The clone jedi

By Skyward-Sword-Link

650 34 36

The clone wars Obiwan had train another jedi, Seth Kol who Anakin was best friends with. Seth train a female... More

The choice
Sith and Jedi
Do I know you?
Old wounds burning
Jedi Training
Bear vs Wolf
Cloud city
Jedi Knights
The ending

A battle gone wrong

45 3 0
By Skyward-Sword-Link

A few days  in the rebel camp everyone settled down. It was at night as everyone was at a camp fire watching and sharing stories. Lila had the idea figured might well tell it "Ok...this is the story how Captain Travis and Rex found me when I was a little girl....they told me their side so ill start there"

many many years ago-

It was dead at night Travis said "Rex droid gunships are moving to the bombed capital....let's move" he stood up from his hiding spot. Rex got up "Copy that...let's hurry and sabotage the droids" Travis said "Reports are some families are still here...if we run into any of them watch it" Rex nods and the two clones moved quietly up the hill overlooking the city of new toka. Rex said "City is in ruins.....droids did a number on it..." Travis said "Hopefully people got out" he carefully went down with Rex following. Travis looked around as the buildings lay in ruin. The two walked down the road. Rex said "Droids seem to have left...probably are coming back later"

The two kept walking till a ding was heard. Travis aim his gun at a store where it came from and walked over to it and opened the door "Who's there?" he look around then saw a kid curled up softly crying. Travis surprised by this lower his weapon and kneeled down "Hey kid its ok..." he take his helmet off " flesh and blood like you" The girl uncurled and look at him with teary eyes and walked over to him "Y-you not hurting me?" Travis said "No kid I'm one of the good guys....where are your parents?" The girl said "They took her and most adults to the mines..." Travis said "That so? c'mon" he take his bag off and opened it up "Get in I'll carry you to the mines and get your parents back I promise" The girl said "My names Lila...what's yours?" Travis said "I am called Travis" Lila smiled hugged him and carefully gets in the bag being small enough for it 

Travis smiled and put the bag back on and put his helmet on walking out. Rex said "What happened?" Travis said "Found a girl named Lila inside she said her parents and most adults have been taking to the mines" Lila poke her head out the bag. Rex sighed and nods "Then let's get going" Travis nods walking as Lila pointed where they needed to go to the mines. Lila said "This is fun" she giggled. Travis smiled under his helmet "Glad you are having fun Lila" Rex said "You two are like brother and sisters" Lila smiled "Yeah from now on your my big bruder Travis!" she giggled. Travis softly chuckled "Of course"

The three headed to the outskirts of town walking along the dirt road as the sun started to shine a bit more. Travis stopped seeing droids all around the mines with them watching over the slaves. Rex said "Yeah that's the place alright....with civilians around we can't launch a full scale assault" Travis take his rifle and gets in position "Rex when I open fire rush the emp rounds" Rex nods and got in postion. Travis looked through the scope and fired at a droid. Soon Rex rush at the droids dual pistols firing bringing them down. "Take this you clankers!!"  Rex yelled and shot them down. Travis got up and ran over 'how many people are alive?" he asked. Lila jumpd out the bag and ran into the mines "Mommy, Daddy!" she yelled at for her parents. Travis ran after her "Hey kid wait!".

Lila smiled soon turn to a frown seeing a pile of dead bodies "Mommy...daddy...?" she saw their bodies on top and ran over to them and starts shaking them crying "Mommy...daddy...this isn't funny wake up....please" she cried harder "Wake up please!!" Travis saw this and gently walked over "Hey....Lila?" he suddeny was force push back hitting side the mines making a grunting sound. Lila look over and ran over and tap him "Big brother...are you ok?" she asked worried already enough. Travis shook his head a bit and said "I'm ok.." he stands up. Lila look down "Why won't my parents wake up" she continue to cried. Travis frown under his helmet how do you tell a kid that...their parents are dead.

Travis picked her up "Kid listen uh...your parents are not waking up because..." Lila finish off she hated this word and hope they wasn't "Dead..." Travis sighed a bit "Yes....they are.....dead" Lila frown more crying into his chest "Why...why..." she mumbled. Travis pat her back "It's life...look...I loose people all the time....but I continue moving forward with my life because it is what they would want me to do...I am sure your parents would want you t-" a few boulders started to fall onto Travis and Lila. Lila yelled "No!" she had her hands out then was surprised as the boulders was hold in place "H-huh?" Travis looked up then at her oh my god.... "Kid we have to go" he ran out the cave. Rex contacted Travis "Hey I'm taking the people to our base in the mountains I radioed a gunship pick you up with the kid"

 Travis said "Copy that" he put Lila I his bag "Stay low kid" he held his rifle and runs heading to the location "Just a bit farther kid almost there" he suddenly stopped as droids was rushing from all sides of the hills. "Ambush!" he runs behind a stone wall near a old house. Travis contacts the pilot "This is Captain Travis where are you?" The pilot said "Almost there sir just a few minutes" Travis sighed and put his bag down "Lila stay down and do not do stupid things ok?" Lila said with a pouty face "I want help I don't want big bruder hurt like my mommy....and daddy" Travis rub her head "I will be ok" he fired at some droids advancing on them. Travis kept shooting "Low on good" he sighed and shot at droids close to them. Suddenly he got shot in the back "Ngh!-" Lila gasp "Big bruder they are behind us!" Travis turn around and shot some but was flung forward as a droid tank blasted the stone wall. 

Lila ran to Travis shaking him "Big bruder no!" she tear up she got angry really mad and yelled with hands out and force push all the droids in the area back. Travis groan standing up as a gunship landed down with Yoda stepping off with some clones. Yoda walked to the captain "Alive glad I am Captain" Travis said 'Almost didn't make it sir...without her force powers..:" he look at Lila. Lila hides behind Travis. Yoda gave small chuckle smiling "Young one come come...learn control those powers we teach you we can" Lila was confused what he was saying. Travis said "He is saying if you come with us. He can teach you hose use those powers to save others" Lila nods "Yes!" she ran on the gunship smiling humming. "C'mon mister green man and big bruder!" Yoda gave a simple chuckle in amusement. Travis shrugged and stepped on the ship and they flew off.

back to present-

Lila said "Then started my life as a Jedi.." Amanda said with smiling "Awwwww you called him big brother" she found it adorable. Lila blush bit in embarrassment and coughed bit "Anyway get some rest Travis training is tomorrow"  Lilla walked off to bed.

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