Kill me softly - Minsung

By reColored

46.3K 2.1K 805

"They kissed. Messily, but so desperate to feel something." Minho is a corrupt secret agent. There is nothin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 Part 2

Chapter 13

1.4K 73 22
By reColored

Some people run because of exercise. Some people run because there is something up ahead of them. Jisung read that once in a book he didn't remember the name of. He himself simply ran because he felt like it.

He didn't get the overanalyzing of the simplest things that some authors did. Don't get him wrong he liked deep thoughts and sentimentality but some people just took it too far. Like, bro, it's just running.

Maybe Jisung was a bit bitter today. He ran faster and more aggressive due to that. But maybe it was the running which made Jisung bitter in the first place. He didn't know. The weather had changed, the air was damp and warm and pressed upon your shoulders and it gave him a headache. Another thing that didn't quite add to his happiness.

But maybe Jisung just didn't feel good that day. Not in a sad or an unmotivated way just in an I-don't-like-your-face-or-anyone's-face-to-be-honest-way.

He didn't let it show when he was with the boys but now as he was alone outside and running along the streets and paths of Seoul he let it free.

Jisung hadn't check the time as he was leaving their apartment but the sun was slowly rising so he guessed that it was quite early in the morning. It didn't even feel like it was that late – or early. He stopped and caught his breath as he looked at the small yellow strip that was painted along the horizon. Colouring the sky as a preparation for the sun.

Jisung looked over to his right. There was the 빛의 탑, the tower of light. Basically it was and old platform on top of a building with view over a part of the city. It was closed though as there were attractions more breath catching than this one and hardly any people came anymore. But it was still there.

It wasn't hard to get in. Jisung just had to jump over a entrance gate and kick an old wooden door that lead to the steps for a few times until it gave in to his want and it's muddy wood cracked. He hurried up to the top to catch the sunrise.

Calming Lo Fi music now rang out of his earphones as his fast electric music used for working out didn't fit. He took a deep breath of the fresh air as he reached the top of the building. It was calming and nice, Jisung felt the exhaustion from his previous workout creeping up his feet.

The railing that once was there was sloppily removed and left a maybe twenty centimetre high border along the ends of the roof. Jisung was about to sit on it as he recognized a person.

For fucks sake.

"Ok, so one of us definitely is a stalker. And I know that it's not me so it has to be you.", Jisung did believe in fate. But not that much. Not in a way that the same people meet by coincidence three times. Especially not in a freaking capitol like Seoul. Someone had to be kidding him. Or setting this whole thing up. Maybe it was all a plan of Chan or of Woojin, maybe even Seungmin. He at least seamed mean enough. But was it mean? Jisung actually kind of developed a crush on Lee Know so meeting him again maybe wasn't so bad at all.

"Han Jisung. The rapper of our nation.", Lee Know, who also sat on the exact same building that Jisung was standing on at the exact same time watching the exact same sunrise, turned around and looked up at Jisung.

"I am not the rapper of anyones nation.", Jisung demanded and sat down next to Lee Know, dangling his feet over the edge. Minho sat behind it, just like he wanted it's safety. Said male just huffed at Jisung's remark. "By the way I am not a stalker, I thought we already cleared that fate is on our side?", he had his arms around his knees and pinched his eyes slightly as he was looking at the sky.

He didn't wear a hat nor a facemask so Jisung could see his whole face, his whole beauty. He looked more concentrated than he did the last times though, making Jisung worry. The bruise on his lips was almost – almost faded. Any other than Jsiung, who knew it was there, might wouldn't even notice it. But he remembered him touching Lee Know's lips. His surprised look, the kiss on the cheek. Jisung's fingertips prickled and his stomach twisted.

"Rather feels like someone sold their soul to fate.", the only reaction he got was a slight chuckle. Also almost unnoticeable. "Lee Know – Hyung. Is everything alright?", Jisung didn't like the look on Lee Know's face. He turned around on the barricade so that he faced him but Lee Know didn't even bother to look at Jisung, he just kept on staring at the sky. The sun wasn't even there, the light yellow just turned into a darker orange.

"Well, I just had kind of a bad day.", Jisung pressed his lips together. He didn't know where he took the confidence from or where it came from at all but he scooted over. Sat in front of Lee Know. He cupped his head and turned it up ever so slightly so that Lee Know had to look at him. And-shit. You see, Jisung hadn't planned to do any of this, so he even less thought about what he'd say now. He swallowed. Something, anything. It couldn't be so difficult to come up with something. He felt the heat rising to his cheeks. Lee Knows brows darted together but he didn't look away or move his head.

"I- well. Ugh fuck it.", for a reason – for whatever reason – kissing Lee Know was the best thing he could come up with.

Lee Know was not less surprised than Jisung himself but he kissed back soon enough. He grabbed Jisung's hoodie and dragged him down from the railing. Jisung stumbled forward, pushing Lee Know to the ground. Jisung caught himself, Lee Know's head hit the concrete though and he hissed. They didn't part lips though and Jisung giggled into their kiss.

"Stop laughing at me you prick.", Lee Know demanded between kisses. "Well it was your own fault.", Jisung mumbled back, putting his knees next to each of Lee Know's sides so that he was hovering over him. He was really slender.

"Not my fault that you can't hold your balance.", Lee Know snapped back but pulled Jisung even deeper in the kiss by his neck. "Stop talking.", Jisung breathed out, letting his hand run up and down Lee Know's side. "Just kiss.", he said and licked over Minho's lip while gabbing his waist a bit more forceful. Lee Know moaned, surprised about Jisung's neediness but not the last bit turned off by it.

