Joshaya- Ups and downs!

By JoshMayaLove

2.6K 98 140

Story about how Josh and Maya are living theyr life together after being in a relationship for 5 years More

part 1 (Life after ski lodge)
part 2 (wedding preperation begins)
part 3 (Christmas is here)
part 4 (Christmas eve)
part 5 (family)
part 6 (back to school)
part 7 (are we fighting?)
part 8 (Choosing Love)
part 9 (wedding)
part 10 (Holidays together)
part 12 (save the baby)

part 11 (something's wrong)

165 8 18
By JoshMayaLove

*18.june 2023.*


It was sunday so I had a day off. Last week I started working in a hospital. I woke up and Maya wasn't next to me. I got up and heard a strange noise. I opened the bathroom door and saw Maya vomitting.

-"Close the door" she said...

I walked to the kitchen and started making her a soup. Few minutes later she walked out to the kitchen.

-"Are you sick?" I asked...
-"It's probably a food poisoning. Shouldn't have eaten that fish yesterday" she said and sat at the table...
-"Well I'm making you a soup, so you can go and take a shower and get in bed. When it's ready I will take it to the room" I said and kissed her cheek...
-"Thank you baby" She said and walked away...

As I was making soup my phobe started buzzing. It was my boss.

-"Hi Josh?"
-"Yeah that's me"
-"I need you to come in to work today"
-"Is it urgent?"
-"Yes. Teenage girl just arrived. I need  you here in an hour"
-"Ok. I'll be there"

I called Riley and asked her to come over to look after Maya. After I was done talking to Riley soup was ready. So I took a bowl and carried it to the room. Maya was sitting under the blanket with wet hair.

-"Oh baby. I'm sorry but I have to go to work" I said and put the bowl on the nightstand...
-"No worries I'm a big girl" She said and smiled...
-"Riely is on her way, so you are not staying alone" I said...
-"Thank you" she smiled and closed her eyes...
-"Ok. I'm gonna get ready. Eat your soup while it's warm" I said and walked to the bathroom to brush my teath...

Few minutes later I walked back inside the bedroom and saw Maya sleeping. I walked over to her and fixed her blanked. I got dressed and kissed Maya on the forehead. As I was walking out, Riley was walking in.

-"Hi" I said...
-"Hi" She smiled and hugged me..
-"She just fell asleep." I said...
-"Ok I will chill on the couch" she said...

I walked out, got in the car and drow of to work.


I woke up feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom. Few seconds later Rilet walked in.

-"Are you ok?" She asked...
-"No" I answered and wipped my mouth...
-"Let's go to the bed" Riley said...
-"No. I don't feel like I'm done" I said and started vomitting again...
-"Are you sure this is just a food poisoning?" She asked...
-"Yes. What else could it be?" I asked and looked at her...

Few seconds later it got to me.

-"I can't be pregnant" i said...
-"When is your period?" She asked...
-"Was supposed to start 3 days ago" I said...
-"Do you have tests at home?" She asked...
-"I'm gonna run to the store quick" she said and ran out the door...

I got up, washed my mouth and went back to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Few minutes later Riley was back.

-"You have to take one" she said...

I walked in the bathroom and took a test. I left it on a counter and walked out.

-"We have to wait 3 minutes" I said and sat on the bed...
-"What are you gonna do?" Riley asked...
-"If it's pozitive?" I asked...
-"Well I hope it isn't. Don't get me wrong I love kids and I want kids but not now. I'm just 22 years old. I'm in university still." I said and tears started running down my face...
-"It's gonna be ok" Riley hugged me...
-"I just. I hope you don't think that I am a horrible person because I am hopping that test turns out negative" I said...
-"Of course not" She said and hugged me tighter...

Few minutes later my phone buzzed. It was time to go and check the test. I walked inside the bathroom.

-"What does it say?" Riley asked when I walked back in to the bedroom with test in my hands and shock on my face...
-"It'd pozitive" i said and started crying...
-"Omg. Maya you're gonna have a baby" Riley said and walked over to me...
-"I am nit ready to have a baby" I said...
-"Everything happens for a reason. God knows you are ready and Maya, look at me, you are gonna be ok" she said and pulled me in hug...

Few minutes later we sat on the bed and talked.

-"How am I gonna tell Josh? How is he gonna react?" I asked Riley...
-"Maya, everything is gonna be ok" Riley said...

We heard someone walk in. It was Josh. I quickly put the test in my nightstand. We walked out to the kitchen.

-"So how is my wife doing?" He asked and hugged me...
-"I'm better" I said and kissed him...

-"Ok guys. I have to go." Rileysaid and walked over to me and hugged me. "Call me later and tell me how it goes" she whispered in my ear...

Josh was tired so he walked to the bathroom and took a shower. That gave me time to figure out the way to tell him.

Few minutes later he walkrd out naked eith only towel wrapped around his waist.

-"I have a little gift for you" I said and showed him a little gift bag...
-"For what?" He asked shocked...
-"It's out two month wedding anniversary" I said...
-"I didn't know we had to buy presents for those" he said...
-" we don't. I just wanted to" I said...

I stood up from the bed and handed him the bag. He opened it and looked at me wide eyed.

-"Are you...Are we pregnant?" He asked...
-"Yes" I said...

He came closer to me and hugged me. He picked me up and started to turn around.

-"I love you" he said and kissed me...
-"Are you really happy?" I asked...
-"Yes. Aren't you?" He asked...
-"well yeah. I just didn't know it would happen this fast" I said...
-"The best things happen when you least expect them" he said and kissed me...

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