Creepypasta: 24 Hours with Ho...

By Ash54thegravekeeper

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Adam, is newly graduated former high school student. Spending his summer nd new found freedom, on vacation wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

110 5 0
By Ash54thegravekeeper

Chapter 8

Adam's POV:

Upon waking up, I found myself laying in the darkness on concrete, with nothing but silence to greet me. I was almost afraid to move, I was afraid I would actually wake up. But then my head was clear and there was no more white noise, maybe I had died then. If I was dead then my right shoulder should be heal, right? I tried moving my arm in a rolling motion to test out the theory, but as soon as my shoulder moved, sharp pain flared and I squeezed my eyes shut at the pain. 'Why couldn't it all have been a dream?...' Standing up slowly, I felt for a wall, so I would know that nothing would be able to sneak up behind me. When my hand finally touched something, it felt padded. Inspecting the surface underneath my hand blindly, I let me hand move across it slowly as I carefully started following the padded surface until I found a corner that lead to more padding. So, it really was a padded wall, but why? If I remember Creepypasta's right, they are suppose to kill you.

I continued to feel my way around the walls. It felt like a big room. Finally my hand felt a banister which meant I was near stairs. I lifted my foot and blindly felt for the steps, slowly making my way up them until I came in contact with another wall in front of me. It had to be a door. Even though I knew it was probably useless to try, I began to bang on the door calling for help.


I didn't understand this anymore and I didn't want to. That fact that Creepypasta's and Proxy's were real was enough for me to focus more on wanting to get as far away as possible. But why Hoodie. Why was Hoodie keeping me. I mean first he chases me, kills my best friend, and then he saves me from the other Proxy Nurse Ann. That was not Proxy behavior, or was he just trying to play some sick twisted mind game with me.

When I stopped to take a breath, I pressed my ear tot he door to see if I could hear anything. There was mumbling coming through the door, although I could not discern what was being said. I gritted my teeth in anger. The bastard was out there listening to me. He was probably enjoying my pitiful begging for help. Well, instead of wasting my breath yelling for help that would probably never come, how about I talk to him directly.


If it wasn't for the golden glow that emanated from the source I would not have notice the thin golden strings that were sneaking under the door. They were reaching for me and on instinct I jumped back unthinkingly. "Oh, shit!" I cursed from surprise and from the realization that once again I was going to be falling down some stairs. I saw the golden strings disappear just as I hit the floor. I landed roughly on my right arm squishing it in its sling. I groaned at the pain and rolled off, bring my left arm up to cradle it. If I get out of this, I have a feeling my doctor is going to very upset with how I have been treating my arm. I picked myself up and backed up so that I could find the wall again.

At least that was what I was expecting, before something wrapped around my arm. I froze, my heartbeat already rocketing up. I took a few deep breathes and focused on the gripping sensation on my arm. Yup. That felt like a hand around my left arm. I wanted to pull my arm away. I really did. But my body was my responding to what my brain was telling it. I felt myself start to hyperventilate. However, all the air left me, at the feeling of something petting my head, like one would a pet, or an upset child. White noise filled my ears first before my vision was overtaken a static field of whites, grays, and black, shooting pain inside my head. And yet, I could not bring a sound to escape my lips, and whoever was touching me, was still gripping my arm and petting my head.

Time suddenly seemed to have slowed down. I felt movement behind me and something gradually came into my vision from above, like maybe whoever had a hold of me was very tall and had to lean down. My eyes watched unblinking; from fear, surprise, or was I just unable to blink them, I don't know, as my brain tried to process what was looking back at me. Everything around me glitched out, including the figure that was leaning over me and looking my in the eyes upside down. No it wasn't looking, it couldn't look. There were no eyes! There was no face! There was NO FACE!