Their kiss deepened. Tounges intertwined. Hands trailed over body's more needy than ever. The fire was back in Jisung. He felt it everywhere. On his fingertips and in his stomach, it ran down his spine and even his bones felt like they were on fire.

It was one smooth single move of Lee Know's hands down his back to his hips as he pushed them down so that Jisung now completely sat on his lap. Surprised by the sudden sensation Jisung moaned into their kiss and it let non of them untouched. "Fuck", Lee Know hissed through gritted teeth and Jisung let off from his lips for a moment, kissing his way along Lee Know's jaw.

Somewhere, deep inside him behind all the fire and the heat there was a voice. A voice telling him to be careful, to hit the break but there was nothing he wanted to do less than that right now.

Lee Know cupped Jisungs face, forcing him to look at him again. They stared at each other. Only a second probably, it felt like a hundred years. Dishevelled, panting, red, beautiful, colors of the suns smeared across their faces.

"You're so pretty.", Lee Know mumbled, Jisung blushed harder than ever. He leaned down again. Lips almost touching and he felt Lee Know's against his already. Either out of memory or out of reality. "I told you to stop talking.", he closed the space between them, his hand against Lee Know's chest, slowly moving over it.

This time their kiss was so much softer. Still full of need but also full of admiring, of feelings. Jisung blushed again if even possible. He started to move his hips. Ever so slowly, probably kind of rough also. Lee Know gripped his hair tighter, causing both to hiss under their breath. Suddenly the dark haired male grabbed Jisung by his wrists moving them over and pushed
Jisung down on the concrete, changing their positions. He leaned down and kissed Jisung. But he pulled away again, way too early. Jisung went after him with his head but he couldn't reach as Lee Know was pressing him down.

"We missed the sunrise.", they sat against the wall of the little room that was built over the staircase, Jisung between Lee Know's legs, back resting against the older's chest and feeling his steady rhythm of breathing.

They stopped making out after Lee Know stated that he might couldn't hold himself back if they wouldn't stop and Jisung wasn't so sure about himself either.

"Was that the reason you got up here?", Lee Know whispered, Jisung felt the vibration. A shiver ran over his body, thank god he wore a hoodie. Lee Know had his arms around Jisungs waist and Jisung rested his hands on the older's.

"Well, yes. Kind of.", he whispered back, not wanting to disturb their peace. The city slowly woke up. Cars got started. Horns got loud, people yelled out for taxis. Everything happened right beneath them but at the same time it felt like they were in a different galaxy, their own one.

"There will be another sunrise tomorrow. And again one after that. And after that.", Lee Know stated, kissing the top of Jisung's scalp. He felt like he was about to melt.

"Damn, Lee Know. Hitting me with that advanced knowledge. Where did you study to know stuff like that?", he didn't have to know how soft he made Jisung.

"Yo, fuck you.", he tossed Jisung to the side but said boy held on to his hand and quickly wrapped them around his waist again pulling them back into their position.

"For a rapper you are actually quite bad with words.", Lee Know slightly laughed, this time Jisung was the one offended.

"I don't plan my steps in advance sometimes, leave me alone.", he pouted and Lee Know laughed a bit louder. "But it worked, I like your way of problem solving."

"Shut up!", Jisung buried his face in his hands but Lee Know took them off and held Jisung's hands in his own.

The sun's first rays hit them but they were tricky. Looked warm and orange but were cold and windy. Jisung shivered.

"I think we should head home.", Jisung didn't want to leave. Not because of the place but because of Lee Know's secure arms. The exhaustion and tiredness were threating to overcome him and he just wanted to sleep. "Mhm.", he mumbled, snuggling deeper into Lee Know's chest. He laughed his chocolate laugh again but Lee Know's taste was already all over Jisung.

"Come on.", they got up. Jisung tried to shake off the sapping feeling but failed.
"Ok I can't let you go home alone like that.", Lee Know laughed again. Jisung tried giving him a death glare but it just made Lee Know laugh even more.
"Where do you live?", Jisung didn't think long about it and just told him. They went down the building and stepped into subway soon after.

"That's quite far, what did you do out here?", Lee Know asked as he checked the subway plan. "Running.", Jisung just said leaning against the window, if he wouldn't have been so tired the fact that they were holding hand would've probably freaked him out again. Now it just made him smile. "At like, what 5am?", Lee Know looked concerned, Jisung chuckled. "Are you worried?", Lee Know rolled his eyes. "Well, kind of.", the light haired just shrugged. "I just felt like going on a run, didn't check the time.", he closed his eyes again.
"Trainee life, huh?"
"Trainee life."

Jisung must've slept all the way back to his apartment because Lee Know woke him up as the subway stopped on the right station and they had to get out. Back into the coldness. Jisung groaned.
"Come on, we're almost there.", Lee Know demanded.
"I know.", they quietly walked back and with each step Jisung's excitement about his own, warm bed grew.

As they reached their apartment complex Lee Know stopped and so did Jisung.

"Until the next time fate does us good again?", Jisung asked, Lee Know smiled.

"Well only if there are still souls left that can be sold.", now it was Jisung who smiled.

"We still have our phones so you don't need to sell your soul if it comes to the crunch."

"Bold of you to assume I still have my soul.", Jisung smiled again.

"Goodbye Lee Know."

"Goodbye Han Jisung."


Ok, so I took the Korean from Google translator cause I am lazy af so don't come after me.

Also sorry that there was a lack of content for a bit it's just that I have and entrance exam tomorrow and that stressed me out all of the last two weeks so I couldn't get anything done.

But have this chapter and enjoy it;)

Then - as always - take care and I'm out.

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