugging me all the time. Long story short I love her hoodie.

Well I love her as well, at least I think I do. I'm not sure if it's too early to say it we've only been dating for a few weeks and I swear Jade was about to say she loves me before, when we walked here, but I'm not sure. Has she doubts? Isn't she sure if she means it? Does she even love me? Is she even serious about our relationship? Of course she is otherwise she wouldn't have saved me from Stacey and waited for me to be comfortable to be her girlfriend.

But why hasn't she said it yet? "What are you thinking about?" Laur asked, I must have zoned out a bit.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead"

"Have you and Camila said I love you yet?"

"Yeah we did, why?"

"Because I think I love Jade but I'm not sure if it's too early for me to say it, I don't want to shy her away, we've only been dating for a few months and I think Jade was about to say I love you today. I'm just pretty confused"

"There isn't a perfect moment for it, it's just perfect when you know that the person telling you means it 100% and you can feel these butterflies and sparks everywhere every time you hear it and you know that the other person means more to you than others, so there isn't a perfect moment, just tell her when you think it's the right time, she loves you as well I know it I think she's just thinking the same thing as you" Laur told me, this was actually one of the best advice I've ever received.

"Thanks Laur, this is some really good advice" i told her hugging her, "You're welcome Pezza, what are friends for?"

"You're still the best, Laur" i told her and let go off her. She popped her collar in a i'm too cool for you all fashion, causing me to laugh at her.

"I know i am, but the game's starting so pay attention" she told me and focused on the game or better said on her girlfriend running around on the field.

My eyes found Jade almost instantly, she was shouting something to her Team mates, who then played some variation they probably rehearsed loads of times at practice before. Some girl passed the ball to another one, who passed it to Jade. And as soon as she had the ball my full attention was on my stunning girlfriend, who led the ball so skillfully and didn't let anyone take it from her.

But to me it was much more interesting how her shirt clung to her body like a second skin, making me bite my lip because of how hot she was looking in this very moment. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and something about her jersey made her irresistible.

If i'm honest i always had a weak spot for hot girls in jerseys. Stacey knew about that and used it for her own personal needs, but i don't think Jade would even think about using me being turned to get sex, Jade isn't such a person and i'm 100% sure about that.

When i think about it i know loads of things about jade already, some i didn't even know about that twat when i dated her, i was too naive back then. But thanks to Jade i won't be this little weak naive girl anymore and i'm more than grateful for her to teach me all of that.

Jade passed the ball to somewhere else but my eyes were still glued to her, her gaze followed the ball and judging from her and everyone else's reaction the striker missed the goal, because Jade cursed and ran back again shouting something to her Team mates again while clapping her hands together.

I think she caught me staring because while she ran back she looked up to me and smiled, forming a heart with her hands, causing m heart to melt. i think some other people thought the gesture was for them because they were putting their hands over their chests and awwing, but i knew i was the one the gesture was for, i'm the one Jade protects, the one she fought for, the one she helped get over the heartbreak and the one who's wearing her hoodie.

"Aww that was so cute" Laur gushed and leaned against my side, "Shush You're just jealous because camila isn't that sweet"

"You're as red as a tomato Pezza wezza" Laur teased me causing me to slap her again, "ow, no need to be so rough, Safe that for jade"

"Whatever" i told her but she just ignored me, her gaze was fixed on her girlfriend again, this kinda calms me and tells me i'm not the only who's that obsessed with their girlfriend.

Jade ran around the field again with the ball, she skillfully tricked everyone in her way and ran towards the goal, well that was until some girl from the other team fouled her, causing Jade to fall straight on her face and to hold her leg, obviously groaning in pain. Oh no that bitch didn´t, not my Jadey.

I sprang up and yelled, "You fucking brat who do you think you are, to foul my Jadey?" Laur held my arm, trying to get me to sit down, "Pez calm down you´re causing a scene" she told me, I turned around and saw nearly everyone in our section looking at me, "I don´t care Laur she fouled Jadey"

"But Pez it´s football it´s natural for people to get fouled" I sat down kinda embarrassed, because Jade was up on her feet again already and she seemed to be alright again, calming me down again. "Sorry" I told everyone sitting near us and I think they understood or just didn´t care, because they either nodded or were to focused on the game.

I saw Jade about to kick the free kick a few of her team mates were in the other team´s goal area, Jade looked my way, smiling before she kicked the ball, Camila hit it with the head and it landed in the goal.