Hoodie's POV:

I sat cross-legged on the floor watching the old basement door. I had Adam stored away in there, until I could continue my hunt without further interruptions. I knew what they were trying to do. This was a test from Slendy, but I couldn't be sure if it was the same one as Masky's. This plot twist had me stupidly second guessing what to do with my prey and I hated it. I always killed my prey and already Adam was living past his expiration date. I needed to remedy that, yet my motivation was disintegrating into irritation and I could feel myself feeling angry, I did not like that. I did not like feeling at all. So, they wanted to play with what was mine and Slenderman was just going to let them? What was Slendy hoping to see from me by allowing Sally to lead my prey astray, or to let Nurse Ann tamper with his health. If I had been a second later that arm would have been gone. I was beginning to understand Masky's deli-ma. Something seemed to be overtaking my judgment calls when it came to Adam. Hence the reason why I had him in the basement, I had prepared in advance. If I couldn't bring myself to end his life then I would find a loop hole and destroy his mind, but I would do it without the Slender Sicknesses help. Slenderman believed I still had a touch a humanity within me, I prove that theory wrong.


I tilted my head un-amused by his attempts. Knowing he was in a Proxy's territory, certainly the idiot knew there was no one around to hear his calls for help. Well, no one who would actually help him anyway.

"He sounds very lively for a victim." Puppeteer said, walking up to stand beside and dropping to the floor crossing his legs, copying my posture. "I thought you were going to kill him?" He said, flashing a golden smile.

"Hard to kill someone in peace when I'm being interrupted every time." I said, unaffected by his presence. It had become clear that everyone was just going to pester me none stop, expecting me to follow Masky's decision and let Adam live.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE!" Adam raged behind the door, letting us know that he could hear us talking. But we were talking in low tones, so I was confident that he could hear anything above a mumble.

"Want me to do it?" Puppeteer offered, letting golden string slip from the tip of his finger and slipping them under the door.

"Oh shit!" Loud thumping was heard from behind the door at the exclamation signaling that Adam had blindly went to run down the stairs and fell down the stairs, just to avoid the golden strings.

"Oops." Puppeteer chuckled, clearly not sorry.

"No. I am not like Masky. Adam will not leave hear alive." I said, mentally sighing. I was getting tired of telling everyone this. Why was it so hard to believe that I could deny my human morals a second time. I had conceded to the fact that there was something building inside me and I did not know what is was and how to release it just yet. And how was I suppose to figure it out when everyone kept pestering me. At least Masky had the good sense to stay away. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked wanting him to get his business over with and leave.

"A bunch of us is going to Mount Massive, Slendy said, he can feel something taking shape. We're going to go check it out. Want to come? No one will mess with your pet." He said, getting to his feet.

I looked up at him unimpressed. Mount Massive. I have visited there already. There was nothing of great significance to me about the project going on there. Just a bunch of idiot scientists who were trying to delve into something they had no business messing with. I mean seriously, what good could come from experimenting on insane people. Sooner or later, everything was going to backfire on them. And if Slendy was sending out a scouting group, it must be very close for those pests to reap what they had sowed.

"No, I will stay here." I declined. "Besides I don't trust any of you to leave my prey to suffer on his own." I added bluntly.

Puppeteer put on a mischievous grin and rubbed the back of his neck. "Ouch. Sorry Sally but its a no go." He said over his shoulder, where Sally was peeking out from behind a corner.

"Aww, but Hoodie we want to play with him." She whined, holding out Mr. D. so that I would know that she was including him.

"The answer is no." I said, crossing my arms. "He's not a toy." I added. Causing Puppeteer to chuckle, before stifling it with his hand, when I turned my head to face him.

Sally pouted.

"Why don't you go find one of your own to play with?" I suggested.

"I don't know where to start looking. Besides you and Masky are the only ones to keep a prey alive for so long." She said, pocking out her lips.

"Then how about you accompany the others to Mount Massive." I look and Puppeteer signaling him to step in.

"Yeah, Sally. L. J. isn't going so there's no way for him to play pranks on you. You'll have fun." He said, ushering her out the door with him. Finally leaving my in peace.

I turned back to the basement door. Adam had yet to return to banging and cursing. He probably hit his head again. Oh, well. Getting up I went to the kitchen, just as Masky arrived with food. I was not in the mood to return to the Mansion just yet and decided that until Adam was dead, I would be staying here. Masky said, nothing. No questions concerning my prey, and I was grateful for his silence. Sometimes it was good to get away from the Mansion. Maybe that was why Slenderman knew Masky had need a pet, but it didn't explain why I was going through the same thing. I didn't need anything to care about. I just needed to be the perfect Proxy.

