Living With Damon and Stefan

By Dark-Violet

9M 59.3K 12K

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; s... More

Rude Awakening
Mystic Grill
Elena Gilbert
The Plan
History Lesson
Road Trip
Book of Crystals
The Game
Intense Stares
Jonathan Gilberts Journal
The Man In The Mirror
Harsh Words
What Are You?
Warp Crystal
Shock News
Jumping Out Windows
The Secret
Shattered Glass
Finding Out
Surprise Party
The Kiss
Holding Hands
Opening The Tomb
Alaric Saltzman
The Really Bad Problem
The Battle
Beverly Hills
The Concert
The Moonstone
Mason Lockwood
Masquerade Ball
Family Barbeque
The Argument
The Halloween Party
The Haunting
The Warning
The Epic Battle
The Beach
Running Down The Street In Underwear
First Sight
The Body Swap
The Reason Why Knocking Was Invented
The Risk Of Sounding Jealous
Failing To Notice Something Important
Getting Distracted By Dandelions
Finding Floors Comfortable
Tomato Juice And Garlic Paste
Ice Cream, P.J's, And Damon
Evil People Chasing Bunnies
Goats And Hating Men
The Runaway
Unwanted, Annoying Dreams
Toothbrushes, Puppets and Haircuts
Awkward Moments And Apologies
No Longer Friends
Hangovers And Rainy Days
Sock Wearing Pineapples
This Coffee Is Not For You
Pillow Eating Dinosaurs
Feeding The Cat
The Dandelion Throwing Lamps
People Actually Use Toilet Paper? Ew.
Sniffing Random Peoples Hair
Fluffy Refridgeraters That Sing
Super Ninja Monkeys! And Shane Dawson!
Teletubbies Rock!
The Naked Shoe Box Lover
Potatoes Have Feelings Too!
Hugging Pens With Eyeballs
The Cute Washing Machine And Dimples
The Day The Sharpener Coughed
Marshmellow Covered Coat-Hangers
Mating With Butterflies
Lamp Posts Are Nice Triangles
The Chocolate That Eats Stockings
Le Flying Taco Mafia
The Bookcase That Sniffs Potato Salad
Exploding Donuts and Lentils
The Umbrella Shaped Box
Throwing Paper At Harold
Salt & Pepper Pencil Baskets
Lettuce Leaf!
Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

Necromancer Crystal

108K 687 119
By Dark-Violet

"Crystal of death?" I asked, fascinated by the term. 

"Yes." Bree said. 

"What does it do?" Lexi asked. 

"It sucks the life out of things. Look." Bree said. She picked up the black crystal and pointed it at a pot plant sitting on the floor. Her hand glowed black and the plant shrivelled up and died. 

"Whoa." I breathed. 

"Now that, was awesome." Damon said. 

"This is not a crystal you want to mess with. Only use it when absolutely necessary." she said, dead serious. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because it's death magic. The more you use it, the more it'll consume you. It will turn you into a cold blooded killer." she said darkly.  

She looked at Damon. "No offence." she added. 

"None taken." he said. 

I picked up my necromancer crystal and instantly dropped it. 

"What's wrong?" Lexi asked urgently. 

"I could feel it's energy." I said, frowning. "It was dark and twisted." 

It was true. When I touched it, it was ice cold and I could feel the darkness in it. 

"Creepy." Lexi said. 

It was all silent, and then my phone went off, playing Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore. 

I jumped and pulled my phone out of my pocket to check who was calling. 

It was Stefan. I answered. 

"Stefan, hey." I said. 

"Where are you guys?" he asked. 

"At a bar." 

"Well come home soon, it's 11 o'clock and you have school tomorrow." 

"Yes mom." I sighed. I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket. 

"I'm guessing St. Stefan wants us back home?" Damon said. 

I nodded. 

I turned to Bree. "Thank you so much for all this. You have no idea how much this means to me." I said. 

"It's nothing really. I don't have anyone to pass my knowledge down to. So it's nice knowing someone else knows about all this." she said. "I'll give you my number if you want to ask about anything or if something goes wrong." 

She pulled a little notebook and pen out from the back pocket of her jeans. She wrote some numbers down and teared the piece of paper off and handed to me. 

"Thank you." I said, putting it in my pocket. 

I moved my right hand sideways and then up and all of the crystals that belonged to me lifted and landed in the identical chest. 

I picked the chest up and looked at Damon. 

"Are we leaving?" I asked. 

"I guess so." 

We all said our goodbyes to Bree and headed outside. We stepped out onto the street. 

On the otherside of the road there was a dark haired guy that looked to be about 18. 

He was staring at me. Not just a stare that someone might give you if they liked your hair or something. This was a full on deep intense stare. 

"That guy across the street is staring at me." I muttered under my breath. Damon's head turned a fraction toward the guy and I guessed that he was looking at him inconspiciously. I looked back at the guy again. He was still staring at me. 

A truck went past and he disappeared. 

"What the hell was all that about?" Lexi asked. 

"I don't know..." I said really confused. I started walking towards the car when suddenly I had this blinding pain in my head. I cried out in pain and dropped to the ground, clutching my forehead. 

Everything went black, then suddenly I was surrounded by dead trees and rocky ground and stormy skies. 

Standing in front of me was the guy. 

"Don't use it. It will only get worse and worse." he said. 

I tried to say something but the words never left my mouth. 

My mind snapped back to the sidewalk and Damon was kneeling over me, shaking me to wake up. 

I gasped and started coughing. 

"Marni, what the hell happened?" he asked in a fierce voice. 

I gained control over my coughing and sat up slowly. My head spun. 

"I don't know," I said in a weak voice. Drunk people all around us had really confused expressions on thier faces. 

"One minute I was fine, the next I had this blinding pain in my head and I opened my eyes to this place with dead trees and stormy clouds. And that guy was there, the one who was staring at me. he said something along the lines of: 'Don't use it, it will only get worse and worse.'" 

"Who ever that guy is, I'm gunna murder him." Damon said in a cold voice. 

"Look, that's not important right now." Lexi said. "We have to get her home." 

Damon nodded. "Can you stand?" he asked. 

I tried to stand but my legs collapsed. I would have hit the ground if it weren't for Damon holding me. 

"I'll take that as a no." he said. He swung me up into his arms and started walking with me to the car. 

"If I had the energy, I'd hit you." I said, glaring. He knew I hated getting carried. 

He laughed and opened the back door of the car and put me in. 

Him and Lexi got in and Damon started the car. 

"Now all that's left to do is tell Stefan and find out who that creep was." Damon said. Lexi, thankfully had remembered to get the crystals and she put them in the back with me. 

I grimaced. 

Could that guys warning have something to do with the Necromancer crystal?

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