"Omg! Have you seen that? She just scored! Camz did it, she´s so good, I love her so much" Laur yelled I was sure that everyone really everyone heard her, "Calm down Laur, it´s normal, it´s football, people score goals you know" I joked, I knew she was buzzing because her girlfriend scored and nothing would keep her from being absolutely proud and happy, "Shut up, Camz just scored"

She gripped my shoulders and shook me a bit, "She doesn´t score often, this is freaking amazing, she did it and have you seen how effortlessly it looked?" she turned to the field, now yelling on the top of her lungs, "I´m so proud of you babe, keep it up, I love you" some awwed at this, others ignored it and cheered and Camila mouthed an, "I love you too" and made a heart pointing to her girlfriend, these two are too cute.

It was break time and all the players got in the changing rooms to talk to their coaches, the place was soon filled with cheerleaders, they did some of their choreography, but I didn´t really care about them, because I was waiting for Jade to get back here, I miss her already, I want to see her in her jersey looking as hot as ever. Stop it Perrie, this won´t help you.

I cuddled into Jade´s hoodie as the wind was blowing a bit stronger now, my hands in the arms of the hoodie, loving the feeling of wearing Jade´s hoodie, knowing she gave it to me and no one else, I know it´s just a hoodie, but for some reason it feels like much more to me.

The cheerleaders were pretty good actually, but I didn´t really focus on them, I just wanted to see my girlfriend get back on the field, she soon did and some girl from the cheerleading squad was talking to her, her arm tracing my girlfriend´s one, my body filled with rage, why the heck is she flirting with my girlfriend?

"What´s this about?" I asked Laur, my tone bitter, she immediately caught on, "You know how Jade was before you guys started dating, she was the player and well the cheerleaders were a part of her pray. But she changed ever since she´s been falling for you she hasn´t even flirted with a girl, she´s really serious about you. There are just some girls who haven´t gotten the memo and still try to hit on her even though she´s taken" she explained, causing me to cool down a bit, she´s not flirting with them and when I watched Jade looking rather annoyed with the girl, who was trying to flirt with her, but had no chance, it caused me to smile again, she´s faithful, this is everything I need her to be.

She saw me looking at her and smiled widely, but I got a real one, unlike the one she gave the girl, a fake one, just to be polite. My dad yelled for Jade and she ran towards him, listening to whatever he was saying to her, she nodded and then got on the field again with everyone else.

Jade´s POV

The referee blew his whistle signalling the end of the game. We had won 1-0 thanks to Camila´s goal, it´s too cute how Lauren was all fanatic because of it and she´s really proud of her, she even yelled it so loud everyone could hear. I´m not gonna lie it was really adorable when Pez was throwing a tantrum, when this girl fouled me, it´s great knowing she cares and worries about me.

I ran off the field to the coach as did everyone else, "Great game today girls, our opponent was really good and hard to beat but thanks to your great team work and our training, now enjoy yourselves and I´ll see you again on Monday" we all high fived.

Were about to walk into the changing room again, but Mila and me stopped once we saw our stunning girlfriends standing there. Mila instantly ran into her girlfriends arms, Lauren told her how proud she was of her for scoring and showered her with kisses, they are just too cute.

Pez walked closer to me, she looked so cute in my hoodie, it being a bit too big on her, well it is a baggy jumper so there´s nothing wrong with it. But anyways she looked so adorable, her hands were in the sleeves of the hoodie in order to keep them warm I think, a wide smile evident on her face. Her smile is so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?

I hugged her tightly, "You did great" she told me, kissing my cheek, causing me to grin like a fool. She just has this effect on me. "But what was happening in the break?" she asked me, looking at me, her eyes showing the seriousness. I knew exactly what she meant, she saw me and Maria talking, well she was trying to hit on me.

"That girl was trying to hit on me, but I told her I´m off limits but she wouldn´t shut up, so when your dad called me I took it as opportunity to leave, because she´s so annoying she just doesn´t get that you´re the only one for me" she smiled, happy with my answer, "I´m just glad you´re faithful" she told me and kissed me. We pulled away, this is the moment, the moment you waited for.



"I have to tell you something"

"What is it about?"

"About the way I feel about you"

"I love you" we said at the exact same time, her smile widened instantly, as did mine, she felt the same way about me this is all I wanted and more. "I´m so glad you feel the same way" I told her and kissed her again, "I´m the glad one, Jadey"

We stood there kissing and hugging until Pez exclaimed something, "You should take a shower you´re all sweaty, I´ll be waiting for you" she told me and I nodded, "I´ll hurry so we can cuddle sooner" I told her and pecked her lips again, before rushing to the changing rooms.

This is so incredible, first I fall for my coach´s daughter and now she´s told me that she loves me and I knew she meant it because her eyes and everything else told me. I´m so lucky to have her.


Hey I updated again :) so they said I love you :D Hope you enjoyed the chapter and and thank you so much for the support this story has 10K reads and it´s so amazing thank you guys so much :) xx

See you on the next update :) xx <3

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