"You know there is no such thing as a perfect Proxy, right Hoodie?" Masky said, deciding to be the first to break the silence.

"Then I will be the first." I said.

"Yeah, but most of us were all human to begin with. Its almost impossible to lock something away that was once the very center of our being." Masky retorted, pulling a sandwich out of one the three bag he had brought with him.

"But I will. Emotions get in the way." I took the sandwich from his hand, slipping my mask sideways so I could eat it.

"Like now." He pointed out.

"I feel nothing for my prey." I said. Going for another bite of the sandwich.

"No. That is not what I was referring to. You feel that me and you are friends and while you know I would not do anything to truly hurt you. You also trust that I would never betray you." He said.

I look at him, past the feminine mask that he wore. Before it hit me. My knees buckled underneath me. Masky caught my slumping form. "Bastard!" I growled.

"You did the same to me. Just returning the favor." I heard him say. My head drooping sideways, as he fixed my mask back on right.

At the edge of my vision I could see the basement door open and Slenderman walking out. This was planned!

Slenderman's POV:

Hoodie had locked his prey in the basement, after reacquiring him from Sally and Nurse Ann. Hoodie had modified this basement a long time ago, not wiling to give his victims the chance to harm themselves or him until his was ready. Masky had jumped at the opportunity to help end Hoodie's and the child's suffering. Hoodie had no doubt stashed the boy in here to calm himself and bring himself to end the child. Puppeteer had decided to invite Hoodie along on their trip to Mount Massive, for their daily scope of the place. I had no doubt that Hoodie would decline the offer. I watching in silence as the child blindly felt his way to the stairs and tot he door, before starting to bang and curse, out of desperation. When he moved to avoid the Puppeteer's strings, I made no move to stop his fall. He believed he was alone in here. I would let him believe that for a little while longer, at least until Masky arrived.

When I felt Masky enter the house did I finally grab the boys upper left arm, to hold him in place. I felt his body tense of that of startle animal. My hold was not rough, or tight, in fact he could yank out of it, if he so wanted. But his fear kept him from moving. Fear was paralyzing him from even breathing correctly. I watched for a moment as he tried to get his lungs to work but was working himself into hyperventilating. Not wanting to be the one to kill Hoodie's prey b accident, I started petting his head, like I would do with Sally whenever she would dream about that day in the park. As soon as I started, the child stopped breathing. Well, I guess a response at least.

As I was petting, I canceled out the pill that Hoodie had given the child. It would make everything speed up, and push Hoodie to a decision. I began to lean down over him so that I could get a look at his face. It was not my goal to kill him and I needed to check to make sure that the Slender Sickness was indeed doing its job. The child's eyes were wide open and widen even more when he saw my face, but he was unable to do anything. Still stuck in that paralyzing fear that seem to strike anyone who sees me. I stopped my petting when his eyes began to droop, and uses one of my tentacles to pick him up when I was sure the darkness had claimed him. I took him with me up the stairs and opened the door to the basement, which had been locked for the boy, but was now unlocked for me. Masky had already incapacitated Hoodie and was lowering him to the floor.

"Everything is all set." Masky said, nodding his head over to the bags he had brought under the guise of food.

I nodded, grabbing one of the bags on my way out of the door. Waiting only a moment for Masky to follow with Hoodie draped on his back. It was like deja-vu all over again, as I remember taking a similar stroll with Hoodie, while Masky was draped over his back. Masky was probably still pissed about that and that was probably the reason why he agreed to help. 'The very action alone show how human they both could be at times.' I tilted my head in thought as I lead Masky to where I wanted both the child and Hoodie. Hoodie was not allow back until he could come to turns with his human side.

"Well, I'm sure he is going to be royally pissed once he wakes up" Masky said.

I nodded in agreement, remembering how Hoodie had said the same about Masky. I was now, curious if Hoodie would make the same choice as Masky. Exactly how different were my two most faithful? This child will tell me everything. He will test Hoodie. And he will let Hoodie except what was left of his human morals.


A/N: I know this Chapter is shorter than the others. But i hope all you Creepypasta's Fans enjoy it. Don't for get to Favorite, Follow. and/or Review, to let me know what you thought. I love knowing what you all think.

Until Next Time


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